Legislation Affecting Administrative Rulemaking  

  • During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature passed one bill that affected rulemaking generally. H.B. 37, entitled “Reauthorization of Administrative Rules”, passed and has been signed by the Governor. H.B. 37 is the legislation required annually by Subsection 63G-3-502(3). The bill reauthorizes all administrative rules. H.B. 37 takes effect on May 1, 2015.

    Additionally, H.B. 37 made technical changes to Section 63G-3-501. This is the section that creates the Legislature's Administrative Rules Review Committee.

    Information about legislation affecting administrative rulemaking can be found on the Division of Administrative Rules’ web site at http://www.rules.utah.gov/law/legislation.htm.

    The law governing the reauthorization of administrative rules is found at Section 63G-3-502. Questions about the reauthorization process may be directed to Ken Hansen, 801-538-3777. Additional information about H.B. 37 is available on the Legislature’s web site at http://le.utah.gov/~2015/bills/static/HB0037.html.