No. 28523 (Amendment): R277-717. Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)  

  • DAR File No.: 28523
    Filed: 02/15/2006, 04:22
    Received by: NL



    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This rule is amended to clarify definitions, add charter school language, and make other program changes that have developed over the years.


    Summary of the rule or change:

    The rule provides for changes to definitions, proposal criteria, budget, State Board of Education funding priorities, proposal applications and time lines.


    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Subsection 53A-1-401(3) and Section 53A-4-205


    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There are no anticipated cost or savings to state budget. The State Board of Education receives an appropriation to fund MESA programs in the school districts and their local activities.


    local governments:

    There are no anticipated cost or savings to local government. School districts and charter schools receive funding from the State Board of Education for MESA activities and student experiences. School district and charter school programs are funded on a competitive basis.


    other persons:

    There are no anticipated cost or savings to other persons. There are no program costs for MESA participants.


    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    There are no compliance costs for affected persons. There are no program costs for MESA participants.


    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    I have reviewed this rule and I see no fiscal impact on businesses. Patti Harrington, State Superintendent of Public Instruction


    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    250 E 500 S
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-3272


    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Carol Lear at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7835, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at


    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:



    This rule may become effective on:



    Authorized by:

    Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation




    R277. Education, Administration.

    R277-717. Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA).

    R277-717-1. Definitions.

    A. "Annual report" means information and data identified under R277-717-3E provided by funding recipients to the Utah State Office of Education by [May 1]June 30 of each year as a requirement for continued funding of the school or school district program.

    B. "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.

    C. "Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)" program means a course or courses offered during the regular school day or a club or activities held after school that involves identified students and addresses identified school district/charter school objectives with underserved ethnic minority and all female students consistent with funding purposes and the purposes of this rule. MESA programs, activities, and courses or classes may be offered at all grade levels. Programs should be coordinated among [high]secondary schools/charter schools and their feeder schools.

    D. "MESA Public Education Funding Application Review Committee (Committee)" means a funding advisory committee to the [USOE]Board composed of nine members as follows: four Coalition of Minorities Advisory Committee (CMAC) representatives who are not employed by applicant districts[ (4)], three school districts/charter schools representatives, including only representatives of districts that [have and have not applied] are not applying for MESA funding during the current grant cycle[(3)], two higher education [members of the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement/Science, Technology, Engineering Program (MESA/STEP) Advisory Board (2)]representatives with expertise in mathematics, engineering, science or technology. USOE staff shall facilitate the funding application review process but shall not vote in any Committee decisions.

    E. "Minority Students" means African American students, Asian students, American Indian[/] students, Alaskan Native students, Native Hawaiian students, Hispanic[/] students, Latino students, Pacific Islander students or other underserved ethnic minority students as [designated]proposed by the applicant.

    F. "School District/Charter School or School Proposal" means a written proposal[ outlined in writing], including budget and evaluation components, developed by each school district/charter school [receiving]applying for MESA funding or, if so determined by the district, by each recipient school.

    G. "USOE" means the Utah State Office of Education.[

    H. "Utah MESA/STEP Consortium" means a collaboration among public education, higher education, industry, and professional and community groups to increase the number of underserved ethnic minority and all female students to participate and succeed in academic and career pursuits in mathematics, science, engineering, and related technical fields.]


    R277-717-2. Authority and Purpose.

    A. This rule is authorized by Utah Constitution, Article X, Section 3, which vests general control and supervision of public education in the Board, Section 53A-4-205 which assigns to the Board the responsibility for developing standards and administering funds for [a ]programs promoting educational excellence, Section 53A-1-401(3) which permits the Board to adopt rules in accordance with its responsibilities, and Section 53A-17a-121 which appropriates funding for programs for at-[]risk youth. The USOE shall provide [overall]statewide supervision of the program and budget and shall recommend funding for MESA programs based on MESA objectives and Board funding priorities.

    B. This rule establishes standards and procedures to direct recipient public school districts[ or ]/traditional schools or charter schools to develop proposals [to]that encourage the participation of underserved ethnic minority and all female students who traditionally have not participated in mathematics, engineering, and science classes and programs proportionately to white males.


    R277-717-3. Proposal Criteria.

    A. School district[ or]/traditional school or charter school proposals shall identify objectives and activities to address MESA and Board objectives.

    B. The objectives of the MESA program are:

    (1) to increase the number of underserved ethnic minority and all female students who pursue course work, advanced study and possible careers in mathematics, engineering, and science areas, including teaching of mathematics and science;

    (2) to provide a program and activities designed to motivate underserved ethnic minority and all female students to take better advantage of all existing educational opportunities;

    (3) to facilitate an increase in high school graduation rates of MESA-involved students[ from high school];

    (4) to strengthen the [self-image]confidence of underserved ethnic minority and all female students relating to their success in mathematics and science courses, and to provide them with skills and opportunities to become successful role models for other students;

    (5) to provide underserved ethnic minority and all female students the opportunity to relate to and associate with successful role models;[ and]

    (6) to coordinate the efforts of public schools, colleges and universities, the USOE, industries, professional and community groups, and others in the development and maintenance of academic support programs to increase the participation of underserved ethnic minority and all female students in academic and career pursuits [of]in mathematics and science[. Examples of such courses include:

    (1) ATE classes;

    (2) community school classes;

    (3) concurrent enrollment;

    (4) advanced placement classes; or

    (5) classes offered through higher education institutions.]; and

    (7) to provide more information about MESA opportunities and participation criteria to parents of minority students and to actively involve minority students' parents in school activities and programs.

    C. Courses shall include secondary courses that place underserved ethnic minority and all female students on a college preparation track for post high school opportunities in mathematics and science. MESA courses may include:

    (1) CTE classes;

    (2) community school classes;

    (3) concurrent enrollment;

    (4) advanced placement classes; or

    (5) classes offered through higher education institutions.

    D. [Examples of ]MESA activities may include:

    (1) regularly scheduled after-school[ meetings with advisors to hear] guest presenters;

    (2) tutoring sessions, particularly in mathematics and science, including study aids;

    (3) field trips;

    (4) [hands-on]practical activities designed to introduce students to career possibilities, curriculum options or additional courses of study;

    (5) [exposure to]meaningful experiences and opportunities to discuss career opportunities in mathematics, engineering, and science, including teaching in these fields as a potential career;

    (6) [community]academic service learning designed to address school interest and attendance issues as well as to introduce underserved ethnic minority and all female students to mathematics, [science, ]engineering-related businesses/activities, science and opportunities for high school and post-secondary classes and the future;[ and]

    (7) internships or work experiences in identified areas which may be encouraged by student stipends or academic credit or both[.];

    (8) science fairs;

    (9) math competitions; and

    (10) extracurricular math/science activities.

    E. A school district or school/charter school proposal shall include a[n annual] report of the previous year's courses and activities from the funding [recipient to the USOE:]cycle.

    (1) The [P]proposal shall also include[s]:

    (a) a program narrative;

    (b) a plan to coordinate program activities with MESA objectives;

    (c) a projected budget; and

    (d) an evaluation plan.

    (2) The [A]annual report shall include[s]:

    (a) an accounting [for]of MESA funds spent in the previous year consistent with objectives identified in the proposal;

    (b) descriptions and examples of materials or activities that encouraged participation of underserved ethnic minority and all female students in MESA-funded courses and activities;

    (c) specific numbers or examples of increased participation or success in mathematics, science, engineering courses/activities by underserved ethnic minority and all female students;

    (d) [a program evaluation based on MESA and Board objectives and criteria; and]the number of ethnic minority teachers added to math/science departments;

    (e) [evidence of program response to evaluation data.]data on the course taking patterns of ethnic minority and female students;

    (f) number of MESA participants who began college programs; and

    (g) number of MESA participants who took the ACT/SAT exams.


    R277-717-4. Budget.

    A. Proposed expenditures shall be [tied]specific to program objectives.

    B. The budget may include payments to compensate schools for school fees directly related to [successful ]participation by underserved ethnic minority and all female students in identified MESA courses or activities.

    C. School districts or schools are encouraged to consider additional and creative course alternatives for identified students.


    R277-717-5. Board Funding Priorities.

    The Board shall fund school district or school programs based on priorities and criteria including:

    A. programs that clearly address all MESA objectives;

    B. programs that provide matching funds from school districts or federal sources, or both;

    C. programs that show an increase in MESA participants [of underserved ethnic minority and all female participants ]over the previous year;

    D. increased participation of MESA students in college preparation classes;

    E. increased rate of graduation among MESA students;

    F. innovative and effective counseling and tutoring models; and

    G. total number of targeted students in the school district or school's population.


    R277-717-6. Proposal Applications and Timeline.

    A. Proposals shall be submitted tri-annually beginning June 15, 2006 by school districts or schools/charter schools with approval of their governing board to the Committee no later than [May 1]June 30 of each designated year together with the required program report(s).

    B. The USOE may request more information, additional data or budget information if annual reports or student assessments indicate that MESA funding is being used ineffectively, for ineligible students, or inconsistently with the school district/school/charter school plan or the intent of this rule.

    [B]C. Proposals shall be submitted to the USOE on forms provided by the USOE and consistent with state and federal laws and USOE timelines.

    [C]D. State funding may require matching funding from local or federal sources. Applications may require identification of matching [local or community ]funds.

    [D]E. The Funding Committee may seek additional information from applicants and may assist applicants to align proposed expenditures with MESA objectives.

    [E]F. The Funding Committee shall make final recommendations to the USOE no later than [June 15]July 31.

    [F]G. The USOE shall make recommendations to the Board for final approval of program funding.


    KEY: minority education, mathematics, engineering, science

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [May 2, 2003]2006

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X Sec 3; 53A-4-205; 53A-1-401(3)





Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Rulemaking Authority:

Subsection 53A-1-401(3) and Section 53A-4-205


Authorized By:
Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R277-717. Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA).