Governor's Executive Order 2005-0006: Violence Against Women in the Workplace  

  • Issued: April 28, 2005


    Violence Against Women in the Workplace

    WHEREAS, the term violence against women is defined as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivations of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life; and

    WHEREAS, specifically, domestic violence is defined as a pattern of coercive tactics that can include physical, psychological, sexual, and emotional abuse, perpetrated by one person against a cohabitant, with the goal of establishing control and power over the victim; and

    WHEREAS, specifically, sexual violence is defined as one person forcing another person to have sex, or perform sexual acts, through coercion, manipulation, threats, physical restraint or physical violence; and

    WHEREAS, the Violence Against Women and Families Cabinet Council has been established to assist in the coordination and prevention of domestic and sexual violence against all individuals living and working in the State of Utah; and

    WHEREAS, we have a general duty to provide a work environment that is safe from all forms of violence including violence against women perpetrated within the workplace; and

    WHEREAS, we must not tolerate harassment of state employees within state offices, facilities, work sites, or vehicles, or the display of violent, aggressive, or threatening behavior that results in physical or emotional injury to any employee;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon M. Huntsman Jr., Governor of the State of Utah, prohibit violence against women in each workplace in which state employees and employees of public and higher education are required to conduct business and order the director of each department in state government to establish a policy prohibiting violence against women in the workplace.

    The policy shall contain:

    1. a statement of zero tolerance for domestic and sexual violence in the workplace;

    2. carefully designed procedures to protect the rights and address the needs of employees who are victims of domestic and sexual violence to include:

    establishment of safety procedures;

    protection of privacy and confidentiality;

    access to information for personal counseling or to the department Employee Assistance program where available;

    adjustments in work schedule and use of leave consistent with Department of Human Resource Management rule R477-8;

    3. a prohibition on the use of state facilities, resources, or time to facilitate and perpetuate violence against women;

    4. a provision for the discipline of employees who violate this policy consistent with Department of Human Resource Management rule R477-11;

    5. access to information for personal counseling or to the department Employee Assistance program where available for employees who are perpetrators and who voluntarily seek assistance;

    6. training for managers and supervisors on prevention and appropriate response to violence against women which impacts or disrupts the workplace;

    7. any other provision that appears to the department director to materially further the purposes of this order.

    This Executive Order supercedes and replaces "Domestic Violence in the Workplace" dated the 4th day of June, 1999.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah. Done in Salt Lake City,Utah, this 28th day of April 2005.

    (State Seal)

    Jon M. Huntsman Jr.


    Gary R. Herbert
    Lieutenant Governor


Document Information

Publication Date:
Executive Order:
DAR File No.: