(New Rule)
DAR File No.: 33309
Filed: 01/11/2010 09:13:25 AMRULE ANALYSIS
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
On April 22, 2008, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published changes to 40 CFR 745 titled, "Lead; Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Program" (Federal Register (FR) Vol. 73, No. 78, Tuesday, April 22, 2008, Pages 21691-21769). In 2009, EPA published three additional revisions to the RRP program. The Utah Administrative Code must be amended to include the EPA RRP program regulatory language before EPA can delegate program authority for Utah to the Division of Air Quality (DAQ). To implement the RRP Program in Utah, DAQ is using a full text copy of the federal regulation and modifying it to facilitate program administration in and by the State. The intent is to adopt the federal regulatory language as promulgated, making minor changes to help facilitate program administration in Utah. This presents the Utah rule in a more transparent, easily understandable format. In addition, this amendment also includes minor program administrative clarifications. This new rule is part of three rule changes that incorporate the above changes. The proposed version of Rule R307-841 contains regulations developed under Sections 402 and 406 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2682 and 2686) and applies to all renovations performed for compensation in target housing and child-occupied facilities. The purpose of this rule is to ensure the following: 1) owners and occupants of target housing and child-occupied facilities receive information on lead-based paint hazards before these renovations begin; and 2) individuals performing renovations regulated in accordance with Section R307-841-3 are properly trained, renovators, and firms performing these renovations are certified, and the work practices in Section R307-841-5 are followed during these renovations. By incorporating this set of three rule changes, the DAQ will have the ability to apply to the EPA for lead-based paint program regulatory oversight in Utah for renovation projects conducted in target housing and child-occupied facilities. (DAR NOTE: The proposed repeal and reenactment of Rule R307-840 is under DAR No. 33308; and the proposed new Rule R307-842 is under DAR No. 33310 in this issue, February 1, 2010, of the Bulletin.)
Summary of the rule or change:
The proposed new Rule R308-841 contains: effective dates; applicability; information distribution requirements; work practice standards; recordkeeping, and reporting requirements; firm certification; renovator certification and dust sampling technician certification; and suspending, revoking, or modifying an individual's or firm's certification originally incorporated by reference in Rule R307-840 including changes made by the EPA from July 1, 2007, to July 15, 2009.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Subsection 19-2-104(1)(i)
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
Because no new requirements are created that are not already required by the federal government under 40 CFR 745 Subpart D, 40 CFR 745 Subpart E, and 40 CFR 745 Subpart F, no cost or savings is anticipated for the state budget.
local governments:
Because no new requirements are created that are not already required by the federal government under 40 CFR 745 Subpart D, 40 CFR 745 Subpart E, and 40 CFR 745 Subpart F, no cost or savings is anticipated for local government.
small businesses:
Because no new requirements are created that are not already required by the federal government under 40 CFR 745 Subpart D, 40 CFR 745 Subpart E, and 40 CFR 745 Subpart F, no cost or savings is anticipated for small businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
Because no new requirements are created that are not already required by the federal government under 40 CFR 745 Subpart D, 40 CFR 745 Subpart E, and 40 CFR 745 Subpart F, no cost or savings is anticipated for persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Because no new requirements are created that are not already required by the federal government under 40 CFR 745 Subpart D, 40 CFR 745 Subpart E, and 40 CFR 745 Subpart F, no cost or savings is anticipated for affected persons.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
Because no new requirements are created that are not already required by the federal government under 40 CFR 745 Subpart D, 40 CFR 745 Subpart E, and 40 CFR 745 Subpart F, no cost or savings is anticipated for businesses.
Amanda Smith, Executive Directo
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Environmental Quality
Air Quality
150 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Kimberly Kreykes at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4042, by FAX at 801-536-4099, or by Internet E-mail at kkreykes@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:
- 02/25/2010 01:00 PM, DEQ Building, 168 N 1950 W, Room 101, Salt Lake City, UT
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Bryce Bird, Planning Branch Manager
R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality.
R307-841. Residential Property and Child-Occupied Facility Renovation.
R307-841-1. Purpose.
This rule contains regulations developed under Sections 402 and 406 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2682 and 2686) and applies to all renovations performed for compensation in target housing and child-occupied facilities. The purpose of this rule is to ensure the following:
(1) Owners and occupants of target housing and child-occupied facilities receive information on lead-based paint hazards before these renovations begin; and
(2) Individuals performing renovations regulated in accordance with R307-841-3 are properly trained, renovators, and firms performing these renovations are certified, and the work practices in R307-841-5 are followed during these renovations.
R307-841-2. Effective Dates.
