(Repeal and Reenact)
DAR File No.: 33056
Filed: 10/14/2009 04:33:02 PMRULE ANALYSIS
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This rule is being changed in response to the provisions of S.B. 40 (2009 General Session) which directed the Driver License Division to clarify what constitutes acceptable documentation for the purposes of acquiring a Utah license certificate or Utah identification card. The rule will also establish procedures for storage and maintenance of of those documents. (DAR NOTE: S.B. 40 (2009) is found at Chapter 315, Laws of Utah 2009, and will be effective 01/01/2010.)
Summary of the rule or change:
Some acceptable forms of documentation that had been approved in the old rule are being removed. All other substantive provisions of the old rule will remain. Substantive provisions that are being added by the new rule include: 1) requiring individuals who are citizens to prove their U. S. citizenship; 2) requiring individuals who are in the country temporarily to prove their legal presence; and 3) adding other types of acceptable documentation.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Section 53-3-410
- Section 53-3-205
- Section 53-3-804
- Section 53-3-214Section 53-3-104
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
In order to accommodate new licensing types, some computer programming will be required to modify the current system, and further programming to accommodate imaging of the required documentation. Costs to cover the programming were part of the fiscal note attached to S.B. 40. During the first five years of implementation, persons seeking license certificates or ID cards will be required to appear in person at a driver license facility; this is to allow them to provide the necessary documentation. The fee for in-person appearance to renew is $5 higher than renewing by Internet or mail, thus the state wll see some increase in revenue during that five-year period.
local governments:
Local governments are not involved in providing licenses or identification cards.
small businesses:
Small businesses are not involved in providing licenses or identification cards.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
During the first five years of implementation, persons seeking license certificates or ID cards will be required to appear in person at a driver license facility; this is to allow them to provide the necessary documentation. The fee for in-person appearance to renew is $5 higher than renewing by Internet or mail, thus these persons wll see some increase in cost during that five-year period.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
During the first five years of implementation, persons seeking license certificates or ID cards will be required to appear in person at a driver license facility; this is to allow them to provide the necessary documentation. The fee for in-person appearance to renew is $5 higher than renewing by Internet or mail, thus these persons will see some increase in cost during that five-year period.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
I have reviewed this rule and I see no fiscal impact on business.
Lance Davenport, Commissioner
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Public Safety
Driver License
4501 S 2700 W 3RD FL
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119-5595Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Jill Laws at the above address, by phone at 801-964-4469, by FAX at 801-964-4482, or by Internet E-mail at jlaws@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Nannette Rolfe, Director
R708. Public Safety, Driver License.
R708-41. Requirements for Acceptable Documentation , Storage and Maintenance .
R708-41-1. Purpose.The purpose of this rule is to define acceptable documentation pursuant to Title 53, Chapter 3.R708-41-2. Authority.This rule is authorized by Section 53-3-104.R708-41-3. Definitions.(1) "Utah Residence address" means the place where an individual has a fixed permanent home and principal establishment in Utah and in which the individual voluntarily resides, that is not for a special or temporary purpose. Under unique situations that require an individual to be under temporary care, custody or treatment of a government, public or private business the Division may authorize the sponsoring agency to sign an affidavit verifying the residence of the applicant. Upon approval from the Division Director or designee, the Division will recognize the sponsoring agency's address as the Utah residence address for the individual.(2) "Legal Presence" means that an individual's presence in the United States does not violate state or federal law.R708-41-4. Obtaining a Utah Driving Privilege Card, Driver License, Commercial Driver License or an Identification Card.(1) An applicant seeking to obtain a Utah Driving Privilege Card, Driver license, Commercial Driver License or an Identification Card must:(a) provide two different forms of identification from the following list to verify full legal name, date of birth, and gender pursuant to Section 53-3-205(9)(a) and 53-3-804 (2):(i) Certificate of Naturalization;(ii) Certificate of Citizenship;(iii) driver license issued in the United States;(iv) foreign birth certificate with certified translation;(v) I-94 card or INS I-551 card;(vi) Indian Blood Certificate;(vii) Matricular Consular ID Card (Issued in Utah);(viii) Resident Alien Card;(ix) U.S. Birth Certificate (from Vital Records);(x) U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad;(xi) U.S. Military Identification Card or DD-214;(xii) U.S. Passport; and(xiii) other documentation furnished by the individual if it can be determined that the documentation unequivocally demonstrates proof of identity.(b) provide the applicant's Utah residence address. PO Boxes and business addresses are not accepted; and(c) provide two different types of original (current and valid) documents from the following list as proof of a Utah resident address.(i) property tax notice, statement or receipt, within one year;(ii) utility bill, billing date within 60 days, (no cell phone bills);(iii) Utah vehicle registration or title;(iv) bank statement, within 60 days;(v) recent mortgage papers;(vi) current residential rental contract;(vii) major credit card bill, within 60 days;(viii) court order of probation, order of parole or order of mandatory release, must display residential address;(ix) transcripts from an accredited college, university, or high school; or(x) other documentation furnished by the individual if it can be determined that the documentation unequivocally demonstrates proof of residency or domicile.(2) An applicant for a Utah Driving Privilege Card must also provide:(a) a valid Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) card issued by the Internal Revenue Service; or(b) effective July 1, 2005, documentation from the following list, as requested by the division, to verify that the applicant is a citizen of a country other than the United States, is legally present in the United States, and does not qualify for a Social Security Number:(i) valid foreign passport with appropriate immigration document(s);(ii) INS-I-551 Resident Alien Card issued since 1997 (cards issued prior to this date need to be screened for appropriate security features);(iii) INS I-688 Temporary Resident Identification Card;(iv) INS I-688B, I-766 Employment Authorization Card;(v) U.S. Department of Receptions and Placement Program Assurance Form (Refugee); or(vi) other documentation furnished by the individual if it can be determined that the documentation unequivocally demonstrates that the applicant is a citizen of a country other than the United States, is legally present in the United States, and does not qualify for a Social Security Number.]R708-41-1. Authority.
This rule is authorized by Section 53-3-104.
R708-41-2. Purpose.
The purpose of this rule is to define acceptable documentation for a Utah license certificate or Utah Identification card and to establish procedures for storage and maintenance of those documents pursuant to Title 53, Chapter 3.
R708-41-3. Definitions.
(1) "Acceptable Document" means an original document or a copy certified by the issuing agency, which the division accepts for determining the validity of information submitted in connection with a license certificate or identification card (ID card) application which may include but is not limited to, the applicant's identification, legal/lawful presence, social security number (SSN) or ineligibility to obtain a social security number, individual tax identification number (ITIN) or the Utah residence address. Any document that has been or appears to have been duplicated, traced over, mutilated, defaced, tampered with, or altered in any manner or that is not legible may not be accepted for licensing and identification card purposes.
(2) "Alternate Document" means a document that may be accepted when the applicant is, for reasons beyond their control, unable to present all necessary documents to establish identity or date of birth as required in definition (6)(a) or U.S. Citizenship as required for proof of legal/lawful presence in definition (8)(a) subject to approval by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the division director or designee.
(3) "Driving Privilege Card" (DPC) means a driving certificate that may only be issued to an applicant who meets the requirements of definition (14) for an undocumented immigrant.
(4) "Exception Process" means a written, defined process for persons who, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to present all necessary documents and must rely on alternate documents to establish identity, date of birth or U.S. Citizenship.
(5) "Full Legal Name Evidence" means the name established on the identity document referenced in definition (6). Any name variation from the original or certified document(s) must be accompanied by legal authorizing documentation, except that, the name established on the division's database may be considered to be the full legal name unless otherwise determined by the division. Upon application for any license certificate or ID card, a change of the applicant's full legal name must be accompanied by an acceptable document which authorizes the name change.
(6) "Identity Document" means an original, government-issued document which contains identifying information about the subject of the document including the full legal name and date of birth or a document approved by DHS or the division director or designee. A copy of an original document must be certified by the issuing agency.
(a) Group A documents are acceptable for applicants for a regular driver license, Commercial Driver License (CDL) or ID card referenced in definition (9)(a):
(i) Valid, unexpired U.S. passport or passport card which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(ii) Certified copy of a birth certificate filed with the State Office of Vital Statistics or equivalent agency in the individual's State of birth which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(iii) Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) issued by the U.S. Department of State, Form FS-240, DS-1350 or FS-545 which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(iv) Valid, unexpired Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551, which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(v) Certificate of Naturalization issued by DHS, Form N-550 or Form N-570, which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(vi) Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560 or Form N-561, issued by DHS which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(vii) Regular Utah driver license, CDL or ID card that has been issued on or after January 1, 2010 is only acceptable for renewal or duplicate certificates and may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity; or
(viii) Alternate documents may be accepted if approved by
DHS or the division director or designee.
(b) Group B documents are acceptable for applicants for a limited-term driver license, limited-term CDL or limited-term ID card referenced in definition (9)(b):
(i) Unexpired employment authorization document (EAD) issued by DHS, Form I-766, or Form I-688B verified through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system (SAVE)which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence; or
(ii) Unexpired foreign passport with documentary evidence of the applicant's most recent admittance into the United States verified through SAVE which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence.
(c) Group C documents are acceptable for applicants for a DPC referenced in definition (14) and at least one of the documents listed below must be presented with a foreign birth certificate including a certified translation if the birth certificate is not in English:
(i) Church records;
(ii) Court records;
(iii) Driver License;
(iv) Employee ID;
(v) Insurance ID card;
(vi) Matricular Consular Card (issued in Utah);
(vii) Mexican Voter Registration card;
(viii) School records;
(ix) Utah DPC;
(x) Other evidence considered acceptable by the division director or designee.
(7) "Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) Evidence" means an official document(s) used to verify an individual's assigned ITIN including:
(a) ITIN card issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); or
(b) Document or letter from the IRS verifying the ITIN.
(8) "Legal/lawful Presence or Status" means that an individual's presence in the United States does not violate state or federal law and includes:
(a) Group A applicants who may qualify for a regular driver license, CDL or ID card if they are a:
(i) United States citizen;
(ii) National; or
(iii) Legal Permanent Resident Alien.
(b) Group B applicants who may qualify for a limited-term driver license, limited-term CDL, or limited-term ID card if they are an immigrant who has:
(i) Unexpired immigrant or nonimmigrant visa status for admission into the United States;
(ii) Pending or approved application for asylum in the United States;
(iii) Admission into the United States as a refugee;
(iv) Pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;
(v) Approved deferred action status; or
(vi) Pending application for adjustment of status to legal permanent resident or conditional resident.
(9) "Legal/Lawful Presence or Status Evidence" means a document(s) issued by the United States Government or approved by DHS or the division director or designee which shows legal presence of an individual including:
(a) Group A documents are acceptable for applicants referenced in definition (8)(a) for a regular driver license, CDL, or ID card:
(i) Valid, unexpired U.S. passport or passport card which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(ii) Certified copy of a birth certificate filed with the State Office of Vital Statistics or equivalent agency in the individual's State of birth which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(iii) Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) issued by the U.S. Department of State, Form FS-240, DS-1350 or FS-545 which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(iv) Valid, unexpired Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551, which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(v) Certificate of Naturalization issued by DHS, Form N-550 or Form N-570, which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(vi) Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560 or Form N-561, issued by DHS which may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity;
(vii) Regular Utah driver license, CDL or ID card that has been issued on or after January 1, 2010 is only acceptable for renewal or duplicate certificates and may provide evidence of both legal/lawful presence and identity; or
(viii) Alternate documents may be accepted if approved by
DHS or the division director or designee.
(b) Group B documents are acceptable for applicants referenced in definition (8)(b) for a limited-term driver license, limited-term CDL or limited-term ID card with verification from SAVE:
(i) Unexpired employment authorization document (EAD) issued by DHS, Form I-766 or Form I-688B;
(ii) Unexpired foreign passport with documentary evidence of the applicant's most recent admittance into the United States;
(iii) A document issued by the U.S. Federal Government that provides proof of one of the statuses listed below verifies lawful entrance into the United States of America:
(A) Unexpired immigrant or nonimmigrant visa status for admission into the United States issued by the U.S. Federal Government;
(B) Pending or approved application for asylum in the United States;
(C) Admission into the United States as a refugee;
(D) Pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;
(E) Approved deferred action status; or
(F) Pending application for adjustment of status to legal permanent resident or conditional resident.
