No. 28685 (Amendment): R477-12. Separations  

  • DAR File No.: 28685
    Filed: 04/28/2006, 10:53
    Received by: NL



    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    Amendments to this rule add clarity to the state policy on voluntary terminations from state employment and the employee right to rescind the termination. This is at the request of agencies. The amendments also implement a change to Section 67-19-3 required by the passage of H.B. 269 in the 2006 General Session. (DAR NOTE: H.B. 269 (2006) is found at Chapter 139, Laws of Utah 2006, and will be effective 07/01/2006.)


    Summary of the rule or change:

    Amendments to Section R477-12-1 clarify that a notice of retirement is a resignation that may be rescinded within 24 hours by the employee. Amendments to Section R477-12-3 implement the new definition of temporary employee placed in Section 67-19-3 by the passage of H.B. 269 (2006). This is an important fine tuning of the reduction in force process that will prevent the termination of all new schedule AT employees in the new Department of Technology Services if there is ever a reduction in force in that agency.


    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Sections 67-19-6, 67-19-17, and 67-19-18


    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    The amendments to this rule simply clarify due process and will have no impact on agency budgets.


    local governments:

    This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on local governments. DHRM has authority to write rules only to the extent allowed by the Utah Personnel Management Act, Title 67, Chapter 19. This act limits the provisions of career service and these rules to employees of the executive branch of state government.


    other persons:

    This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on other persons. DHRM has authority to write rules only to the extent allowed by the Utah Personnel Management Act, Title 67, Chapter 19. This act limits the provisions of career service and these rules to employees of the executive branch of state government.


    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    This rule only affects agencies of the executive branch of state government. DHRM has authority to write rules only to the extent allowed by the Utah Personnel Management Act, Title 67, Chapter 19. This act limits the provisions of career service and these rules to employees of the executive branch of state government.


    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    Rules published by the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) have no direct effect on businesses or any entity outside state government. DHRM has authority to write rules only to the extent allowed by the Utah Personnel Management Act, Title 67, Chapter 19. This act limits the provisions of career service and these rules to employees of the executive branch of state government. The only possible impact may be a very slight, indirect effect if an agency passes costs or saving on to business through fees. However, it is anticipated that the minimal costs associated with these changes will be absorbed by agency budgets and will have no affect on business. Jeff Herring, Executive Director


    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Human Resource Management
    450 N MAIN ST
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-1201


    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Conroy Whipple or Linda Cooper at the above address, by phone at 801-538-3067 or 801-538-3208, by FAX at 801-538-3081 or 801-538-3081, or by Internet E-mail at or


    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:



    This rule may become effective on:



    Authorized by:

    Jeff Herring, Executive Director




    R477. Human Resource Management, Administration.

    R477-12. Separations.

    R477-12-1. Resignation.

    A career service employee may resign or retire by giving written or verbal notice to the immediate supervisor or an appropriate representative of management in the work unit.

    (1) Agency management may accept an employee's notice of resignation or retirement without prejudice when[ the resignation is] received at least ten working days before its effective date.

    (2) After submitting a notice of resignation or retirement, an employee may withdraw it on the next working day by notifying the immediate supervisor or an appropriate representative of management in the work unit.[

    (a) After the close of the next working day following submission, withdrawal of a resignation may occur only with the consent of agency management.]

    ([b]a) If the[ resignation] withdrawal notice is verbal, the employee shall submit a written notification within 24 hours of the verbal notice.

    (b) After the close of the next working day following submission, withdrawal of a resignation or retirement may occur only with the consent of agency management.


    R477-12-3. Reduction in Force.

    Reductions in force shall be required when there are inadequate funds, a change of workload, or lack of work. Reductions in force shall be governed by DHRM business practices, standards and the following rules:

    (1) When staff will be reduced in one or more categories of work, agency management shall develop a work force adjustment plan (WFAP). A career service employee shall only be given formal written notification of separation after a WFAP has been reviewed and approved by the Executive Director, DHRM, or designee. The following items shall be considered in developing the work force adjustment plan:

    (a) the categories of work to be eliminated, including positions impacted through bumping, as determined by management;

    (b) a decision by agency management allowing or disallowing bumping;

    (c) specifications of measures taken to facilitate the placement of affected employees through normal attrition, retirement, reassignment, relocation, and movement to vacant positions for which the employee qualifies;

    (d) a list of all affected employees showing the retention points for each employee.

    (2) Eligibility for RIF.

    (a) Only career service employees who have been identified in an approved WFAP and given an opportunity for a hearing with the agency head may be RIF'd.

    (b) An employee covered by USERRA and in a leave without pay status must be identified, assigned retention points, and notified of the RIF of the previous position in the same manner as a career service employee.

    (3) Retention points shall be calculated for all affected employees within a category of work as follows:

    (a) Seniority shall be determined by the length of total state career service, which commenced in a competitive career service position for which the probationary period was successfully completed.

    (i) For part-time work, length of service shall be determined in proportion to hours actually worked.

    (ii) Exempt service time subsequent to attaining career service tenure with no break in service shall also be counted for purposes of seniority.

    (iii) In the event of ties in retention points, the amount of time employed in the affected agency or department serves as the tie breaker.

    (b) Length of state service shall be measured in years and additional days shown as a fraction of a year.

    (c) Time spent in a leave without pay status for service in the uniformed services covered under USERRA shall be counted for purposes of seniority.

    (d) Any time spent in leave without pay status, to include worker's compensation leave, may not be counted for purposes of seniority.

    (e) An employee within a category of work, including employees covered under USERRA in a leave without pay status, shall be assigned a job proficiency rating. The job proficiency rating shall be an average of the last three annual performance evaluation ratings as described in R477-10-1(1)(e). If employees have had fewer than three annual performance evaluations, the proficiency ratings shall be an average of all ratings received as of that time.

    (f) The numeric values of each employee's job proficiency rating and that employee's actual length of service shall be added together to produce the retention points.

    (g) Retention points shall be calculated for an employee covered under USERRA and in a leave without pay status in the same manner as for current employees in the affected class. If there are no performance evaluation ratings for an employee covered under USERRA, no proficiency rating shall be included in the retention points.

    (4) The order of separation shall be:

    (a) [career service exempt employees]temporary employees;

    (b) probationary employees;

    (c) career service employees with the lowest retention points are released first. In the event of ties in retention points, the amount of seniority in the affected agency serves as the tie breaker.

    (5) An employee, including one covered under USERRA in a leave without pay status, who is separated due to a reduction in force shall be given formal written notification of separation, allowing for a minimum of 20 working days prior to the effective date of the RIF.

    (6) Appeals.

    (a) An employee notified of separation due to a reduction in force may appeal to the agency head for an administrative review by submitting a written notice of appeal within 20 working days after the receipt of written notification of separation.

    (b) The employee may appeal the decision of the agency head according to the appeals procedure of the Career Service Review Board.

    (7) Reappointment of RIF'd individual.

    (a) A RIF'd individual is eligible for reappointment into a half time or greater career service position for which he qualifies in a salary range comparable to or less than the last career service position held, for a period of one year following the date of separation. R477-4-4 applies for selection of individuals from the reappointment register.

    (i) The Executive Director, DHRM, shall maintain a reappointment register and shall make the final determination on whether an eligible RIF'd individual meets the job requirements for position vacancies.

    (ii) A RIF'd individual shall remain on the state reappointment register for 12 months from the date of separation, unless reappointed sooner.

    (b) During a statewide mandated freeze on hiring wherein the Governor disallows increases in each agency's FTEs, eligibility for the reappointment register shall be extended for the entire length of time covered by a freeze.

    (c) When determining comparable salary ranges in cases of RIF eligibility, a comparison of the previous career service salary range to the current career service salary range maximum step is required. A RIF'd individual shall have RIF rights to any vacant position for which he qualifies. The basis for comparison shall be:

    (i) The current salary range of a vacant position if it is equal to or lesser than the individual's previous salary range, or;

    (ii) If the maximum step of the position previously held by the RIF'd individual has moved upward, the new range shall be used.

    (d) A RIF'd individual who is reappointed to a career service position shall not be required to serve a probationary period. The RIF'd individual shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of a regular career service employee.

    (e) At agency discretion, an individual reappointed from a reappointment register may buy back part or all accumulated annual and converted sick leave that was cashed out when RIF'd.

    (8) Appeal rights of RIF'd individual. An individual whose name is on the reappointment register as a result of a reduction in force may use the grievance procedure regarding their reappointment rights.

    (9) A career service employee in an exempt position. Any career service employee accepting an exempt position without a break in service, who is later not retained by the appointing officer, unless discharged for cause as provided for by these rules, shall be placed on the reappointment register.

    (a) The Executive Director, DHRM, shall maintain a reappointment register for this purpose. An individual on this register shall:

    (i) be appointed to any half time or greater career service position for which the individual qualifies in a [pay]salary range comparable to the individual's last position in the career service, provided an opening exists; or

    (ii) be appointed to any lesser career service position for which the individual qualifies, pending the opening of a position at the last career service salary range held.

    (b) The Executive Director, DHRM, shall make the final determination on whether an eligible individual meets the job requirements for position vacancies.

    (c) The individual shall declare a desire to remain on the reappointment register upon inquiry by DHRM.

    (d) In lieu of placement on the reappointment register, management may place an employee in a vacant career service position consistent with R477-12-3(7)(c) for which he qualifies. A memorandum of understanding waiving all appeal rights concerning the reassignment shall be signed by the employee.


    KEY: administrative procedures, employees' rights, grievances, retirement

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 2, 2005]2006

    Notice of Continuation: June 11, 2002

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 67-19-6; [69]67-19-17; [69]67-19-18





Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Human Resource Management,Administration
Rulemaking Authority:

Sections 67-19-6, 67-19-17, and 67-19-18

Authorized By:
Jeff Herring, Executive Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R477-12. Separations.