No. 34552 (Amendment): Section R309-700-5. Loan, Credit Enhancement, Interest Buy-Down, and Hardship Grant Consideration Policy  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 34552
    Filed: 04/04/2011 03:19:19 PM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The purpose of this change is to revise the point system in Table 2 at Section R309-700-5, which is used to calculate interest rates for loans under the state revolving loan program administered by the Division of Drinking Water, to be more compatible with the goals of the Drinking Water Board.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    This rule defines the State's Drinking Water Revolving Loan Program; including definitions, eligible applicants, eligible projects, funding options, interest rate calculations, project priority calculations, etc.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    • Title 73, Chapter 10c

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    Information used to calculate interest rates is already included in the funding application. The amended rule simply reallocates the points to be more compatible with the objectives of the drinking Water Board. No additional staff time and no costs or savings are anticipated.

    local governments:

    None anticipated, data collection is already part of the application process.

    small businesses:

    None anticipated, data collection is already part of the application process.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    None anticipated, data collection is already part of the application process.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    None anticipated, data collection is already part of the application process.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    The Department of Environmental Quality agrees with the comments in the cost and compliance summaries above.

    Amanda Smith, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Environmental Quality
    Drinking Water
    195 N 1950 W
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Ken Bousfield, Director


    R309. Environmental Quality, Drinking Water.

    R309-700. Financial Assistance: State Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program.

    R309-700-5. Loan, Credit Enhancement, Interest Buy-Down, and Hardship Grant Consideration Policy.

    (1) Board Priority Determination. In determining the priority for financial assistance the Board shall consider:

    (a) The ability of the applicant to obtain funds for the drinking water project from other sources or to finance such project from its own resources;

    (b) The ability of the applicant to repay the loan or other project obligations;

    (c) Whether a good faith effort to secure all or part of the services needed from the private sector through privatization has been made; and

    (d) Whether the drinking water project:

    (i) meets a critical local or state need;

    (ii) is cost effective;

    (iii) will protect against present or potential hazards;

    (iv) is needed to comply with the minimum standards of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 USC, 300f, et. seq. or similar or successor statute;

    (v) is needed to comply with the minimum standards of the Utah Safe Drinking Water Act, Title 19, Chapter 4 or similar or successor statute.

    (vi) is needed as a result of an Emergency.

    (e) The overall financial impact of the proposed project on the citizens of the community, including direct and overlapping indebtedness, tax levies, user charges, impact or connection fees, special assessments, etc., resulting from the proposed project, and anticipated operation and maintenance costs versus the median income of the community;

    (f) Consistency with other funding source commitments which may have been obtained for the project;

    (g) The point total from an evaluation of the criteria listed in Table 1;


    TABLE 1


    A. There is evidence that waterborne
       illnesses have occurred                          15
    B. There are reports of illnesses which
       may be waterborne                                10
    C. No reports of waterborne illness, but
       high potential for such exists                    5
    D. No reports of possible waterborne
       illness and low potential for such exists         0


    A. Primary Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
       violation more than 6 times in preceding
       12 months                                        15
    B. In the past 12 months violated a primary
       MCL 4 to 6 times                                 12
    C. In the past 12 months violated a primary
       MCL 2 to 3 times or exceeded the Secondary
       Drinking Water Standards by double                9
    D. In the past 12 months violated MCL 1 time         6
    E. Violation of the Secondary Drinking Water
       Standards                                         5
    F. Does not meet all applicable MCL goals            3
    G. Meets all MCLs and MCL goals                      0


    A. Has had sanitary survey within the last
       year                                              5
    B. Has had sanitary survey within the last
       five years                                        3
    C. Has not had sanitary survey within last
       five years                                        0

    A. The necessary water treatment facilities do
       not exist, not functioning, functioning but
       do not meet the requirements of the Utah
       Public Drinking Water Rules (UPDWR)              10
    B. Sources are not developed or protected
       according to UPDWR                               10
    C. Source capacity is not adequate to meet
       current demands and system occasionally
       goes dry or suffers from low pressures           10
    D. Significant areas within distribution
       system have inadequate fire protection            8
    E. Existing storage tanks leak excessively
       or are structurally flawed                        5
    F. Pipe leak repair rate is greater than
       4 leaks per 100 connections per year              2
    G. Existing facilities are generally sound
       and meeting existing needs                        0


    A. Facilities have inadequate capacity and
       cannot reliably meet current demands             10
    B. Facilities will become inadequate within
       the next three years                              5
    C. Facilities will become inadequate within
       the next five to ten years                        3

    6. OVERALL URGENCY  (Select One)

    A. System is generally out of water.  There
       is no fire protection or water for
       flushing toilets                                 10
    B. System delivers water which cannot be
       rendered safe by boiling                         10
    C. System delivers water which can be
       rendered safe by boiling                          8
    D. System is occasionally out of water               5
    E. Situation should be corrected, but is
       not urgent                                        0

    PROJECT                                            100


    (h) Other criteria that the Board may deem appropriate.

