No. 31140 (Amendment): R156-56-803. Statewide Amendments to the IPC  

  • DAR File No.: 31140
    Filed: 04/14/2008, 11:09
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The division is proposing changes to the rule to adopt amendments to the building codes approved by the Uniform Building Code Commission after review by various subcommittees. This proposed amendment is filed as a separate rule filing because it is anticipated that the proposed amendment may be controversial and therefore, if it is changed or not implemented, it will not affect the implementation of other proposed amendments in other filings that need to go forward. (DAR NOTE: the other proposed amendments are: to Rule R156-56 under DAR No. 31139; to Rule R156-56 under DAR No. 31141; and to Section R156-56-701 under DAR No. 31142 all in this issue, May 1, 2008, of the Bulletin.)

    Summary of the rule or change:

    A new amendment regarding Section 604.4.2 is being added with respect to water conservation zones. The proposed amendment will allow a local compliance agency to designate areas where water capacity or water delivery infrastructure is limited and require that additional water saving equipment be placed in buildings in that area. The water saving equipment would include dual flush toilets, low flow showers and low flow lavatory faucets. Proponents of this proposed amendment report that Utah needs to aggressively address its limited water resource. The Governor's report on growth indicates a 30% population increase by 2020 and projects the population will double by 2050. Recent studies indicate conservation of water as the single greatest opportunity to provide for the future. This proposed amendment would allow local compliance agencies to require greater water conservation. Opponents of the proposed amendment believe this requirement has been inadequately studied and the inside use of water by these measures may not be as significant as claimed and the greatest waste of water is not inside a building but in watering lawns and landscapes. They also claim that the low flush toilets often require multiple flushes and therefore may not result in any savings at all.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Section 58-56-1 and Subsections 58-1-106(1)(a), 58-1-202(1)(a), 58-56-4(2), and 58-56-6(2)(a)

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    The division has determined that there should be no direct effect on the state budget as a result of this proposed amendment as the amendment applies to local compliance agencies.

    local governments:

    The proposed amendment would only apply in zones identified by the local compliance agency. The proponents of the amendment estimate it would cost a townhouse approximately $500 more for the water conserving equipment and that cost would increase accordingly as larger structures with more bathrooms are added. The proponents claim the cost of water in the long term may offset the increased cost of the equipment. They also claim that impact fees to create the water delivery infrastructure to new construction may also be lower if they can reduce the water demands per household. Any anticipated cost savings to local governments cannot be determined at this time. The local government proponents claim that this proposed amendment could result in substantial savings of infrastructure needed to deliver water. It is impossible to estimate the savings that could result.

    small businesses and persons other than businesses:

    Small businesses and persons: The proposed amendment would only apply in zones identified by the local compliance agency. The proponents of the amendment estimate it would cost a townhouse approximately $500 more for the water conserving equipment and that cost would increase accordingly as larger structures with more bathrooms are added. The proponents claim the cost of water in the long term may offset the increased cost of the equipment. They also claim that impact fees to create the water delivery infrastructure to new construction may also be lower if they can reduce the water demands per household. It is impossible for the division to estimate the aggregate impact because it would vary by the number of buildings affected by the proposed amendment and how much the short term costs are offset by long term savings.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    The proposed amendment would only apply in zones identified by the local compliance agency. The proponents of the amendment estimate it would cost a townhouse approximately $500 more for the water conserving equipment and that cost would increase accordingly as larger structures with more bathrooms are added. The proponents claim the cost of water in the long term may offset the increased cost of the equipment. They also claim that impact fees to create the water delivery infrastructure to new construction may also be lower if they can reduce the water demands per household. It is impossible for the division to estimate costs or savings of this proposed amendment because it would vary by the number of buildings affected and how much the short term costs are offset by long term savings.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    No fiscal impact to businesses is anticipated beyond those discussed in the rule summary. Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Occupational and Professional Licensing
    160 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2316

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Dan S. Jones at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6720, by FAX at 801-530-6511, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

    5/15/2008 at 9:00 AM, Sandy City Hall, Room 341, 10000 S Centennial Parkway, Sandy, UT

    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    F. David Stanley, Director


    R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing.

    R156-56. Utah Uniform Building Standard Act Rules.

    R156-56-803. Statewide Amendments to the IPC.

    The following are adopted as amendments to the IPC to be applicable statewide:

    (1) In Section 202, the definition for "Backflow Backpressure, Low Head" is deleted in its entirety.

    (2) In Section 202, the definition for "Backsiphonage" is deleted and replaced with the following:

    Backsiphonage. The backflow of potentially contaminated, polluted or used water into the potable water system as a result of the pressure in the potable water system falling below atmospheric pressure of the plumbing fixtures, pools, tanks or vats connected to the potable water distribution piping.

    (3) In Section 202, the following definition is added:

    Certified Backflow Preventer Assembly Tester. A person who has shown competence to test Backflow prevention assemblies to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction under Subsection 19-4-104(4), Utah Code Ann. (1953), as amended.

    (4) In Section 202, the definition for "Cross Connection" is deleted and replaced with the following:

    Cross Connection. Any physical connection or potential connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other either water of unknown or questionable safety or steam, gas or chemical, whereby there exists the possibility for flow from one system to the other, with the direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two systems (see "Backflow").

    (5) In Section 202, the following definition is added:

    Heat Exchanger (Potable Water). A device to transfer heat between two physically separated fluids (liquid or steam), one of which is potable water.

    (6) In Section 202, the definition for "Potable Water" is deleted and replaced with the following:

    Potable Water. Water free from impurities present in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects and conforming to the Titles 19-4 and 19-5, Utah Code Ann. (1953), as amended and the regulations of the public health authority having jurisdiction.

    (7) In Section 202, the following definition is added:

    S-Trap. A trap having its weir installed above the inlet of the vent connection.

    (8) In Section 202, the definition for "Water Heater" is deleted and replaced with the following:

    Water Heater. A closed vessel in which water is heated by the combustion of fuels or electricity and is withdrawn for use external to the system at pressures not exceeding 160 psig (1100 kPa (gage)), including the apparatus by which heat is generated, and all controls and devices necessary to prevent water temperatures from exceeding 210 degrees Fahrenheit (99 degrees Celsius).

    (9) Section 304.3 Meter Boxes is deleted.

    (10) Section 305.5 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    305.5 Pipes through or under footings or foundation walls. Any pipe that passes under or through a footing or through a foundation wall shall be protected against structural settlement.

    (11) Section 305.8 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    305.8 Protection against physical damage. In concealed locations where piping, other than cast-iron or galvanized steel, is installed through holes or notches in studs, joists, rafters or similar members less than 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) from the nearest edge of the member, the pipe shall be protected by shield plates. Protective shield plates shall be minimum of 1/16 inch-thick (1.6 mm) steel, shall cover the area of the pipe where the member is notched or bored, and shall be at least the thickness of the framing member penetrated.

    (12) Section 305.10 is added as follows:

    Section 305.10 Improper Connections. No drain, waste, or vent piping shall be drilled and tapped for the purpose of making connections.

    (13) Section 311.1 is deleted.

    (14) Section 312.9 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

    312.9 Backflow assembly testing. The premise owner or his designee shall have backflow prevention assemblies operation tested at the time of installation, repair and relocation and at least on an annual basis thereafter, or more frequently as required by the authority having jurisdiction. Testing shall be performed by a Certified Backflow Preventer Assembly Tester. The assemblies that are subject to this paragraph are the Spill Resistant Vacuum Breaker, the Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly, the Double Check Backflow Prevention Assembly, the Double Check Detector Assembly Backflow Preventer, the Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer, and Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly.

    (15) In Section 403.1 footnote e is added as follows:

    FOOTNOTE: e. When provided, in public toilet facilities there shall be an equal number of diaper changing facilities in male toilet rooms and female toilet rooms.

    (16) In Section 406.3, an exception is added as follows:

    Exception: Gravity discharge clothes washers, when properly trapped and vented, shall be allowed to be directly connected to the drainage system or indirectly discharge into a properly sized catch basin, trench drain, or other approved indirect waste receptor installed for the purpose of receiving such waste.

    (17) A new section 406.4 is added as follows:

    406.4 Automatic clothes washer metal safe pans. Metal safe pans, when installed under automatic clothes washers, shall only be allowed to receive the unintended discharge from a leaking appliance, valve, supply hose, or overflowing waste water from the clothes washer standpipe. Clothes washer metal safe pans shall not be used as indirect waste receptors to receive the discharge of waste water from any other equipment, appliance, appurtenance, drain pipe, etc. Each safe pan shall be provided with an approved trap seal primer, conforming to ASSE 1018 or 1044 or a deep seal trap. The sides of the safe pan shall be no less than 1 1/2" high and shall be soldered at the joints to provide a water tight seal.

