No. 26953 (New Rule): R365-4. Sub-Domain Naming Conventions for Executive Branch Agencies  

  • DAR File No.: 26953
    Filed: 02/17/2004, 05:53
    Received by: NL



    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The "" identifier is intended to provide the following features to the State of Utah and its agencies: 1) the ".gov" sub-domain identifier is controlled by the Federal ".gov" domain registrar, thereby protecting state interests; 2) the State of Utah, Chief Information Officer's (CIO) office is responsible for issuance of all "" sub-domains, further protecting the integrity of the identifier; 3) the "" identifier offers immediate recognition to constituents for developing credibility and confidence through a consistent interface; and 4) the "" sub-domain simplifies constituent access to state agency services.


    Summary of the rule or change:

    This rule requires sub-domains to conform to the "" domain naming convention.


    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Section 63D-1a-301.2


    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    None--It is not anticipated that incremental cost or savings will occur from conforming to the "" brand. Changes implemented are negligible, and can be performed by existing staff. Benefits will occur through consistent and protected branding resulting in improved constituent confidence.


    local governments:

    None--No cost or savings anticipated, local government not regulated by this rule.


    other persons:

    None--No cost or savings anticipated, persons other than executive branch agencies are not regulated by this rule.


    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    Non-State-Agency organizations will not be impacted by any costs associated with compliance to this rule because they are not regulated by this rule.


    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    This rule furthers the commitment of the State of Utah to simplify citizen access to, and improve confidence in, State IT services through consistent branding and a protected naming convention. It is not anticipated that this rule will have any fiscal impact on businesses. Val Oveson, CIO


    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Planning and Budget, Chief Information Officer
    Room 116 STATE CAPITOL
    350 N STATE ST
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-1103


    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Randy Hughes at the above address, by phone at 801-537-9071, by FAX at 801-538-1547, or by Internet E-mail at


    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:



    This rule may become effective on:



    Authorized by:

    Val Oveson, Chief Information Officer




    R365. Governor, Planning and Budget, Chief Information Officer.

    R365-4. Sub-Domain Naming Conventions for Executive Branch Agencies.

    R365-4-1. Purpose.

    The "" identifier is intended to provide the following features to the State of Utah and its agencies.

    1.1 The ".gov" sub-domain identifier is controlled by the Federal .gov domain registrar, thereby protecting state interests.

    1.2 The State of Utah, Chief Information Officer's (CIO) office is responsible for issuance of all "" sub-domains, further protecting the integrity of the identifier.

    1.3 The "" identifier offers immediate recognition to constituents for developing credibility and confidence through a consistent interface.

    1.4 The "" sub-domain simplifies constituent access to state agency services.


    R365-4-2. Authority.

    This rule is issued by the Chief Information Officer under the authority of Section 63D-1a-301.2 of the Information Technology Act, and in accordance with Section 63-46a-3 of the Utah Rulemaking Act, Utah Code Annotated.


    R365-4-3. Scope of Application.

    All state agencies of the executive branch of the State of Utah government shall comply with this rule, which provides a consistent internet access identifier for the State of Utah through the "" sub-domain.


    R365-4-4. Definitions.

    4.1 "Sub-Domain:" A meaningful name or "handle" for addressing computers and information on the Internet. Domain names typically end with a suffix that denotes the type or location of a resource (for instance, ".com" for commercial resources or ".gov" for government resources).

    4.2 URL: "Uniform Resource Locator" which is an addressing standard used to find documents and media on the Internet.

    4.3 "Sub-Domain Registrar" Authoritative source within the State of Utah's CIO office, or the Federal .gov registrar.

    4.4 TLD: Top level domain, including, but not limited to .net, .org, .com, etc.

    4.5 Publicize: To advertise or otherwise publicly disseminate information regarding a TLD.


    R365-4-5. Compliance and Responsibilities.

    5.1 Any state executive branch agency that develops, hosts, or funds a website shall only register a sub-domain using the "" naming convention.

    5.2 No state executive branch agency may publicize a sub-domain in a TLD such as .org, .net, .com or any other available TLD not conforming to this rule.


    R365-4-6. Exceptions.

    6.1 The requirements of this rule do not apply to funds that are "passed-through" or contracted to a private non-profit or for-profit entity and subsequently used by that entity for its own website or for the purchase of a URL.

    6.2 The CIO may provide a waiver for an "extraordinary environment" for which it is demonstrated that use of the "" identifier would cause demonstrable harm to citizens or business. Requests for waiver must be submitted with justification to the CIO by the requesting agency Executive Director.

    6.3 Any agency may retain an existing sub-domain under "' for up to 2 years from the effective date of this rule provided they show an active plan for migration to the "" identifier.

    6.4 Non-Conforming TLDs may be obtained or retained solely for the purpose of re-direction to an approved "" TLD, or to retain ownership of the TLD for avoiding identifier misuse, provided the non-conforming TLD is not publicized.


    R365-4-7. Rule Compliance Management.

    A state executive branch agency executive director, or designee, upon becoming aware of a violation, shall enforce the rule. The CIO may, where appropriate, monitor compliance and report to the executive director any findings or violations of this rule.

    The CIO may further enforce this rule by requesting that the entity responsible for providing identifier mapping withhold or remove the offending TLD from state production servers.










Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Governor,Planning and Budget, Chief Information Officer
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 63D-1a-301.2


Authorized By:
Val Oveson, Chief Information Officer
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R365-4. Sub-Domain Naming Conventions for Executive Branch Agencies.