No. 29866 (Amendment): R156-56. Utah Uniform Building Standard Act Rules.  

  • DAR File No.: 29866
    Filed: 04/26/2007, 01:02
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The Division is proposing changes to the rule to adopt amendments to the building codes approved by the Uniform Building Code Commission after review by various subcommittees and to renumber the building code amendment sections to be more organized and easy to find. Over the years as new codes were added or new amendments were added, a new section was added in sequential order. With the addition of more codes over the years, the prior organization has become cumbersome to use. The newly renumbered building code amendment sections are organized as follows: Sections R156-56-700 through R156-56-703 will be used for the overall list of codes adopted or approved. Sections R156-56-800 through R156-56-819 will be reserved for amendments to adopted codes having statewide application. Sections R156-56-900 through R156-56-919 will be reserved for amendments to adopted codes having local jurisdiction application. The last two digits will correspond to the last two digits of Sections R156-56-800 through R156-56-819 so that a person can quickly determine if there are local amendments or statewide amendments in the same code. Sections R156-56-920 through R156-56-930 will be reserved for amendments to approved codes which are applicable only in local jurisdictions, again with the last two digits corresponding to the last two digits of statewide code amendments. All referenced subsections have been renumbered throughout as needed. This renumbering did not result in any change in substance to the amendments being renumbered. It should also be noted that this rule filing is one of four rule filings affecting Rule R156-56. Once the Division and Commission have determined which of all of the rule filings affecting Rule R156-56 will be made effective, a nonsubstantive rule filing may be filed by the Division to update and correct all subsection numbering. (DAR NOTE: The other filings for Rule R156-56 are: different changes to Rule R156-56 are under DAR No. 29863; changes to Section R156-56-704 under DAR No. 29864; and different changes to Section R156-56-704 under DAR No. 29865 in this issue, May 15, 2007, of the Bulletin.)

    Summary of the rule or change:

    In Section R156-56-401, adds a standardized building permit three-digit designation for additional compliance agencies which have been identified since this requirement was first enacted. In Section R156-56-701, makes corrections in section numbers. Section R156-56-704 becomes Section R156-56-801. In Subsection R156-56-801(23), a change is made to an existing amendment to the reference to garages from "located beneath" to "accessory to". Affected garages are not always located beneath but may be located side by side or have the building arranged in another manner. This proposed change clarifies the intent of the previous amendment. Section R156-56-711 becomes Section R156-56-802. In Subsection R156-56-802(1), a change is made to delete the reference to local amendments and to update new section numbers. In Subsection R156-56-802(23), the amendment to G2413.1(402.1) is being deleted. This amendment required a minimum natural gas service line of one inch. It was found that there are situations where the larger gas pipe size requirement of one inch is not necessary. Therefore, eliminating this amendment returns the requirement to the International Code Council (ICC) code requirement which states the size must be large enough to meet the demands that are made based upon the equipment installed. Section R156-56-707 becomes Section R156-56-803. Section R156-56-708 becomes Section R156-56-804. Section R156-56-709 becomes Section R156-56-805. In Subsection R156-56-805(3), the amendment to Section 402.1 is being deleted. This amendment required a minimum natural gas service line of one inch. It was found that there are situations where the larger gas pipe size requirement of one inch is not necessary. Therefore, eliminating this amendment returns the requirement to the ICC code requirement which states the size must be large enough to meet the demands that are made based upon the equipment installed. Section R156-56-706 becomes Section R156-56-806. Section R156-56-710 becomes Section R156-56-807. Section R156-56-714 becomes Section R156-56-808. Section R156-56-713 becomes Section R156-56-820. Section R156-56-705 becomes Section R156-56-901. Section R156-56-712 becomes Section R156-56-902. Subsection R156-56-902(1) is added with respect to local amendments only. The following new sections have also been added for local amendments to the adopted building codes: Sections R156-56-903, R156-56-904, R156-56-905, R156-56-906, R156-56-907, and R156-56-920. In Section R156-56-903, a local amendment affecting South Jordan is being added which requires certain types of backflow prevention when connecting to the city's culinary (potable) water system and also allied requirements for backflow prevention when a separate secondary (irrigation) water system is available. This backflow prevention is required to protect the drinking water supply form contamination.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Section 58-56-1, and Subsections 58-1-106(1)(a), 58-1-202(1)(a), 58-56-4(2), and 58-56-6(2)(a)

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    The Division has determined that there should be no direct effect on the state budget as a result of the proposed amendments other than minimal costs to affected state agencies who need to reprint the rule once the proposed amendments are made effective.

    local governments:

    The Division has determined that there should be no direct effect on a local government budget as a result of the proposed amendments other than minimal costs to reprint the rule once the proposed amendments are made effective. However, South Jordan local government may see some increased costs, which the Division is unable to determine in an exact amount, to ensure compliance with a requested local amendment requiring certain types of back flow prevention when connecting to the city's culinary water system and also allied requirements for back flow prevention when a separate secondary water system is available.

    other persons:

    The proposed technical changes and section renumbering will not result in any significant impact on any party except as discussed further. The elimination of the one-inch minimum gas supply pipe will result in minor savings for a limited number of residences where a smaller pipe can be used. It is expected that the number of affected residences will be minor. Most residences in planning for existing and potential future uses would choose the larger pipe. It is much more costly to retrofit to a larger pipe than the cost to install a larger service pipe at the first instance. For those choosing to use the smaller pipe initially, they may face more than offsetting cost in the future if they should add to their residence. For example, this could happen if someone added a gas fireplace or other gas appliance at a later date. The local amendment for South Jordan may result in higher costs on initial installations of about $200 per affected residence but this cost may be offset by a higher cost required to retrofit to prevent back flow when the city culinary water customer hooks up to a secondary irrigation water system. When a municipality or water district has both a culinary and secondary water system where potential cross connection may occur, the culinary water system needs protection from potential contamination. It is not unusual for the secondary (irrigation) water system to be turned off from late fall to early spring. During this time, water users often will tie into the culinary system to water yards or other outdoor uses that are normally connected to the secondary water system. This double use if not correctly changed from one system to the other system, and without the required backflow prevention device, could result in backflow of secondary water into the culinary water system. Since backflow prevention devices are often required for other purposes under the code, this amendment will not always result in higher costs to each residence but could result in cost increases only on a smaller number of residences. The damage costs of contamination incidence could be very substantial in comparison to the cost of prevention and such damage costs would be the responsibility of the residence which caused the contamination problem. Overall, the minimal costs of prevention seems to be a reasonable offset to potential very high cost of damages that could occur. The Division is unable to determine how many persons these amendments will affect or the cost of implementation due to such varying factors and therefore it is impossible to estimate an aggregate impact.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    The amendment with respect to gas pipe size may result in limited savings to a limited number of persons and the local South Jordan amendment may result in higher installation costs for a limited number of persons as discussed above.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    This rule filing adds standardized building permit three-digit designations, renumbers and reorganizes building code sections, removes a requirement for a one-inch natural gas supply pipe, adds a backflow prevention provision for the City of South Jordan, and makes other technical amendments. No fiscal impact to businesses is anticipated beyond those discussed in the rule summary. Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Occupational and Professional Licensing
    160 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2316

