No. 29533 (Amendment): R251-107. Executions  

  • DAR File No.: 29533
    Filed: 02/21/2007, 10:24
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The five-year review of this rule provides the opportunity to make changes in the manner executions are conducted, the authority to determine access, and in conducting searches.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    The changes involve three areas: 1) the number of people involved in lethal injections was changed from three to two, an alternate executioner was eliminated, and several references to the Deputy Director/designee were changed to the Warden; 2) the procedures of escorting any witnesses, except executioners, off property who decline consent to a search, was added; and 3) Utah County newspapers were added to the list of media members who may be selected to witness the execution.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Sections 77-19-10 and 77-19-11

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    These rule changes do not have an anticipated cost or savings to the state budget because they are minor in nature, and do not involve the financial aspects of executions.

    local governments:

    These rule changes do not have an anticipated cost or savings to local government because they do not deal with any responsibility which local government would assume or participate in during an execution.

    other persons:

    These rule changes do not have an anticipated cost or savings to other persons because they do not deal with any financial aspect of any position or responsibility other persons might assume in an execution.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    These rule changes do not have an anticipated costs because they do not deal with any financial aspect of any position or responsibility other persons might assume in an execution.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    There will be no fiscal impact from the amendments to this rule. Thomas Patterson, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    14717 S MINUTEMAN DR
    DRAPER UT 84020-9549

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Gary Ogilvie at the above address, by phone at 801-545-5514, by FAX at 801-545-5523, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Thomas E. Patterson, Executive Director


    R251. Corrections, Administration.

    R251-107. Executions.

    R251-107-4. Selection of Executioners.

    (1) The Executive Director/designee shall ensure that the method of judgment of death specified in the warrant is carried out at a secure correctional facility operated by the Department in accordance with Section 77-19-10.

    (2) If the judgment of death is to be carried out by lethal injection, at least [three]two persons, including one alternate who is trained to administer intravenous injections, shall be selected.

    (a) Two shall be selected to administer a continuous intravenous injection; one of which shall be a lethal quantity of sodium thiopental or other equally or more effective substance sufficient to cause death.[

    (b) One additional executioner who shall be an alternate, shall be selected to provide back-up for the primary team.]

    ([c]b) The [Executive Director, DIO Director, and ]Warden shall be responsible for selecting the executioners.

    (i) Executioners may be selected from within or outside of the state of Utah.

    (ii) Selection [to the teams]as an executioner shall require knowledge and training in the accepted medical practices to administer intravenous injections.

    ([d]c) The Warden, DIO Director, and Executive Director shall review the qualifications and other relevant information concerning applicants who claim appropriate training and skills in administering intravenous injections.

    ([e]d) Following the examination and evaluation of candidates, the Warden, with the concurrence of the Executive Director and DIO Director, shall select the executioners.

    ([f]e) The [Deputy Director/designee]Warden shall contact those chosen for the primary and back-up execution teams to notify them of their selection and to verify their willingness and availability to perform the duties of execution by injection.

    ([g]f) If any person rescinds his original offer to participate, the Warden, DIO Director, and Executive Director will select a replacement.

    (3) If the judgment of death is to be carried out by shooting, the Executive Director/designee shall select a five-person firing squad of peace officers.

    (a) A five-person execution team, plus one alternate and a team leader, shall be chosen for the firing squad.

    (b) The alternate shall be selected to replace any member of the firing squad who is unable to discharge his required functions.

    (c) Persons selected for the firing squad shall be POST certified peace officers.

    (d) The Executive Director and Warden shall be responsible for the selection process.

    (e) The final choice of firing squad members shall be the responsibility of the Warden with the concurrence of the Executive Director/designee.

    (f) The [Deputy Director/designee]Warden shall contact those chosen for the firing squad, alternates and team leader to notify them of their selection and to verify their willingness and availability to perform the execution duties.

    (g) If any person rescinds his original offer to participate, the selection team shall select a replacement.


    R251-107-5. Demonstration and Public Access.

    (1) Parking or standing during the execution event from the designated start time in the authorized security plan until [two]four hours after the execution is prohibited:

    (a) on Pony Express Road between 13800 South and 14600 South;

    (b) on Minuteman Drive between 14400 South and 14600 South;

    (c) on 14600 South from the Utah Roses to Minuteman Drive;

    (d) on the I-15 freeway or its ramps;

    (e) on 13800 South from Pony Express Road to the railroad tracks; and

    (f) in any other location posted for "no parking" or restricted parking.

    (2) Parking on Pony Express Road between 13800 South and 14600 South is posted and prohibited 24 hours a day.

    (3) The Executive Director[/designee] and Warden may permit limited access to a designated portion of prison property on Minuteman Drive at or near the Fred House Academy for the public to gather to observe the prison or demonstrate during an execution event.

    (4) The demonstration/public staging area located north of the 14800 South road block on East Frontage Road shall be the location for demonstrators and the general public.

    (5) If more people gather at the demonstration/public staging area than can be accommodated, an overflow area shall be made available in the park-and-ride parking area west of the south-bound on-ramp on the Bluffdale interchange.

    (6) Access shall be limited to the designated start time in the authorized security plan the day prior to the scheduled execution date and last up to six hours following the execution or any stay, unless permission is earlier withdrawn.

    (7) Security shall be provided at the public area to try to prevent physical confrontations between observers/demonstrators with differing points of view.

    (8) To avoid the possibility of any group raising First Amendment issues based on the Department favoring one group over another, demonstrators shall not be separated according to their views regarding capital punishment.

    (9) Motor vehicles are not permitted at the designated location. Persons at the location or en route to or from the site are subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations and local ordinances including, without limitations, those relating to traffic control, pedestrian traffic, parking, noise, and parade permits.

    (10) No person may block, obstruct, or interfere with prison traffic or communication.

    (11) No person may damage, destroy or take public property, nor may any person build or erect any structure nor leave behind any object, substance or material.

    (12) No person may violate the intent of clearly marked signs, fences, doors or other indicant relative to prohibitions against entering any prison property or facility for which permission to enter may not be marked.

    (13) The Department neither recognizes, nor is bound by, the policies, allowances or arrangements which may have occurred at prior executions, events or on prior occasions, and by this rule any arrangement provided for public access at previous executions or demonstrations is invalidated.

    (14) The Executive Director or Warden may at any time withdraw permission without notice in the event of riot, disturbance, or other factors that in the opinion of the Warden/designee or Executive Director/designee jeopardizes the security, peace, order or any function of the prison.


    R251-107-8. Personal Searches.

    (1) News media representatives and inmate-invited witnesses shall be searched at the staging area prior to being allowed into the escort vehicles.

    (a) The search shall include a search by metal detector and rub search.

    (b) News media representatives and witnesses shall be asked to remove all personal items from their clothing and persons.

    (i) Unauthorized items shall be taken by the witness to his/her vehicle or left at the staging area until the witness returns from the execution.

    (ii) Witnesses shall be responsible for locking their vehicle.

    (2) Government officials, the physician, and the State Medical Examiner shall be searched by metal detector, but shall not be rub searched unless there is suspicion that an official is carrying contraband.

    (3) Strip search of witnesses shall be permitted only if there is a reasonable suspicion that the witness is concealing contraband or anything which would jeopardize safety or security or violate Section 77-19-11, and may only be authorized by the Executive Director, DIO Director, or the Warden. If the witness does not consent to a search, they will be escorted off property.

    (4) Cameras and recording devices shall not be allowed at the execution site except for two pool cameras, which may be carried to the execution site waiting room, to be used after the execution has taken place.

    (5) Department members may be searched upon a reasonable suspicion that a member is carrying contraband.

    (6) Executioners shall not be searched or identified upon entry.


    R251-107-9. News Media.

    (1) The Department shall permit press access to the execution and information concerning the execution consistent with the requirements of the constitutions and laws of the United States and State of Utah.

    (2) The Department and the Utah Code recognize the need for the public to be informed concerning executions.

    (a) The Department will participate and cooperate with the news media to inform the public concerning the execution; and

    (b) information should be provided in a timely manner.

    (3) If the condemned person is willing, the Department may allow an opportunity for the condemned to speak with the news media.

    (4) The Executive Director shall be responsible for selecting the members of the news media who will be permitted to witness the execution.

    (a) After the court sets a date for the execution of the death penalty, news directors may request permission for a member of their organization to witness the execution by directing the request, in writing, to the attention of the Executive Director at least 21 days prior to the execution.

    (b) When administrative convenience or fairness to the news media dictates, the Department, in its discretion, may extend the request deadline.

    (c) Requests for consideration may be granted by the Executive Director provided they contain the following:

    (i) a statement setting forth facts showing that the requesting individual falls within the definition of member of the "press" and "broadcast news media" as set forth in this rule;

    (ii) an agreement to act as a pool representative for other news gathering agencies desiring information on the execution;

    (iii) an agreement that the media member will abide by all of the conditions, rules and regulations while in attendance at the execution; and

    (iv) agreement that they will conduct themselves consistent with existing press standards.

    (d) Upon receipt of media member's request for permission to attend the execution, the Executive Director may take the steps necessary to verify the statements made in the request. After verifying the information in the request, selection of witnesses shall be made by the Executive Director.

    (e) The Executive Director shall identify the media members who have been selected to witness the execution. Media members shall be selected on a rotating basis from the following organizations:

    (i) Salt Lake City and Utah County daily newspapers;

    (ii) television stations licensed and broadcasting daily in the State of Utah;

    (iii) one newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the crime occurred;

    (iv) one radio station licensed and broadcasting in the State of Utah; and

    (v) the remainder from a pool of broadcast, print, and wire services news media organizations operating in Utah.

    (f) In the event that the Executive Director is unable to name a media member from each of the above-described organizations, he shall name other qualifying media members to attend.

    (g) No media members other than those named to attend the execution as described in this rule shall be permitted to witness the execution.

    (h) Additional members of the press and broadcast news media who request and receive permission from the Executive Director shall be permitted on prison property during the execution at a location designated by the Executive Director.

    (i) The Department shall arrange for pre-execution briefings, distribution of media briefing packages, briefings throughout the execution event, and post-execution briefings by the news media who witnessed the execution.

    (j) No special access nor briefings will be provided to members of the press who are not selected as witnesses nor selected for the alternate site.

    (k) Two photographers shall be appointed as pool photographers to film the execution site following clean up.

    (l) One photographer shall provide for the needs of the electronic media and the other shall take photos for the print media.

    (m) The pool photographers should be selected from agencies other than those represented among the nine witnessing the execution.

    (n) If any attempt is made to photograph in any area or at any time other than that specifically authorized, the photographer shall be expelled, film confiscated and criminal charges, if appropriate, filed.

    (5) The Warden shall permit the members of the press and broadcast news media, selected by the Executive Director, to witness the execution.

    (6) Each media member attending the execution shall be carefully searched prior to admittance to the execution chamber.

    (a) No strip search of any media member shall be conducted unless and until the Warden has reasonable suspicion to believe the media member is concealing weapons, drugs, audio or visual recording devices, or any other item not expressly authorized.

    (i) Electronic or mechanical recording devices include still, moving picture or videotape cameras, tape recorders or similar devices, broadcasting devices, or artistic paraphernalia, including notebooks, and drawing pencils or pens.

    (ii) Only a small notebook and a pen or pencil issued by the Department shall be permitted.

    (b) In the event of a strip search, the search shall be conducted in private, away from the execution area.

    (i) If the media members are found not to be concealing any of the items described, they will be permitted to return to the execution site and attend the execution.

    (ii) Any media member found to possess prohibited items shall be escorted from the execution area, from prison property and shall be subject to criminal charges, if appropriate.

    (c) Persons representing the news media witnessing the execution shall be required to sign a statement or release absolving the institution or any of its staff from any legal recourse resulting from the exercise of search requirements or other provisions of the witness agreement.

    (d) The Warden shall not exclude any media member duly selected from attendance at the execution except as described in these policies, nor may the Warden cause a selected media member to be removed from the execution chamber unless the media member:

    (i) refuses to submit to a reasonable search as permitted in these policies;

    (ii) faints, becomes ill or requests to be allowed to leave during the execution;

    (iii) causes a disturbance within the execution chamber that disrupts the conduct of the execution; or

    (iv) refuses or fails to abide by the conditions and policies set forth by the Department.

    (e) The execution chamber shall be arranged so as to provide space for the attending media members and the space arranged shall have a view of the execution site, with the exception of:

    (i) a view of the members of the firing squad, if employed; or

    (ii) if lethal injection is chosen, those directly administering the method of execution, who shall be concealed from the view of the media members so that their identities will remain unknown.

    (f) The selected media members shall be transported as a group to the execution location prior to the execution and shall be allowed to remain there throughout the proceeding.

    (g) The Department shall designate a representative or representatives to remain with the media members throughout the execution proceedings for the purpose of supervising and answering questions related to the execution.

    (h) Media members shall be admitted to the execution area on the date set for the execution only after:

    (i) proof of identification has been presented to the Public Affairs Director/designee at the staging area;

    (ii) being issued special identification credentials;

    (iii) receiving an orientation by the Public Affairs Director/designee; and

    (iv) signing an agreement to abide by conditions required of media witnesses to the execution.

    (i) After the execution has been completed and the site has been restored to an orderly condition, news media members may be permitted to return to the execution chamber for purposes of filming, photographing and recording the site.

    (i) Re-entry to the site shall be permitted only after the site has been restored to an orderly condition, including:

    (A) removal of the body of the condemned;

    (B) evacuation of those involved in administering the execution; and

    (C) clean up of the execution site.

    (ii) Restoring the site to an "orderly condition" prior to the filming opportunity shall not unnecessarily disturb the physical arrangements for the execution.

    (iii) Media members permitted to return to the execution chamber for the filming and recording of the site shall include:

    (A) the news media members who were selected to witness the execution;

    (B) one pool television photographer; and

    (C) one pool newsprint photographer.

    (iv) The film/videotape shall not be used in any news or other broadcast until made available to all agencies participating in the pool. All agencies receiving the film/videotape will be permitted to use them in news coverage and to retain the film/videotape for file footage.

    (j) News media representatives shall, after being returned from the execution to the staging area, act as pool representatives for other media representatives covering the event.

    (i) The pool representatives shall meet at the designated media center and provide an account of the execution and shall freely answer all questions put to them by other media members and shall not be permitted to report their coverage of the execution back to their respective news organizations until after the non-attending media members have had the benefit of the pool representatives' account of the execution.

    (A) News media members attending the post-execution briefing shall agree to remain in the briefing room and not leave nor communicate with persons outside the briefing room until the briefing is over.

    (B) The briefing shall end when the attending news media members are through asking questions or after [90]60 minutes, whichever comes first.

    (ii) The media witnesses shall be transported as a group between the staging area and the execution chamber in Department transportation. Media members arriving late and missing the shuttle shall not be permitted to attend the execution.

    (k) The Department may alter these policies to impose additional conditions, restrictions and limitations on media coverage of the execution when requirements become necessary for the preservation of prison security, personal safety or other legitimate interests which may be in jeopardy.

    (l) If extraordinary circumstances develop, additional conditions and restrictions shall be no more restrictive than required to meet the exigent circumstances.


    KEY: corrections, executions[*], prisons

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [April 18, 2002]2007

    Notice of Continuation: September 19, 2006

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 77-19-10; 77-19-11



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Rulemaking Authority:

Sections 77-19-10 and 77-19-11

Authorized By:
Thomas E. Patterson, Executive Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R251-107. Executions.