No. 28324 (Repeal): R307-413. Permit: Exemptions and Special Provisions  

  • DAR File No.: 28324
    Filed: 11/03/2005, 08:22
    Received by: NL



    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The purpose of the change is to move provisions from Rule R307-413 into the new text for Rule R307-401 to clarify that these exemptions apply only to the requirements of Rule R307-401 and not to other permitting rules, and to remove exemptions that provide no benefit to the environment or the public. Changes to the exemptions that are moved to Rule R307-401 are addressed in the Rule Analysis for Rule R307-401 (see separate filings on Section R307-110-9, Rule R307-325, Rule R307-405, Rule R307-410, and Rule R307-401 in this issue). (DAR NOTE: The amendment to Section R307-110-9 is under DAR No. 28320; the amendment to Rule R307-325 is under DAR No. 28321; the repeal and reenactment on Rule R307-405 is under DAR No. 28322; the amendment to Rule R307-410 is under DAR No. 28323; and the repeal and reenactment on Rule R307-401 is under DAR No. 28325 in this issue.)


    Summary of the rule or change:

    The portions of Rule R307-413 that need to be retained are relocated to Sections R307-401-9 through R307-401-12, and R307-401-14 through R307-401-16. These provisions are moved in order to clarify that these exemptions and special provisions apply only to the requirements of Rule R307-401. Changes to the exemptions that are moved to Rule R307-401 are addressed in the Rule Analysis for Rule R307-401 and not to other R307 permitting rules. The following is deleted and not moved: 1) the flexibility provisions that were located in Section R307-413-3 have been deleted because the rule has provided little benefit and is routinely misinterpreted. The underlying goals of this exemption are being met through other mechanisms such as flexible permit conditions and the exemption in Section R307-401-12 for sources that reduce air emissions; and 2) exemptions that were formerly located in Section R307-413-4 that apply to parking lots and emissions of various nonreactive volatile organic compounds have been deleted because they are no longer meeting the intended purpose. The rule is repealed in its entirety.


    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Subsection 19-2-104(3)(q)


    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There is no effect on the state budget because all costs for permitting are covered by fees paid by the sources.


    local governments:

    For local governments that own sources that may be subject to Rule R307-401, where some provisions of Rule R307-413 will be relocated, no cost increases are expected as a result of these changes. Overall, the changes may result in some savings for individual sources, but it is not possible to quantify specific savings for future applicants. No significant increases in air pollution are expected, as the changes that expand the exemptions apply to emission decreases or very small increases.


    other persons:

    For sources and persons that own sources that may be subject to Rule R307-401, where some provisions of Rule R307-413 will be relocated, no cost increases are expected as a result of these changes. Overall, the changes may result in some savings for individual sources, but it is not possible to quantify specific savings for future applicants. No significant increases in air pollution are expected, as the changes that expand the exemptions apply to emission decreases or very small increases.


    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    For persons that own sources that may be subject to Rule R307-401, where some provisions of Rule R307-413 will be relocated, no cost increases are expected as a result of these changes. Overall, the changes may result in some savings for individual sources, but it is not possible to quantify specific savings for future applicants. No significant increases in air pollution are expected, as the changes that expand the exemptions apply to emission decreases or very small increases.


    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    The changes in Rule R307-401, coupled with the changes in other Title R307 rules that are proposed in this issue, clearly separate federal requirements from state requirements, delete requirements that have had no benefit to sources or to the environment, and clarify the language in all the rules. The changes may result in cost savings to individual businesses, and are not anticipated to increase costs for businesses. Dianne R. Nielson, Executive Director


    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Environmental Quality
    Air Quality
    150 N 1950 W
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116-3085


    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Mat E. Carlile or Jan Miller at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4136 or 801-536-4042, by FAX at 801-536-0085 or 801-536-4099, or by Internet E-mail at or


    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:



    Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

    12/14/2005 at 2:00 PM, DEQ Bldg #2, 168 N 1950 W, Room 201, Salt Lake City, UT


    This rule may become effective on:



    Authorized by:

    M. Cheryl Heying, Planning Branch Manager




    R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality.

    [R307-413. Permits: Exemptions and Special Provisions.

    R307-413-1. Definitions and General Requirements.

    (1) The following additional definitions apply to R307-413-7.

    "Boiler" is defined in R315-1-1, which incorporates by reference 40 CFR 260.10, and is identified as follows:

    (a) an industrial boiler located on the site of a facility engaged in a manufacturing process where substances are transformed into new products, including the component parts of products, by mechanical or chemical processes;

    (b) a utility boiler used to produce electric power, steam, heated or cooled air, or other gases or fluid for sale;

    (c) a used-oil fired space heater provided that the burner meets the provisions of R315-15-2.4.

    "Used Oil" is defined as any oil that has been refined from crude oil, used, and, as a result of such use contaminated by physical or chemical impurities.

    (2) Any control apparatus installed on a source that is exempted under R307-413-2 through 6 shall be adequately and properly maintained. The owner or operator of any new or existing emission unit that is exempted under R307-413-2 through 6 is required to comply with all other applicable rules in Title R307.

    (3) If the executive secretary has reason to believe, after completion of an appropriate analysis and evaluation in consultation with the source owner or operator, that the emissions from a source described in R307-413-2 through 6 are not meeting any specified approval order or State Implementation Plan limitation, or create an adverse impact to the environment, or would be injurious to human health or welfare, then the notice of intent and approval order provisions of R307-401 will apply.


    R307-413-2. Small Source Exemptions - De minimis Emissions.

    (1) A new or existing stationary source is exempt from the notice of intent and approval order requirements of R307-401 if the following conditions are met:

    (a) it is not regulated by any standard or requirement of 42 U.S.C. 7411 or 7412;

    (b) its potential to emit does not make it a stationary major source or require emission offset provisions as required by R307-403 for a new or modified source;

    (c) its actual emissions are less than 5 tons per year per air contaminant of any of the following air contaminants: sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM10), ozone (O3), or volatile organic compounds (VOCs);

    (d) its actual emissions are less than 500 pounds per year of any hazardous air pollutant and less than 2000 pounds per year of any combination of hazardous air pollutants;

    (e) its actual emissions are less than 500 pounds per year of any air contaminant not listed in (c) or (d) above and less than 2000 pounds per year of any combination of air contaminants not listed in (c) or (d) above; and

    (f) for purposes of determining applicability of R307-413-2, other air contaminants that are drawn from the environment through equipment in intake air and then are released back to the environment without chemical change, as well as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), argon (Ar), neon (Ne), helium (He), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe) should not be included in emission calculations.

    (2) Small Source Exemption - Registration Required in Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas. The owner or operator of a stationary source located in a nonattainment area or a maintenance area for the air contaminants, including ozone precursors, that is claiming an exemption under R307-413-2 shall submit to the executive secretary a written registration notice. An existing source shall submit this registration notice no later than March 15, 1997. A new source shall submit the registration notice prior to commencing construction. The notice shall include the following minimum information:

    (a) identifying information including company name and address, location of source, telephone number, and name of plant site manager or point of contact;

    (b) a description of the nature of the processes involved, equipment, anticipated quantities of materials used, the type and quantity of fuel employed and nature and quantity of the finished product;

    (c) identification of expected emissions;

    (d) estimated annual emission rates;

    (e) any control apparatus used; and

    (f) typical operating schedule.

    (3) The owner or operator of a temporary source that is claiming exemption under R307-413-2 must still comply with the conditions of R307-401-7.


    R307-413-3. Flexibility Changes.

    (1) A change to an existing stationary source is exempt from the notice of intent and approval order requirements of R307-401 if the source is covered by an approval order and the change satisfies the following conditions:

    (a) the change is not regulated by any standard or requirement of 42 U.S.C. 7411 or 7412,

    (b) the increases in allowable emissions from the change since the issuance of the current approval order for the source are less than:

    (i) 5 tons per year per air contaminant of any of the following air contaminants: sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM10), ozone (O3), or volatile organic compounds (VOCs);

    (ii) 500 pounds per year of any hazardous air pollutant and 2000 pounds per year of any combination of hazardous air pollutants; and

    (iii) 500 pounds per year of any air contaminant not listed in (i) or (ii) above and 2000 pounds per year of any combination of air contaminants not listed in (i) or (ii) above;

    (c) for purposes of determining applicability of R307-413-3, other air contaminants that are drawn from the environment through equipment in intake air and then are released back to the enviroment without chemical change, as well as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), argon (Ar), neon (Ne), helium (He), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe) should not be included in emission calculations;

    (d) the increase of allowable emissions from the change is accompanied by an equivalent or greater decrease of allowable emissions of the same air contaminants within the source at the time of the change, so long as the emissions decrease is enforceable in an approval order;

    (e) the net emissions increase at the source, as defined in R307-101-2, as a result of the change shall not constitute a major modification, as defined in R307-101-2; and

    (f) The owner or operator claiming an exemption pursuant to R307-413-3 submits to the executive secretary a written notice prior to the change. The notice shall include the information specified in R307-413-2(2)(a) through (f) and a description of where the owner or operator will reduce allowable emissions at least equal to any increase in emissions from the change.

    (2) The approval order shall reflect emission increases and decreases of emitting units at the source resulting from the change.

    (3) A source must go through the full Notice of Intent and Approval Order requirements of R307-401 to change any limitation which a source is relying on, either to avoid being classified as a major source, or to avoid having a change in emissions be considered a major modification.

    (4) No comment period under R307-401-4 is required for this approval order change and update.


    R307-413-4. Other Exemptions.

    The following sources are exempt from the notice of intent and approval order requirements of R307-401.

    (1) Fuel-burning equipment in which combustion takes place at no greater pressure than one inch of mercury above ambient pressure with a rated capacity of less than five million BTU per hour using no other fuel than natural gas or LPG or other mixed gas that meets the standards of gas distributed by a utility in accordance with the rules of the Public Service Commission of the State of Utah is exempt, unless there are emissions other than combustion products.

    (2) Comfort heating equipment such as boilers, water heaters, air heaters and steam generators with a rated capacity of less than one million BTU per hour if fueled only by fuel oil numbers 1 - 6 is exempt.

    (3) Emergency heating equipment, using coal or wood for fuel, with a rated capacity less than 50,000 BTU per hour is exempt.

    (4) Exhaust systems for controlling steam and heat that do not contain combustion products are exempt.

    (5) New parking areas of less than 600 vehicles capacity or modified parking areas increasing capacity by less than 350 vehicles are exempt.

    (6) Emissions of 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichlorofluoromethane, dichlorodifluoromethane, chlorodifluoromethane, trifluoromethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, methane, ethane, and chloropentafluoroethane are exempt. However, the owner or operator of a source emitting 10 tons per year or more of any of these compounds must submit a notice of intent to the executive secretary prior to construction of the source.


    R307-413-5. Replacement-in-Kind Equipment.

    (1) Applicability. The owner or operator of a stationary source of air contaminants who modifies any process or replaces any control apparatus that is covered by an existing approval order, a previous approval order that has been superseded by an operating permit, or a requirement contained in a State Implementation Plan is exempt from the notice of intent and approval order requirements of R307-401, when the replacement-in-kind equipment meets all of the following conditions:

    (a) potential to emit of the process equipment is the same or lower;

    (b) the number of emission points or emitting units is the same or lower;

    (c) no additional types of air contaminants are emitted as a result of the replacement;

    (d) the control apparatus or process equipment is essentially the same as that being replaced and is not regulated by any standard or requirement of 42 U.S.C. 7411 or 7412;

    (e) the replacement of the control apparatus or process equipment does not violate any other provision of Title R307.

    (2) Replacement-in-Kind Procedures.

    (a) In lieu of filing a notice of intent under R307-401, an owner or operator of a stationary source proposing to replace control apparatus or process equipment by in-kind equipment shall submit a written notification to the executive secretary for approval prior to initiation of replacement. The notification shall contain a description of the replacement-in-kind, to include the control capability of any control apparatus and a demonstration that the conditions of (1) above are met.

    (b) If the replacement-in-kind meets the conditions of (1) above, the executive secretary will update the appropriate approval order and notify the owner or operator. No public comment period under R307-401-4 is required.


    R307-413-6. Reduction of Air Contaminants.

    (1) Applicability. The owner or operator of a stationary source of air contaminants covered by an existing approval order or a State Implementation Plan that reduces or eliminates air contaminants by changing, substituting, or eliminating process raw materials or process equipment, or uses a more efficient process design, is exempt from the notice of intent and approval order requirements of R307-401, when all the following are met:

    (a) there is a permanent reduction of air contaminants per year that is enforceable by an approval order;

    (b) there are no new air contaminants emitted as a result of the changes; and

    (c) the changes do not violate any provision of Title R307 rules.

