No. 27207 (Amendment): R277-502. Educator Licensing and Data Retention  

  • DAR File No.: 27207
    Filed: 06/01/2004, 03:17
    Received by: NL



    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This rule is amended to provide for consistency with other Utah State Board of Education rules and to provide for licensing fees.


    Summary of the rule or change:

    The amendments to the rule provide for letters of authorization for alternative routes to licensure (ARL) candidates, Utah State Office of Education-designated content testing for license applicants to begin July 1, 2005, and for a new $15 fee for addition of endorsement(s).


    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Section 53A-6-104


    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There may be savings to the state as appropriate licensing and relicensing fees are allowed and licensing becomes less of a fiscal burden to the Utah State Office of Education and/or self-supporting.


    local governments:

    There are no cost or savings to school districts. Any cost would be between the licensee and the state.


    other persons:

    Costs for licensing/relicensing may increase. Costs/fees have been proposed, but not finally proposed by the Utah State Board of Education.


    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    Individuals may have increased costs for licensing in the future. The Utah State Board of Education has not yet determined the exact fees.


    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    I have reviewed this rule, and I see no fiscal impact on businesses. Patrick Ogden, Interim State Superintendent of Public Instruction


    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    250 E 500 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-3272


    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Carol Lear at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7835, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at


    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:



    This rule may become effective on:



    Authorized by:

    Carol Lear, Coordinator School Law and Legislation




    R277. Education, Administration.

    R277-502. Educator Licensing and Data Retention.

    R277-502-1. Definitions.

    A. "Accredited" means a teacher preparation program accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) or one of the major regional accrediting associations as defined under R277-503-1L.

    B. "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.

    C. "Letter of Authorization" means a designation given to an individual for one year, such as an out-of-state candidate or individual pursuing an alternative license, who has not completed the requirements for a Level 1, 2, or 3 license [and who is employed by a school district for a limited period of time until required documentation is complete.]or who has not completed necessary endorsement requirements and who is employed by a school district. A teacher working under a letter of authorization who is not an alternative routes to licensing (ARL) candidate, cannot be designated highly qualified under R277-520-1G.

    D. "Level 1 license" means a Utah professional educator license issued upon completion of an approved preparation program or an alternative preparation program, or pursuant to an agreement under the NASDTEC Interstate Contract, to candidates who have also met all ancillary requirements established by law or rule.

    E. "Level 2 license" means a Utah professional educator license issued after satisfaction of all requirements for a Level 1 license as well as any additional requirements established by law or rule relating to professional preparation or experience.

    F. "Level 3 license" means a Utah professional educator license issued to an educator who holds a current Utah Level 2 license and has also received, in the educator's field of practice, National Board certification or a doctorate from an accredited institution.

    G. "License areas of concentration" are obtained by completing an approved preparation program or an alternative preparation program in a specific area of educational studies to include the following: Early Childhood (K-3), Elementary (1-8), Middle (5-9), Secondary (6-12), Administrative/Supervisory, Applied Technology Education, School Counselor, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, Special Education (K-12), Preschool Special Education (Birth-Age 5), Communication Disorders, and may also bear endorsements relating to subjects or specific assignments.

    H. "License endorsement (endorsement)" means a specialty field or area earned through course work equivalent to at least an academic minor (with pedagogy) or through demonstrated competency; the endorsement shall be listed on the Professional Educator License indicating the specific qualification(s) of the holder.

    I. "Professional development plan" means a plan developed by an educator and approved by the educator's supervisor that includes locally or Board-approved education-related training or activities that enhance an educator's background. Professional development points are required for periodic educator license renewal.

    J. "Renewal" means reissuing or extending the length of a license consistent with R277-501.

    K. "State Approved Endorsement Program (SAEP)" means a professional development plan on which an educator is working to obtain an endorsement.


    R277-502-2. Authority and Purpose.

    A. This rule is authorized by Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3 which vests general control and supervision of the public school system under the Board, by Section 53A-6-104 which gives the Board power to issue licenses, and Section 53A-1-401(3) which allows the Board to adopt rules in accordance with its responsibilities.

    B. This rule specifies the types of license levels and license areas of concentration available and procedures for obtaining a license, required for employment as a licensed educator in the public schools of Utah. All licensed educators employed in the Utah public schools shall be licensed consistent with this rule in order for the district to receive full funding under Section 53A-17a-107(2).


    R277-502-3. Program Approval.

    A. The Board [uses the approved program approach to educator preparation and licensing which includes:

    (1) the development of educator preparation programs by post-secondary institutions in accordance with established rules and procedures;

    (2) the official review and evaluation of each institutional program in accordance with standards adopted by the Board and the subsequent approval of a program if standards are met;

    (3) approval of applicants for licensing, whether students in post-secondary institutions, individuals with out-of-state licenses, or individuals in other circumstances, prior to their significant unsupervised access to students.

    (4) licensing by the Board of an applicant upon completion of an approved program;

    (5) the issuance, by the Board, of an educator license. The initial Level 1 license may be converted to a Level 2 or Level 3 license upon demonstration of competence during employment, satisfaction of requirements of R277-522, Entry Years Enhancements (EYE) for Quality Teaching - Level 1 Utah Teachers, and any other federal requirements.]shall accept educator license recommendations from NCATE accredited, TEAC accredited or competency-based regionally accredited organizations.

    B. The Board, or its designee, shall establish deadlines and uniform forms and procedures for all aspects of licensing.


    R277-502-4. License Levels, Procedures, and Periods of Validity.

    A. An initial license, the Level 1 license, is issued to an individual who is recommended by a Board-approved educator preparation program or approved alternative preparation program, or an educator with a professional educator license from another state.

    (1) The recommendation indicates that the individual has satisfactorily completed the programs of study required for the preparation of educators and met licensing standards in the license areas of concentration for which the individual is recommended.

    (2) The Level 1 license is issued for three years.

    (3) Employing school districts and educator preparation institutions shall cooperate in making special assistance available for educator Level 1 license holders. The resources of both may be used to assist those educators experiencing significant problems. The institution in closest proximity to the employing school district is the first choice for district involvement; however, the school district is encouraged to make a cooperative arrangement with the institution from which the educator graduated.

    (4) An educator shall satisfy requirements and criteria of R277-522, Entry Years Enhancements (EYE) for Quality Teaching - Level 1 Utah Teachers.

    (5) An educator shall satisfy all federal requirements for an educator license prior to moving from Level 1 to Level 2.

    B. A Level 2 license may be issued by the Board to a Level 1 license holder upon satisfaction of all requirements and the recommendation of the employing school district.

    (1) The recommendation shall be made following the completion of three years of successful, professional growth and educator experience and satisfaction of R277-522, Entry Years Enhancements (EYE) for Quality Teaching - Level 1 Utah Teachers and before the Level 1 license expires.

    (2) A Level 2 license shall be issued for five years and shall be valid unless suspended or revoked for cause by the Board.

    (3) The Level 2 license may be renewed for successive five year periods consistent with R277-501, Educator Licensing Renewal.

    (4) A Level 2 license holder shall satisfy all federal requirements for an educator license holder prior to renewal after June 30, 2006 to remain [interim ]highly qualified.

    C. A Level 3 license may be issued by the Board to a Level 2 license holder who has achieved National Board Professional Teaching Standards Certification or who holds a doctorate in the educator's field of practice.

    (1) It is valid for seven years unless suspended or revoked for cause by the Board.

    (2) The Level 3 license may be renewed for successive seven year periods consistent with R277-501.

    D. Licenses expire on June 30 of the year shown on the face of the license and may be renewed any time after January of that year. Responsibility for securing renewal of the license rests upon the holder.


    R277-502-5. Professional Educator License Areas of Concentration, and [Approved Programs]Endorsements and Under-Qualified Employees.

    A. Unless excepted under rules of the Board, to be employed in the public schools in a capacity covered by the following license areas of concentration, a person shall hold a valid license issued by the Board in the respective license areas of concentration:

    (1) Early Childhood (K-3);

    (2) Elementary (1-8);

    (3) Middle (5-9);

    (4) Secondary (6-12);

    (5) Administrative/Supervisory;

    (6) Applied Technology Education;

    (7) School Counselor;

    (8) School Psychologist;

    (9) School Social Worker;

    (10) Special Education (K-12);

    (11) Preschool Special Education (Birth-Age 5)

    (12) Communication Disorders.

    B. [Licensed educators may be authorized by the Board for employment in the public schools under the following programs:

    (1) a license earned through a Board-approved post-secondary educator education program.

    (a) The individual seeking a license shall be approved by the post-secondary program personnel following completion of a USOE-approved license area of concentration program;

    (b) The program shall require university/college students to satisfy the requirements of Section 53A-3-410, criminal background check, prior to having significant unsupervised access to students. This may include review and approval by the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission (UPPAC), consistent with its rules and policies, prior to classroom experience.

    (2) alternative educator preparation consistent with R277-503.

    (3) eminence, consistent with R277-520.

    (4) applied technology, consistent with R277-518.

    (5) out-of-state applicants under R277-502-7.

    C. ]Under[]-qualified educators:

    (1) Educators who are licensed but working out of their endorsement area(s) shall request and prepare a SAEP to complete the requirements of an endorsement with a USOE education specialist; or

    (2) Local boards may request from the Board a Letter of Authorization for educators employed by the local board who have completed requirements for licensing but are waiting documentation of that completion. An approved Letter of Authorization is valid for a limited period of time. Following the expiration of the Letter of Authorization, the educator who has still not been completely approved for licensing is considered under qualified.

    [D]C. Licenses may be endorsed to indicate qualification in a subject or content area. An endorsement without a current license is not valid for employment purposes.


    R277-502-6. School Counselor Levels of Licensure.

    There are three levels of licensure for a K-12 school counselor:

    A. School Counselor Professional Educator License Level 1 is a license issued:

    (1) upon completion of an accredited counselor education program; or

    (2) to persons applying for licensure under interstate agreements.

    (3) This license is issued to counselors who are beginning their professional careers who have completed an approved 600 hour field experience (400 hours if the applicant has completed two or more years of successful teaching experience as approved by USOE licensing).

    B. School Counselor Professional Educator License Level 2 is:

    (1) a license issued after satisfaction of all requirements for a Level 1 license and 3 years of successful experience as a school counselor in an accredited school in Utah; and

    (2) is valid for five years.

    C. Counseling Intern Temporary License is based on written recommendation from a USOE accredited program that a candidate:

    (1) is currently enrolled in the program;

    (2) has completed 30 semester hours of course work, including successful completion of a practicum; and

    (3) has skills to work in a school as an intern with supervision from the school setting and from the counselor education program.

    (a) Letters from the accredited program recommending eligible candidates shall be submitted to USOE at the beginning of each school year.

    (b) The Counseling Intern Temporary License is valid for the current year only and is not renewable.


    R277-502-7. Professional Educator License Reciprocity.

    A. Utah is a member of the Compact for Interstate Qualification of Educational Personnel under Section 53A-6-201.

    B. A Level 1 license may be issued to a graduate of an educator preparation program from an accredited institution of higher education in another state.

    (1) The institution conducting the teacher preparation program [must]shall be accredited by [the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education ](NCATE), TEAC or one of the major regional accrediting associations.

    (2) If the applicant has one or more years of previous educator experience, a Level 2 license may be issued following satisfaction of the requirements of R277-522 upon the recommendation of the employing Utah school district after at least one year.


    R277-502-8. Computer-Aided Credentials of Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS).

    A. CACTUS maintains public and protected and private information on licensed Utah educators.

    (1) Public information includes name, educational qualifications, degrees earned, and current assignment (if applicable).

    (2) Private or protected information includes such items as home address, date of birth, social security number, and any disciplinary action taken against an individual's license.

    B. A CACTUS file is opened on a licensed Utah educator when:

    (1) the individual's fingerprint cards are submitted to the USOE, or

    (2) the USOE receives an application for a license from an individual seeking licensing in Utah.

    C. The data in CACTUS may only be changed as follows:

    (1) Authorized USOE staff or authorized school district staff may change demographic data.

    (2) Authorized USOE staff may change licensing data such as endorsements, degrees, license areas of concentration.

    (3) Authorized employing school district staff may update data on work experience for the current school year only.

    D. Licensed individuals may view personal data if registered with the Utah Education Network (UEN). An individual may not change or add data.

    E. Individuals currently employed by public, private or parochial schools under letters of authorization are included in CACTUS. Interns may be included on CACTUS.

    F. Designated individuals have access to CACTUS data:

    (1) A licensed individual may view his own file.

    (2) Designated USOE staff may view or change CACTUS files on a limited basis with specific authorization.

    (3) For employment or assignment purposes only, designated district or school staff members may access data on individuals employed by their own districts or data on licensed individuals who are not currently employed by public schools, [charter schools,] some private and parochial schools and ATCs.

    (4) Designated individuals may also view specific limited information on job applicants if the applicant has provided a school district with a Social Security Number.


    R277-502-9. Professional Educator License Fees.

    A. The Board, or its designee, shall establish a fee schedule for the issuance and renewal of licenses and endorsements consistent with 53A-6-105. All endorsements to which the applicant is entitled may be issued or renewed with the same expiration date for one licensing fee.[ The renewal of endorsements at different times may require the payment of a renewal fee for each endorsement.]

    B. A fee may be charged for a valid license to be reprinted or for an endorsement to be added.

    [B]C. [A fee may be charged any time credit is submitted for license renewal.]All costs of testing, evaluation, and course work shall be borne by the applicant unless other arrangements are agreed to in advance by the employing school district.[

    C. An endorsement may be added at any time, and unless the license is reprinted, there shall be no charge. If a new license is issued, a fee shall be charged.]

    D. Costs may include differentiated fees for resident and nonresident applicants.

    E. Costs may include an expediting fee if an applicant seeks to have a license application reviewed before applications received earlier.


    KEY: professional competency, educator licensing

    [January 15, ]2004

    Notice of Continuation September 12, 2002

    Art X Sec 3







Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 53A-6-104


Authorized By:
Carol Lear, Coordinator School Law and Legislation
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R277-502. Educator Licensing and Data Retention.