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Dan S. Jones at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6720, by FAX at 801-530-6511, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

    5/15/2007 at 9:00 AM, State Office Building, Room 4112, Salt Lake City, UT

    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    F. David Stanley, Director


    R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing.

    R156-56. Utah Uniform Building Standard Act Rules.

    R156-56-401. Standardized Building Permit Number.

    As provided in Section 58-56-18, beginning on January 1, 2007, any agency issuing a permit for construction within the state of Utah shall use the standardized building permit numbering which includes the following:

    (1) The permit number shall consist of 12 digits with the following components in the following order:

    (a) digits one, two and three shall be alphabetical characters identifying the compliance agency issuing the permit as specified in the table in Subsection (3);

    (b) digits four and five shall be numerical characters indicating the year of permit issuance;

    (c) digits six and seven shall be numerical characters indicating the month of permit issuance;

    (d) digits eight and nine shall be numerical characters indicating the day of the month on which the permit is issued; and

    (e) digits ten, eleven and twelve shall be numerical characters used to distinguish between permits issued by the agency on the same day.

    (2) When used in addition to a different permit numbering system, as provided for in Subsection 58-56-18(3)(b), the standardized building permit number shall be clearly identified and labeled as the "state permit number" or "Utah permit number".

    (3) The following table establishes the three digit alphabetical character for which the compliance agency shall be identified as provided in Subsection (1)(a):



    Column 1: City, [or ]town, or other compliance agency in
    which project is located
    Column 2: County in which the city, [or ]town, or other
    compliance agency is located
    Column 3: City, [or ]town or other compliance agency
    3 digit designation (Designation is shown for cities,
    [or ]towns, or other compliance agency which issue
    building permits. If no designation is shown, the
    building permits for the city, [or ]town, or other
    compliance agency are issued by the county, therefore
    the county three digit designation should be used)
    Column 4: County 3 digit designation

    1 2 3 4
    City, Town, [or] County City, Town,[ or]County
    [Town]or other [Town Desig-] or other Designa-
    Compliance Agency [ation]Compliance tion
    Agency Designation
    Adamsville BEAVER BVR
    Alpine UTAH ALP
    Altamont DUCHESNE DCH
    Alton KANE KAN
    Altonah DUCHESNE DCH
    Amalga CACHE CAC
    American Fork UTAH AFC
    Aneth SAN JUAN SJC
    Angle PIUTE PIU
    Annabella SEVIER SEV
    Antimony GARFIELD GRF
    Apple Valley WASHINGTON WSC
    Aragonite TOOELE TOC
    Aurora SEVIER SEV
    Austin SEVIER SEV
    Avon CACHE CAC
    Axtell SANPETE SPC
    Bacchus SALT LAKE SCO
    Ballard UINTAH BAL
    Bauer TOOELE TOC
    Bear River BOX ELDER BRC
    Beaver City BEAVER BEA
    Beaver Dam BOX ELDER BEC
    Benjamin UTAH UTA
    Benson CACHE CAC
    Beryl IRON IRO
    Bicknell WAYNE WAY
    Big Water KANE BWM
    Birdseye UTAH UTA
    Black Rock MILLARD MIL
    Blanding SAN JUAN BLA
    Bloomington Hills WASHINGTON STG (part of St.
    Bloomington WASHINGTON STG (part of St.
    Blue Creek BOX ELDER BEC
    Bluebell DUCHESNE DCH
    Bluff SAN JUAN SJC
    Bluffdale SALT LAKE BLU
    Bonanza UINTAH UTC
    Bothwell BOX ELDER BEC
    Boulder GARFIELD GRF
    Bountiful DAVIS BOU
    Brian Head IRON BHT
    Bridgeland DUCHESNE DCH
    Brigham BOX ELDER BRI
    Brighton SALT LAKE SCO
    Brookside WASHINGTON WSC
    Bullfrog KANE KAN
    Burmester TOOELE TOC
    Burrville SEVIER SEV
    Cache Junction CACHE CAC
    Caineville WAYNE WAY
    Callao JUAB JUA
    Camp Williams UTAH UTA
    Cannonville GARFIELD GRF
    Carbonville CARBON CAR
    Castle Dale EMERY EMR
    Castle Rock SUMMIT SUM
    Castle Valley GRAND GRA
    Cedar City IRON CEC
    Cedar Creek BOX ELDER BEC
    Cedar Fort UTAH CFT
    Cedar Hills UTAH CDH
    Cedar Mountain TOOELE TOC
    Cedar Springs BOX ELDER BEC
    Cedar Valley UTAH UTA
    Cedarview DUCHESNE DCH
    Center Creek WASATCH WAC
    Centerfield SANPETE SPC
    Centerville DAVIS CEV
    Central SEVIER SEV
    Central Valley SEVIER SEV
    Charleston WASATCH CHA
    Chester SANPETE SPC
    Christinburg SANPETE SPC
    Christmas Meadows SUMMIT SUM
    Church Wells KANE KAN
    Circleville PIUTE CIR
    Cisco GRAND GRA
    Clarkston CACHE CAC
    Clawson EMERY EMR
    Clear Lake MILLARD MIL
    Clearcreek BOX ELDER BEC
    Clearcreek CARBON CAR
    Clearfield DAVIS CLE
    Cleveland EMERY EMR
    Clinton DAVIS CLI
    Clive TOOELE TOC
    Clover TOOELE RUV(became Rush
    Coalville SUMMIT COA
    College Ward CACHE CAC
    Collinston BOX ELDER BEC
    Colton UTAH UTA
    Copperton SALT LAKE SCO
    Corinne BOX ELDER COR
    Cornish CACHE CAC
    Cottonwood SALT LAKE SCO
    Cottonwood Heights SALT LAKE CHC
    Cove CACHE CAC
    Cove Fort MILLARD MIL
    Crescent SALT LAKE SCO
    Crescent Junction GRAND GRA
    Croyden MORGAN MRG
    Dameron Valley WASHINGTON WSC
    Daniels WASATCH WAC
    Deer Creek WASATCH WAC
    Delle TOOELE TOC
    Deseret MILLARD MIL
    Deseret Mound IRON IRO
    Devils Slide MORGAN MRG
    Deweyville BOX ELDER DEW
    Diamond Valley WASHINGTON WSC
    Div of Facilities
    Construction and Mgmt (statewide) FCM

    Dividend UTAH UTA
    Draper SALT LAKE DRA
    Draper City South UTAH UTA
    Duchesne City DUCHESNE DUC
    Duck Creek KANE KAN
    Dugway (Federal) TOOELE XXX
    Dutch John DAGGETT DAG
    Eagle Mountain UTAH EMC
    East Carbon CARBON ECC
    East Green River GRAND GRA
    East Millcreek SALT LAKE SCO
    Eastland SAN JUAN SJC
    Eden WEBER WEB
    Elk Ridge UTAH ERC
    Elberta UTAH UTA
    Elmo EMERY EMR
    Elsinore SEVIER SEV
    Elwood BOX ELDER ELW
    Emery City EMERY EME
    Emory SUMMIT SUM
    Enoch IRON ENO
    Enterprise WASHINGTON ENT
    Ephraim SANPETE SPC
    Escalante GARFIELD GRF
    Eskdale MILLARD MIL
    Eureka JUAB EUR
    Fairfield UTAH UTA
    Fairmont SEVIER SEV
    Fairview SANPETE SPC
    Farmington DAVIS FAR
    Farr West WEBER FAW
    Faust TOOELE TOC
    Fayette SANPETE SPC
    Ferron EMERY EMR
    Fielding BOX ELDER FIE
    Fillmore MILLARD FIL
    Flowell MILLARD MIL
    Fort Duchesne UINTAH UTC
    Fountain Green SANPETE SPC
    Francis SUMMIT FRA
    Freedom SANPETE SPC
    Freeport Circle DAVIS DAV
    Fremont WAYNE WAY
    Fremont Junction SEVIER SEV
    Fruit Heights DAVIS FRU
    Fruitland DUCHESNE DCH
    Fry Canyon SAN JUAN SJC
    Garden City RICH GAR
    Garfield SALT LAKE SCO
    Garland BOX ELDER GRL
    Garrison MILLARD MIL
    Geneva UTAH GEV
    Genola UTAH GEN
    Glendale KANE KAN
    Glenwood SEVIER SEV
    Goldhill TOOELE TOC
    Goshen UTAH GOS
    Grafton WASHINGTON ROC (part of Rock-
    Granite SALT LAKE SCO
    Grantsville TOOELE GTV
    Green River EMERY EMR
    Greenville BEAVER BVR
    Greenwich PIUTE PIU
    Greenwood MILLARD MIL
    Grouse Creek BOX ELDER BEC
    Grover WAYNE WAY
    Gunnison SANPETE SPC
    Gusher UINTAH UTC
    Hailstone WASATCH WAC
    Halls Crossing SAN JUAN SJC
    Hamilton Fort IRON IRO
    Hamlin Valley IRON IRO
    Hanksville WAYNE WAY
    Harrisville WEBER HAR
    Hatton MILLARD MIL
    Helper CARBON CAR
    Henefer SUMMIT HEN
    Henrieville GARFIELD GRF
    Herriman SALT LAKE HER
    Hiawatha CARBON CAR
    Hideway Valley SANPETE SPC
    Highland UTAH HIG
    Hinckley MILLARD HIN
    Holden MILLARD HOL
    Holladay SALT LAKE HOD
    Honeyville BOX ELDER HON
    Hooper WEBER HOO
    Hot Springs BOX ELDER BEC
    Hovenweep Mountain SAN JUAN SJC
    Howell BOX ELDER HPW
    Hoytsville SUMMIT SUM
    Huntington EMERY EMR
    Huntsville WEBER HTV
    Hurricane WASHINGTON HUR
    Hyde Park CACHE HPC
    Hyrum CACHE CAC
    Ibapah TOOELE TOC
    Indianola SANPETE SPC
    Iron Springs IRON IRO
    Jensen UINTAH UTC
    Jericho JUAB JUA
    Joseph SEVIER SEV
    Junction PIUTE JUN
    Kamas SUMMIT KAM
    Kanab KANE KNB
    Kanarraville IRON IRO
    Kaneville WEBER WEC
    Kanosh MILLARD KNS
    Kayenta WASHINGTON INI (part of Ivins)
    Kaysville DAVIS KAY
    Kearns SALT LAKE SCO
    Keetley WASATCH WAC
    Kelton BOX ELDER BEC
    Kenilworth CARBON CAR
    Kingston PIUTE KIN
    Knolls TOOELE TOC
    Koosharem SEVIER SEV
    Lake Powell SAN JUAN SJC
    Lakepoint TOOELE TOC
    Lakeshore UTAH UTA
    Lakeside BOX ELDER BEC
    Laketown RICH RIC
    Lakeview UTAH UTA
    Lapoint UINTAH UTC
    Lawrence EMERY EMR
    Layton DAVIS LAY
    Leamington MILLARD LEA
    Leeton UINTAH UTC
    Lehi UTAH LEH
    Leland UTAH UTA
    Leota UINTAH UTC
    Levan JUAB LEV
    Lewiston CACHE LEW
    Liberty WEBER WEC
    Lincoln TOOELE TOC
    Lindon UTAH LIN
    Little Mountain WEBER WEC
    Littleton MORGAN MRG
    Logan CACHE LOG
    Long Valley KANE KAN
    Losepa TOOELE TOC
    Lund IRON IRO
    Lyman WAYNE WAY
    Lynndyl MILLARD LYN
    Madsen BOX ELDER BEC
    Maeser UINTAH UTC
    Mammoth JUAB JUA
    Manderfield BEAVER BVR
    Manila DAGGETT MNL
    Mantua BOX ELDER MNT
    Mapleton UTAH MAP
    Marion SUMMIT SUM
    Marriott-Slaterville WEBER MSC
    Marysvale PIUTE MAR
    Mayfield SANPETE SPC
    Meadow MILLARD MEA
    Meadowville RICH RIC
    Mendon CACHE MEN
    Mexican Hat SAN JUAN SJC
    Middleton WASHINGTON STG (part of St.
    Midvale SALT LAKE MID
    Midway WASATCH MWC
    Milburn SANPETE SPC
    Milford BEAVER MLF
    Mill Fork UTAH UTA
    Mills JUAB JUA
    Mills Junction TOOELE TOC
    Millville CACHE CAC
    Milton MORGAN MRG
    Minersville BEAVER BVR
    Moab GRAND MOA
    Modena IRON IRO
    Mohrland EMERY EMR
    Molen EMERY EMR
    Mona JUAB MON
    Monarch DUCHESNE DCH
    Monroe SEVIER SEV
    Montezuma Creek SAN JUAN SJC
    Monticello SAN JUAN MNC
    Monument Valley SAN JUAN SJC
    Moore EMERY EMR
    Morgan City MORGAN MOR
    Moroni SANPETE SPC
    Mt Carmel KANE KAN
    Mt Emmons DUCHESNE DCH
    Mt Green MORGAN MRG
    Mt Olympus SALT LAKE SCO
    Mt Pleasant SANPETE SPC
    Mt Sterling CACHE CAC
    Murray SALT LAKE MUR
    Naples UINTAH NAP
    National CARBON CAR
    Navaho Lake DUCHESNE DCH
    Nephi JUAB NEP
    New Harmony WASHINGTON WSC
    Newcastle IRON IRO
    Newton CACHE NEW
    Nibley CACHE NIB
    North Logan CACHE NLC
    North Ogden WEBER NOC
    North Salt Lake DAVIS NSL
    Oak City MILLARD OAK
    Oakley SUMMIT OKL
    Ogden WEBER OGD
    Ogden City School Dist WEBER OSD
    Ophir TOOELE OPH
    Orangeville EMERY ORA
    Orderville KANE KAN
    Orem UTAH ORE
    Orrey WAYNE WAY
    Ouray UINTAH UTC
    Palmyra UTAH UTA
    Panguitch GARFIELD GRF
    Paradise CACHE CAC
    Paragonah IRON IRO
    Park City SUMMIT PAC
    Park City East WASATCH WAC
    Park Valley BOX ELDER BEC
    Parowan IRON IRO
    Partoun JUAB JUA
    Payson UTAH PAY
    Penrose BOX ELDER BEC
    Petersboro CACHE CAC
    Peterson MORGAN MRG
    Pickleville RICH RIC
    Pigeon Hollow Junction SANPETE SPC
    Pine Valley WASHINGTON WSC
    Pineview SUMMIT SUM
    Plain City WEBER PLA
    Pleasant Grove UTAH PGC
    Pleasant View WEBER PVC
    Plymouth BOX ELDER PLY
    Portage BOX ELDER BEC
    Porterville MORGAN MRG
    Price CARBON PRI
    Promontory BOX ELDER BEC
    Providence CACHE PRV
    Provo UTAH PRO
    Provo Canyon UTAH UTA
    Randlett UINTAH UTC
    Randolph RICH RAN
    Redmond SEVIER RED
    Redmonton BOX ELDER BEC
    Richfield SEVIER RCF
    Richmond CACHE CAC
    Richville MORGAN MRG
    River Heights CACHE CAC
    Riverdale WEBER RVD
    Riverside BOX ELDER BEC
    Riverton SALT LAKE RVT
    Rockville WASHINGTON ROC
    Rocky Ridge Town JUAB ROR
    Roosevelt DUCHESNE ROO
    Rosette BOX ELDER BEC
    Round Valley RICH RIC
    Rubys Inn GARFIELD GRF
    Rush Valley TOOELE RUV
    Sage Creek Junction RICH RIC
    Salem UTAH SLM
    Salina SEVIER SEV
    Salt Lake City SALT LAKE SLC
    Salt Lake Suburban
    Sanitary District #1 SALT LAKE SSD

    Salt Springs TOOELE TOC
    Samak SUMMIT SUM
    Santa Clara WASHINGTON SAC
    Santaquin UTAH STQ
    Saratoga Springs UTAH SRT
    Scipio MILLARD SCI
    Scofield CARBON CAR
    Sevier SEVIER SEV
    Shivwits (Federal) WASHINGTON YYY
    Sigurd SEVIER SEV
    Silver City JUAB JUA
    Silver Creek Junction SUMMIT SUM
    Silver Fork SALT LAKE SCO
    Silver Reef WASHINGTON LEE (part of Leeds)
    Smithfield CACHE SMI
    Snowbird SALT LAKE SCO
    Snowville BOX ELDER SNO
    Snyderville SUMMIT SUM
    Soldier Summit WASATCH WAC
    South Jordan SALT LAKE SOJ
    South Ogden WEBER SOO
    South Salt Lake SALT LAKE SSL
    South Weber DAVIS [SOW]SWC
    Spanish Fork UTAH SFC
    Spring City SANPETE SPC
    Spring Glen CARBON CAR
    Spring Lake UTAH UTA
    Springdale WASHINGTON SPD
    Springville UTAH SPV
    St John TOOELE RUV (became Rush
    Standrod BOX ELDER BEC
    Stansbury Park TOOELE TOC
    Sterling SANPETE SPC
    Stockmore DUCHESNE DCH
    Stockton TOOELE STO
    Stoddard MORGAN MRG
    Sugarville MILLARD MIL
    Summit IRON IRO
    Summit Park SUMMIT SUM
    Summit Point SAN JUAN SJC
    Sundance UTAH UTA
    Sunnyside CARBON CAR
    Sunset DAVIS SUN
    Sutherland MILLARD MIL
    Swan Creek TOOELE TOC
    Syracuse DAVIS SYR
    Tabiona DUCHESNE DCH
    Talmage DUCHESNE DCH
    Taylor WEBER WEC
    Taylorsville SALT LAKE TAY
    Teasdale WAYNE WAY
    Thatcher BOX ELDER THA
    Thistle UTAH UTA
    Thompson Springs GRAND GRA
    Ticaboo GARFIELD GRF
    Timpe TOOELE TOC
    Tintic JUAB JUA
    Tooele City TOOELE TOO
    Toquerville WASHINGTON TOQ
    Torrey WAYNE WAY
    Tremonton BOX ELDER TRE
    Trenton CACHE CAC
    Tridell UINTAH UTC
    Trout Creek JUAB JUA
    Tucker UTAH UTA
    Ucolo SAN JUAN SJC
    Uintah WEBER UIN
    Upton SUMMIT SUM
    Uvada IRON IRO
    Venice SEVIER SEV
    Vernal UINTAH VER
    Vernon TOOELE TOC
    Vineyard UTAH VIN
    Wahsatch SUMMIT SUM
    Wallsburg WASATCH WAC
    Wanship SUMMIT SUM
    Warren WEBER WEC
    Washington City WASHINGTON WAS
    Washakie BOX ELDER BEC
    Washington Terrace WEBER WAT
    Webster Cove Junction CACHE CAC
    Wellington CARBON CAR
    Wellsville CACHE CAC
    Wendover TOOELE WEN
    West Bountiful DAVIS WEB
    West Haven WEBER WEH
    West Jordan SALT LAKE WEJ
    West Point DAVIS WEP
    West Valley SALT LAKE WVC
    West Warren WEBER WEC
    West Weber WEBER WEC
    Westwater GRAND GRA
    Whiterocks UINTAH UTC
    Widtsoe Junction GARFIELD GRF
    Wildwood UTAH UTA
    Willard BOX ELDER WIL
    Wilson WEBER WEC
    Woodland Hills UTAH WHO
    Woodland SUMMIT SUM
    Woodruff RICH RIC
    Woodrow MILLARD MIL
    Woods Cross DAVIS [WCC]WXC
    Woodside EMERY EMR
    Young Ward CACHE CAC
    Zane IRON IRO


    R156-56-701. Specific Editions of Uniform Building Standards.

    (1) In accordance with Subsection 58-56-4(3), and subject to the limitations contained in Subsection (6), (7), and (8), the following codes are hereby incorporated by reference, which codes together with any amendments specified under these rules, are adopted as the construction standards to be applied to building construction, alteration, remodeling and repair and in the regulation of building construction, alteration, remodeling and repair in the state:

    (a) the 2006 edition of the International Building Code (IBC), including Appendix J promulgated by the International Code Council shall become effective on January 1, 2007;

    (b) the 2005 edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC) promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association, to become effective January 1, 2006;

    (c) the 2006 edition of the International Plumbing Code (IPC) promulgated by the International Code Council shall become effective on January 1, 2007;

    (d) the 2006 edition of the International Mechanical Code (IMC) promulgated by the International Code Council shall become effective on January 1, 2007;

    (e) the 2006 edition of the International Residential Code (IRC) promulgated by the International Code Council shall become effective on January 1, 2007;

    (f) the 2006 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) promulgated by the International Code Council shall become effective on January 1, 2007;

    (g) the 2006 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) promulgated by the International Code Council shall become effective on January 1, 2007;

    (h) subject to the provisions of Subsection (4), the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act (HUD Code) as promulgated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and published in the Federal Register as set forth in 24 CFR parts 3280 and 3282 as revised April 1, 1990;

    (i) subject to the provisions of Subsection (4), Appendix E of the 2006 edition of the International Residential Code promulgated by the International Code Council shall become effective on January 1, 2007; and

    (j) subject to the provisions of Subsection (4), the 2005 edition of the NFPA 225 Model Manufactured Home Installation Standard promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association shall become effective January 1, 2007.

    (2) In accordance with Subsection 58-56-4(4), and subject to the limitations contained in Subsection 58-56-4(5), the following codes or standards are hereby incorporated by reference and approved for use and adoption by a compliance agency as the construction standards which may be applied to existing buildings in the regulation of building alteration, remodeling, repair, removal, seismic evaluation and rehabilitation in the state:

    (a) the 1997 edition of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (UCADB) promulgated by the International Code Council;

    (b) the 2006 edition of the International Existing Building Code (IEBC), including its appendix chapters, promulgated by the International Code Council;

    (c) ASCE 31-03, Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings, promulgated by the American Society of Civil Engineers;

    (d) Pre-standard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings (FEMA 356) published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (November 2000).

    (3) Amendments adopted by rule to prior editions of the Uniform Building Standards shall remain in effect until specifically amended or repealed.

    (4) In accordance with Subsection 58-56-4(2), the following are hereby adopted as the installation standard for manufactured housing for new installations or for existing manufactured or mobile homes which are subject to relocation, building alteration, remodeling or rehabilitation in the state:

    (a) The manufacturer's installation instruction for the model being installed shall be the primary standard.

    (b) If the manufacturer's installation instruction for the model being installed is not available or is incomplete, the following standards shall be applicable:

    (i) Appendix E of the 2006 edition of the International Residential Code as promulgated by the International Code Council [Appendix E ]for installations defined in Section AE101 of Appendix E; or

    (ii) If an installation is beyond the scope of the 2006 edition of the International Residential Code [Appendix E ]as defined in Section AE101 of Appendix E, then the 2005 edition of the NFPA 225 Model Manufactured Home Installation Standard promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association shall apply.

    (c) The manufacturer, dealer or homeowner shall be permitted to design for unusual installation of a manufactured home not provided for in the manufacturer's standard installation instruction Appendix E of the 2006 edition of the International Residential Code, or the 2005 edition of the NFPA 225, provided the design is approved in writing by a professional engineer or architect licensed in Utah.

    (d) For mobile homes built prior to June 15, 1976, the home shall also comply with the additional installation and safety requirements specified in Section R156-56-[714]808.

    (5) Pursuant to the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Section 604(d), a manufactured home may be installed in the state of Utah which does not meet the local snow load requirements as specified in Subsection R156-56-[704]801; however all such homes which fail to meet the standards of Subsection R156-56-[704]801 shall have a protective structure built over the home which meets the International Building Code and the snow load requirements under Subsection R156-56-[704]801.

    (6) To the extent that the building codes adopted under Subsection (1) establish local administrative functions or establish a method of appeal which pursuant to Section 58-56-8 are designated to be established by the compliance agency, such provisions are not included in the codes adopted hereunder but authority over such provisions are reserved to the compliance agency to establish such provisions.

    (7) To the extent that the building codes adopted under Subsection (1) establish provisions, standards or references to other codes which by state statutes are designated to be established or administered by other state agencies or local city, town or county jurisdictions, such provisions are not included in the codes adopted herein but authority over such provisions are reserved to the agency or local government having authority over such provisions. Provisions excluded under this Subsection include but are not limited to:

    (a) the International Property Maintenance Code;

    (b) the International Private Sewage Disposal Code, authority over which would be reserved to the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Quality;

    (c) the International Fire Code which pursuant to Section 53-7-106 authority is reserved to the Utah Fire Prevention Board; and

    (d) day care provisions which are in conflict with the Child Care Licensing Act, authority over which is designated to the Utah Department of Health.

    (8) To the extent that the codes adopted under Subsection (1) establish provisions that exceed the authority granted to the Division, under the Utah Uniform Building Standards Act, to adopt codes or amendments to such codes by rulemaking procedures, such provisions, to the extent such authority is exceeded, are not included in the codes adopted.


    R156-56-[704]801. Statewide Amendments to the IBC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IBC to be applicable statewide:


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    (22) In Section F903.2.8 condition 2 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    2. Where a Group S-1 fire area is located more than three stories above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access; or

    (23) Section (F)903.2.9 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    (F)903.2.9 Group S-2. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings classified as parking garages in accordance with Section 406.[4]2 or where located beneath other groups.

    Exception 1: Parking garages of less than 5,000 square feet (464 m2)[located beneath]accessory to Group R-3 occupancies.

    Exception 2: Open parking garages not located beneath other groups if one of the following conditions is met:

    a. Access is provided for fire fighting operations to within 150 feet (45,720 mm) of all portions of the parking garage as measured from the approved fire department vehicle access; or

    b. Class I standpipes are installed throughout the parking garage.


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    R156-56-[711]802. Statewide Amendments to the IRC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IRC to be applicable statewide:

    (1) All statewide amendments to the IBC under Section R156-56-[704]801, [local amendments under Section R156-56-705, ]the NEC under Section R156-56-[706]806, the IPC under Section R156-56-[707]803, the IMC under Section R156-56-[708]804, the IFGC under Section R156-56-[709]805 and the IECC under Section R156-56-[710]807 which may be applied to detached one and two family dwellings and multiple single family dwellings shall be applicable to the corresponding provisions of the IRC. All references to the ICC Electrical Code are deleted and replaced with the National Electrical Code adopted under Section R156-56-701(1)(b).

    (2) Section 106.3.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    106.3.2 Previous approval. If a lawful permit has been issued and the construction of which has been pursued in good faith within 180 days after the effective date of the code and has not been abandoned, then the construction may be completed under the code in effect at the time of the issuance of the permit.


    . . . . . . .


    (22) A new Section G2401.2 is added as follows:

    G2401.2 Meter Protection. Fuel gas services shall be in an approved location and/or provided with structures designed to protect the fuel gas meter and surrounding piping from physical damage, including falling, moving, or migrating ice and snow. If an added structure is used, it must provide access for service and comply with the IBC or the IRC.[

    (23) In Section G2413.1(402.1) General Considerations, the following sentence is added at the end of the section:

    In residential occupancies, natural gas service lines shall be no less than 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter.]

    ([24]23) Section P2602.3 is added as follows:

    P2602.3 Individual water supply. Where a potable public water supply is not available, individual sources of potable water supply shall be utilized provided that the source has been developed in accordance with Sections 73-3-1 and 73-3-25, Utah Code Ann. (1953), as amended, as administered by the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights. In addition, the quality of the water shall be approved by the local health department having jurisdiction.

    ([25]24) Section P2602.4 is added as follows:

    P2602.4 Sewer required. Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and all premises having drainage piping shall be connected to a public sewer where the sewer is within 300 feet of the property line in accordance with Section 10-8-38, Utah Code Ann, (1953), as amended; or an approved private sewage disposal system in accordance with Rule R317, Chapter 4, Utah Administrative Code, as administered by the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality.

    ([26]25) Section P2603.2.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    P2603.2.1 Protection against physical damage. In concealed locations where piping, other than cast-iron or galvanized steel, is installed through holes or notches in studs, joists, rafters, or similar members less than 1 1/2 inch (38 mm) from the nearest edge of the member, the pipe shall be protected by shield plates. Protective shield plates shall be a minimum of 1/16 inch-thick (1.6 mm) steel, shall cover the area of the pipe where the member is notched or bored, and shall be at least the thickness of the framing member penetrated.

    ([27]26) In Section P2801.7 the word townhouses is deleted.

    ([28]27) Section P2902.1.1 is added as follows:

    P2902.1.1 Backflow assembly testing. The premise owner or his designee shall have backflow prevention assemblies operation tested at the time of installation, repair and relocation and at least on an annual basis thereafter, or more frequently as required by the authority having jurisdiction. Testing shall be performed by a Certified Backflow Preventer Assembly Tester. The assemblies that are subject to this paragraph are the Spill Resistant Vacuum Breaker, the Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly, the Double Check Backflow Prevention Assembly, the Double Check Detector Assembly Backflow Preventer, the Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer, and Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly.

    ([29]28) Table P2902.3 is deleted and replaced with the following:


    . . . . . . .

    ([30]29) Table 2902.3a is added as follows:

    . . . . . . .

    ([31]30) Section P3003.2.1 is added as follows:

    Section P3003.2.1 Improper Connections. No drain, waste, or vent piping shall be drilled and tapped for the purpose of making connections.

    ([32]31) In Section P3103.6, the following sentence is added at the end of the paragraph:

    Vents extending through the wall shall terminate not less than 12 inches from the wall with an elbow pointing downward.

    ([33]32) In Section P3104.4, the following sentence is added at the end of the paragraph:

    Horizontal dry vents below the flood level rim shall be permitted for floor drain and floor sink installations when installed below grade in accordance with Chapter 30, and Sections P3104.2 and P3104.3. A wall cleanout shall be provided in the vertical vent.

    ([34]33) Chapter 43, Referenced Standards, is amended as follows:

    The following reference standard is added:


    . . . . . . .


    ([35]34) In Chapter 43, the following standard is added under NFPA as follows:


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    R156-56-[707]803. Statewide Amendments to the IPC.


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    R156-56-[708]804. Statewide Amendments to the IMC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IMC to be applicable statewide:


    R156-56-[709]805. Statewide Amendments to the IFGC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IFGC to be applicable statewide:

    (1) The following paragraph is added at the end of Section 305.1

    305.1 General. After natural gas, space and water heating appliances have been adjusted for altitude and the Btu content of the natural gas, the installer shall apply a sticker in a visible location indicating that the proper adjustments to such appliances have been made. The adjustments for altitude and the Btu content of the natural gas shall be done in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and the gas utility's approved practices.

    (2) Chapter 4, Section 401 General, a new section 401.9 is added as follows:

    401.9 Meter protection. Fuel gas services shall be in an approved location and/or provided with structures designed to protect the fuel gas meter and surrounding piping from physical damage, including falling, moving, or migrating ice and snow. If an added structure is used, it must still provide access for service and comply with the IBC or the IRC.[

    (3) In Section 402.1 General Considerations, the following sentence is added at the end of the section:

    In residential occupancies, natural gas service lines shall be no less than 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter.]


    R156-56-[706]806. Statewide Amendments to the NEC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the NEC to be applicable statewide:


    R156-56-[710]807. Statewide Amendments to the IECC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IECC to be applicable statewide:

    (1) In Section 504.4, the following exception is added:

    Exception: Heat traps, other than the arrangement of piping and fittings, shall be prohibited unless a means of controlling thermal expansion can be ensured as required in the IPC Section 607.3.


    R156-56-[714]808. Installation and Safety Requirements for Mobile Homes Built Prior to June 15, 1976.


    . . . . . . .


    R156-56-[713]820. Statewide Amendments to the IEBC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IEBC to be applicable statewide:

    (1) In Section 101.5 the exception is deleted.

    (2) Section R106.3.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    R106.3.2 Previous approval. If a lawful permit has been issued and the construction of which has been pursued in good faith within 180 days after the effective date of the code and has not been abandoned, then the construction may be completed under the code in effect at the time of the issuance of the permit.

    (3) In Section 202 the definition for existing buildings is deleted and replaced with the following:

    EXISTING BUILDING. A building lawfully erected prior to January 1, 2002, or one which is deemed a legal non-conforming building by the code official, and one which is not a dangerous building.

    (4) Section 606.2.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    602.2.2 Parapet bracing, wall anchors, and other appendages. Buildings constructed prior to 1975 shall have parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages such as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc. evaluated by a licensed engineer when said building is undergoing reroofing, or alteration of or repair to said feature. Such parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages shall be evaluated in accordance with the reduced International Building Code level seismic forces as specified in IEBC Section 506.1.1.3 and design procedures of Section 506.1.1.1. When found to be deficient because of design or deteriorated condition, the engineer shall prepare specific recommendations to anchor, brace, reinforce, or remove the deficient feature.


    1. Group R-3 and U occupancies.

    2. Unreinforced masonry parapets need not be braced according to the above stated provisions provided that the maximum height of an unreinforced masonry parapet above the level of the diaphragm tension anchors or above the parapet braces shall not exceed one and one-half times the thickness of the parapet wall. The parapet height may be a maximum of two and one-half times its thickness in other than Seismic Design Categories D, E, or F.

    (5) Section 705.3.1.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    705.3.1.2 Fire escapes required. When more than one exit is required, an existing fire escape complying with Section 705. shall be accepted as providing one of the required means of egress.

    705. Fire escape access and details. Fire escapes shall comply with all of the following requirements:

    1. Occupants shall have unobstructed access to the fire escapes without having to pass through a room subject to locking.

    2. Access to an existing fire escape shall be through a door, except that windows shall be permitted to provide access from single dwelling units or sleeping units in Group R-1, R-2, and I-1 occupancies or to provide access from spaces having a maximum occupant load of 10 in other occupancy classifications.

    3. Existing fire escapes shall be permitted only where exterior stairs cannot be utilized because of lot lines limiting the stair size or because of the sidewalks, alleys, or roads at grade level.

    4. Openings within 10 feet (3048 mm) of fire escape stairs shall be protected by fire assemblies having minimum 3/4-hour fire-resistance ratings.

    Exception: Opening protection shall not be required in buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system.

    5. In all buildings of Group E occupancy, up to and including the 12th grade, buildings of Group I occupancy, rooming houses, and childcare centers, ladders of any type are prohibited on fire escapes used as a required means of egress.

    (6) Section 906.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    906.1 General. Accessibility in portions of buildings undergoing a change of occupancy classification shall comply with Section 605 and 912.8.

    (7) Section 907.3.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    907.3.1 Compliance with the International Building Code. When a building or portion thereof is subject to a change of occupancy such that a change in the nature of the occupancy results in a higher seismic occupancy based on Table 1604.5 of the International Building Code; or where such change of occupancy results in a reclassification of a building to a higher hazard category as shown in Table 912.4; or where a change of a Group M occupancy to a Group A, ETM R-1, R-2, or R-4 occupancy with two-thirds or more of the floors involved in Level 3 alteration work; or when such change of occupancy results in a design occupant load increase of 100% or more, the building shall conform to the seismic requirements of the International Building Code for the new seismic use group.

    Exceptions 1-4 remain unchanged.

    5. Where the design occupant load increase is less than 25 occupants and the occupancy category does not change.

    (8) In Section 912.7.3 exception 2 is deleted.