(1) Training, certification and accreditation requirements, and work practice standards. The training, certification and accreditation requirements, and work practice standards in this rule will become effective as follows:
(a) Training programs. No training program may provide, offer, or claim to provide training or refresher training for Executive Secretary certification as a renovator or a dust sampling technician without accreditation from the Executive Secretary under R307-842-1. Training programs may apply for accreditation under R307-842-1;
(b) Firms.
(i) Firms may apply for certification under R307-841-7.
(ii) No firm may perform, offer, or claim to perform renovations without certification from the Executive Secretary under R307-841-7 in target housing or child-occupied facilities, unless the renovation qualifies as one of the exceptions identified in R307-841-3(1) or (3).
(c) Individuals. All renovations must be directed by renovators certified in accordance with R307-841-8(1) and performed by certified renovators or individuals trained in accordance with R307-841-8(2)(b) in target housing or child-occupied facilities, unless the renovation qualifies as one of the exceptions identified in R307-841-3(1) or (3).
(d) Work practices. All renovations must be performed in accordance with the work practice standards in R307-841-5 and the associated recordkeeping requirements in R307-841-6(2)(f) and (2)(g) in target housing or child-occupied facilities, unless the renovation qualifies as one of the exceptions identified in R307-841-3(1) or (3).
(2) Renovation-specific pamphlet. Renovators or firms performing renovations must provide owners and occupants with "Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers and Schools."
R307-841-3. Applicability.
(1) This rule applies to all renovations performed for compensation in target housing and child-occupied facilities, except for the following:
(a) Renovations in target housing or child-occupied facilities in which a written determination has been made by an inspector or risk assessor, certified pursuant to R307-842, that the components affected by the renovation are free of paint or other surface coatings that contain lead equal to or in excess of 1.0 milligrams/per square centimeter (mg/cm2) or 0.5% by weight, where the firm performing the renovation has obtained a copy of the determination; or
(b) Renovations in target housing or child-occupied facilities in which a certified renovator, using an EPA-recognized test kit as defined in R307-840-2 and following the kit manufacturer's instructions, has tested each component affected by the renovation and determined that the components are free of paint or other surface coatings that contain lead equal to or in excess of 1.0 mg/cm2 or 0.5% by weight. If the components make up an integrated whole, such as the individual stair treads and risers of a single staircase, the renovator is required to test only one of the individual components, unless the individual components appear to have been repainted or refinished separately.
(2) The information distribution requirements in R307-841-4 do not apply to emergency renovations, which are renovation activities that were not planned but result from a sudden, unexpected event (such as non-routine failures of equipment) that, if not immediately attended to, presents a safety or public health hazard, or threatens equipment and/or property with significant damage. Interim controls performed in response to an elevated blood lead level in a resident child are also emergency renovations. Emergency renovations other than interim controls are also exempt from the warning sign, containment, waste handling, training, and certification requirements in R307-841-5, R307-841-7, and R307-841-8 to the extent necessary to respond to the emergency. Emergency renovations are not exempt from the cleaning requirements of R307-841-5(1)(e) which must be performed by certified renovators or individuals trained in accordance with R307-841-8(2)(b), the cleaning verification requirements of R307-841-5(2) which must be performed by certified renovators, or the recordkeeping requirements of R307-841-6(2)(f) and (g).
(3) The training requirements in R307-841-8 and the work practice standards for renovation activities in R307-841-5 apply to all renovations covered by this rule, except for renovations in target housing for which the firm performing the renovation has obtained a statement signed by the owner that the renovation will occur in the owner's residence, no child under age 6 resides there, no pregnant woman resides there, the housing is not a child-occupied facility, and the owner acknowledges that the renovation firm will not be required to use the work practices contained in the Executive Secretary's renovation, repair, and painting rule. For the purposes of this section, a child resides in the primary residence of his or her custodial parents, legal guardians, or foster parents. A child also resides in the primary residence of an informal caretaker if the child lives and sleeps most of the time at the caretaker's residence.
R307-841-4. Information Distribution Requirements.
(1) Renovations in dwelling units. No more than 60 days before beginning renovation activities in any residential dwelling unit of target housing, the firm performing the renovation must:
(a) Provide the owner of the unit with the pamphlet, and comply with one of the following:
(i) Obtain, from the owner, a written acknowledgement that the owner has received the pamphlet; or
(ii) Obtain a certificate of mailing at least 7 days prior to the renovation; and
(b) If the owner does not occupy the dwelling unit, provide an adult occupant of the unit with the pamphlet, and comply with one of the following:
(i) Obtain from the adult occupant a written acknowledgement that the occupant has received the pamphlet, or certify in writing that a pamphlet has been delivered to the dwelling and that the renovator has been unsuccessful in obtaining a written acknowledgement from an adult occupant. Such certification must include the address of the unit undergoing renovation, the date and method of delivery of the pamphlet, names of the persons delivering the pamphlet, reason for lack of acknowledgement (e.g., occupant refuses to sign, no adult occupant available), the signature of the firm performing the renovation, and the date of signature; or
(ii) Obtain a certificate of mailing at least 7 days prior to the renovation.
