No. 34126 (Amendment): Rule R164-4. Licensing Requirements  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 34126
    Filed: 09/30/2010 03:43:45 PM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This proposal makes minor modifications to the license application and renewal process for investment advisers in light of recent changes made by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to the form used for licensing federal covered and state covered investment advisers, and makes clarifying amendments.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    This proposal incorporates recent SEC changes to Form ADV, the form used by both federal and state covered investment advisers in order to become licensed. The proposal also modifies the minimum financial requirements for certain investment advisers by waiving the bonding requirement for advisers who are deemed to have custody solely because the adviser is authorized to withdraw fees from a client account. In addition, also following federal amendments, the proposal increases the amount of prepaid advisory fees triggering the submission of a balance sheet from $500 to $1,200 per client. Finally, the proposal changes references from NASD to FINRA and makes several minor corrections.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There will be no additional costs or savings to the state budget because the proposal does not affect any state entities.

    local governments:

    There will be no additional costs or savings to local government because the proposal does not affect any local governmental entities.

    small businesses:

    There will be no additional costs, but there may be savings for investment advisers who meet the criteria for a waiver of the bonding requirement.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    There will be no additional costs, but there may be savings for investment advisers who meet the criteria for a waiver of the bonding requirement.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    There are no compliance costs for affected persons.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    This proposed rule makes several changes to the licensing and renewal procedures for investment advisers to reflect changes made by the SEC to forms used in the licensing process. The only fiscal impact may be savings from the costs of obtaining a bond for certain investment advisers as described in the rule summary.

    Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    160 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Keith Woodwell, Director


    R164. Commerce, Securities.

    R164-4. Licensing Requirements.

    R164-4-1. Broker-Dealer, Broker-Dealer Agent, and Issuer-Agent Licensing Requirements.

    (A) Authority and purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Sections 61-1-4, 61-1-5, 61-1-6, and 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule sets forth the procedure and requirements to license as a broker-dealer, broker-dealer agent, or issuer-agent.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "Division" means the Division of Securities, Utah Department of Commerce.

    (2) "CRD" means the Central Registration Depository.

    (3) " FINRA[NASD]" means the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, formerly known as NASD[National Association of Securities Dealers].

    (4) "NASAA" means the North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc.

    (5) "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (C) Broker-dealer licensing, post licensing, renewal, and withdrawal requirements

    (1) License requirements

    (1)(a) To license as a broker-dealer, applicant must be a member of FINRA[the NASD] and submit to the CRD the following:

    (1)(a)(i) SEC Form BD - Uniform Application for Broker-Dealer Registration;

    (1)(a)(ii) application for a license as an agent in Utah, as specified in paragraph (D), for each principal, officer, agent or employee who directly supervises, or will directly supervise, any licensed agent associated with applicant in Utah; and

    (1)(a)(iii) a license fee as specified in the Division's fee schedule, and in the form of payment prescribed by the CRD.

    (1)(b) A certificate of license will not be issued. Proof of status is available from the CRD.

    (2) Post-licensing requirements

    (2)(a) Applicant must file amendments to SEC Form BD with the CRD only.

    (2)(b) Applicant must file SEC Form X-17A-5, FOCUS reports in a timely manner with FINRA[the NASD]. However, the Division may request applicant to provide a copy of the FOCUS Report.

    (3) License renewal requirements

    (3)(a) All licenses expire on December 31 of each year.

    (3)(b) To renew a license, applicant must submit to the CRD the license fee specified in the Division's fee schedule before December 31.

    (4) License or application withdrawal requirements

    (4)(a) To withdraw a license or application, applicant must file with the CRD, or with the Division if not required by the CRD, SEC Form BDW - Uniform Request for Withdrawal from Registration as a Broker-Dealer.

    (4)(b) A withdrawal is effective 30 days following receipt of SEC Form BDW, unless the Division notifies applicant otherwise.

    (D) Broker-dealer agent licensing, renewal, and withdrawal requirements

    (1) License requirements

    (1)(a) To license as a broker-dealer agent, applicant or the sponsoring broker-dealer must submit to the CRD the following, in addition to any information required by FINRA[the NASD], the CRD, or the SEC:

    (1)(a)(i) FINRA[NASD] Form U-4 - Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer;

    (1)(a)(ii) proof that applicant passed the Series 63, Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination (Series 63 Exam), or the Series 66, Uniform Combined State Law Examination (Series 66 Exam), which are administered by FINRA[the NASD], and any other exams required by the SEC or FINRA[the NASD]; and

    (1)(a)(iii) a license fee as specified in the Division's fee schedule, and in the form of payment prescribed by the CRD.

    (1)(b) A certificate of license will not be issued. Proof of status is available from the CRD.

    (2) License renewal requirements

    (2)(a) All licenses expire on December 31 of each year.

    (2)(b) To renew a license, applicant must submit to the CRD the license fee specified in the Division 's fee schedule before December 31.

    (3) License or application withdrawal requirements

    (3)(a) To withdraw a license or application, applicant must file with the CRD, FINRA[NASD] Form U-5 - Uniform Termination Notice for Securities Industry Registration.

    (3)(b) A withdrawal is effective 30 days following receipt of FINRA[NASD] Form U-5, unless the Division notifies applicant otherwise.

    (4) Miscellaneous provisions

    (4)(a) Except as provided in subparagraph (D)(4)(b), applicant may associate with only one broker-dealer at a time.

    (4)(b) A dual license may be allowed by the director if:

    (4)(b)(i) applicant requests a dual license in writing to the Division which identifies the broker-dealers with which applicant will associate and sets forth the reasons for the dual license;

    (4)(b)(ii) both broker-dealers with which applicant intends to associate represent in writing to the Division that each assumes full responsibility for applicant at all times; and

    (4)(b)(iii) applicant discloses the dual license to each client.

    (E) Issuer-agent licensing, renewal, and withdrawal requirements

    (1) License requirements

    (1)(a) To license as an issuer-agent, applicant or the sponsoring issuer must submit to the Division the following:

    (1)(a)(i) FINRA[NASD] Form U-4 with original signatures;

    (1)(a)(ii) proof that applicant passed the Series 63 Exam or the Series 66 Exam;

    (1)(a)(iii) a license fee as prescribed in the Division's fee schedule; and

    (1)(a)(iv) a surety bond if required by Section R164-11-1.

    (2) License renewal requirements

    (2)(a) All licenses expire on December 31 of each year.

    (2)(b) To renew a license, applicant must submit to the Division the following before December 31 of each year:

    (2)(b)(i) FINRA[NASD] Form U-4 with original signatures; and

    (2)(b)(ii) The license fee specified in the Division's fee schedule.

    (3) License or application withdrawal requirements

    (3)(a) To withdraw a license or application, applicant must file with the Division a written request for withdrawal or FINRA[NASD] Form U-5.

    (3)(b) A withdrawal is effective thirty days following receipt of the written request for withdrawal, unless the Division notifies applicant otherwise.

    (4) Miscellaneous provisions

    (4)(a) If applicant applies for a license two or more times in a twelve-month period, the Division deems applicant to be a broker-dealer. Applicant must then license as a broker-dealer.


    R164-4-2. Investment Adviser and Investment Adviser Representative Licensing Requirements.

    (A) Authority and Purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Sections 61-1-4, 61-1-5, 61-1-6, and 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule sets forth the procedure and requirements to license as an investment adviser and investment adviser representative.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "CRD" means the Central Registration Depository.

    (2) "Designated Official" means a person that is a partner, officer, director, sole proprietor, or a person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions in an investment adviser firm.

    (3) "Division" means the Division of Securities, Utah Department of Commerce.

    (4) "Fee" means any remuneration received, directly or indirectly, for investment advice given or investment advisory services rendered, including, among other things, charges for a publication which includes investment advice and commissions paid or received when securities are purchased or sold as a result of investment advice given or investment advisory services rendered. License fees referred to in this rule are not included.

    (5) "IARD" means the Investment Adviser Registration Depository.

    (6) "Investment advice" or "investment advisory services" means advice given or services rendered concerning the value of securities or as to the advisability of investing in, or purchasing or selling securities.

    (7) "NASAA" means the North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc.

    (8) " FINRA[NASD]" means the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, formerly known as NASD[National Association of Securities Dealers].

    (9) "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (10) "SIPC" means the Securities Investor Protection Corporation.

    (C) Investment adviser and investment adviser representative licensing requirements

    (1) Investment adviser licensing requirements. To license as an investment adviser, applicant must submit the following:

    (1)(a) To the IARD:

    (1)(a)(i) SEC Form ADV - Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration, Parts 1 and 2, including applicant's audited balance sheet if required under item 1 8[4] of [part II of] Form ADV Part 2; and

    (1)(a)(ii) a license fee as specified in the Division's fee schedule. (This fee includes the fee for one designated official.)

    (1)(b) To the CRD:

    (1)(b)(i) FINRA[NASD] Form U-4 - Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer for applicant's designated official; and

    (1)(b)(ii) proof that applicant's designated official has passed the Series 65 or both the Series 66 Exam and Series 7 Exam.

    (1)(c) To the Division:

    (1)(c)(i) a notification:

    (aa) identifying the applicant's designated official[Part II of SEC Form ADV - Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration]; and

    (bb) indicating whether the applicant will have either custody of or discretionary authority over client funds or securities.

    (1)(c)(ii) If the applicant will have custody of or discretionary authority over client funds or securities, the applicant must provide Division Form 4-5BIA - Indemnity Bond of Investment Adviser[, if required by Section R164-4-5,] or documents containing the information provided on Division Form 4-5BIA, or, alternatively, proof of membership in SIPC.

    (2) Investment Adviser Representative Licensing Requirements. To license as an investment adviser representative, the investment adviser or federal covered adviser with which the applicant will associate must submit the following:

    (2)(a) To the CRD:

    (2)(a)(i) FINRA[NASD] Form U-4; and

    (2)(a)(ii) proof applicant passed the Series 65 Exam or both the Series 66 Exam and Series 7 Exam.

    (2)(b) To the IARD, a license fee as specified in the Division's fee schedule.

    (3) Miscellaneous provisions

    (3)(a) Except as provided in Subparagraph (C)(3)(b), applicant may associate with only one investment adviser or federal covered adviser at a time.

    (3)(b) A dual license may be allowed by the director if:

    (3)(b)(i) Applicant requests a dual license in writing to the Division which identifies the investment advisers or federal covered advisers with which applicant intends to associate and sets forth the reasons for the dual license;

    (3)(b)(ii) Both investment advisers or federal covered advisers with which applicant intends to associate represent in writing to the Division that each assumes full responsibility for applicant at all times; and

    (3)(b)(iii) Applicant discloses the dual license to each client.

    (D) Investment adviser and associated investment adviser representative renewal requirements

    (1) All licenses expire on December 31 of each year.

    (2) To renew licenses of the investment adviser and associated investment adviser representatives, the investment adviser must submit the following[to the IARD before December 31]:

    (2)(a) To the IARD:

    (2)(a)(i) SEC Form ADV - Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration, Parts 1 and 2, including applicant's audited balance sheet if required under item 18 of Form ADV Part 2[a copy of applicant's most recent SEC Form ADV - Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration];

    (2)( a[b]) (ii) a license fee for the investment adviser and a license fee for each associated investment adviser representative as specified in the Division's fee schedule (the license fee for the investment adviser includes the fee for one designated official) .[;]

    (2)( b[c]) To the CRD:

    (2)(b)(i) FINRA Form U-4 - Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer for applicant's designated official and any investment adviser representatives.