    (2) Drinking Water Board Financial Assistance Determination. The amount and type of financial assistance offered will be based on the following considerations:

    (a) An evaluation based upon the criteria in Table 2 of the applicant's financial condition, the project's impact on the community, and the applicant's commitment to operating a responsible water system.

    The interest rate to be charged by the Board for its financial assistance will be computed using the number of points assigned to the project from Table 2 to reduce, in a manner determined by Board resolution from time to time, the most recent Revenue Bond Buyer Index (RBBI) as published by the Bond Buyer's Guide. The interest rate so calculated will be assigned to the financial assistance. To encourage rapid repayment of a loan the Board will increase the interest rate 0.02 per cent (0.02%) for each year the repayment period exceeds five (5.0) years.

    For hardship grant consideration, exclusive of planning and design grants or loans described in Sections R309-700-6, 7 and 8, the estimated annual cost of drinking water service for the average residential user should exceed 1.75% of the median adjusted gross household income from the most recent available State Tax Commission records or the local median adjusted gross income (MAGI) is less than or equal to eighty-percent (80.0%) of the State's median adjusted gross income. When considering funding for planning and design grants and loans described in Sections R309-700-6, 7 and 8, the Board will consider whether or not the applicant's local MAGI meets the above criteria for hardship grant funding. If, in the judgment of the Board, the State Tax Commission data is insufficient, the Board may accept other measurements of the water users' income (i.e. local income survey or questionnaire when there is a significant difference between the number of service connections for a system and the number of tax filings for a given zip code or city). The Board will also consider the applicant's level of contribution to the project.


    TABLE 2

    A. Project cost $0 to $500 per benefitting
       connection                                      [13]16
    B. $501 to $1,500                                  [11]14
    C. $1,501 to $2,000                                 [9]11
    D. $2,001 to $3,000                                 [6]8
    E. $3,001 to $5,000                                 [3]4
    F. $5,001 to $10,000                                 1
    G. Over $10,000                                      0


    A. Less than 70% of State Median AGI                [16]19
    B. 71 to 80% of State Median AGI                    [14]16
    C. 81 to 95% of State Median AGI                    [12]13
    D. 96 to 110% of State Median AGI                    9
    E. 111 to 130% of State Median AGI                   6
    F. 131 to 150% of State Median AGI                   3
    G. Greater than 150% of State Median AGI             0


    A. Greater than 25% of project funds                [15]17
    B. 15 to 25% of project funds                       [12]14
    C. 10 to 15% of project funds                        [9]11
    D. 5 to [9]10% of project funds                    [6]8
    E. 2 to [4]5% of project funds                     [3]4
    F. Less than 2% of project funds                     0

    4[ and 5]. ABILITY TO REPAY LOAN:


    A. Greater than 2.50% of local median AGI           [15]16
    B. 2.01 to 2.50% of local median AGI                [11]12
    C. 1.51 to 2.00% of local median AGI                 [7]8
    D. 1.01 to 1.50% of local median AGI                 3
    E. 0 to 1.00% of local median AGI                    0


    A. Greater than 12% of fair market value            15
    B. 8.1 to 12% of fair market value                  12
    C. 4.1 to 8.0% of fair market value                  9
    D. 2.1 to 4.0% of fair market value                  6
    E. 1.0 to 2.0% of fair market value                  3
    F. Less than 1% of fair market value                 0

    A. [h]Has a replacement fund receiving annual deposits
       of about 5% of the system's annual drinking water
       (DW) budget[,] and fund has already accumulated a
       minimum of 10[25]% of said annual DW budget in 
       this reserve fund.                                       5
    B. Has, in addition to item 5.A., accumulated an
       amount equal to at least 20% of its annual DW
       budget in its replacement fund.                          5
    [B.]C. [i]Is creating or enhancing a regionalization [P]plan    16
    [C.]D. [h]Has a rate structure encouraging conservation   [5]6



    (b) Optimizing return on the security account while still allowing the project to proceed.

    (c) Local political and economic conditions.

    (d) Cost effectiveness evaluation of financing alternatives.

    (e) Availability of funds in the security account.

    (f) Environmental need.

    (g) Other criteria the Board may deem appropriate.


    KEY: loans, interest buy-downs, credit enhancements, hardship grants

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [January 28, 2009]2011

    Notice of Continuation: March 23, 2010

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-4-104; 73-10c


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Environmental Quality,Drinking Water
Rulemaking Authority:

Title 73, Chapter 10c

Authorized By:
Ken Bousfield, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R309-700-5. Loan, Credit Enhancement, Interest Buy-Down, and Hardship Grant Consideration Policy.