No. 40390 (Amendment): Rule R477-6. Compensation  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 40390
    Filed: 05/02/2016 01:52:49 PM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The purpose of this amendment is to clarify compensation rules regarding longevity, severance benefits and state paid life insurance.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    The amendment redefines "Longevity" as "Longevity Salary Increase" to add clarity to the eligibility process for a longevity salary increase; adds language to allow for state contributions into additional tax-advantaged arrangements other than an HSA; better defines salary requirements for state paid life insurance; and adds clarification to medical coverage provided as a severance benefit.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    These changes are administrative and do not directly impact state budgets.

    local governments:

    This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on local government.

    small businesses:

    This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on small businesses.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on other persons. This rule has no financial impact on state employees.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    There is no direct compliance cost for these amendments. This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on other persons. This rule has no financial impact on state employees.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    Rules published by the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) have no direct affect on businesses or any entity outside state government. DHRM has authority to write rules only to the extent allowed by the "Utah Personnel Management Act", Title 67, Chapter 19. This act limits the provisions of career service and these rules to employees of the executive branch of state government. The only possible impact may be a very slight, indirect affect if an agency passes costs or savings on to business through fees. However, it is anticipated that the minimal costs associated with these changes will be absorbed by agency budgets and will have no affect on business.

    Debbie Cragun, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Human Resource Management
    450 N MAIN ST
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-1201

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

    • 05/24/2016 10:00 AM, Senate Building, 420 N State Street, Aspen Room, Salt Lake City, UT

    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Debbie Cragun, Executive Director


    R477. Human Resource Management, Administration.

    R477-6. Compensation.

    R477-6-6. Salary.

    (1) Promotions.

    (a) An employee who is in designated schedules B, AD, AR, AT, or AW and is promoted to a job with a salary range maximum exceeding the employee's current salary range maximum shall receive a wage increase of at least 5%.

    (b) An employee who is promoted may not be placed higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum in the new salary range except as provided in subsection R477-6-6(3), governing longevity salary increases.

    (c) To be eligible for a promotion, an employee shall meet the requirements and skills specified in the job description and position specific criteria as determined by the agency for the position.

    (2) Reclassifications.

    (a) At agency management's discretion, an employee reclassified to a job with a salary range maximum exceeding the employee's current salary range maximum may receive a wage increase of at least 1/2% or up to the salary range maximum. An employee shall be placed within the new salary range. [ Placement of an]An employee's eligibility for a[in] longevity salary increase shall be consistent with Subsection R477-6-6(3).

    (b) An employee whose job is reclassified to a job with a lower salary range shall retain the current wage.

    (3) Longevity Salary Increase.

    (a) An employee shall receive an initial longevity salary increase of 2.75% when:

    (i) the employee has been in state service for eight years or more. The employee may accrue years of service in more than one agency and such service is not required to be continuous; and

    (ii) the employee has been at or above the maximum of the current salary range for at least one year and received a passing performance appraisal rating within the 12-month period preceding the longevity increase.

    (b) An employee who has received the initial longevity increase is then eligible for an additional 2.75% increase every three years. To be eligible for these additional increases, an employee shall receive a passing performance appraisal rating within the 12-month period preceding the longevity increase.

    (c) An employee [in longevity]with a wage that is above the maximum salary range because of a longevity salary increase:[shall retain the current actual wage if receiving an administrative adjustment or is reassigned or reclassified to a job with a lower salary range maximum.]

    (i) shall retain the current actual wage if receiving an administrative adjustment or is reassigned or reclassified to a job with a lower salary range maximum.

    ([d]ii) [An employee in longevity ]who is reclassified to a job with a higher salary range maximum shall only receive a wage increase if the current actual wage is less than the salary range maximum of the new job. At the discretion of agency management the salary increase shall be at least 1/2% or up to the salary range maximum of the new job.

    ([e]iii) [An employee in longevity ]who is promoted shall only receive a wage increase if the current actual wage is less than the salary range maximum of the new job. The wage increase shall be at least 5% or up to the salary range maximum of the new job.

    ([f]iv) [An employee in longevity ]who is promoted, reclassified, transferred, reassigned or receives an administrative adjustment and remains [in longevity]at or above the salary range maximum, shall receive their next longevity salary increase three years from the date they received the most recent increase if they receive a passing performance appraisal rating within the previous twelve months.

    ([g]d) An employee [who is not in longevity and]with a wage that is not at or above the salary range maximum who is reclassified, transferred, reassigned, or receiving an administrative adjustment and has a current actual wage that is above the salary range maximum of the new job is considered to be above maximum and [is]may not [in]be eligible for a longevity salary increase. Employees shall be eligible for a longevity salary increase when they have been above the salary range maximum for 12 months and all other longevity salary increase criteria are met.

    (h) An employee in Schedules AB, IN, or TL is not eligible for the longevity salary increase program.

    (4) Administrative Adjustment.

    (a) An employee whose position has been allocated by DHRM from one job to another job or salary range for administrative purposes may not receive an adjustment in the current actual wage unless the employee is below the minimum of the new salary range.

    (b) An employee whose position is changed by administrative adjustment to a job with a lower salary range shall retain the current wage even if the current wage exceeds the new salary range maximum.

    (5) Reassignment.

    An employee's current actual wage may not be decreased except [when]as provided in federal or state law.[ Wage decreases shall be at least 1/2% or down to the salary range minimum.]

    (6) Transfer.

    Management may decrease the current actual wage of an employee who transfers to another job with the same or lower salary range maximum.[ Wage decreases shall be at least 1/2% or down to the salary range minimum.]

    (7) Demotion.

    An employee demoted consistent with Section R477-11-2 shall receive a reduction in the current actual wage of at least 1/2%, or down to the salary range minimum as determined by the agency head or designee. The agency head or designee may move an employee to a job with a lower salary range concurrent with the reduction in the current actual wage.

    (8) Administrative Salary Increase.

    The agency head authorizes and approves administrative salary increases under the following parameters:

    (a) An employee shall receive an increase of at least 1/2% or up to the salary range maximum.

    (b) Administrative salary increases shall only be granted when the agency has sufficient funding within their annualized base budgets for the fiscal year in which the adjustment is given.

    (c) Justifications for administrative salary increases shall be:

    (i) in writing;

    (ii) approved by the agency head or designee;

    (iii) supported by unique situations or considerations in the agency.

    (d) The agency head or designee shall answer any challenge or grievance resulting from an administrative salary increase.

    (e) Administrative salary increases may be given during the probationary period. Wage increases shall be at least 1/2% or up to the salary range maximum. These increases alone do not constitute successful completion of the probationary period or the granting of career service status.

    (f) An employee at or above the salary range maximum[ or in longevity] may not be granted administrative salary increases.

    (g) Increasing an employee's wage as part of a transfer or reassignment action must be justified as an administrative salary increase in a separate action.

    (9) Administrative Salary Decrease.

    The agency head authorizes and approves administrative salary decreases for nondisciplinary reasons according to the following:

    (a) The final wage may not be less than the salary range minimum.

    (b) Wage decreases shall be at least 1/2% or down to the salary range minimum.

    (c) Justification for administrative salary decreases shall be:

    (i) in writing;

    (ii) approved by the agency head; and

    (iii) supported by issues such as previous written agreements between the agency and the employee to include career mobility, reasonable accommodation, or other unique situations or considerations in the agency.

    (d) The agency head or designee shall answer any challenge or grievance resulting from an administrative salary decrease.

    (10) Career Mobility.

    (a) Agencies may offer an employee on a career mobility assignment a wage increase or decrease of at least 1/2% within the new salary range.

    (b) If a career mobility assignment does not become permanent at its conclusion, the employee shall return to the previous position or a similar position and shall receive, at a minimum, the same wage and the same or higher salary range that the employee would have received without the career mobility assignment.

    (11) Exceptions.

    The Executive Director, DHRM, may authorize exceptions for wage increases or decreases.


    R477-6-8. Employee Benefits.

    (1) An employee shall be eligible for benefits when:

    (a) in a position designated by the agency as eligible for benefits; and

    (b) in a position which normally requires working a minimum of 40 hours per pay period.

    (2) An eligible employee has 30 days from the hire date to enroll in or decline one of the traditional medical insurance plans and 60 days from the hire date to enroll in or decline one of the HSA-qualified medical insurance plans[.] or other tax-advantaged arrangement offered by PEHP and authorized under the Internal Revenue Code for the benefit of the employee.

    (a) An employee shall only be permitted to change medical plans during the annual open enrollment period for all state employees.

    (3) An eligible employee has 60 days from the hire date to enroll in dental, vision, and a flexible spending account.

    (4) An employee shall enroll in guaranteed issue life insurance within 60 days of the hire date to avoid having to provide proof of insurability.

    (a) An employee may enroll in additional life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance at any time and may be required to provide proof of insurability.

    (5) An employee eligible for retirement benefits shall be electronically enrolled using the URS online certification process as follows:

    (a) An employee with any service time with Utah Retirement Systems prior to July 1, 2011, from any URS eligible employer, shall be automatically enrolled in the Tier I defined benefit plan and the Tier I defined contribution plan.

    (i) Eligibility for Tier I shall be determined by Utah Retirement Systems.

    (ii) An employee eligible for Tier I shall remain in the Tier I system, even after a break in service.

    (b) An employee with no previous service time with Utah Retirement Systems in Tier I shall be enrolled in the Tier II retirement system.

    (i) An employee has one year from the date of eligibility to elect whether to participate in the Tier II hybrid retirement system or the Tier II defined contribution plan.

    (A) If no election is made the employee shall be automatically enrolled in the Tier II hybrid retirement system.

    (ii) An employee eligible for the Tier II system has one year from the date of eligibility to change the election or it is irrevocable.

    (c) Changes in employee contributions, beneficiaries, and investment strategies shall be submitted electronically to URS through the URS website.

    (6) A reemployed veteran under USERRA shall be entitled to the same employee benefits given to other continuously employed eligible employees to include seniority based increased pension and leave accrual.

    (7) All insurance coverage, excluding COBRA, shall end:

    (a) at midnight on the last day of the pay period in which the employee receives a paycheck for employees hired prior to February 15, 2003; or

    (b) at midnight on the last day of the pay period in which the employment termination date became effective for employees hired on February 15, 2003, or later.

    (8) An employee who is not eligible for benefits under R477-6-8(1) but does meet the minimum qualifications under the Affordable Care Act shall be eligible for medical insurance only.


    R477-6-9. Employee Converting from Career Service to Schedule AC, AD, AR, or AS.

    (1) A career service employee in a position meeting the criteria for career service exempt schedule AC, AD, AR, or AS shall have 60 days from the date of offer to elect to convert from career service to career service exempt. As an incentive to convert, an employee shall be provided the following:

    (a) an administrative salary increase of at least 1/2% or up to the current salary range maximum. An employee at or above the current salary range maximum[ or in longevity] shall receive, in lieu of the salary adjustment, a one time bonus, as determined by the agency head or designee, not to exceed limits in Subsection R477-6-7(1)(b);

    (b) state paid term life insurance coverage if determined eligible by the Group Insurance Office to participate in the Term Life Program, Public Employees Health Plan, as provided in Section R477-6-10.

    (2) An employee electing to convert to career service exempt after the 60 day election period may not be eligible for the wage increase, but shall be entitled to apply for the insurance coverage through the Group Insurance Office.

    (3) An employee electing not to convert to career service exemption shall retain career service status even though the position shall be designated as schedule AC, AD, AR or AS. When these career service employees vacate these positions, subsequent appointments shall be career service exempt.

    (4) An agency head may reorganize so that a current career service exempt position no longer meets the criteria for exemption. In this case, the employee shall be designated as career service if the employee had previously earned career service. However, the employee may not be eligible for a severance package, increased annual leave accrual, or exempt life insurance. In this situation, the agency and employee shall make arrangements through the Group Insurance Office to discontinue the exempt life insurance coverage.

    (5) A career service exempt employee without prior career service status shall remain exempt. When the employee leaves the position, subsequent appointments shall be consistent with R477-4.

    (6) Agencies shall communicate to all impacted and future eligible employees the conditions and limitations of this incentive program.


    R477-6-10. State Paid Life Insurance.

    (1) A benefits eligible career service exempt employee on schedule AA, AB, AD, AR and AT shall be provided the following benefits if the employee is approved through underwriting:

    (a) State paid term life insurance coverage if determined eligible by the Group Insurance Office to participate in the Term Life Program Public Employees Health Plan:

    (i) [Salaries]Hourly wage [less than $50,000 ]$24.03 or less shall receive $125,000 of term life insurance;

    (ii) [Salaries]Hourly wage between $[50,000]24.04 and $[60,000]28.84 shall receive $150,000 of term life insurance;

    (iii) [Salaries]Hourly wage $28.85 or highger[more than $60,000] shall receive $200,000 of term life insurance.

    (2) An employee on schedule AC or AS may be provided these benefits at the discretion of the appointing authority.


    R477-6-11. Severance Benefit.

    (1) At the discretion of the appointing authority a benefits eligible career service exempt employee on schedule AB, AC, AD, AR, AS or AT who is separated from state service through an action initiated by management, to include resignation in lieu of termination, may receive at the time of [severance]separation a severance benefit equal to:

    (a) one week of salary, up to a maximum of 12 weeks, for each year of consecutive exempt service in the executive branch; and

    (b) if eligible for COBRA,[ one month of health] medical insurance coverage only[, up to a maximum of six months,]shall be provided for two pay periods for each year of consecutive exempt service, up to a maximum of 13 pay periods, at the level of coverage the employee has at the time of severance, to be paid in a lump sum payment to the state's health care provider.


    KEY: wages, employee benefit plans, insurance, personnel management

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 1, 2015]2016

    Notice of Continuation: February 2, 2012

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 63F-1-106; 67-19-6; 67-19-12; 67-19-12.5; 67-19-15.1(4)


Document Information

Hearing Meeting:
05/24/2016 10:00 AM, Senate Building, 420 N State Street, Aspen Room, Salt Lake City, UT
Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Notices of Proposed Rules
Filed Date:
Human Resource Management, Administration
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 49-20-410

Authorized By:
Debbie Cragun, Executive Director
DAR File No.:

The amendment redefines "Longevity" as "Longevity Salary Increase" to add clarity to the eligibility process for a longevity salary increase; adds language to allow for state contributions into additional tax-advantaged arrangements other than an HSA; better defines salary requirements for state paid life insurance; and adds clarification to medical coverage provided as a severance benefit.

{31099|R477-6|R477-6. Compensation}
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Human Resource ManagementAdministrationRoom 2120 STATE OFFICE BLDG450 N MAIN STSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-1201
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Greg Hargis, by phone at 801-891-5680, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at

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Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R477-6. Compensation.