Public Hearing on Proposed Fee Schedule for Services Provided and Costs Incurred by the Department of Commerce During Fiscal Year 2010  

  • The Department of Commerce will hold a hearing on Monday, December 22, 2008, at 11:00 a.m. in the Heber M. Wells Building, 160 East 300 South, Room 210, Salt Lake City, Utah.

    The purpose of the hearing is to obtain public comment on a proposed fees which could be assessed for services provided and costs which would be incurred by the Department during Fiscal Year 2010. Section 63J-1-303(5)(a) of the Budgetary Procedures Act provides an agency shall conduct a public hearing on any proposed regulatory fee.

    Background: Various divisions of the Department assess fees for licensure, registration, or certification of individuals and businesses to engage in certain occupations and professions. Many existing fees are unchanged in the proposed fee schedule which has been prepared for consideration by the Legislature during its 2009 General Session. Copies of the schedule will be distributed at the December 22, 2008, hearing.

    For further information, please contact Peter Anjewierden at 801-530-6293.


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