(10) "SAVE Verification" means a document issued by the U.S. Federal government has been verified through the DHS SAVE, or such successor or alternate verification system approved by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
(11) "Social Security Number Evidence" means an official document(s) used to verify an individual's assigned U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) and must be verified through the Social Security On-Line Verification system (SSOLV) during every application process and includes:
(a) Social Security card issued by the U.S. government that has been signed and has not been laminated or,
(b) If the Social Security card is not available, the applicant may present one of the following documents which contain the applicant's name and SSN:
(i) W-2 form;
(ii) SSA-1099 form;
(iii) Non SSA-1099 form;
(iv) Pay stub showing the applicant's name and SSN; or
(v) Other documents approved by DHS or the division director or designee.
(12) "Social Security Number Ineligibility" means an individual is ineligible to receive a Social Security Number.
(13) "Social Security Number Ineligibility Evidence" means letter from the Social Security Administration indicating the individual is not eligible to receive a Social Security Number.
(14) "Undocumented Immigrant" means a person who does not meet the qualifications outlined in definition (8) and does not possess the documentation outlined in definition (9)and is only eligible for a DPC.
(15) "U.S. Citizen" means a native or naturalized person of the United States of America.
(16) "Utah Residence Address" means the place where an individual has a fixed permanent home and principal establishment in Utah and in which the individual voluntarily resides, that is not for a special or temporary purpose. Under unique situations that require an individual to be under temporary care, custody, or treatment of a government, public, or private business the division may authorize the sponsoring agency to sign an affidavit verifying the residence of the applicant. Upon approval of the division director or designee, the division will recognize the sponsoring agency's address as the Utah residence address of the applicant.
(17) "Utah Residence Address Evidence" means the Utah residence address recorded on the Utah Driver License Division database unless otherwise determined by the division or, upon application for a Utah license certificate or ID card if the applicant's Utah residence address has not been recorded by the division or has changed from what is recorded on the division's database, two documents which display the applicant's name and principle Utah residence address including:
(a) Bank statement (dated within 60 days);
(b) Court documents;
(c) Current mortgage or rental contract;
(d) Major credit card bill (dated within 60 days);
(e) Property tax notice (statement or receipt dated within one year);
(f) School transcript (dated within 90 days);
(g) Utility bill (billing date within 60 days), cell phone bills will not be accepted;
(h) Valid Utah vehicle registration or title;
(i) Other documents acceptable to the division upon review, except that only one document printed from the internet may be accepted.
R708-41-4. Obtaining a Utah Learner Permit, Provisional License Certificate, Regular License Certificate, Limited-Term License Certificate, Driving Privilege Card, CDL certificate, Limited-Term CDL certificate, Identification card, or Limited-term Identification card.
(1) An individual who is applying for a Learner Permit must provide the following documents:
(a) One legal/lawful presence document as outlined in definition (9)(a) and one identity document as outlined in definition (6)(a); or
(b) One legal/lawful presence document as outlined in definition (9)(b) and one identity document as outlined in definition (6)(b); or
(c) Two identity documents as outlined in definition (6)(c) for undocumented immigrants; and
(d) Evidence of their SSN as outlined in definition (11), or evidence of their ineligibility to obtain a SSN as outlined in definition (12), or evidence of their ITIN as outlined in definition (7); and
(e) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17).
(2) An individual who is applying for a provisional license certificate, regular license certificate, CDL certificate, or identification card must provide the following documents, except that an applicant for an identification card does not need to comply with (2)(e):
(a) One legal/lawful presence document as outlined in definition (9)(a), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(b) One identity document as outlined in definition (6)(a), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(c) Evidence of their SSN as outlined in definition (11), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010, or evidence of ineligibility to obtain a SSN as outlined in definition (12), except that applicants for a CDL must provide their Social Security card for every application; and
(d) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17); and
(e) Evidence of completion of a course in driver training approved by the commissioner, or evidence that the individual was issued a driving privilege in another state or country.
(f) CDL applicants must provide a current DOT Medical card.
(3) An individual who is applying for a renewal of a regular license certificate, provisional license certificate, or CDL certificate card must provide the following documents:
(a) One legal/lawful presence document as outlined in definition (9)(a), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(b) One identity document as outlined in definition (6)(a), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(c) Evidence of their SSN as outlined in definition (11), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010, or evidence of ineligibility to obtain a SSN as outlined in definition (12), except that applicants for a CDL must provide their Social Security card for every application; and
(d) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17).
