DAR File No.: 29439
Filed: 01/26/2007, 02:22
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This amendment is being proposed at the direction of the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Commission. The commissioners feel that any second or subsequent occurrence of a violation in a three-year period within a given penalty range should aggravate the violation for purposes of assessing a penalty to a licensee or the employee of a licensee.
Summary of the rule or change:
The amendments to this rule are found in Subsection R81-1-6(4) and address violations in the minor, moderate, and serious penalty categories. The amendment authorizes the Commission and presiding officers to adjust penalties for second and subsequent violations of any type within a penalty range. As now written, the rule only authorizes these penalty adjustments if the second or subsequent violations are of exactly the same type as violations adjudicated in prior proceedings.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Section 32A-1-107
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
None--This amendment only authorizes the Commission and presiding officers to adjust penalties assessed to licenses with multiple violations of the law. Implementation of this rule amendment will not affect the state budget.
local governments:
None--This amendment affects administrative actions taken by the Department Alcoholic Beverage Control (DABC) against alcoholic beverage licensees. Local governments are not involved in these administrative actions.
other persons:
None--This amendment does not affect all licensees as a whole. It only affects licensees facing penalties for violations of the law.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Any licensee who violates the law more than once within a three-year period may face heavier penalties as a result of this proposed rule amendment. The amendment authorizes the Commission or presiding officers to adjust the penalty when a licensee has second or subsequent violations of any laws within a given penalty category. Because there are many circumstances that may potentially aggravate or mitigate a violation, there is no way of knowing what the exact fiscal effect may be for any individual licensee.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
The ABC Commission and DABC take violations of the law by licensees very seriously. This proposed rule amendment may potentially have a fiscal impact on licensees who repeatedly violate the law by authorizing the Commission and presiding officers to use more flexibility in assessing violation penalties. It is hoped that the fiscal impact of this rule amendment will have the positive effect of making licensees who repeatedly violate the laws begin to take more seriously the responsibility of holding an alcoholic beverage license. Kenneth F. Wynn, Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Alcoholic Beverage Control
1625 S 900 W
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104-1630Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Sharon Mackay at the above address, by phone at 801-977-6800, by FAX at 801-977-6889, or by Internet E-mail at smackay@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Kenneth F. Wynn, Director
R81. Alcoholic Beverage Control, Administration.
R81-1. Scope, Definitions, and General Provisions.
R81-1-6. Violation Schedule.
(1) Authority. This rule is pursuant to Sections 32A-1-107(1)(c)(i), 32A-1-107(1)(e), 32A-1-107(4)(b), 32A-1-119(5), (6) and (7). These provisions authorize the commission to establish criteria and procedures for imposing sanctions against licensees and permittees and their officers, employees and agents who violate statutes and commission rules relating to alcoholic beverages. For purposes of this rule, holders of certificates of approval are also considered licensees. The commission may revoke or suspend the licenses or permits, and may impose a fine against a licensee or permittee in addition to or in lieu of a suspension. The commission also may impose a fine against an officer, employee or agent of a licensee or permittee. Violations are adjudicated under procedures contained in Section 32A-1-119 and disciplinary hearing Section R81-1-7.
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(4) Penalty Schedule. The department and commission shall follow these penalty range guidelines:
(a) Minor Violations. Violations of this category are lesser in nature and relate to basic compliance with the laws and rules. If not corrected, they are sufficient cause for action. Penalty range: Verbal warning from law enforcement or department compliance officer(s) to revocation of the license or permit and/or up to a $25,000 fine. A record of any letter of admonishment shall be included in the licensee's or permittee's and the officer's, employee's or agent's violation file at the department to establish a violation history.
(i) First occurrence involving a minor violation: the penalty shall range from a verbal warning from law enforcement or department compliance officer(s), which is documented to a letter of admonishment to the licensee or permittee and the officer, employee or agent involved. Law enforcement or department compliance officer(s) shall notify management of the licensee or permittee when verbal warnings are given.
(ii) Second occurrence of [
the same]any type of minor violation: a written investigation report from law enforcement or department compliance officer(s) shall be forwarded to the department. The penalty shall range from a $100 to $500 fine for the licensee or permittee, and a letter of admonishment to a $25 fine for the officer, employee or agent.(iii) Third occurrence of [
the same]any type of minor violation: a one to five day suspension of the license or permit and employment of the officer, employee or agent, and/or a $200 to $500 fine for the licensee or permittee and up to a $50 fine for the officer, employee or agent.(iv) More than three [
minor violations regardless of type]occurrences of any type of minor violation: a six day suspension to revocation of the license or permit and a six to ten day suspension of the employment of the officer, employee or agent, and/or a $500 to $25,000 fine for the licensee or permittee and up to a $75 fine for the officer, employee or agent.(v) If more than one violation is charged during the same investigation, the penalty shall be the sum of the days of suspension and/or the monetary penalties for each of the charges in their respective categories. If other minor violations are discovered during the same investigation, a verbal warning shall be given for each violation on a first occurrence. If the same type of violation is reported more than once during the same investigation, the violations shall be charged as a single occurrence.
