Governor's Declaration: Declaration of Agricultural Disaster  

  • Issued: January 31, 2005


    WHEREAS, approximately seven inches of rain fell on top of one foot of snow on the lower mountain areas of Iron and Washington Counties during January 3 - 9, 2005;

    WHEREAS, the resulting extreme levels of water runoff caused the Virgin River, Santa Clara River, Ash Creek, and Shoal Creek to overflow their banks for numerous miles;

    WHEREAS, the resulting flooding caused extensive damage to farm land and irrigations systems such as earthen and concrete ditches, concrete and metal pipelines, wheel lines, and other irrigation water delivery systems;

    WHEREAS, extremely high water levels left more than 5,000 acres of agricultural lands covered with debris and sediment;

    WHEREAS, a number of small farms have had their soils severely eroded or are now part of new river channels; and,

    WHEREAS, irrigation systems that serve numerous farms in Washington and Iron Counties have been washed out, leaving no method to deliver water to numerous farms preparing to plant crops for the 2005 season;

    NOW THEREFORE, I Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., Governor of the State of Utah by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Utah do hereby declare an "Agricultural Disaster" due to the aforesaid flooding event in the State of Utah.

    IN TESTIMONY, WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, this 31st day of January, 2005.

    (State Seal)

    Jon M. Huntsman, Jr.


    Gary R. Herbert
    Lieutenant Governor

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DAR File No.: