No. 30699 (Amendment): R307-170-7. Performance Specification Audits  

  • DAR File No.: 30699
    Filed: 11/08/2007, 03:28
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The purpose of the change is to remove the specific version date for the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) found in Section R307-170-7. The rule will now default to Section R307-101-3 that establishes the version of the CFR that is incorporated throughout Title R307. In a separate rulemaking, the version of the CFR reference in Section R307-101-3 is being updated to the July 1, 2007 version. This amendment is part of an overall revision to that will streamline the process of updating the incorporation by reference of the CFR throughout Title R307 (see separate filings on Rules R307-101, R307-115, R307-215, R307-221, R307-222, R307-223, R307-224, R307-310, R307-417, R307-801, and R307-840 in this issue). If requested, a public hearing will be held Wednesday, 12/19/2007 at 2:00 p.m. in the Main Conference Room of the Environmental Quality Building located at 150 N 1950 W in Salt Lake City. If no request for a public hearing is received by 12/17/2007, the hearing will be canceled. After 12/17/2007, you may go to or call 801-536-4136 to determine if the public hearing has been canceled. A request for a public hearing may be submitted by electronic mail to or by calling 801-536-4136. (DAR NOTE: The proposed amendment for Rule R307-101 is DAR No. 30697; the proposed amendment for Rule R307-115 is under DAR No. 30698; the proposed repeal of Rule R307-215 is under DAR No. 30700; the proposed amendment for Rule R307-221 is under DAR No. 30701; the proposed amendment for Rule R307-222 is under DAR No. 30702; the proposed amendment for Rule R307-223 is under DAR No. 30703; the proposed amendment for Section R307-224-2 is under DAR No. 30704; the proposed amendment for Section R307-310-2 is under DAR No. 30705; the proposed amendment for Rule R307-417 is under DAR No. 30706; the proposed amendment for Rule R307-801 is under DAR No. 30707; and the proposed amendment for Rule R307-840 is under DAR No. 30708 all in this issue, December 1, 2007, of the Bulletin.)

    Summary of the rule or change:

    This amendment removes the specific version date for the CFR in R307-170-7. The rule will now default to R307-101-3 that establishes the version of the CFR that is incorporated throughout R307. In a separate rulemaking, the version of the CFR reference in R307-101-3 is being updated to the July 1, 2007 version.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Section 19-2-101, Subsections 19-2-104(1)(c) and 19-2-115(3)(b), and 40 CFR 60, July 1, 2007

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    Because these revisions do not create new requirements, no change in costs is expected for the state budget.

    local governments:

    Because these revisions do not create new requirements, no change in costs is expected for local governments.

    small businesses and persons other than businesses:

    Because these revisions do not create new requirements, no change in costs is expected for other persons.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    This amendment does not change current requirements; therefore, no change in costs is expected.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    This amendment does not create new requirements. Therefore, no additional costs are expected. Richard W. Sprott, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Environmental Quality
    Air Quality
    150 N 1950 W
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116-3085

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Mat E. Carlile at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4136, by FAX at 801-536-0085, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Bryce Bird, Planning Branch Manager


    R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality.

    R307-170. Continuous Emission Monitoring Program.

    R307-170-7. Performance Specification Audits.

    (1) Quarterly Audits.

    Unless otherwise stipulated for sources subject to the Acid Rain Provisions of the Clean Air Act in 40 CFR Part 75 CEM, Appendix A, Section 6.2, [as in effect on July 1, 2005]effective as of the date referenced in R307-101-3, each continuous emissions monitoring system shall be audited at least once each calendar quarter. Successive quarterly audits shall be conducted at least two months apart. A relative accuracy test audit shall be conducted at least once every four calendar quarters as described in the applicable performance specification of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B.

    (a) Relative accuracy shall be determined in units of the applicable emission limit.

    (b) An alternative relative accuracy test (cylinder gas audit or relative accuracy audit) may be conducted in three of the four calendar quarters in place of conducting a relative accuracy test audit, but in no more than three quarters in succession.

    (c) Each range of a dual range monitor shall be audited using an alternative relative accuracy audit procedure.

    (d) Minor deviations from the reference method test must be submitted to the executive secretary for approval.

    (e) Performance specification tests and audits shall be conducted so that the entire continuous monitoring system is concurrently tested.

    (2) Notification.

    The source shall notify the executive secretary of its intention to conduct a relative accuracy test audit by submitting a pretest protocol or by scheduling a pretest conference if directed to do so by the executive secretary. Each source shall notify the executive secretary no less than 45 days prior to testing.

    (3) Audit Procedure.

    A source may stop a relative accuracy test audit before the commencement of the fourth run to perform repairs or adjustments on the continuous emissions monitoring system. If the audit is stopped to make repairs or adjustments, the audit must be started again from the beginning. If the fourth test run is started, testing shall be conducted until the completion of the ninth acceptable test run or the source may declare the monitor out-of-control and stop the test. If the system does not meet its applicable relative accuracy performance specification outlined in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, its data may not be used in determining emissions rates until the system is successfully recertified.

    (4) Performance Specification Tests.

    (a) Except as listed in (b) below, all reference method testing equipment shall be totally independent of the continuous emissions monitoring system equipment undergoing a performance specification test.

    (b) Reference method tests conducted on fuel gas lines, vapor recovery units, or other equipment as approved by the executive secretary may use a common probe, when the reference method sample line ties into the continuous emission monitor's probe or sample line as close to the probe inlet as possible.

    (5) Submittal of Audit Results.

    The source shall submit all relative accuracy performance specification test reports to the executive secretary no later than 60 days after completion of the test.

    (a) Test reports shall include all raw reference method calibration data, raw reference method emission data with date and time stamps, and raw source continuous monitoring data with date and time stamps. All data shall be reported in concentration and units of the applicable emission limit.

    (b) Relative accuracy performance specification test or audit reports shall include the company name, plant manager's name, mailing address, phone number, environmental contact's name, the monitor manufacturer, the model and serial number, the monitor range, and its location.

    (6) Daily Drift Test.

    Each source operating a continuous monitoring system shall conduct a daily zero and span calibration drift test as required in 40 CFR 60.13(d). The zero and span drifts shall be determined by using raw continuous monitoring system responses to a known value of the reference standard. Computer enhancements may be used to correct continuous monitoring system emission data that has been altered by monitor drift, but may not be used to determine daily zero and span drift.

    (a) A monitor used for compliance that fails the daily calibration drift test as outlined in 40 CFR 60 Appendix F, Subpart 4, shall be declared out-of-control, and the out-of-control period shall be documented in the state electronic data report. The source shall make corrective adjustments to the system promptly. Continuous emission monitoring system data collected during the out-of-control period may not be used for monitor availability.

    (b) Each source operating a continuous monitoring system that exceeds the calibration drift limit as outlined in 40 CFR 60 and the applicable performance specification shall make corrective adjustments promptly.


    KEY: air pollution, monitoring, continuous monitoring

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [January 5, 2006]2008

    Notice of Continuation: November 3, 2005

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-101; 19-2-104(1)(c); 19-2-115(3)(b); 40 CFR 60



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Environmental Quality,Air Quality
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 19-2-101, Subsections 19-2-104(1)(c) and 19-2-115(3)(b), and 40 CFR 60, July 1, 2007

Authorized By:
Bryce Bird, Planning Branch Manager
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R307-170-7. Performance Specification Audits.