    (9) In Section 912.8 number 7 is added as follows:

    7. When a change of occupancy in a building or portion of a building results in a Group R-2 occupancy, not less than 20 percent of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type B dwelling or sleeping units. These dwelling or sleeping units may be located on any floor of the building provided with an accessible route. Two percent, but not less than one unit, of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type A dwelling units.


    R156-56-[705]901. Local Amendments to the IBC.


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    R156-56-[712]902. Local Amendments to the IRC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IRC to be applicable to the following jurisdictions:

    (1) All local amendments to the IBC under Section R156-56-901, the NEC under Section R156-56-906, the IPC under Section R156-56-903, the IMC under Section R156-56-904, the IFGC under Section R156-56-905 and the IECC under Section R156-56-907 which may be applied to detached one and two family dwellings and multiple single family dwellings shall be applicable to the corresponding provisions of the IRC for the local jurisdiction to which the local amendment has been made. All references to the ICC Electrical Code are deleted and replaced with the National Electrical Code adopted under Section R156-56-701(1)(b).

    ([1]2) City of Farmington:

    R325 Automatic Sprinkler Systems.


    . . . . . . .


    ([2]3) Morgan City Corp:

    In Section R105.2 Work Exempt From Permit, the following is added:

    10. Structures intended to house farm animals, or for the storage of feed associated with said farm animals when all the following criteria is met:

    a. The parcel of property involved is zoned for the keeping of farm animals or has grand fathered animal rights.

    b. The structure is setback not less than 50 feet from the rear or side of dwellings, and not less than 10 feet from property lines and other structures.

    c. The structure does not exceed 1000 square feet of floor area, and is limited to 20 feet in height. Height is measured from the average grade to the highest point of the structure.

    d. Before construction, a site plan is submitted to, and approved by the building official.

    Electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits shall be required when that work is included in the structure.

    ([3]4) Morgan County:

    In Section R105.2 Work Exempt From Permit, the following is added:

    10. Structures intended to house farm animals, or for the storage of feed associated with said farm animals when all the following criteria is met:

    a. The parcel of property involved is zoned for the keeping of farm animals or has grand fathered animal rights.

    b. The structure is set back not less than required by the Morgan County Zoning Ordinance for such structures, but not less than 10 feet from property lines and other structures.

    c. The structure does not exceed 1000 square feet of floor area, and is limited to 20 feet in height. Height is measured from the average grade to the highest point of the structure.

    d. Before construction, a Land Use Permit must be applied for, and approved, by the Morgan County Planning and Zoning Department.

    Electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits shall be required when that work is included in the structure.

    ([4]5) City of North Salt Lake:

    Sections R325.1 and R325.2 are added as follows:

    R325.1 When Required. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout every dwelling when the following condition is present:

    1. The structure is over 6,200 square feet.

    R325.2 Installation requirements and standards. Such sprinkler system shall be installed in basements, but need not be installed in garages, under eves, or in enclosed attic spaces, unless required by the fire chief. Such system shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13-D.

    ([5]6) Park City Corporation:

    Appendix P is adopted.

    ([6]7) Park City Corporation and Park City Fire District:


    . . . . . . .


    ([7]8) Sandy City

    A new Section R325 is added to the IRC as follows:


    R325.1 General. Buildings and structures constructed in areas designated as Wildland-Urban Interface Areas by Sandy City shall be constructed using ignition resistant construction as determined by the Fire Marshal. Section 502 of the 2006 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (IWUIC), as promulgated by the International Code Council, shall be used to determine Fire Hazard Severity. The provisions listed in Chapter 5 of the 2006 IWUIC, as modified herein, shall be used to determine the requirements for Ignition Resistant Construction.

    (i) In Section 504 of the IWUIC Class I IGNITION-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION a new Section 504.1.1 is added as follows:

    504.1.1 General. Subsections 504.5, 504.6, and 504.7 shall only be required on the exposure side of the structure, as determined by the Fire Marshal, where defensible space is less than 50 feet as defined in Section 603 of the 2006 IWUIC.

    (ii) In Section 505 of the IWUIC Class 2 IGNITION-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION Subsections 505.5 and 505.7 are deleted.


    R156-56-903. Local Amendments to the IPC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IPC to be applicable to the following jurisdictions:

    (1) South Jordan

    (a) Section 312.9.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    312.9.2 Testing. Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer assemblies, double check-valve assemblies, pressure vacuum breaker assemblies, reduced pressure detector fire protection backflow prevention assemblies, double check detector fire protection backflow prevention assemblies, hose connection backflow preventers, and spill-proof vacuum breakers shall be tested at the time of installation, immediately after repairs or relocation and at least annually. The testing procedure shall be performed in accordance with one of the following standards: ASSE 5013, ASSE 5015, ASSE 5020, ASSE 5047, ASSE 5048, ASSE 5052, ASSE 5056, CSA B64.10 or CSA B64.10. Assemblies, other than the reduced pressure principle assembly, protecting lawn irrigation systems that fail the annual test shall be replaced with a reduced pressure principle assembly.

    (b) Section 608.16.5 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    608.16.5 Connections to lawn irrigation systems. The potable water supply to lawn irrigation systems shall be protected against backflow by a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer.


    R156-56-904. Local Amendment to the IMC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IMC to be applicable to the following jurisdictions:


    R156-56-905. Local Amendment to the IFGC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IFGC to be applicable to the following jurisdictions:


    R156-56-906. Local Amendment to the NEC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the NEC to be applicable to the following jurisdictions:


    R156-56-907. Local Amendment to the IECC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IECC to be applicable to the following jurisdictions:


    R156-56-920. Local Amendment to the IEBC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IEBC to be applicable to the following jurisdictions:


    KEY: contractors, building codes, building inspection, licensing

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [March 27, ]2007

    Notice of Continuation: March 29, 2007

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 58-1-106(1)(a); 58-1-202(1)(a); 58-56-1; 58-56-4(2); 58-56-6(2)(a)


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Notices of Changes in Proposed Rules
Filed Date:
Commerce,Occupational and Professional Licensing
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 58-56-1, and Subsections 58-1-106(1)(a), 58-1-202(1)(a), 58-56-4(2), and 58-56-6(2)(a)

Authorized By:
F. David Stanley, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R156-56. Utah Uniform Building Standard Act Rules.