(2) Renovations in common areas. No more than 60 days before beginning renovation activities in common areas of multi-unit target housing, the firm performing the renovation must:
(a) Provide the owner with the pamphlet, and comply with one of the following:
(i) Obtain, from the owner, a written acknowledgement that the owner has received the pamphlet; or
(ii) Obtain a certificate of mailing at least 7 days prior to the renovation;
(b) Comply with one of the following:
(i) Notify in writing, or ensure written notification of each affected unit and make the pamphlet available upon request prior to the start of renovation. Such notification shall be accomplished by distributing written notice to each affected unit. The notice shall describe the general nature and locations of the planned renovation activities, the expected starting and ending dates, and a statement of how the occupant can obtain the pamphlet at no charge from the firm performing the renovation; or
(ii) While the renovation is ongoing, post informational signs describing the general nature and locations of the renovation and the anticipated completion date. These signs must be posted in areas where they are likely to be seen by the occupants of all of the affected units. The signs must be accompanied by a posted copy of the pamphlet or information on how interested occupants can review a copy of the pamphlet or obtain a copy from the renovation firm at no cost to occupants;
(c) Prepare, sign, and date a statement describing the steps performed to notify all occupants of the intended renovation activities and to provide the pamphlet; and
(d) If the scope, locations, or expected starting and ending dates of the planned renovation activities change after the initial notification, the firm provided written initial notification to each affected unit, the firm performing the renovation must provide further written notification to the owners and occupants providing revised information on the ongoing or planned activities. This subsequent notification must be provided before the firm performing the renovation initiates work beyond that which was described in the original notice.
(3) Renovations in child-occupied facilities. No more than 60 days before beginning renovation activities in any child-occupied facility, the firm performing the renovation must:
(a) Provide the owner of the building with the pamphlet, and comply with one of the following:
(i) Obtain, from the owner, a written acknowledgment that the owner has received the pamphlet; or
(ii) Obtain a certificate of mailing at least 7 days prior to the renovation;
(b) If the adult representative of the child-occupied facility is not the owner of the building, provide an adult representative of the child-occupied facility with the pamphlet, and comply with one of the following:
(i) Obtain, from the adult representative, a written acknowledgment that the adult representative has received the pamphlet, or certify in writing that a pamphlet has been delivered to the facility and that the firm performing the renovation has been unsuccessful in obtaining a written acknowledgment from an adult representative. Such certification must include the address of the child-occupied facility undergoing renovation, the date and method of delivery of the pamphlet, names of the persons delivering the pamphlet, reason for lack of acknowledgment (e.g., representative refuses to sign), the signature of a representative of the firm performing the renovation, and the date of signature; or
(ii) Obtain a certificate of mailing at least 7 days prior to the renovation;
(c) Provide the parents and guardians of children using the child-occupied facility with the pamphlet and information describing the general nature and locations of the renovation and the anticipated completion date by complying with one of the following:
(i) Mail or hand-deliver the pamphlet and the renovation information to each parent or guardian of a child using the child-occupied facility; or
(ii) While the renovation is ongoing, post informational signs describing the general nature and locations of the renovation and the anticipated completion date. These signs must be posted in areas where they can be seen by the parents or guardians of the children frequenting the child-occupied facility. The signs must be accompanied by a posted copy of the pamphlet or information on how interested parents or guardians can review a copy of the pamphlet or obtain a copy from the renovation firm at no cost to the parents or guardians; and
(d) The renovation firm must prepare, sign, and date a statement describing the steps performed to notify all parents and guardians of the intended renovation activities and to provide the pamphlet.
(4) Written acknowledgement. The written acknowledgements required by paragraphs (1)(a)(i), (1)(b)(i), (2)(a)(i), (3)(a)(i), and (3)(b)(i) of this section must:
(a) Include a statement recording the owner or occupant's name and acknowledging receipt of the pamphlet prior to the start of renovation, the address of the unit undergoing renovation, the signature of the owner or occupant as applicable, and the date of signature;
(b) Be either a separate sheet or part of any written contract or service agreement for the renovation; and
(c) Be written in the same language as the text of the contract or agreement for the renovation or, in the case of non-owner occupied target housing, in the same language as the lease or rental agreement or the pamphlet.
R307-841-5. Work Practice Standards.
