Delayed Notice, Publication, and Codification of the Expiration of Rule R694-1  

  • Rule R694-1, entitled "Archeological Permits," expired effective 10/22/2011. The rule expired because the required five-year review was not filed by the due date (see Subsection 63G-3-305(8)).

    The Division of Administrative Rules should have published a Notice of the Expiration in the November 15, 2011, issue of the Utah State Bulletin. Due to a clerical oversight, the Division did not record the expiration until 02/08/2012. Thus, notice is published in this issue.

    In addition, the Division should not have included Rule R694-1 in the December 2011, the January 2012, and the February 2012 updates to the Utah Administrative Code. These updates will be corrected and annotated with a note explaining the correction.

    Questions regarding the expiration of Rule R694-1 should be addressed to Nancy Lancaster at 801-538-3218 or by email at The Division of Administrative Rules regrets any inconvenience caused by this error.


Document Information

Publication Date:
Administrative Services,Administrative Rules
DAR File No.: