Notice of Managed Care Quality Strategy  

  • Pursuant to federal law, the Bureau of Managed Health Care in the Division of Medicaid and Health Financing will publish a revised Managed Care Quality Strategy (Quality Strategy). The Quality Strategy complies with all requirements as specified in 42 CFR 438.202 and 42 CFR 438.204 and is written for the managed care plans contracted with the Department of Health who provide services to Medicaid members. The Quality Strategy discusses how the Department will accomplish the following goals:

    1. Promote effective coordination of care between Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and Prepaid Mental Health Plans (PMHP).
    2. Promote preventive care for women and children.
    3. Improve the access to and quality of services provided to Medicaid members in ACOs, PMHPs, Dental Plans, Healthy Outcomes, Medical Excellence Program, and Children’s Health Insurance Program.
    4. Control quality care costs through innovative strategies with ACOs, PMHPs and other stakeholders.

    The draft of the Quality Strategy is available for review on the Utah Medicaid website at

    Individuals who wish to comment on the draft during the public comment period may submit written comments to Heidi Oliver at by 12/14/2014.