    (2) Procedures for the Reduction or Elimination of Air Contaminants Exemption. In lieu of filing a notice of intent under R307-401, an owner or operator of a stationary source making changes as described in (1) above shall submit a written description of the changes to the executive secretary no later than 60 days after the changes are made. The approval order will be updated by the executive secretary to reflect the reductions and other changes; no comment period under R307-401-4 is required.


    R307-413-7. Exemption from Notice of Intent Requirements for Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery.

    (1) Exemption. Boilers burning used oil for energy recovery are exempt from the notice of intent requirement of R307-401 if the following requirements are met:

    (a) The heat input design is less than one million BTU/hr.

    (b) Contamination levels of all used oil to be burned do not exceed any of the following values:

    (i) Arsenic - 5 ppm by weight

    (ii) Cadmium - 2 ppm by weight

    (iii) Chromium - 10 ppm by weight

    (iv) Lead - 100 ppm by weight

    (v) Total halogens - 1,000 ppm by weight

    (vi) Sulfur - 0.50% by weight.

    (c) The flash point of all used oil to be burned is no less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

    (2) Requirements. The owner/operator of boilers burning used oil for energy recovery which are exempt under (1) above shall only burn used oil meeting the requirements of (1)(b) and (c) above and shall test each load of used oil received or generated as directed by the executive secretary to insure it meets these requirements. Testing may be performed by the owner/operator or documented by test reports from the used fuel oil vendor. The flash point must be measured using the appropriate ASTM method as required by the executive secretary. Records for used oil consumption and test reports are to be kept for all periods when fuel burning equipment is in operation. The records shall be kept on site and made available to the executive secretary or his representative upon request. Records must be kept for a three year period.


    R307-413-8. De minimis Emissions From Air Strippers and Soil Venting Projects.

    (1) An owner or operator of an air stripper or soil venting system will not be required to obtain an approval order under R307-401 to conduct remediation of contaminated groundwater or soil, if the owner or operator submits written documentation of the following to the executive secretary prior to beginning the remediation project:

    (a) the estimated total air emissions of volatile organic compounds from a given project are less than the de minimis emissions listed in R307-413-2(1)(c), and

    (b) the level of any one hazardous air pollutant or any combination of hazardous air pollutants is below the levels listed in R307-410-4(1)(d).

    (2) After beginning the soil remediation project, the owner or operator shall submit emissions information to the executive secretary to verify that the emission rates of the volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants in (1) are not exceeded. Emissions estimates of volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants shall be based on test data obtained in accordance with the test method in the EPA document SW-846, Test #8020 or #8021 or other test or monitoring method approved by the executive secretary. Results of the test and calculated annual quantity of emissions of volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants shall be submitted to the executive secretary within one month of sampling. The test samples shall be drawn on intervals of no less than twenty-eight days and no more than thirty-one days (i.e., monthly) for the first quarter, quarterly for the first year, and semi-annually thereafter or as determined necessary by the executive secretary.

    (3) The following control devices do not require an approval order under R307-401 when used in relation to an air stripper or soil venting project applicable to this rule:

    (a) thermodestruction unit with a rated input capacity of less than five million BTU per hour using no other auxiliary fuel than natural gas or LPG, or

    (b) carbon adsorption unit.


    R307-413-9. De minimis Emissions From Soil Aeration Projects.

    An owner or operator of a soil remediation project is not required to obtain an approval order under R307-401 when soil aeration or land farming is used to conduct a soil remediation, if the owner or operator submits written documentation of the following to the executive secretary prior to beginning the remediation project:

    (1) the estimated total air emissions of volatile organic compounds, using an appropriate sampling method, from a given project are less than the de minimis emissions listed in R307-413-2(1)(c);

    (2) the levels of any one hazardous air pollutant or any combination of hazardous air pollutants are less than the levels in R307-410-4(1)(d); and

    (3) the location of the remediation and where the remediated material originated.


    KEY: waste oil*, permits, exemption*, de minimis*

    September 15, 1998

    Notice of Continuation August 1, 2003







Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Environmental Quality,Air Quality
Rulemaking Authority:

Subsection 19-2-104(3)(q)


Authorized By:
M. Cheryl Heying, Planning Branch Manager
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R307-413. Permits: Exemptions and Special Provisions.