(1) Standards for renovation activities. Renovations must be performed by firms certified under R307-841-7 using renovators certified under R307-841-8. The responsibilities of certified firms are set forth in R307-841-7(4) and the responsibilities of certified renovators are set forth in R307-841-8(2).
(a) Occupant protection. Firms must post signs clearly defining the work area and warning occupants and other persons not involved in renovation activities to remain outside of the work area. To the extent practicable, these signs must be in the primary language of the occupants. These signs must be posted before beginning the renovation, remain in place, and be readable until the renovation and the post-renovation cleaning verification have been completed. If warning signs have been posted in accordance with 24 CFR 35.1345(b)(2) or 29 CFR 1926.62(m), additional signs are not required by this section.
(b) Containing the work area. Before beginning the renovation, the firm must isolate the work area so that no dust or debris leaves the work area while the renovation is being performed. In addition, the firm must maintain the integrity of the containment by ensuring that any plastic or other impermeable materials are not torn or displaced, and taking any other steps necessary to ensure that no dust or debris leaves the work area while the renovation is being performed. The firm must also ensure that containment is installed in such a manner that it does not interfere with occupant and worker egress in an emergency.
(i) Interior renovations. The firm must:
(A) Remove all objects from the work area, including furniture, rugs, and window coverings, or cover them with plastic sheeting or other impermeable material with all seams and edges taped or otherwise sealed;
(B) Close and cover all duct openings in the work area with taped-down plastic sheeting or other impermeable material;
(C) Close windows and doors in the work area. Doors must be covered with plastic sheeting or other impermeable material. Doors used as an entrance to the work area must be covered with plastic sheeting or other impermeable material in a manner that allows workers to pass through while confining dust and debris to the work area;
(D) Cover the floor surface, including installed carpet, with taped-down plastic sheeting or other impermeable material in the work area 6 feet beyond the perimeter of surfaces undergoing renovation or a sufficient distance to contain the dust, whichever is greater; and
(E) Use precautions to ensure that all personnel, tools, and other items, including the exterior of containers of waste, are free of dust and debris before leaving the work area.
(ii) Exterior renovations. The firm must:
(A) Close all doors and windows within 20 feet of the renovation. On multi-story buildings, close all doors and windows within 20 feet of the renovation on the same floor as the renovation, and close all doors and windows on all floors below that are the same horizontal distance from the renovation;
(B) Ensure that doors within the work area that will be used while the job is being performed are covered with plastic sheeting or other impermeable material in a manner that allows workers to pass through while confining dust and debris to the work area;
(C) Cover the ground with plastic sheeting or other disposable impermeable material extending 10 feet beyond the perimeter of surfaces undergoing renovation or a sufficient distance to collect falling paint debris, whichever is greater, unless the property line prevents 10 feet of such ground covering; and
(D) The renovation firm must take extra precautions in containing the work area to ensure that dust and debris from the renovation does not contaminate other buildings or other areas of the property or migrate to adjacent properties.
(c) Prohibited and restricted practices. The work practices listed below shall be prohibited or restricted during a renovation as follows:
(i) Open-flame burning or torching of lead-based paint is prohibited;
(ii) The use of machines that remove lead-based paint through high speed operation such as sanding, grinding, power planning, needle gun, abrasive blasting, or sandblasting, is prohibited unless such machines are used with HEPA exhaust control; and
(iii) Operating a heat gun on lead-based paint is permitted only at temperatures below 1100 degrees Fahrenheit.
(d) Waste from renovations.
(i) Waste from renovation activities must be contained to prevent releases of dust and debris before the waste is removed from the work area for storage or disposal. If a chute is used to remove waste from the work area, it must be covered.
(ii) At the conclusion of each work day and at the conclusion of the renovation, waste that has been collected from renovation activities must be stored under containment, in an enclosure, or behind a barrier that prevents release of dust and debris out of the work area and prevents access to dust and debris.
(iii) When the firm transports waste from renovation activities, the firm must contain the waste to prevent release of dust and debris.
(e) Cleaning the work area. After the renovation has been completed, the firm must clean the work area until no dust, debris, or residue remains.
(i) Interior and exterior renovations. The firm must:
(A) Collect all paint chips and debris and, without dispersing any of it, seal this material in a heavy-duty bag; and
(B) Remove the protective sheeting. Mist the sheeting before folding it, fold the dirty side inward, and either tape shut to seal or seal in heavy-duty bags. Sheeting used to isolate contaminated rooms from non-contaminated rooms must remain in place until after the cleaning and removal of other sheeting. Dispose of the sheeting as waste.
