DAR File No.: 30600
Filed: 10/18/2007, 11:04
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
During the course of the five-year review, it was determined that amendments needed to be made to update current correct information and condense verbiage.
Summary of the rule or change:
This amendment shortens the definitions of permit types.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Sections 53B-3-103 and 53B-3-107
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
None--As the rule amendment simply changes the description of the types of permits but not the cost associated with each permit, there are no cost or savings. University of Utah Department of Commuter Services is self-funded by user fees.
local governments:
None--As the rule amendment simply changes the description of the types of permits but not the cost associated with each permit, there are no cost or savings. University of Utah Department of Commuter Services is self-funded by user fees.
small businesses and persons other than businesses:
None--As the rule amendment simply changes the description of the types of permits but not the cost associated with each permit, there are no cost or savings. University of Utah Department of Commuter Services is self-funded by user fees.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
As the rule amendment simply changes the description of the types of permits but not the cost associated with each permit, there are no cost or savings.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
As the rule amendment simply changes the description of the types of permits but not the cost associated with each permit, there are no cost or savings. Patti Trulli Ibholm, Associate Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Regents (Board Of)
University of Utah, Parking and Transportation Services
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84112-9350Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Patti Trulli Ibholm at the above address, by phone at 801-587-9883, by FAX at 801-581-5253, or by Internet E-mail at patti.trulli-ibholm@ucs.utah.edu
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Patti Trulli Ibholm, Associate Director
R810. Regents (Board of), University of Utah, Parking and Transportation Services.
R810-5. Permit Types, Eligibility and Designated Parking Areas.
R810-5-1. Parking Permits and Permit Parking Areas.
A vehicle may be parked only in a vacant space in a parking lot for which the displayed permit shows eligibility. Possession of a parking permit does not guarantee space in a specific parking lot except for permits which provide for reserved stalls. Permit fees cover the period designated on the permit. Display of a current University parking permit allows free parking in non-reserved areas for University sponsored special events and athletic events during the permit year.]Except for pay lots, parking meters, short term loading areas and parking reserved for clinical patients, all faculty, staff, students, visitors and vendors must purchase and display a current University of Utah parking permit.Ownership of University parking permits is non-transferable.
All permit parking areas are designated by signage at the lot'sentrance[
marked by signs indicating which permits are valid in that area]. Parking is subject to change without notice.R810-5-2. [
Utah Residents]Permit Classifications.Permit classifications, eligibility and designated parking areas are as follows:
A. Faculty and Staff Permits. Only one permit shall be available to each qualified faculty or staff member. The permit holder may park in any faculty/staff or student parking area. Persons eligible are:
1. All full time salaried personnel, 75 percent full time equivalent.
2. Faculty approved by the academic vice president.
3. Other personnel as designated by the Universityadministration.[
Car Pool Permit. Three or more faculty, staff or enrolled students can form a car pool group. To qualify for a car pool "A" permit, all members must be eligible faculty and staff. All other car pool groups will be issued "U" permit parking. Each car pool vehicle shall display a window permit, and the car pool group receives one transferable permit that must be displayed from the rear view mirror of the vehicle parked on campus. An additional member may be added to the pool at any time. No rebates or proration of charges will be given to individuals who withdraw from the pool.]B. Health Science Center Faculty and Staff Permits. Only one permit shallbe available to each qualified faculty or staff member. The permit holder may park in the designated parking garage or other surface faculty/staff or student lot. Persons eligible are the same as R810-5-2(A)(1), (2) and (3) as listed above.[
"U" Permit. This permit is issued to students, faculty and staff. The number of "U" permits sold may be restricted by Parking Services when necessary. The holder may park in "U" or "E" lots.]C. Reserved Permits. Issued to full time faculty and staff who lease one specific space. The permit holder may also park in any faculty/staff or student parking area except the Health Science Center parking garages. Unauthorized vehicles in reserved stalls may be impounded without notification. A reserved stall permit holder may not park in another permitted area on campus if another vehicleoccupies the reserved space.[
"A" Permit. Only one permit shall be available to each qualified faculty or staff member. The "A" permit holder may park in "A," "U," or "E" lots. Persons eligible are:1. All full-time salaried personnel, 75 percent full time equivalent.2. Faculty approved by the academic vice president.3. Other personnel as designated by the University administration.]D. Student Permits. Issued to students, faculty and staff. The permit holder may park in the designated student parking lots.[
"Temporary" Permit. This permit is issued by Parking Services for periods exceeding one day and is valid in "U" areas for students and "A" and "U" areas for qualified faculty, staff and visitors. It is not valid on vehicles displaying another current University parking permit.]E. Disabled Permits. Issued to qualified drivers with disabilities. Applicants must qualify under state statutes that govern parking for the disabled. Persons bringing individuals with disabilities to campus are not entitled to disabledparkingprivileges.[
"S" Permit. This permit is issued to residence halls residents with the hall in which they live designated on the permit.F. "Day Pass." This pass is valid for one day only and must be clearly dated in ink. It is not valid on vehicles displaying another current University parking permit. This permit allows parking in "A" or "U" lots as designated.Fines for displaying an altered permit, shall be the same for a fraudulent permit.G. "M" Permit. This permit is issued for motorcycles, mopeds, motorscooters and motorbikes. The permit must be prominently displayed near the license plate.H. "D" Permit. This permit is issued to qualified drivers with disabilities. Applicants must qualify under state statutes which govern parking for the disabled. "D" permits allow parking in designated spaces, and in adjacent areas.Persons bringing individuals with disabilities to campus are not entitled to "D" parking privileges.I. Reserved Permit. Reserved stall permits are issued to full time faculty and staff members who lease one specific space. Unauthorized vehicles in reserved stalls may be impounded without notification. Upon purchase of a permit, all other valid permits must be surrendered.J. "X" Permit. This permit is issued to members of the Board of Regents, the Board of Trustees and the Governor. The vehicle may be parked in any "A," or "U" area.K. "E" Permit. This permit is issued to students, faculty, and staff. Holders of this permit may park in "E" lots only.L. "Quarterly" Permit. This permit is issued for one academic quarter only and is valid in those areas for which it was issued. The price of this permit may be used toward the purchase of an annual permit if surrendered on or before the expiration date on the permit.]Other permits may be issued from time to time by University Commuter[
Parking] Services to control parking areas.KEY: parking facilities
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
1994]2007Notice of Continuation: February 22, 2007
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 53B-3-103; 53B-3-107
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 12/24/2007
- Publication Date:
- 11/15/2007
- Filed Date:
- 10/18/2007
- Agencies:
- Regents (Board of),University of Utah, Parking and Transportation Services
- Rulemaking Authority:
- Authorized By:
- Patti Trulli Ibholm, Associate Director
- DAR File No.:
- 30600
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R810-5. Permit Types, Eligibility and Designated Parking Areas.