No. 36077 (Amendment): Rule R156-1. General Rule of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 36077
    Filed: 04/16/2012 11:33:19 AM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The purpose of this filing is first, to incorporate changes from the 2012 General Session of the Legislature, specifically H.B. 496, Mental Health Practice Act Amendments, S.B. 53, Recreational Therapy Practice Act Amendments, and S.B. 202, Dentist Practice Act Amendments; and second, to amend the term of initial licensure to be consistent with statute.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    Section R156-1-305 is changed to include the necessary changes to the list of classifications eligible to apply for inactive licensure, to incorporate the classification changes for what were formerly professional counselors to what are now clinical mental health counselors, and for what were formerly substance abuse counselors to what are now substance use disorder counselors. The new classification of licensed advanced substance use disorder counselor is also included. Section R156-1-308a is changed to include the necessary changes to the list of renewal dates. Specifically, what was formerly professional counselor and associate professional counselor is now clinical mental health counselor and associate clinical mental health counselor, respectively. What was formerly licensed substance abuse counselor, certified substance abuse counselor, certified substance abuse counselor intern, and certified substance abuse counselor extern is now licensed advanced substance use disorder counselor, certified advanced substance use disorder counselor, certified advanced substance use disorder counselor intern, and certified substance use disorder counselor, respectively. The terminology under the recreational therapy classification is corrected to reflect the classification names of therapeutic recreational technician, therapeutic recreation specialist, and master therapeutic recreation specialist, respectively. Finally, the new classifications of licensed substance use disorder counselor, certified substance use disorder counselor intern, and dental educator license are added to the list of renewal dates.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    The change in classification names for inactive licensure and renewal of licensure lists does not create any fiscal impact. The new license classifications were established by statute. Denoting the new license classification renewal dates and making some of them eligible for inactive licensure will not create any additional fiscal impact beyond what was addressed in the legislative fiscal notes. The change to the length of time for which an initial license is issued from a full renewal cycle plus four months for applicants who apply at four months prior to the next renewal date, to a full renewal cycle plus one year for applicants who apply one year prior to the next renewal date, will impact government the cost for affected licensees of an extra renewal fee, which varies by profession. There will also be a small savings to the Division because it will have slightly fewer renewal applications to process. Neither of these impacts can be quantified.

    local governments:

    The proposed amendments only apply to the regulated professions identified above and as a result, the proposed amendments do not apply to local governments.

    small businesses:

    The change in classification names for inactive licensure and renewal of licensure lists does not create any fiscal impact. The new license classifications were established by statute. Denoting the new license classification renewal dates and making some of them eligible for inactive licensure will not create any additional fiscal impact beyond what was addressed in the legislative fiscal notes. The change to the length of time for which an initial license is issued from a full renewal cycle plus four months for applicants who apply at four months prior to the next renewal date, to a full renewal cycle plus one year for applicants who apply one year prior to the next renewal date, will save affected licensees the cost of an extra renewal fee, which varies by profession. There will also be a small savings to the Division because it will have slightly fewer renewal applications to process. Neither of these impacts can be quantified.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    The change in classification names for inactive licensure and renewal of licensure lists does not create any fiscal impact. The new license classifications were established by statute. Denoting the new license classification renewal dates and making some of them eligible for inactive licensure will not create any additional fiscal impact beyond what was addressed in the legislative fiscal notes. The change to the length of time for which an initial license is issued from a full renewal cycle plus four months for applicants who apply at four months prior to the next renewal date, to a full renewal cycle plus one year for applicants who apply one year prior to the next renewal date, will save affected licensees the cost of an extra renewal fee, which varies by profession.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    The change in classification names for inactive licensure and renewal of licensure lists does not create any fiscal impact. The new license classifications were established by statute. Denoting the new license classification renewal dates and making some of them eligible for inactive licensure will not create any additional fiscal impact beyond what was addressed in the legislative fiscal notes. The change to the length of time for which an initial license is issued from a full renewal cycle plus four months for applicants who apply at four months prior to the next renewal date, to a full renewal cycle plus one year for applicants who apply one year prior to the next renewal date, will save affected licensees the cost of an extra renewal fee, which varies by profession.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    As indicated in the rule summary, no fiscal impact to businesses is anticipated beyond those addressed by the Legislature during the 2012 General Session. There may even be some cost savings to licensees as a result of these changes.

    Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Occupational and Professional Licensing
    160 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Mark Steinagel, Director


    R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing.

    R156-1. General Rule of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.

    R156-1-305. Inactive Licensure.

    (1) In accordance with Section 58-1-305, except as provided in Subsection (2), a licensee may not apply for inactive licensure status.

    (2) The following licenses issued under Title 58 that are active in good standing may be placed on inactive licensure status:

    (a) advanced practice registered nurse;

    (b) architect;

    (c) audiologist;

    (d) certified nurse midwife;

    (e) certified public accountant emeritus;

    (f) certified registered nurse anesthetist;

    (g) certified court reporter;

    (h) certified social worker;

    (i) chiropractic physician;

    (j) clinical mental health counselor;

    ([j]k) clinical social worker;

    ([k]l) contractor;

    ([l]m) deception detection examiner;

    ([m]n) deception detection intern;

    ([n]o) dental hygienist;

    ([o]p) dentist;

    ([p]q) direct-entry midwife;

    ([q]r) genetic counselor;

    ([r]s) health facility administrator;

    ([s]t) hearing instrument specialist;

    ([t]u) landscape architect;

    ([u]v) licensed advanced substance [abuse]use disorder counselor;

    ([v]w) marriage and family therapist;

    ([w]x) naturopath/naturopathic physician;

    ([x]y) optometrist;

    ([y]z) osteopathic physician and surgeon;

    ([z]aa) pharmacist;

    ([aa]bb) pharmacy technician;

    ([bb]cc) physical therapist;

    ([cc]dd) physician assistant;

    ([dd]ee) physician and surgeon;

    ([ee]ff) podiatric physician;

    ([ff]gg) private probation provider;[

    (gg) professional counselor;]

    (hh) professional engineer;

    (ii) professional land surveyor;

    (jj) professional structural engineer;

    (kk) psychologist;

    (ll) radiology practical technician;

    (mm) radiologic technologist;

    (nn) security personnel;

    (oo) speech-language pathologist;[ and]

    (pp) substance use disorder counselor; and

    ([pp]qq) veterinarian.

    (3) Applicants for inactive licensure shall apply to the Division in writing upon forms available from the Division. Each completed application shall contain documentation of requirements for inactive licensure, shall be verified by the applicant, and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee.

    (4) If all requirements are met for inactive licensure, the Division shall place the license on inactive status.

    (5) A license may remain on inactive status indefinitely except as otherwise provided in Title 58 or rules which implement Title 58.

    (6) An inactive license may be activated by requesting activation in writing upon forms available from the Division. Unless otherwise provided in Title 58 or rules which implement Title 58, each reactivation application shall contain documentation that the applicant meets current renewal requirements, shall be verified by the applicant, and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee.

    (7) An inactive licensee whose license is activated during the last [four]12 months of a renewal cycle shall, upon payment of the appropriate fees, be licensed for a full renewal cycle plus the period of time remaining until the impending renewal date, rather than being required to immediately renew their activated license.

    (8) A Controlled Substance license may be placed on inactive status if attached to a primary license listed in Subsection R156-1-305(2) and the primary license is placed on inactive status.


    R156-1-308a. Renewal Dates.

    (1) The following standard two-year renewal cycle renewal dates are established by license classification in accordance with the Subsection 58-1-308(1):



    (1)  Acupuncturist                       May 31       even years
    (2)  Advanced Practice Registered Nurse  January 31   even years
    (3)  Architect                           May 31       even years
    (4)  Athlete Agent                       September 30 even years
    (5)  Athletic Trainer                    May 31       odd years
    (6)  Audiologist                         May 31       odd years
    (7)  Barber                              September 30 odd years
    (8)  Barber School                       September 30 odd years
    (9)  Building Inspector                  November 30  odd years
    (10)  Burglar Alarm Security              November 30  even years
    (11)  C.P.A. Firm                        September 30 even years
    (12)  Certified Court Reporter           May 31       even years
    (13)  Certified Dietitian                September 30 even years
    (14)  Certified Medical Language Interpreter March 31 odd years
    (15)  Certified Nurse Midwife            January 31   even years
    (16)  Certified Public Accountant        September 30 even years
    (17)  Certified Registered
          Nurse Anesthetist                  January 31   even years
    (18)  Certified Social Worker            September 30 even years
    (19)  Chiropractic Physician             May 31       even years
    (20)  Clinical Mental Health Counselor   September 30 even years

    ([20]21)  Clinical Social Worker             September 30 even years
    ([21]22)  Construction Trades Instructor     November 30  odd years
    ([22]23)  Contractor                         November 30  odd years
    ([23]24)  Controlled Substance License       Attached to primary
                                               license renewal
    ([24]25)  Controlled Substance
                Precursor                     May 31       odd years
    ([25]26)  Controlled Substance Handler       May 31       odd years
    ([26]27)  Cosmetologist/Barber               September 30 odd years
    ([27]28)  Cosmetology/Barber School          September 30 odd years
    ([28]29)  Deception Detection                November 30  even years
    ([29]30)  Dental Hygienist                   May 31       even years
    ([30]31)  Dentist                            May 31       even years
    ([31]32)  Direct-entry Midwife               September 30 odd years
    ([32]33)  Electrician
                Apprentice, Journeyman, Master,
                Residential Journeyman,
                Residential Master            November 30  even years
    ([33]34)  Electrologist                      September 30 odd years
    ([34]35)  Electrology School                 September 30 odd years
    ([35]36)  Elevator Mechanic                  November 30  even years
    ([36]37)  Environmental Health Scientist     May 31       odd years
    ([37]38)  Esthetician                        September 30 odd years
    ([38]39)  Esthetics School                   September 30 odd years
    ([39]40)  Factory Built Housing Dealer       September 30 even years
    ([40]41)  Funeral Service Director           May 31       even years
    ([41]42)  Funeral Service                    May 31       even years
    ([42]43)  Genetic Counselor                  September 30 even years
    ([43]44)  Health Facility                    May 31       odd years
    ([44]45)  Hearing Instrument                 September 30 even years
    ([45]46)  Internet Facilitator               September 30 odd years
    ([46]47)  Landscape Architect                May 31       even years
    (48)  Licensed Advanced Substance
                Use Disorder Counselor        May 31       odd years

    ([47]49)  Licensed Practical Nurse           January 31   even years
    ([48]50)  Licensed Substance [Abuse]           May 31       odd years
                Use Disorder Counselor
    ([49]51)  Marriage and Family                September 30 even years
    ([50]52)  Massage Apprentice,                May 31       odd years
    ([51]53)  Master Esthetician                 September 30 odd years
    ([52]54)  Medication Aide Certified          March 31     odd years
    ([53]55)  Nail Technologist                  September 30 odd years
    ([54]56)  Nail Technology School             September 30 odd years
    ([55]57)  Naturopath/Naturopathic            May 31       even years
    ([56]58)  Occupational Therapist             May 31       odd years
    ([57]59)  Occupational Therapy               May 31       odd years
    ([58]60)  Optometrist                        September 30 even years
    ([59]61)  Osteopathic Physician and          May 31       even years
                Online Prescriber
    ([60]62)  Outfitter/Hunting Guide            May 31       even years
    ([61]63)  Pharmacy Class A-B-C-D-E,    September 30 odd years
                Online Contract Pharmacy
    ([62]64)  Pharmacist                         September 30 odd years
    ([63]65)  Pharmacy Technician                September 30 odd years
    ([64]66)  Physical Therapist                 May 31       odd years
    ([65]67)  Physical Therapist Assistant       May 31       odd years
    ([66]68)  Physician Assistant                May 31       even years
    ([67]69)  Physician and Surgeon,              January 31   even years
                Online Prescriber
    ([68]70)  Plumber
                Apprentice, Journeyman,
                Master, Residential Master,
                Residential Journeyman       November 30  even years
    ([69]71)  Podiatric Physician                September 30 even years
    ([70]72)  Pre Need Funeral Arrangement
                Sales Agent                  May 31       even years
    ([71]73)  Private Probation Provider         May 31       odd years[
    (72)  Professional Counselor             September 30 even years
    ([73]74)  Professional Engineer              March 31     odd years
    ([74]75)  Professional Geologist             March 31     odd years
    ([75]76)  Professional Land Surveyor         March 31     odd years
    ([76]77)  Professional Structural            March 31     odd years
    ([77]78)  Psychologist                       September 30 even years
    ([78]79)  Radiologic Technologist,            May 31       odd years
              Radiology Practical Technician
        Radiologist Assistant
    ([79]80)  Recreational Therapy
                Therapeutic Recreation Technician,             Therapeutic Recreation Specialist,             Master Therapeutic
     Specialist          May 31       odd years
    ([80]81)  Registered Nurse                   January 31   odd years
    ([81]82)  Respiratory Care                   September 30 even years
    ([82]83)  Security Personnel                 November 30  even years
    ([83]84)  Social Service Worker              September 30 even years
    ([84]85)  Speech-Language Pathologist        May 31       odd years
    (86)  Veterinarian                       September 30 even years
    (87)  Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor  March 31    odd years


    (2) The following non-standard renewal terms and renewal or extension cycles are established by license classification in accordance with Subsection 58-1-308(1) and in accordance with specific requirements of the license:

    (a) Associate Clinical Mental Health Counselor licenses shall be issued for a three year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the Board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure.

    ([a]b) Associate Marriage and Family Therapist licenses shall be issued for a three year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure; but the period of the extension may not exceed two years past the date the minimum supervised experience requirement has been completed.[

    (b) Associate Professional Counselor licenses shall be issued for a three year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure.]

    (c) Certified Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counselor licenses shall be issued for a period of four years and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and Board that reasonable progress is being made toward completing the required hours of supervised experience necessary for the next level of licensure.

    (d) Certified Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counselor Intern licenses shall be issued for a period of six months or until the examination is passed whichever occurs first.

    (e) Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor licenses shall be issued for a period of two years and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and Board that reasonable progress is being made toward completing the required hours of supervised experience necessary for the next level of licensure.

    ([c]f) Certified Social Worker Intern licenses shall be issued for a period of six months or until the examination is passed whichever occurs first.

    (g) Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor Intern licenses shall be issued for a period of six months or until the examination is passed, whichever occurs first.

    (h) Dental Educator licenses shall be issued for a two year renewable term, until the date of termination of employment with the dental school as an employee, or until the failure to maintain any of the requirements of Section 58-69-302.5, whichever occurs first.

    ([d]i) Funeral Service Apprentice licenses shall be issued for a two year term and may be extended for an additional two year term if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure.

    ([e]j) Hearing Instrument Intern licenses shall be issued for a three year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the Board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examination, but a circumstance arose beyond the control of the licensee, to prevent the completion of the examination process.

    ([f]k) Psychology Resident licenses shall be issued for a two year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure; but the period of the extension may not exceed two years past the date the minimum supervised experience requirement has been completed.

    ([g]l) Type I Foreign Trained Physician-Educator licenses will be issued initially for a one-year term and thereafter renewed every two years following issuance.

    ([h]m) Type II Foreign Trained Physician-Educator licenses will be issued initially for an annual basis and thereafter renewed annually up to four times following issuance if the licensee continues to satisfy the requirements described in Subsection 58-67-302.7(3) and completes the required continuing education requirements established under Section 58-67-303.


    R156-1-308c. Renewal of Licensure Procedures.

    The procedures for renewal of licensure shall be as follows:

    (1) The Division shall send a renewal notice to each licensee at least 60 days prior to the expiration date shown on the licensee's license. The notice shall include directions for the licensee to renew the license via the Division's website.

    (2) Except as provided in Subsection(4), renewal notices shall be sent by mail deposited in the post office with postage prepaid, addressed to the last mailing address shown on the Division's automated license system.

    (3) In accordance with Subsection 58-1-301.7(1), each licensee is required to maintain a current mailing address with the Division. In accordance with Subsection 58-1-301.7(2), mailing to the last mailing address furnished to the Division constitutes legal notice.

    (4) If a licensee has authorized the Division to send a renewal notice by email, a renewal notice may be sent by email to the last email address shown on the Division's automated license system. If selected as the exclusive method of receipt of renewal notices, such mailing shall constitute legal notice. It shall be the duty and responsibility of each licensee who authorizes the Division to send a renewal notice by email to maintain a current email address with the Division.

    (5) Renewal notices shall provide that the renewal requirements are outlined in the online renewal process and that each licensee is required to document or certify that the licensee meets the renewal requirements prior to renewal.

    (6) Renewal notices shall advise each licensee that a license that is not renewed prior to the expiration date shown on the license automatically expires and that any continued practice without a license constitutes a criminal offense under Subsection 58-1-501(1)(a).

    (7) Licensees licensed during the last [four]12 months of a renewal cycle shall be licensed for a full renewal cycle plus the period of time remaining until the impending renewal date, rather than being required to immediately renew their license.


    KEY: diversion programs, licensing, occupational licensing, supervision

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 26, 2011]2012

    Notice of Continuation: January 5, 2012

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 58-1-106(1)(a); 58-1-308; 58-1-501(4)


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Commerce,Occupational and Professional Licensing
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 58-1-308

Subsection 58-1-106(1)(a)

Subsection 58-1-501(4)

Authorized By:
Mark Steinagel, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R156-1. General Rules of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.