(4) An individual who is applying for a duplicate of a regular license certificate, a provisional license certificate, or CDL certificate must provide the following documents:
(a) One legal/lawful presence document as outlined in definition (9)(a), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(b) One identity document as outlined in definition (6)(a), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(c) Evidence of their SSN as outlined in definition (11), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010, or evidence of ineligibility to obtain a SSN as outlined in definition (12), except that applicants for a CDL must provide their Social Security card for every application; and
(d) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17).
(5) An individual who is applying for a limited-term license certificate, limited-term provisional certificate, limited CDL certificate, or limited-term identification card must provide the following documents, except that an applicant applying for a limited-term identification card does not need to comply with (5)(e):
(a) One legal/lawful presence document as outlined in definition (9)(b); and
(b) One identity document as outlined in definition (6)(b) unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(c) Evidence of their SSN as outlined in definition (11), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010, or evidence of ineligibility to obtain a SSN as outlined in definition (12), except that applicants for a limited-term CDL must provide their Social Security card for every application; and
(d) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17); and
(e) Evidence of completion of a course in driver training approved by the commissioner, or evidence that the individual was issued a driving privilege in another state or country.
(6) An individual who is applying for a renewal of a limited-term license certificate, a limited-term provisional license certificate, or limited-term CDL certificate must provide the following documents:
(a) One legal/lawful presence document as outlined in definition (9)(b); and
(b) One identity document as outlined in definition (6)(b) unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(c) Evidence of their SSN as outlined in definition (11), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010, or evidence of ineligibility to obtain a SSN as outlined in definition (12), except that applicants for a limited-term CDL must provide their Social Security card for every application; and
(d) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17);
(7) An individual who is applying for a duplicate of a limited-term license certificate, a limited-term provisional license certificate or a limited-term CDL certificate, must provide the following documents:
(a) One legal/lawful presence document as outlined in definition (9)(b); and
(b) One identity document as outlined in definition (6)(b) unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(c) Evidence of their SSN as outlined in definition (11), unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010, or evidence of ineligibility to obtain a SSN as outlined in definition (12), except that applicants for a limited-term CDL must provide their Social Security card for every application; and
(d) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17);
(8) An individual who is applying for a Driving Privilege card must provide the following documents:
(a) Two identity documents as outlined in definition (6)(c) for undocumented immigrants unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(b) Evidence of a SSN as outlined in definition (11); or evidence of an ITIN as outlined in definition (7); and
(c) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17); and
(d) Evidence of completion of a course in driver training approved by the commissioner, or evidence that the individual was issued a driving privilege in another state or country.
(9) An individual who is applying for a renewal of a Driving Privilege card must provide the following documents:
(a) Two identity documents as outlined in definition (6)(c) for undocumented immigrants unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(b) Evidence of a SSN as outlined in definition (11); or evidence of an ITIN as outlined in definition (7); and
(c) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17).
(10) An individual who is applying for a duplicate of a Driving Privilege card must provide the following documents:
(a) Two identity documents as outlined in definition (6)(c) for undocumented immigrants unless previously recorded by the division during an application process on or after January 1, 2010; and
(b) Evidence of a SSN as outlined in definition (11); or evidence of an ITIN as outlined in definition (7); and
(c) Evidence of their current Utah residence address as outlined in definition (17).
R708-41-5. Exceptions.
This rule does not apply when issuing driver license certificates or identification cards in support of Federal, State, or local criminal justice agencies or other programs that require special licensing or identification or safeguard the persons or in support of their official duties.
R708-41-6. Document Storage.
All documents provided to the division by an applicant during a license certificate or identification card application process as proof of identity, proof of lawful/legal presence, proof of SSN, or ineligibility to obtain a SSN, ITIN, address verification, or proof of name change will be imaged and stored in a secure database with controlled access.
KEY: license certificate, limited-term license certificate, identification card, acceptable document[
ation]sDate of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
September 23, 2008]January 1, 2010Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 53-3-104 , 53-3-205, 53-3-214, 53-3-410, 53-3-804
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 12/8/2009
- Publication Date:
- 11/01/2009
- Filed Date:
- 10/14/2009
- Agencies:
- Public Safety,Driver License
- Rulemaking Authority:
Section 53-3-410
Section 53-3-205
Section 53-3-804
Section 53-3-214Section 53-3-104
- Authorized By:
- Nannette Rolfe, Director
- DAR File No.:
- 33056
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R708-41. Requirements for Acceptable Documentation.