(ii) Additional cleaning for interior renovations. The firm must clean all objects and surfaces in the work area and within 2 feet of the work area in the following manner, cleaning from higher to lower:
(A) Walls. Clean walls starting at the ceiling and working down to the floor by either vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum or wiping with a damp cloth;
(B) Remaining surfaces. Thoroughly vacuum all remaining surfaces and objects in the work area, including furniture and fixtures, with a HEPA vacuum. The HEPA vacuum must be equipped with a beater bar when vacuuming carpets and rugs; and
(C) Wipe all remaining surfaces and objects in the work area, except for carpeted or upholstered surfaces, with a damp cloth. Mop uncarpeted floors thoroughly, using a mopping method that keeps the wash water separate from the rinse water, such as the 2-bucket mopping method, or using a wet mopping system.
(2) Standards for post-renovation cleaning verification.
(a) Interiors.
(i) A certified renovator must perform a visual inspection to determine whether dust, debris, or residue is still present. If dust, debris, or residue is present, these conditions must be removed by re-cleaning and another visual inspection must be performed.
(ii) After a successful visual inspection, a certified renovator must:
(A) Verify that each windowsill in the work area has been adequately cleaned, using the following procedure.
(I) Wipe the windowsill with a wet disposable cleaning cloth that is damp to the touch. If the cloth matches or is lighter than the cleaning verification card, the windowsill has been adequately cleaned.
(II) If the cloth does not match and is darker than the cleaning verification card, re-clean the windowsill as directed in paragraphs (1)(e)(ii)(B) and (1)(e)(ii)(C) of this section, then either use a new cloth or fold the used cloth in such a way that an unused surface is exposed, and wipe the surface again. If the cloth matches or is lighter than the cleaning verification card, that windowsill has been adequately cleaned.
(III) If the cloth does not match and is darker than the cleaning verification card, wait for 1 hour or until the surface has dried completely, whichever is longer. After waiting for the windowsill to dry, wipe the windowsill with a dry disposable cleaning cloth. After this wipe, the windowsill has been adequately cleaned.
(B) Wipe uncarpeted floors and countertops within the work area with a wet disposable cleaning cloth. Floors must be wiped using application device with a long handle and a head to which the cloth is attached. The cloth must remain damp at all times while it is being used to wipe the surface for post-renovation cleaning verification. If the surface within the work area is greater than 40 square feet, the surface within the work area must be divided into roughly equal sections that are each less than 40 square feet. Wipe each such section separately with a new wet disposable cleaning cloth.
(I) If the cloth used to wipe each section of the surface within the work area matches the cleaning verification card, the surface has been adequately cleaned.
(II) If the cloth used to wipe a particular surface section does not match the cleaning verification card, re-clean that section of the surface as directed in paragraphs (1)(e)(ii)(B) and (1)(e)(ii)(C) of this section, then use a new wet disposable cleaning cloth to wipe that section again. If the cloth matches the cleaning verification card, that section of the surface has been adequately cleaned.
(III) If the cloth used to wipe a particular surface section does not match the cleaning verification card after the surface has been re-cleaned, wait for 1 hour or until the entire surface within the work area has dried completely, whichever is longer. After waiting for the entire surface within the work area to dry, wipe each section of the surface that has not yet achieved post-renovation cleaning verification with a dry disposable cleaning cloth. After this wipe, that section of the surface has been adequately cleaned.
(iii) When the work area passes the post-renovation cleaning verification, remove the warning signs.
(b) Exteriors. A certified renovator must perform a visual inspection to determine whether dust, debris, or residue is still present on surfaces in and below the work area, including windowsills and the ground. If dust, debris, or residue is present, these conditions must be eliminated and another visual inspection must be performed. When the area passes the visual inspection, remove the warning signs.
(3) Optional dust clearance testing. Cleaning verification need not be performed if the contract between the renovation firm and the person contracting for the renovation or another Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal, or local law or regulation requires:
(a) The renovation firm to perform dust clearance sampling at the conclusion of a renovation covered by this rule.
(b) The dust clearance samples are required to be collected by a certified inspector, risk assessor, or dust sampling technician.
(c) The renovation firm is required to re-clean the work area until the dust clearance sample results are below the clearance standards in R307-842-3(5)(h).
(4) Activities conducted after post-renovation cleaning verification. Activities that do not disturb paint, such as applying paint to walls that have already been prepared, are not regulated by this rule if they are conducted after post-renovation cleaning verification has been performed.
R307-841-6. Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements.
(1) Firms performing renovations must retain and, if requested, make available to the Executive Secretary all records necessary to demonstrate compliance with this rule for a period of 3 years following completion of the renovation. This 3-year retention requirement does not supersede longer obligations required by other provisions for retaining the same documentation.
(2) Records that must be retained pursuant to paragraph (1), of this section, shall include (where applicable):
(a) Reports certifying that a determination had been made by an inspector (certified pursuant to R307-842) that lead-based paint is not present on the components affected by the renovation, as described in R307-841-3(1)(a).
(b) Signed and dated acknowledgements of receipt as described in R307-841-4(1)(a)(i), (1)(b)(i), (2)(a)(i), (3)(a)(i), and (3)(b)(i).
(c) Certifications of attempted delivery as described in R307-841-4(1)(b)(i) and (3)(b)(i).
(d) Certificates of mailing as described in R307-841-4(1)(a)(ii), (1)(b)(ii), (2)(a)(ii), (3)(a)(ii), and (3)(b)(ii).
(e) Records of notification activities performed regarding common area renovations, as described in R307-841-4(2)(c) and (2)(d), and renovations in child-occupied facilities, as described in R307-841-4(3)(c).
(f) Any signed and dated statements received from owner-occupants documenting that the requirements of R307-841-5 do not apply. These statements must include a declaration that the renovation will occur in the owner's residence, a declaration that no children under age 6 reside there, a declaration that no pregnant woman resides there, a declaration that the housing is not a child-occupied facility, the address of the unit undergoing renovation, the owner's name, an acknowledgment by the owner that the work practices to be used during the renovation will not necessarily include all of the lead-safe work practices contained in the Executive Secretary's renovation, repair, and painting rule, the signature of the owner, and the date of signature. These statements must be written in the same language as the text of the renovation contract, if any.
(g) Documentation of compliance with the requirements of R307-841-5, including documentation that a certified renovator was assigned to the project, that the certified renovator provided on-the-job training for workers used on the project, that the certified renovator performed or directed workers who performed all of the tasks described in R307-841-5(1), and that the certified renovator performed the post-renovation cleaning verification described in R307-841-5(2). If the renovation firm was unable to comply with all of the requirements of this rule due to an emergency as defined in R307-841-3, the firm must document the nature of the emergency and the provisions of the rule that were not followed. This documentation must include a copy of their current Utah Lead-Based Paint Renovator certification card, and a certification by the certified renovator assigned to the project that:
(i) Training was provided to workers (topics must be identified for each worker).
(ii) Warning signs were posted at the entrances to the work area.
(iii) If test kits were used, that the specified brand of kits was used at the specified locations and that the results were as specified.
(iv) The work area was contained by:
(A) Removing or covering all objects in the work area (interiors);
(B) Closing and covering all HVAC ducts in the work area (interiors);
(C) Closing all windows in the work area (interiors) or closing all windows in and within 20 feet of the work area (exteriors);
(D) Closing and sealing all doors in the work area (interiors) or closing and sealing all doors in and within 20 feet of the work area (exteriors);
(E) Covering doors in the work area that were being used to allow passage but prevent spread of dust;
(F) Covering the floor surface, including installed carpet, with taped-down plastic sheeting or other impermeable material in the work area 6 feet beyond the perimeter of surfaces undergoing renovation or a sufficient distance to contain the dust, whichever is greater (interiors) or covering the ground with plastic sheeting or other disposable impermeable material anchored to the building extending 10 feet beyond the perimeter of surfaces undergoing renovation or a sufficient distance to collect falling paint debris, whichever is greater, unless the property line prevents 10 feet of such ground covering, weighted down by heavy objects (exteriors); and
(G) Installing (if necessary) vertical containment to prevent migration of dust and debris to adjacent property (exteriors).
(v) Waste was contained on-site and while being transported off-site.
(vi) The work area was properly cleaned after the renovation by:
(A) Picking up all chips and debris, misting protective sheeting, folding it dirty side inward, and taping it for removal; and
(B) Cleaning the work area surfaces and objects using a HEPA vacuum and/or wet cloths or mops (interiors).
(vii) The certified renovator performed the post-renovation cleaning verification (the results of which must be briefly described, including the number of wet and dry cloths used).
(3) When test kits are used, the renovation firm must, within 30 days of the completion of the renovation, provide identifying information as to the manufacturer and model of the test kits used, a description of the components that were tested including their locations, and the test kit results to the person who contracted for the renovation.
(4) If dust clearance sampling is performed in lieu of cleaning verification as permitted by R307-841-5(3), the renovation firm must provide, within 30 days of the completion of the renovation, a copy of the dust sampling report to the person who contracted for the renovation.
R307-841-7. Firm Certification.
(1) Initial certification.
(a) Firms that perform renovations for compensation must apply to the Executive Secretary for certification to perform renovations or dust sampling. To apply, a firm must submit to the Executive Secretary a completed "Lead-Based Paint Certification Application for Firms" signed by an authorized agent of the firm and pay the correct amount of fees.
(b) After the Executive Secretary receives a firm's application, the Executive Secretary will take one of the following actions within 90 days of the date the application is received:
(i) The Executive Secretary will approve a firm's application if the Executive Secretary determines that it is complete and that the environmental compliance history of the firm, its principals, or its key employees does not show an unwillingness or inability to maintain compliance with environmental statutes or regulations. An application is complete if it contains all of the information requested on the form and includes at least the correct amount of fees. When the Executive Secretary approves a firm's application, the Executive Secretary will issue the firm a certificate with an expiration date not more than 5 years from the date the application is approved;
(ii) The Executive Secretary will request a firm to supplement its application if the Executive Secretary determines that the application is incomplete. If the Executive Secretary requests a firm to supplement its application, the firm must submit the requested information or pay the additional fees within 30 days of the date of the request; and
(iii) The Executive Secretary will not approve a firm's application if the firm does not supplement its application in accordance with paragraph (1)(b)(ii) of this section or if the Executive Secretary determines that the environmental compliance history of the firm, its principals, or its key employees demonstrates an unwillingness or inability to maintain compliance with environmental statutes or regulations. The Executive Secretary will send the firm a letter giving the reason for not approving the application. The Executive Secretary will not refund the application fees. A firm may reapply for certification at any time by filing a new, complete application that includes the correct amount of fees.
(2) Re-certification. To maintain its certification, a firm must be re-certified by the Executive Secretary.
(a) Timely and complete application. To be re-certified, a firm must submit a complete application for re-certification. A complete application for re-certification includes a completed "Lead-Based Paint Certification Application for Firms" which contains all of the information requested by the form and is signed by an authorized agent of the firm, noting on the form that it is submitted as a re-certification. A complete application must also include the correct amount of fees.
(i) An application for re-certification is timely if it is postmarked 90 days or more before the date the firm's current certification expires. If the firm's application is complete and timely, the firm's current certification will remain in effect until its expiration date or until the Executive Secretary has made a final decision to approve or disapprove the re-certification application, whichever is later.
(ii) If the firm submits a complete re-certification application less than 90 days before its current certification expires, and the Executive Secretary does not approve the application before the expiration date, the firm's current certification will expire and the firm will not be able to conduct renovations until the Executive Secretary approves its re-certification application.
(iii) If the firm fails to obtain recertification before the firm's current certification expires, the firm must not perform renovations or dust sampling until it is certified anew pursuant to paragraph (1), of this section.
(b) Executive Secretary action on an application. After the Executive Secretary receives a firm's application for re-certification, the Executive Secretary will review the application and take one of the following actions within 90 days of receipt:
(i) The Executive Secretary will approve a firm's application if the Executive Secretary determines that it is timely and complete and that the environmental compliance history of the firm, its principals, or its key employees does not show an unwillingness or inability to maintain compliance with environmental statutes or regulations. When the Executive Secretary approves a firm's application for re-certification, the Executive Secretary will issue the firm a new certificate with an expiration date not more than 5 years from the date that the firm's current certification expires.
(ii) The Executive Secretary will request a firm to supplement its application if the Executive Secretary determines that the application is incomplete.
(iii) The Executive Secretary will not approve a firm's application if it is not received or is not complete as of the date that the firm's current certification expires, or if the Executive Secretary determines that the environmental compliance history of the firm, its principals, or its key employees demonstrates an unwillingness or inability to maintain compliance with environmental statutes or regulations. The Executive Secretary will send the firm a letter giving the reason for not approving the application. The Executive Secretary will not refund the application fees. A firm may reapply for certification at any time by filing a new application and paying the correct amount of fees.
(3) Amendment of certification. A firm must amend its certification within 90 days of the date a change occurs to information included in the firm's most recent application. If the firm fails to amend its certification within 90 days of the date the change occurs, the firm may not perform renovations or dust sampling until its certification is amended.
(a) To amend a certification, a firm must submit a completed "Lead-Based Paint Certification Application for Firms," signed by an authorized agent of the firm, noting on the form that it is submitted as an amendment and indicating the information that has changed. The firm must also pay at least the correct amount of fees.
(b) If additional information is needed to process the amendment, or the firm did not pay the correct amount of fees, the Executive Secretary will request the firm to submit the necessary information or fees. The firm's certification is not amended until the firm complies with the request.
(c) Amending a certification does not affect the certification expiration date.
(4) Firm responsibilities. Firms performing renovations must ensure that:
(a) All individuals performing renovation activities on behalf of the firm are either certified renovators or have been trained by a certified renovator in accordance with R307-841-8;
(b) A certified renovator is assigned to each renovation performed by the firm and discharges all of the certified renovator responsibilities identified in R307-841-8;
(c) All renovations performed by the firm are performed in accordance with the work practice standards in R307-841-5;
(d) The pre-renovation education requirements of R307-841-4 have been performed; and
(e) The recordkeeping requirements of R307-841-6 are met.
R307-841-8. Renovator Certification and Dust Sampling Technician Certification.
(1) Renovator certification and dust sampling technician certification.
(a) To become a certified renovator or certified dust sampling technician, an individual must successfully complete the appropriate course accredited by the Executive Secretary under R307-842-1.
(b) Individuals who have successfully completed an accredited abatement worker or supervisor course, or individuals who have successfully completed an Executive Secretary, EPA, HUD, or EPA/HUD model renovation training course may take an accredited refresher renovator training course in lieu of the initial renovator training course to become a certified renovator.
(c) Individuals who have successfully completed an accredited lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor course may take an accredited refresher dust sampling technician course in lieu of the initial training to become a certified dust sampling technician.
(d) To maintain renovator certification or dust sampling technician certification, an individual must complete a renovator or dust sampling technician refresher course accredited by the Executive Secretary under R307-842-1 within 5 years of the date the individual completed the initial course described in paragraph (1)(a) of this section. If the individual does not complete a refresher course within this time, the individual must re-take the initial course to become certified again.
(2) Renovator responsibilities. Certified renovators are responsible for ensuring compliance with R307-841-5 at all renovations to which they are assigned. A certified renovator:
(a) Must perform all of the tasks described in R307-841-5(2) and must either perform or direct workers who perform all of the tasks described in R307-841-5(1);
(b) Must provide training to workers on the work practices they will be using in performing their assigned tasks;
(c) Must be physically present at the work site when the signs required by R307-841-5(1)(a) are posted, while the work area containment required by R307-841-5(1)(b) is being established, and while the work area cleaning required by R307-841-5(1)(e) is performed;
(d) Must regularly direct work being performed by other individuals to ensure that the work practices are being followed, including maintaining the integrity of the containment barriers and ensuring that dust or debris does not spread beyond the work area;
(e) Must be available, either on-site or by telephone, at all times that renovations are being conducted;
(f) When requested by the party contracting for renovation services, must use an acceptable test kit to determine whether components to be affected by the renovation contain lead-based paint;
(g) Must have with them at the work site their current Utah Lead-Based Paint Renovator certification card; and
(h) Must prepare the records required by R307-841-6(2)(g).
(3) Dust sampling technician responsibilities. When performing optional dust clearance sampling under R307-841-5(3), a certified dust sampling technician:
(a) Must collect dust samples in accordance with R307-842-3(5)(h)(i) through (v), must send the collected samples to a laboratory recognized by EPA under Section 405(b) of TSCA, and must compare the results to the clearance levels in accordance with R307-842-3(5)(h); and
(b) Must have with them at the work site their current Utah Lead-Based Paint Dust Sampling Technician certification card.
R307-841-9. Suspending, Revoking, or Modifying an Individual's or Firm's Certification.
(1) Grounds for suspending, revoking, or modifying an individual's certification. The Executive Secretary may suspend, revoke, or modify an individual's certification if the individual fails to comply with State lead-based paint administrative rules. The Executive Secretary may also suspend, revoke, or modify a certified renovator's certification if the renovator fails to ensure that all assigned renovations comply with R307-841-5. In addition to an administrative or judicial finding of violation, execution of a consent agreement in settlement of an enforcement action constitutes, for purposes of this section, evidence of a failure to comply with relevant statutes or regulations.
(2) Grounds for suspending, revoking, or modifying a firm's certification. The Executive Secretary may suspend, revoke, or modify a firm's certification if the firm:
(a) Submits false or misleading information to the Executive Secretary in its application for certification or re-certification,
(b) Fails to maintain or falsifies records required in R307-841-6, or
(c) Fails to comply, or an individual performing a renovation on behalf of the firm fails to comply, with State lead-based paint administrative rules. In addition to an administrative or judicial finding of violation, execution of a consent agreement in settlement of an enforcement action constitutes, for purposes of this section, evidence of a failure to comply with relevant statutes or regulations.
KEY: paint, lead-based paint, lead-based paint renovation
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: 2010
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104(1)(i)
Document Information
- Hearing Meeting:
- 02/25/2010 01:00 PM, DEQ Building, 168 N 1950 W, Room 101, Salt Lake City, UT
- Effective Date:
- 4/7/2010
- Publication Date:
- 02/01/2010
- Filed Date:
- 01/11/2010
- Agencies:
- Environmental Quality,Air Quality
- Rulemaking Authority:
Subsection 19-2-104(1)(i)
- Authorized By:
- Bryce Bird, Planning Branch Manager
- DAR File No.:
- 33309
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R307-841. Residential Property and Child-Occupied Facility Renovation.