    (2)(c) To the Division:

    (2)(c)(i) Division Form 4-5BIA, Indemnity Bond of Investment Adviser, if required by Section R164-4-5; and

    (2)( c[d]) (ii) the investment adviser's most recently audited balance sheet, if the investment adviser requires payment of advisory fees six months or more in advance and in excess of $ 1,2[5]00 per client, or if the investment adviser has custody or possession of clients' funds or securities .[; and]

    [(2)(e) a copy of the alternate disclosure brochure given or offered if the investment adviser delivered or offered to deliver a written disclosure statement in lieu of Part II of Form ADV during the last calendar year of the licensing period.

    ](E) Investment adviser representatives of federal covered advisers

    (1) All licenses expire on December 31 of each year.

    (2) To renew licenses of the investment adviser representatives of a federal covered adviser, the federal covered adviser must submit to the IARD before December 31, a license fee for each investment adviser representative as specified in the Division's fee schedule.

    (F) Investment adviser and investment adviser representative withdrawal requirements

    (1) Investment adviser withdrawal requirements

    (1)(a) To withdraw a license or application, applicant must file with the IARD, SEC Form ADV-W - Notice of Withdrawal from Registration as Investment Adviser.

    (1)(b) A withdrawal is effective thirty days following receipt of SEC Form ADV-W, unless the Division notifies applicant otherwise.

    (2) Investment adviser representative withdrawal requirements

    (2)(a) To withdraw a license or application, applicant must file with the CRD, a completed FINRA[NASD] Form U-5.

    (2)(b) A withdrawal is effective thirty days following receipt of applicant's FINRA[NASD] Form U-5, unless the Division notifies applicant otherwise.

    (G) Acts or practices which require licensing as an investment adviser and compliance with statutes and rules pertaining thereto

    (1) Lawyers, accountants, engineers or teachers

    (1)(a) A lawyer, accountant, engineer or teacher (professional) must be licensed as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative if the professional provides investment advice or investment advisory services to the professional's clients for a fee, if the advice is not "solely incidental" to the professional's regular professional practice with respect to clients.

    (1)(b) For purposes of this subparagraph (1), providing investment advice under ANY of the following circumstances would NOT be considered to be "solely incidental":

    (1)(b)(i) The investment advice the professional or the investment advisory service the professional renders clients is the primary professional advice for which the professional charges or is paid a fee;

    (1)(b)(ii) The professional advertises or otherwise holds himself out to the public as a provider of investment advice; or

    (1)(b)(iii) The professional holds funds for clients pursuant to discretionary authority to invest such funds.

    (1)(c) Following are examples to assist in understanding the meaning of "solely incidental":

    (1)(c)(i) If the primary professional advice for which the professional receives a fee involves business or tax planning and the professional neither advertises or otherwise holds himself out as a provider of investment advice, nor holds funds which the professional invests for clients. The professional may also provide investment advice to clients in connection with the planning or other professional services, without being required to become licensed as an investment adviser.

    (1)(c)(ii) If the professional advertises or otherwise holds himself out as a provider of investment advice, the professional must be licensed as an investment adviser whether or not the professional actually provides investment advice.

    (1)(c)(iii) If the professional holds client funds which the professional invests for the client, the professional must be licensed as an investment adviser whether or not the professional actually provides investment advice.

    (2) Broker-dealers and broker-dealer agents

    (2)(a) A broker-dealer or broker-dealer agent must be licensed as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative if for a fee, the securities broker-dealer or sales agent of the securities broker-dealer provides investment advice to clients if the investment advice is not "solely incidental" to the conduct of business as a broker-dealer or broker-dealer agent.

    (2)(b) For purposes of this subparagraph, providing investment advice under ANY of the following circumstances would NOT be considered "solely incidental":

    (2)(b)(i) Providing investment advice to a client for a fee in addition to any commission received in connection with transactions in which the client either purchases or sells securities;

    (2)(b)(ii) Providing investment advice, for a fee, to clients who are not clients of the broker-dealer with which the agent is licensed; or

    (2)(b)(iii) Receiving compensation from an investment adviser to whom the broker-dealer or agent refers clients.

    (3) Insurance agents

    (3)(a) An insurance agent who, for a fee, provides investment advice to a client, must be licensed as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative.

    (3)(b) An insurance agent who, performs an analysis of a client's estate, for a fee, which recommends that the client purchases or sells either specific securities or specific types of securities must be licensed as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative.

    (3)(c) An insurance agent who, receives a commission from the sale of insurance to a client who makes such purchase with the proceeds of securities the insurance agent recommended be sold, must be licensed as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative.

    (4) Others

    (4)(a) One must be licensed as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative, as appropriate, whether or not described in subparagraphs (1), (2), or (3) of paragraph ( G[E]) if:

    (4)(a)(i) [Providing,] A[a]dvertising, or otherwise holding oneself out as a provider of investment advice;

    (4)(a)(ii) Publishing a newspaper, news column, news letter, news magazine, or business or financial publication, which, for a fee, gives investment advice based upon the specific investment situations of the clients; or

    (4)(a)(iii) Receiving a fee from an investment adviser for client referrals.


    R164-4-3. General Licensing Requirements.

    (A) Authority and Purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Sections 61-1-4, 61-1-5, 61-1-6, and 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule applies to the licensing of broker-dealers, broker-dealer agents, issuer-agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser representatives.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "CRD" means the Central Registration Depository operated by FINRA[the NASD].

    (2) "Division" means the Division of Securities, Utah Department of Commerce.

    (3) "IARD" means the Investment Adviser Registration Depository operated by FINRA[the NASD].

    (4) "NASAA" means the North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc.

    (5) " FINRA[NASD]" means the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, formerly known as NASD [National Association of Securities Dealers].

    (6) "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (7) "Termination" means the date on which FINRA[the NASD] processes FINRA[NASD] Form U-5 - Uniform Termination Notice for Securities Industry Registration.

    (C) Examination requirements

    (1) A broker-dealer agent must pass the Series 63, Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination (Series 63 Exam) or the Series 66, Uniform Combined State Law Examination (Series 66 Exam). If the broker-dealer agent's most recent license terminated two or more years before the date of receipt by the Division of a new application, the agent will be required to retake the examination.

    (2) An issuer-agent must pass the Series 63 Exam or the Series 66 Exam. If the issuer-agent's most recent license terminated two or more years before the date of receipt by the Division of a new application, the agent will be required to retake the examination.

    (3) Investment advisers and investment adviser representatives

    (3)(a) Examination requirements. An individual applying to be licensed as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative shall provide the Division with proof of obtaining a passing score on one of the following examinations:

    (3)(a)(i) Series 65, Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination (Series 65 Exam); or

    (3)(a)(ii) Series 7, General Securities Representative Examination (Series 7 Exam) and Series 66 Exam.

    (3)(b) If an investment adviser or investment adviser representative has not been licensed in any jurisdiction for a period of two (2) years, the investment adviser or investment adviser representative will be required to retake the examination.

    (3)(c) Waivers. The investment adviser or investment adviser representative may request a waiver of the examination requirement if such individual currently holds one of the following professional designations:

    (3)(c)(i) Certified Financial Planner (CFP) awarded by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.;

    (3)(c)(ii) Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) awarded by the American College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania;

    (3)(c)(iii) Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) awarded by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants;

    (3)(c)(iv) Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) awarded by the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts;

    (3)(c)(v) Chartered Investment Counselor (CIC) awarded by the Investment Counsel Association of America, Inc.; or

    (3)(c)(vi) Such other professional designation as the Division may recognize by order.

    (D) Electronic Filing

    (1) The Division designates and authorizes the web-based CRD to receive and store filings and collect related fees on behalf of the Division whenever this rule requires filings to be submitted to the CRD.

    (2) The Division designates and authorizes the web-based IARD to receive and store filings and collect related fees on behalf of the Division whenever this rule requires filings to be submitted to the IARD.

    (3) Unless otherwise provided, all broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, and investment adviser representative applications, amendments, reports, notices, related filings and fees required to be filed with the Division pursuant to this rule, shall be filed electronically with and transmitted to either the CRD or the IARD as designated in this rule. The following additional conditions relate to such electronic filings:

    (3)(a) When a signature or signatures are required by the particular instruction of any filing to be made through the CRD or the IARD, a duly authorized officer of the applicant or the applicant him or herself, as required, shall affix his or her electronic signature to the filing by typing his or her name in the appropriate fields and submitting the filing to the CRD or the IARD. Submission of a filing in this manner shall constitute irrefutable evidence of legal signature by any individuals whose names are typed on the filing.

    (3)(b) Solely for purposes of a filing made through the CRD or the IARD, a document is considered filed with the Division when all fees are received and the filing is accepted by the CRD or the IARD on behalf of the state.

    (4) Notwithstanding Subparagraph (D)(3), the electronic filing of any particular document shall not be required until such time as the CRD or the IARD provides for receipt of such filings. Any documents required to be filed with the Division, the CRD or the IARD that are not permitted to be filed with or cannot be accepted by the CRD or the IARD shall be filed directly with the Division in either a paper format or as an attachment to an email to the Division in a format that can be viewed by the Division.

    (5) This Subparagraph provides two "hardship exemptions" from the requirements to make electronic filings as required by this rule.

    (5)(a) Temporary Hardship Exemption.

    (5)(a)(i) Investment advisers licensed or required to be licensed under the Act who experience unanticipated technical difficulties that prevent submission of an electronic filing to the IARD may request a temporary hardship exemption from the requirements to file electronically.

    (5)(a)(ii) To request a temporary hardship exemption, the investment adviser must:

    (5)(a)(ii)(aa) File Form ADV-H in paper format with the state securities agency where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located, no later than one business day after the filing that is the subject of the Form ADV-H was due; and

    (5)(a)(ii)(bb) Submit the filing that is the subject of the Form ADV-H in electronic format to the IARD no later than seven business days after the filing was due.

    (5)(a)(iii) The temporary hardship exemption will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Division of the complete Form ADV-H. Multiple temporary hardship exemption requests within the same calendar year may be disallowed by the Division.

    (5)(b) Continuing Hardship Exemption.

    (5)(b)(i) A continuing hardship exemption will be granted only if the investment adviser is able to demonstrate that the electronic filing requirements of this rule are prohibitively burdensome.

    (5)(b)(ii) To apply for a continuing hardship exemption, the investment adviser must:

    (5)(b)(ii)(aa) File Form ADV-H in paper format with the Division at least twenty business days before a filing is due; and

    (5)(b)(ii)(bb) If a filing is due to more than one state securities agency, the Form ADV-H must be filed with the state securities agency where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located. The state securities agency who receives the application will grant or deny the application within ten business days after the filing of Form ADV-H.

    (5)(b)(iii) The exemption is effective upon approval by the Division. The time period of the exemption may be no longer than one year after the date on which the Form ADV-H is filed. If the Division approves the application, the investment adviser must, no later than five business days after the exemption approval date, submit filings to the Division in paper format along with the appropriate processing fees for the period of time for which the exemption is granted.

    (5)(c) The decision to grant or deny a request for a hardship exemption will be made by the state securities agency where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located, which decision will be followed by the state securities agency in the other state(s) where the investment adviser is licensed.

    (E) Correcting amendments

    (1) At a time when a material change occurs:

    (1)(a) a broker-dealer must promptly file amendments to SEC Form BD - Uniform Application for Broker-Dealer Registration with the CRD;

    (1)(b) a broker-dealer agent must promptly file amendments to FINRA[NASD] Form U-4 - Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer with the CRD;

    (1)(c) an issuer-agent must promptly file amendments to FINRA[NASD] Form U-4 - Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer with the Division;

    (1)(d) an investment adviser must promptly file amendments to SEC Form ADV - Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration with the IARD;

    (1)(e) an investment adviser representative must promptly file amendments to FINRA[NASD] Form U-4 - Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer with the CRD; and

    (1)(f) a federal covered adviser must promptly file amendments to SEC Form ADV - Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration with the IARD.

    (2) Amendments should be filed in accordance with the instructions on the respective forms.

    (F) Service of process

    (1) The requirement in Subsection 61-1-4(1) that requires filing a consent to service of process may be fulfilled by execution of SEC Form BD, FINRA[NASD] Form U-4, or SEC Form ADV, as applicable.

    (G) License transfer

    (1) A broker-dealer or broker-dealer agent may transfer a license by following CRD procedures. The Division recognizes and participates in the NASAA/CRD Temporary Agent Transfer ("TAT") program and will honor transfers effected through TAT procedures.


    R164-4-4. Minimum Financial Requirements and Financial Reporting Requirements of Licensed Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisers.

    (A) Authority and Purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Sections 61-1-4, 61-1-5, 61-1-6, and 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule provides the minimum financial requirements and financial reporting requirements for broker-dealers and investment advisers.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "Act" means Title 61, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform Securities Act.

    (2) "Division" means the Division of Securities, Utah Department of Commerce.

    (3) "Net worth" means an excess of assets over liabilities, as determined by generally accepted accounting principles, but shall not include as assets: prepaid expenses (except as to items properly classified as current assets under generally accepted accounting principles), deferred charges, goodwill, franchise rights, organizational expenses, patents, copyrights, marketing rights, unamortized debt discount and expense, all other assets of intangible nature; home, home furnishing, automobile(s), and any other personal items not readily marketable in the case of an individual; advances or loans to stockholders and officers in the case of a corporation; and advances or loans to partners in the case of a partnership.

    (4) "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (C) Broker-Dealer - Minimum Financial Requirements

    (1) Each broker-dealer licensed or required to be licensed under the Act shall comply with SEC Rules 15c3-1 (17 CFR 240.15c3-1(1996)), 15c3-2 (17 CFR 240.15c3-2(1996)), and 15c3-3 (17 CFR 240.15c3-3(1996)), which are adopted and incorporated by reference.

    (2) Each broker-dealer licensed or required to be licensed under the Act shall comply with SEC Rule 17a-11 (17 CFR 240.17a-11(1996)) and shall file with the Division upon request copies of notices and reports required under SEC Rules 17a-5 (17 CFR 240.17a-5(1996)), 17a-10 (17 CFR 240.17a-10(1996)), and 17a-11 (17 CFR 240.17a-11(1996)), which are adopted and incorporated by reference.

    (3) To the extent the SEC promulgates changes to the above referenced rules, broker-dealers in compliance with such rules as amended shall not be subject to enforcement action by the Division for violation of this rule to the extent that the violation results solely from the broker-dealer's compliance with the amended SEC rule.

    (D) Investment Adviser - Minimum Financial Requirements

    (1) Except as provided in subparagraph (D)(4), unless an investment adviser posts a bond pursuant to Section R164-4-5 or is not required to post a bond under Section R164-4-5(F)(2)(a), an investment adviser licensed or required to be licensed under the Act who has custody of client funds or securities shall maintain at all times a minimum net worth of $35,000, and every investment adviser licensed or required to be licensed under the Act who has discretionary authority over client funds or securities but does not have custody of client funds or securities, shall maintain at all times a minimum net worth of $10,000.

    (2) An investment adviser registered or required to be registered who accepts prepayment of more than $ 1,2[5]00 per client and six or more months in advance shall maintain at all times a positive net worth.

    (3) Unless otherwise exempted, as a condition of the right to continue to transact business in this state, every investment adviser licensed or required to be licensed under the Act shall by the close of business on the next business day notify the Division if such investment adviser's net worth is less than the minimum required. After transmitting such notice, each investment adviser shall file by the close of business on the next business day a report with the Division of its financial condition, including the following:

    (3)(a) A trial balance of all ledger accounts;

    (3)(b) A statement of all client funds or securities which are not segregated;

    (3)(c) A computation of the aggregate amount of client ledger debit balances; and

    (3)(d) A statement as to the number of client accounts.

    (4) The Division may require that a current appraisal be submitted in order to establish the worth of any asset.