    406.4.1 Safe pan outlet. The safe pan outlet shall be no less than 1 1/2" in diameter and shall be located in a visible and accessible location to facilitate cleaning and maintenance. The outlet shall be flush with the surface of the pan so as not to allow water retention within the pan.

    (18) Section 412.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    412.1 Approval. Floor drains shall be made of ABS, PVC, cast-iron, stainless steel, brass, or other approved materials that are listed for the use.

    (19) Section 412.5 is added as follows:

    412.5 Public toilet rooms. All public toilet rooms shall be equipped with at least one floor drain.

    (20) Section 418.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    418.1 Approval. Sinks shall conform to ANSI Z124.6, ASME A112.19.1M, ASME A112.19.2M, ASME A112.19.3M, ASME A112.19.4M, ASME A112.19.9M, CSA B45.1, CSA B45.2, CSA B45.3, CSA B45.4 or NSF 2.

    (21) Section 504.6.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    504.6.2 Material. Relief valve discharge piping shall be of those materials listed in Tables 605.4 and 605.5 and meet the requirements for Sections 605.4 and 605.5 or shall be tested, rated and approved for such use in accordance with ASME A112.4.1. Piping from safety pan drains shall meet the requirements of Section 804.1 and be constructed of those materials listed in Section 702.

    (22) Section 504.7.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    504.7.2 Pan drain termination. The pan drain shall extend full-size and terminate over a suitably located indirect waste receptor, floor drain or extend to the exterior of the building and terminate not less than 6 inches (152 mm) and not more than 24 inches (610 mm) above the adjacent ground surface. When permitted by the administrative authority, the pan drain may be directly connected to a soil stack, waste stack, or branch drain. The pan drain shall be individually trapped and vented as required in Section 907.1. The pan drain shall not be directly or indirectly connected to any vent. The trap shall be provided with a trap primer conforming to ASSE 1018 or ASSE 1044.

    (23) A new section 504.7.3 is added as follows:

    504.7.3 Pan Designation. A water heater pan shall be considered an emergency receptor designated to receive the discharge of water from the water heater only and shall not receive the discharge from any other fixtures, devises or equipment.

    (24) Section 602.3 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    602.3 Individual water supply. Where a potable public water supply is not available, individual sources of potable water supply shall be utilized provided that the source has been developed in accordance with Sections 73-3-1, 73-3-3, and 73-3-25, Utah Code Ann. (1953), as amended, as administered by the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights. In addition, the quality of the water shall be approved by the local health department having jurisdiction. The source shall supply sufficient quantity of water to comply with the requirements of this chapter.

    (25) Sections 602.3.1, 602.3.2, 602.3.3, 602.3.4, 602.3.5 and 602.3.5.1 are deleted in their entirety.

    (26) Section 604.4.1 is added as follows:

    604.4.1 Metering faucets. Self closing or metering faucets shall provide a flow of water for at least 15 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet.

    (27) Section 604.4.2 is added as follows:

    604.4.2 Water conservation zones. In areas where existing water supply , waste water capacity or infrastructure is limited or where a local regulator determines a need for conservation to meet reasonable future demand requirements, the local regulator is permitted to designate zones that have been adopted by local ordinances in which specific water conversing fixtures are required. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, dual flush water closets and low flow showers and low flow lavatory faucets which cannot be adjusted or modified.

    (27) Section 606.5 is deleted and replaced with the following:

    606.5 Water pressure booster systems. Water pressure booster systems shall be provided as required by Section 606.5.1 through 606.5.11.


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    KEY: contractors, building codes, building inspection, licensing

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [January 1, ]2008

    Notice of Continuation: March 29, 2007

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 58-1-106(1)(a); 58-1-202(1)(a); 58-56-1; 58-56-4(2); 58-56-6(2)(a); 58-56-18



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Commerce,Occupational and Professional Licensing
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 58-56-1 and Subsections 58-1-106(1)(a), 58-1-202(1)(a), 58-56-4(2), and 58-56-6(2)(a)

Authorized By:
F. David Stanley, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R156-56-803. Statewide Amendments to the IPC.