(b) Moderate Violations. Violations of this category demonstrate a general disregard for the laws or rules. Although the gravity of the acts are not viewed in the same light as in the serious and grave categories, they are still sufficient cause for action. Penalty range: Written investigation report from law enforcement or department compliance officer(s) shall be forwarded to the department on the first occurrence. The penalty shall range from a letter of admonishment to revocation of the license or permit and/or up to a $25,000 fine.
(i) First occurrence involving a moderate violation: a written investigation report from law enforcement or department compliance officer(s) shall be forwarded to the department. The penalty shall range from a letter of admonishment to a $1000 fine for the licensee or permittee, and a letter of admonishment to a $50 fine for the officer, employee or agent.
(ii) Second occurrence of [
the same]any type of moderate violation: a three to ten day suspension of the license or permit and a three to ten day suspension of the employment of the officer, employee or agent, and/or a $500 to $1000 fine for the licensee or permittee and up to a $75 fine for the officer, employee or agent.(iii) Third occurrence of [
the same]any type of moderate violation: a ten to 20 day suspension of the license or permit and a ten to 20 day suspension of the employment of the officer, employee or agent, and/or a $1000 to $2000 fine for the licensee or permittee and up to a $100 fine for the officer, employee or agent.(iv) More than three [
moderate violations regardless of type]occurrences of any type of moderate violation: a 15 day suspension to revocation of the license or permit and a 15 to 30 day suspension of the employment of the officer, employee or agent, and/or a $2000 to $25,000 fine for the licensee or permittee and up to a $150 fine for the officer, employee or agent.(v) If more than one violation is charged during the same investigation, the penalty shall be the sum of the days of suspension and/or the sum of the monetary penalties for each of the charges in their respective categories.
(vi) If the same type of violation is reported more than once during the same investigation, the violations shall be charged as a single occurrence.
(c) Serious Violations. Violations of this category directly or indirectly affect or potentially affect the public safety, health and welfare, [
and] or may involve minors. Penalty range: Written investigation report from law enforcement or department compliance officer(s) shall be forwarded to the department on the first occurrence. The penalty shall range from a five day suspension to revocation of the license or permit and/or up to a $25,000 fine.(i) First occurrence involving a serious violation: written investigation report from law enforcement or department compliance officer(s) shall be forwarded to the department. The penalty shall range from a five to 30 day suspension of the license or permit and a five to 30 day suspension of the employment of the officer, employee or agent, and/or a $500 to $3000 fine for the licensee or permittee and up to a $100 fine for the officer, employee or agent.
(ii) Second occurrence of [
the same]any type of serious violation: a ten to 90 day suspension of the license or permit and a ten to 90 day suspension of the employment of the officer, employee or agent, and/or a $1000 to $9000 fine for the licensee or permittee and up to a $150 fine for the officer, employee or agent.(iii) More than two occurrences of any type of serious violation: a 15 day suspension to revocation of the license or permit and a 15 to 120 day suspension of the employment of the officer, employee or agent, and/or a $9000 to $25,000 fine for the licensee or permittee and up to a $500 fine for the officer, employee or agent.
(iv) If more than one violation is charged during the same investigation, the penalty shall be the sum of the days of suspension and/or the sum of the monetary penalties for each of the charges in their respective categories.
(v) If the same type of violation is reported more than once during the same investigation, the violations shall be charged as a single occurrence.
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KEY: alcoholic beverages
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
November 22, 2006]2007Notice of Continuation: August 31, 2006
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 32A-1-107; 32A-1-119(5)(c); 32A-3-103(1)(a); 32A-4-103(1)(a); 32A-4-106(22); 32A-4-203(1)(a); 32A-4-304(1)(a); 32A-4-307(22); 32A-4-401(1)(a); 32A-4-403(1)(a); 32A-5-103(1)(a); 32A-5-107(40); 32A-6-103(2)(a); 32A-7-103(2)(a); 32A-7-106(5); 32A-8-103(1)(a); 32A-8-503(1)(a); 32A-9-103(1)(a); 32A-10-203(1)(a); 32A-10-206(14); 32A-10-303(1)(a); 32A-10-306(5); 32A-11-103(1)(a)
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 3/27/2007
- Publication Date:
- 02/15/2007
- Filed Date:
- 01/26/2007
- Agencies:
- Alcoholic Beverage Control,Administration
- Rulemaking Authority:
Section 32A-1-107
- Authorized By:
- Kenneth F. Wynn, Director
- DAR File No.:
- 29439
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R81-1-6. Violation Schedule.