No. 35805 (New Rule): Rule R251-106. Media Relations  

  • (New Rule)

    DAR File No.: 35805
    Filed: 02/02/2012 09:56:39 AM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This rule is authorized under Sections 63G-3-201, 64-13-17, 63G-2-102, and 77-19-11. The purpose of this rule is to define the Utah Department of Corrections' (UDC) policy under which persons representing the news media shall be allowed access to correctional institutions, inmates, and other supervised offenders. It is also intended to define UDC actions when a need exists for the safeguarding of information.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    No substantive changes to previously established Rule R251-106 which expired due to extenuating circumstances with UDC's rule monitor. (DAR NOTE: A corresponding 120-day (emergency) rule filing that was effective as of 02/01/2012 for Rule R251-106 is under DAR No. 35767 and was published in the February 15, 2012, issue of the Bulletin.)

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    No impact--Putting rule back into place with no changes.

    local governments:

    No impact--Putting rule back into place with no changes.

    small businesses:

    No impact--Putting rule back into place with no changes.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    No impact--Putting rule back into place with no changes.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    No impact--Putting rule back into place with no changes.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    This rule will have no financial impacts since it is a resubmission on an expired rule.

    Thomas Patterson, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    14717 S MINUTEMAN DR
    DRAPER, UT 84020-9549

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Thomas Patterson, Executive Director


    R251. Corrections, Administration.

    R251-106. Media Relations.

    R251-106-1. Authority and Purpose.

    (1) This rule is authorized under Sections 63G-3-201, 64-13-10, 63G-2-201(12), 63G-2-204, and 77-19-11, of the Utah Code.

    (2) The purpose of this rule is to define the UDC's policy under which persons representing the news media shall be allowed access to correctional institutions, inmates and other supervised offenders. It is also intended to define UDC actions when a need exists for the safeguarding of information.


    R251-106-2. Definitions.

    (1) "News magazines" means magazines having a general circulation being distributed or sold to the general public by news stands, by mail circulation, or both.

    (2) "News media" means collectively those involved with news gathering for newspapers, news magazines, radio, wire services, television or other news services.

    (3) "News media members" means persons over the age of eighteen who are primarily employed in the business of gathering or reporting news for newspapers, news magazines, national or international news services, or radio or television stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission or other recognized news services.

    (4) "Newspaper" means, for the purposes of this rule, the publication being circulated among the general public, and containing items of general interest to the public such as political, commercial, religious or social affairs.

    (5) "Press" means the print media; also see "news media", generally.

    (6) "UDC" means the Utah Department of Corrections;

    (7) "UDC-issued media identification" means identification issued by the UDC to members of the news media to ensure a consistent, controlled, dependable means of recognition.


    R251-106-3. Standards and Procedures.

    (1) It is the policy of the UDC to permit press access to facilities, inmates, supervised offenders and information. Access shall be:

    (a) consistent with the requirements of the constitutions and laws of the United States and State of Utah;

    (b) at a level no more restrictive than that allowed the general public.

    (2) Access by news media members shall be restricted:

    (a) when the UDC finds it necessary to further its legitimate governmental interests, or to maintain safety, security, order, discipline and program goals;

    (b) to conform with statutory and constitutional privacy requirements as interpreted by binding case precedent;

    (c) when information or access would be contrary to state interests on matters under litigation; or

    (d) to safeguard the privacy interests of those under the supervision of the UDC.

    (3) The UDC shall make all reasonable efforts to see that the public is kept informed concerning its operations by:

    (a) participating and cooperating with the news media to communicate the UDC's mission, goals, policy, procedures, operation, and activities;

    (b) providing information in a timely manner, while avoiding disruption or compromise of the UDC's legitimate interests; and

    (c) releasing information in accordance with the policy, procedures and requirements of law to provide the public with knowledge about:

    (i) UDC philosophy, operations and activities; and

    (ii) significant issues and problems facing the UDC.

    (4) Inmates shall not be denied the opportunity to communicate with the news media. However, the UDC reserves the right to regulate the manner in which the communication may occur, including:

    (a) defining the channels of communication and the circumstances of their use; and

    (b) temporarily suspending communication during exigent circumstances including:

    (i) riots;

    (ii) hostage situations;

    (iii) fires or other disasters;

    (iv) other inmate disorders; or

    (v) emergency lock-down conditions.

    (5) Because the UDC faces special management problems with the prison's operation from face-to-face interviews between inmates and the news media:

    (a) news media members' requests for face-to-face interviews shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by considering the mental competence of the inmate, pending appeals, safety, security, and management issues of the institution;

    (b) requests for face-to-face interviews shall be submitted to the Public Information Officer; and

    (c) interviews which the UDC determines will jeopardize its legitimate interests, or those of a prison facility, shall not be approved.

    (6) Access to executions by the news media shall be consistent with the requirements of Section 77-19-11, of the Utah Code.

    (7) News media members shall obtain UDC-issued media identification or shall receive special permission for access to prison property or other UDC Facilities. Special permission may be granted only by the Public Information Officer or Executive Director.

    (8) No equipment shall be taken inside the facility unless specifically approved by the Public Information Officer, Deputy Director, or Executive Director. Filming or other recording visits are separate issues and involve individual consideration and decisions.

    (9) Ground rules for each opportunity for facility access, filming or recording shall be determined prior to entry.

    (10) Access may be terminated at any time without warning, if:

    (a) the conditions, ground rules, or other regulations are violated by news media members involved in the access opportunity;

    (b) an inmate disorder or other disruption develops;

    (c) staff members detect problems created by the media visit which threaten security, safety or order in the facility; or

    (d) other reasons related to the legitimate interests of the UDC are present.

    (11) Deliberate violation of regulations or other serious misconduct during a facility visit:

    (a) shall result in the temporary loss of UDC-issued media identification; and

    (b) may result in the permanent loss of UDC-issued media identification.


    KEY: corrections, press, media, prisons

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: 2012

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 63G-2-102; 63G-3-201; 64-13-10; 64-13-17; 77-19-11


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 63G-2-102

Section 63G-3-201

Section 64-13-17

Section 77-19-11

Section 64-13-10

Authorized By:
Thomas Patterson, Executive Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R251-106. Media Relations.