DAR File No.: 27160
Filed: 05/14/2004, 03:00
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The amendments to this rule will add more precision to the use of two terms in the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) rules; "agency" and "career service exempt", and delete definitions that are vague, redundant or are no longer needed.
Summary of the rule or change:
In Subsection R477-1-1(8), "Agency" is amended to mean just a department of the executive branch of state government. The definition this replaces is broad and vague enough that it can be applied to describe a division or other lower level entity. In Subsection R477-1-1(13), "Assignment" is deleted; it is no longer needed as a term to describe actions associated with the state classification system. In Subsection R477-1-1(14), "At will" Employee is deleted. This term is one of three that are used interchangeably to describe an employee outside the career service protections of the Utah Code. The other two are "non-career service" and "career service exempt". For consistency throughout the R477 rules, the term "career service exempt" will be used in place of "at will" and "non-career service". Elements of this definition are being added to the new definition for "career service exempt employee". In Subsection R477-1-1(14), a nonsubstantive technical change is made that adds clarity to the definition. In Subsection R477-1-1(16), "Career Service Exempt Employee" is amended to include elements of the definition for "At will" which is being deleted. In Subsection R477-1-1(17), "Career Service Exempt Position" is changed to be consistent with the change to the definition for "Career Service Exempt Employee". In Subsection R477-1-1(21), a nonsubstantive technical change that bring this definition in line with recent changes in the state job classification system is made. In Subsection R477-1-1(75), "Market Based Bonus" is a new definition that coincides with amendments to the state incentive award and bonus policy in Section R477-6-5. In Subsection R477-1-1(93), "Probationary Employee" is a new term that is needed to distinguish this status from the new definition for "Career Service Exempt Employee" because of the special status granted to this class of employee in the Utah Code.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Section 67-19-6
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
The amendments to these definitions will require no changes to the operating procedures or practices of state agencies and thus will generate no costs or savings.
local governments:
By law, Section 67-19-15, this rule has no effect beyond the executive branch of state government.
other persons:
By law, Section 67-19-15, this rule has no effect beyond the executive branch of state government.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
By law, Section 67-19-15, DHRM rules effect only persons employed by the executive branch of state government. Rule amendments that create a cost for an employee will either impose a fee for a choice which an employee may make or will cancel a monetary benefit that an employee currently enjoys because of rule. The amendments to the definitions in this rule will do neither of these and will thus impose no costs on employees.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
Rules published by DHRM have no direct effect on businesses or any entity outside state government. DHRM has authority to write rules only to the extent allowed by the Utah Personnel Management Act, Title 67, Chapter 19. Section 67-19-15 limits the provisions of career service and this rule to employees of the executive branch of state government. The only possible impact may be a very slight, indirect effect if an agency passes costs or saving on to businesses through fees. However, no such costs or saving will accrue with this amendment.
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Human Resource Management
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-1201Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Conroy Whipple at the above address, by phone at 801-538-3067, by FAX at 801-538-3081, or by Internet E-mail at cwhipple@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Kim Christensen, Executive Director
R477. Human Resource Management, Administration.
R477-1. Definitions.
R477-1-1. Definitions.
The following definitions apply throughout these rules unless otherwise indicated within the text of each rule.
(1) Abandonment of Position: An act of resignation resulting from an employee's unexcused absence from work or failure to come to work for three consecutive days when the employee is capable, but does not properly notify his supervisor.
(2) Active Duty: Full-time active military or reserve duty; a term used for veteran's preference adjustments. It does not include active or inactive duty for training or initial active duty for training.
(3) Actual Hours Worked: Time spent performing duties and responsibilities associated with the employee's job assignments.
(4) Administrative Leave: Leave with pay granted to an employee at management discretion that is not charged against the employee's leave accounts.
(5) Administrative Adjustment: A DHRM approved change of a position from one job to another job or salary range change for administrative purposes that is not based on a change of duties and responsibilities.
(6) Administrative Salary Decrease: A salary decrease of one or more pay steps based on non-disciplinary administrative reasons determined by an agency head or commissioner.
(7) Administrative Salary Increase: A salary increase of one or more pay steps based on special circumstances determined by an agency head or commissioner.
(8) Agency: [
Any department, division, institution, office, commission, board, committee, or other entity of state government.]An entity of state government that is:(a) directed by an executive director, elected official or commissioner defined in Chapter 67-22 or in other sections of the code ;
(b) authorized to employ personnel; and
(c) subject to DHRM rules.
(9) Agency Head: The [
chief]executive [officer]director or commissioner of each agency or their designated appointee.(10) Agency Management: The agency head and all other officers or employees who have responsibility and authority to establish, implement, and manage agency policies and programs.
(11) Appeal: A formal request to a higher level review for consideration of an unacceptable grievance decision.
(12) Appointing Authority: The officer, board, commission, person or group of persons authorized to make appointments in their agencies.[
(13) Assignment: Appointment of an employee to a position.(14) "At will" Employee: An individual appointed to work for no specified period of time or one who has not acquired career service status and may be terminated at any time without just cause.]([
15]13) Bumping: A procedure that may be applied prior to a reduction in force action (RIF). It allows employees with higher retention points to bump other employees with lower retention points as identified in the work force adjustment plan, as long as employees meet the eligibility criteria outlined in interchangeability of skills.[(16) Career Exempt Employee: An employee appointed to a position exempt from career service in state employment and who serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority.(17) Career Exempt Position: A position in state service exempted by law from provisions of competitive career service, as prescribed in 67-19-15 and in R477-2-1(1).]([
18]14) Career Mobility: A time[-]limited assignment of an employee to [another]a position of equal or higher salary range for purposes of professional growth or fulfillment of specific organizational needs.([
19]15) Career Service Employee: An employee who has successfully completed a probationary period in a career service position.(16) Career Service Exempt Employee: An employee appointed to work for an unspecified period of time or who serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority and may be separated from state employment at any time without just cause.
(17) Career Service Exempt Position: A position in state service exempted by law from provisions of competitive career service as prescribed in 67-19-15 and in R477-2-1(1).
20]18) Career Service Status: Status granted to employees who successfully complete a probationary period for competitive career service positions.([
21]19) Category of Work: A job series within an agency that is designated by the agency head as having positions to be eliminated agency wide through a reduction in force. Category of work may be further reduced after review by DHRM as follows:(a) a unit smaller than the agency upon providing justification and rationale for approval, for example:
(i) low org;
(ii) cost centers;
(iii) geographic locations;
(iv) agency programs.
(b) positions identified by a set of essential functions, for example:
(i) position analysis data;
(ii) certificates;
(iii) licenses;
(iv) special qualifications;
(v) degrees that are required or directly related to the position.
22]20) Certifying: The act of verifying the qualifications and availability of individuals on the hiring list. []The number of individuals certified shall be based on standards and procedures established by the Department of Human Resource Management.([
23]21) Change of Workload: A change in [the work requirements]position responsibilities and duties or a need to eliminate or create particular positions in an agency caused by legislative action, financial circumstances, or administrative reorganization.([
24]22) Classification Grievance: The approved procedure by which an agency or a career service employee may grieve a formal classification decision regarding the classification of a position.([
25]23) Classified Service: Positions that are subject to the classification and compensation provisions stipulated in Section 67-19-12 of the Utah Code Annotated.([
26]24) Classification Study: A Classification review conducted by DHRM or an approved contract agency, under the rules outlined in R477-3-4. A study may include single or multiple job or position reviews.([
27]25) Compensatory Time: Time off that is provided to an employee in lieu of monetary overtime compensation.([
28]26) Constant Review: A period of formal review of an employee, not to exceed six months, resulting from substandard performance or behavior, as defined by Utah law and contained in these rules. Removal from constant review requires a formal evaluation.([
29]27) Contract Agency: An agency with authority to perform specific HR functions as outlined in a formal delegation agreement with DHRM under authority of section 67-19-7.([
30]28) Contractor: An individual who is contracted for service, is not supervised by a state supervisor, but is responsible for providing a specified service for a designated fee within a specified time. The contractor shall be responsible for paying all taxes and FICA payments, and shall not accrue benefits.([
31]29) Corrective Action: A written administrative action to address substandard performance or behavior of an employee as described in R477-10-2. Corrective action includes a period of constant review.([
32]30) Critical Incident Drug or Alcohol Test: A drug or alcohol test conducted on an employee as a result of the behavior, action, or inaction of an employee that is of such seriousness it requires an immediate intervention on the part of management.([
33]31) Demeaning Behavior: Any behavior which lowers the status, dignity or standing of any other individual.([
34]32) Demotion: An action resulting in a salary reduction on the current salary range or the movement of an incumbent from one job or position to another job or position having a lower salary range, which may include a reduction in salary. Administrative adjustments and reclassifications are not included in the definition of a demotion.([
35]33) Department: The Department of Human Resource Management.([
36]34) Derisive Behavior: Any behavior which insults, taunts, or otherwise belittles or shows contempt for another individual.([
37]35) Designated Hiring Rule: A rule promulgated by DHRM that defines which individuals on a certification are eligible for appointment to a career service position.([
38]36) DHRM: The Department of Human Resource Management.([
39]37) DHRM Approved Recruitment and Selection System: The state's recruitment and selection system, which includes:(a) continuous recruitment of all positions;
(b) a centralized and automated computer database of resumes and related information administered by the Department of Human Resource Management;
(c) decentralized access to the database based on delegation agreements.
40]38) Disability: Disability shall have the same definition found in the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 42 USC 12101 (1994); Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulation, 29 CFR 1630 (1993); including exclusions and modifications.([
41]39) Disciplinary Action: Action taken by management under the rules outlined in R477-11.([
42]40) Discrimination: Unlawful action against an employee or applicant based on race, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, disability, protected activity under the anti-discrimination statutes, political affiliation, military status or affiliation, or any other non-merit factor, as specified by law.([
43]41) Dismissal: A separation from state employment for cause.([
44]42) Drug-Free Workplace Act: A 1988 congressional act, 34 CFR 85 (1993), requiring a drug-free workplace certification by state agencies that receive federal grants or contracts.([
45]43) Employee Personnel Files: For purposes of Titles 67-18 and 67-19, the files maintained by DHRM and agencies as required by R477-2-6. This does not include employee information maintained by supervisors.([
46]44) Employment Eligibility Certification: A requirement of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 8 USC 1324 (1988) that employers verify the identity and eligibility of individuals for employment in the United States.([
47]45) "Escalator" Principle: Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), returning veterans are entitled to return back onto their seniority escalator at the point they would have occupied had they not left state employment.([
48]46) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Non[-]discrimination in all facets of employment by eliminating patterns and practices of illegal discrimination.([
49]47) Excess Hours: A category of compensable hours separate and apart from compensatory or overtime hours that accrue at straight time only when an employee's actual hours [actually]worked, plus additional hours paid[but not worked], exceed an employee's normal work period.([
50]48) Fair Employment Opportunity and Practice: Assures fair treatment of applicants and employees in all aspects of human resource administration without regard to age, disability, national origin, political or religious affiliation, race, sex, or any non-merit factor.([
51]49) Fitness For Duty Evaluation: Evaluation, assessment or study by a licensed professional to determine if an individual is able to meet the performance or conduct standards required by the position held, or is a direct threat to the safety of self or others.([
52]50) FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act. The federal statute that governs overtime. See 29 USC 201 (1996).([
53]51) FLSA Exempt: Employees who are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act.([
54]52) FLSA [Non-Exempt]Nonexempt: Employees who are not exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act.([
55]53) Follow Up Drug or Alcohol Test: Unannounced drug or alcohol tests conducted for up to five years on an employee who has previously tested positive or who has successfully completed a voluntary or required substance abuse treatment program.([
56]54) Full Time Equivalent (FTE): The budgetary equivalent of one full time position filled for one year.([
57]55) Furlough: A temporary leave of absence from duty without pay for budgetary reasons or lack of work.([
58]56) Grievance: A career service employee's claim or charge of the existence of injustice or oppression, including dismissal from employment resulting from an act, occurrence, omission, condition, discriminatory practice or unfair employment practice not including position classification or schedule assignment.([
59]57) Grievance Procedures: The statutory process of grievances and appeals as set forth in Sections 67-19a-101 through 67-19a-408 and the rules promulgated by the Career Service Review Board.([
60]58) Gross Compensation: Employee's total earnings, taxable and [untaxable]nontaxable, as shown on the employee's paycheck stub.([
61]59) Hiring List: A list of qualified and interested applicants who are eligible to be considered for appointment or conditional appointment to a specific position.([
62]60) Hostile Work Environment: A work environment or work related situation where an individual suffers physical or emotional stress due to the unwelcome behavior of another individual which is motivated by race, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, disability or protected activity under the anti-discrimination statutes.([
63]61) HRE: Human Resource Enterprise; the state human resource management information system.([
64]62) Immediate Supervisor: The employee or officer who exercises direct authority over an employee and who appraises the employee's performance.([
65]63) Incompetence: Inadequacy or unsuitability in performance of assigned duties and responsibilities.([
66]64) Inefficiency: Wastefulness of government resources including time, energy, money, or staff resources or failure to maintain the required level of performance.([
67]65) Interchangeability of Skills: Employees are considered to have interchangeable skills only for those positions they have previously held successfully in Utah state government employment or for those positions which they have successfully supervised and for which they satisfy job requirements.([
68]66) Intern: An individual in a college degree program assigned to work in an activity where on-the-job training is accepted.([
69]67) Job: A group of positions similar in duties performed, in degree of supervision exercised or required, in requirements of training, experience, or skill and other characteristics. The same salary range and test standards are applied to each position in the group.([
70]68) Job Description: A document containing the duties, distinguishing characteristics, knowledge, skills, and other requirements for a job.([
71]69) Job Identification Number: A unique number assigned to a job by DHRM.([
72]70) Job Proficiency Rating: An average of the last three annual performance evaluation ratings used in reduction in force proceedings.([
73]71) Job Requirements: Skill requirements defined a the job level.([
74]72) Job Series: Two or more jobs in the same functional area having the same job class title, but distinguished and defined by increasingly difficult levels of duties and responsibilities and requirements.([
75]73) Legislative Salary Adjustment: A legislatively approved salary increase for a specific category of employees based on criteria determined by the Legislature.([
76]74) Malfeasance: Intentional wrongdoing, deliberate violation of law or standard, or mismanagement of responsibilities.(75) Market Based Bonus: One time lump sum monies given to a new hire or a current employee to encourage employment with the state.
77]76) Market Comparability Adjustment: Legislatively approved reallocation of a salary range for a job based on a compensation survey conducted by DHRM.([
78]77) Merit Increase: A legislatively approved and funded salary increase for employees to recognize and reward successful performance.([
79]78) Misfeasance: The improper or unlawful performance of an act that is lawful or proper.([
80]79) Nonfeasance: Failure to perform either an official duty or legal requirement.([
81]80) Performance Evaluation: A formal, periodic evaluation of an employee's work performance.([
82]81) Performance Evaluation Date: The date when an employee's performance evaluation shall be conducted. An evaluation shall be conducted at least once during the probationary period and no less than once annually thereafter consistent with the common review date.([
83]82) Performance Management: The ongoing process of communication between the supervisor and the employee which defines work standards and expectations, and assesses performance leading to a formal annual performance evaluation.([
84]83) Performance Plan: A written summary of the standards and expectations required for the successful performance of each job duty or task. These standards normally include completion dates and qualitative and quantitative levels of performance expectations.([
85]84) Performance Standard: Specific, measurable, observable and attainable objectives that represent the level of performance to which an employee and supervisor are committed during an evaluation period.([
86]85) Personnel Adjudicatory Proceedings: The informal appeals procedure contained in Title 63, Chapter 46b, for all human resource policies and practices not covered by the state employees grievance procedure promulgated by the Career Service Review Board, or the classification appeals procedure.([
87]86) Position: A unique set of duties and responsibilities identified by DHRM authorized job and position management numbers.([
88]87) Position Description: A document that describes the detailed tasks performed, as well as the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other requirements of a specific position.([
89]88) Position Identification Number: A unique number assigned to a position for FTE management.([
90]89) Position Management Report: A document that lists an agency's authorized positions including job identification numbers, salaries, and schedules. The list includes occupied or vacant positions and full or part-time positions.([
91]90) Position Sharing: A situation where two employees share the duties and responsibilities of one full-time career service position. Salary, retirement service credits and leave benefits for position sharing employees are pro-rated according to the number of hours worked. To be eligible for benefits, position sharing employees must work at least 50% of a full-time equivalent.([
92]91) Post Accident Drug or Alcohol Test: A Drug or alcohol test conducted on an employee who is involved in a vehicle accident while on duty:(a) where a fatality occurs;
(b) where the employee receives a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident and the accident involves bodily injury to any person who, as a result of the injury, immediately receives medical treatment away from the scene of the accident;
(c) where the employee receives a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident and the accident involves one or more motor vehicles that incur disabling damage as a result of the accident that must be transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other vehicle;
(d) where there is reasonable suspicion that the employee had been driving while under the influence of a controlled substance.
93]92) [Pre Employment]Preemployment Drug Test: A drug test conducted on final candidates for a safety sensitive position or on a current employee prior to assuming safety sensitive duties.(93) Probationary Employee: An employee hired into a career service position who has not completed the required probationary period for that position.
(94) Probationary Period: A period of time considered part of the selection process, identified at the job level, the purpose of which is to allow management to evaluate an employee's ability to perform assigned duties and responsibilities and to determine if career service status should be granted.
(95) Productivity Step Adjustment: A management authorized salary increase of one to four steps. Management and employees agree to the adjustment for employees who accept an increased workload resulting from FTE reductions and agency base budget reduction.
(96) Promotion: [
A management initiated]An action moving an employee from a position in one job to a position in another job having a higher maximum salary step.(97) Protected Activity: Opposition to discrimination or participation in proceedings covered by the antidiscrimination statutes or the Utah State Grievance and Appeal Procedure. Harassment based on protected activity can constitute unlawful retaliation.
(98) Random Drug or Alcohol Test: Unannounced drug or alcohol testing of a sample of safety sensitive employees done in accordance with federal regulations or state rules, policies, and procedures, and conducted in a manner such that each safety sensitive employee has an equal chance of being selected for testing.
(99) Reappointment: Return to work of an individual from the reappointment register. Accrued annual leave, converted sick leave, compensatory time and excess hours in [
their]the employee's former position were cashed out [at termination]upon separation.(100) Reappointment Register: A register of individuals who have:
(a) held career service positions and been separated in a reduction in force;
(b) held career service positions and accepted career service exempt positions without a break in service and were not retained, unless discharged for cause;
(c) by Career Service Review Board decision been placed on the reappointment register.
(101) Reasonable Suspicion: Knowledge sufficient to induce an ordinary, reasonable and prudent person to arrive at a conclusion of thought or belief based on factual, non-subjective and substantiated observations or reported circumstances. Factual situations verified through personal visual observation of behavior or actions, or substantiated by a reliable witness.
(102) Reasonable Suspicion Drug or Alcohol Test: A drug or alcohol test conducted on an employee based on reasonable suspicion that the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
(103) Reassignment: A management initiated action moving an employee from his current job or position to a job or position of an equal salary range for administrative, corrective action or other reasons not included in the definition of demotion, transfer or reclassification. Management may also move an employee to a job or position with a lower salary range with employee written consent, when permitted by applicable federal or state law, including, but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act. A reassignment may be to one or more of the following:
(a) a different job or position;
(b) a different work location;
(c) a different organizational unit; or
(d) a different agency.
(104) Reclassification: A DHRM or an approved contract agency reallocation of a single position or multiple positions from one job to another job to reflect management initiated changes in duties and responsibilities as determined by a classification study.
(105) Reduction in Force: (RIF) Abolishment of positions resulting in the termination of career service staff. RIFs can occur due to inadequate funds, a change of workload, or a lack of work.
(106) Reemployment: Return to work of an employee who [
terminated]resigned from state employment to join the uniformed services covered under USERRA. Accrued annual leave, converted sick leave, compensatory time and excess hours may have been cashed out at [termination]separation.(107) Rehire: Return to work of a former career service employee who [
terminated]resigned from state employment. Accrued annual leave, converted sick leave, compensatory time and excess hours in their former position were cashed out at [termination]separation.(108) Retaliation: An adverse employment action taken against an employee who has engaged in a protected activity. The adverse action must have a causal link.
(109) Return to Duty Drug or Alcohol Test: A drug or alcohol test conducted on an employee prior to allowing the employee to return to duty after successfully completing a drug or alcohol treatment program.
(110) Requisition: An electronic document used for Utah Skill Match search and tracking purposes that includes specific information for a particular position.
(111) Return from LWOP: A return to work from any leave without pay status. Accrued annual leave, converted sick leave, compensatory time and excess hours may have been cashed out before the leave without pay period began.
(112) Ridiculing Behavior: Any behavior specifically performed to cause humiliation or to mock, taunt or tease another individual.
(113) RIF'd Individual: A former employee who is terminated as a result of a reduction in force.
(114) Safety Sensitive Position: A position approved by DHRM that includes the performance of functions:
(a) directly related to law enforcement; or
(b) involving direct access or having control over direct access to controlled substance; or
(c) directly impacting the safety or welfare of the general public;or
(d) which require an employee to carry or have access to firearms.
(115) Salary Range: The segment of an approved pay plan assigned to a job.
(116) Schedule: The determination of whether a position meets criteria stipulated in the Utah Code Annotated to be career service (Schedule B) or career service exempt (Schedule A).
(117) Serious Health Condition: An illness, injury, impairment, physical or mental condition that involves:
(a) inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility;
(b) continuing treatment by a health care provider.
(118) Sexual Harassment:
(a) A form of unlawful discrimination of a sexual nature which is unwelcome and pervasive, demeaning, ridiculing, derisive or coercive and results in a hostile, abusive or intimidating work environment.
(i) Level One: sex role stereotyping
(ii) Level Two: targeted gender harassment/discrimination
(iii) Level Three: targeted or individual harassment
(iv) Level Four: criminal touching of another's body parts or taking indecent liberties with another.
(b) Any quid pro quo behavior which requires an employee to submit to sexual conduct in return for increased employment benefits or under threat of adverse employment repercussions.
(119) Tangible Employment Action: Any significant change in employment status e.g. hiring, firing, promotion, failure to promote, demotion, undesirable assignment, a decision causing a significant change in benefits, compensation decisions, and work assignment. Tangible employment action does not include insignificant changes in employment status such as a change in job title without a change in salary, benefits or duties.
(120) Temporary Transitional Assignment: An assignment on a temporary basis to a position or duties of lesser responsibility and salary range to accommodate an injury or illness or to provide a temporary reasonable accommodation.
(121) Transfer: An employee initiated movement from one job or position to another job or position for which the employee qualifies in response to a recruitment. A transfer may be to one or more of the following:
(a) a job or position with the same salary range;
(b) a job or position with a lower salary range;
(c) a different work location;
(d) a different organizational unit; or
(e) a different agency.
(122) Underfill: DHRM authorization for an agency to fill a position at a lower salary range within the same job series.
(123) Uniformed Services: The United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard; Reserve units of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard; Army National Guard or Air National Guard; Commissioned Corps of Public Health Service, or any other category of persons designated by the President in time of war or emergency. Service in Uniformed Services includes: voluntary or involuntary duty, including active duty; active duty for training; initial active duty for training; inactive duty training; full-time National Guard duty; absence from work for an examination to determine fitness for any of the above types of duty.
(124) Unlawful Harassment: Any behavior or conduct of an unlawful nature based on race, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, disability or protected activity under the anti-discrimination statutes that is unwelcome, pervasive, demeaning, derisive or coercive and results in a hostile, abusive or intimidating work environment or tangible employment action.
(125) USERRA: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (P.L. 103-353), requires state governments to re-employ eligible veterans who left state employment to enter the uniformed services and who return to work within a specified time period after military discharge. Employees covered under USERRA are in a leave without pay status from their state position.
(126) Veteran: An individual who has served on active duty in the armed forces for more than 180 consecutive days, or was a member of a reserve component who served in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized. Individuals must have been separated or retired under honorable conditions.
(127) Volunteer: Any person who donates services to the state or its subdivisions without pay or other compensation except actual and reasonable expenses incurred, as approved by the supervising agency.
(128) Volunteer Experience Credit: Credit given in meeting job requirements to participants who gain experience through unpaid or uncompensated volunteer work with the state, its subdivisions or other public and private organizations.
KEY: personnel management, rules and procedures, definitions
July 1, 2003]2004Notice of Continuation June 11, 2002
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 7/2/2004
- Publication Date:
- 06/01/2004
- Filed Date:
- 05/14/2004
- Agencies:
- Human Resource Management,Administration
- Rulemaking Authority:
Section 67-19-6
- Authorized By:
- Kim Christensen, Executive Director
- DAR File No.:
- 27160
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R477-1. Definitions.