    (5) Every investment adviser that has its principal place of business in a state other than this state shall maintain such minimum capital as required by the state in which the investment adviser maintains its principal place of business, provided the investment adviser is licensed in such state and is in compliance with such state's minimum capital requirements.


    R164-4-5. Bonding Requirements for Broker-Dealers, Broker-Dealer Agents, Issuer-Agents, and Investment Advisers.

    (A) Authority and Purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Sections 61-1-4 and 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule sets the surety-bond requirements for broker-dealers, broker-dealer agents, issuer-agents, and investment advisers.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "Division" means the Division of Securities, Utah Department of Commerce.

    (2) "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (3) "SIPC" means the Securities Investor Protection Corporation.

    (C) Bonding requirements for broker-dealers

    (1) A broker-dealer who is a member of SIPC and is not excluded from membership assessments need not provide a bond.

    (2) Every broker-dealer licensed or required to be licensed under this Act whose business is exclusively intrastate, who does not make use of any facility of a national securities exchange and who is not registered under section 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, shall be bonded in an amount of not less than $100,000 by a bonding company qualified to do business in this state.

    (D) Bonding requirements for broker-dealer agents

    (1) A broker-dealer agent need not provide a bond.

    (E) Bonding requirements for issuer-agents

    (1) An issuer-agent need not provide a bond unless otherwise required by Section R164-11-1.

    (2) If an issuer-agent must provide a bond, it must be:

    (2)(a) issued by a corporate bonding company qualified to do business in Utah;

    (2)(b) on or in substantially the same form as Division Form 4-5BI, "Corporate Indemnity Bond of Issuer"; and

    (2)(c) be in the amount of $25,000.

    (3) Upon written request the Division may waive the bond requirement and accept instead the escrow of funds.

    (3)(a) The issuer or issuer-agent must place in escrow at least $25,000.

    (3)(b) The issuer or issuer-agent may place the money in escrow at any federal or state bank or savings institution, only.

    (3)(c) The term of the escrow must extend for a period terminating no earlier than four years after expiration of the issuer's registration statement.

    (3)(d) The escrow must be on or in substantially the same form as Division Form 4-5EIA, "Escrow Agreement", which is available from the Division.

    (3)(e) The funds in escrow may be released only by an order of the Division, in accordance with the following:

    (3)(e)(i) If claims have been made against the issuer-agent in a court of competent jurisdiction and the court has finally adjudicated the dispute, or the claimant and the issuer-agent have agreed in writing to resolve the dispute, the amount of funds at issue may be ordered released by the Division in accordance with the order or agreement, up to the amount placed in escrow; or

    (3)(e)(ii) The issuer's registration statement expired not less than four (4) years ago.

    (F) Bonding requirements for certain investment advisers

    (1) Except as provided in subparagraphs (F)(2) and (3), every investment adviser having custody of or discretionary authority over client funds or securities shall be bonded:

    (1)(a) in an amount determined by the Division based upon the number of clients and the total assets under management of the investment adviser, which shall be at a minimum of $10,000;

    (1)(b) issued by a bonding company qualified to do business in this state;

    (1)(c) on or in substantially the same form as Division Form 4-5BIA, Corporate Indemnity Bond of Investment Adviser.

    (2) The requirements of subparagraph (F)(1) shall not apply to those applicants or licensees who :

    (2)(a) have custody solely as a consequence of the adviser's authority to withdraw advisory fees from client accounts; or

    (2)(b) comply with the requirements of Section R164-4-4.

    (3) An investment adviser that has its principal place of business in a state other than this state shall be exempt from the requirements of subparagraph (F)(1), provided that the investment adviser is licensed as in investment adviser in the state where it has its principal place of business and is in compliance with such state's requirements relating to bonding.

    (4) Upon request and for good cause shown, the Division may waive the bond requirement and accept instead the escrow of funds.

    (4)(a) The investment adviser must place in escrow an amount determined by the Division based upon the number of clients and the total assets under management of the investment adviser, which shall be at a minimum of $10,000.

    (4)(b) The investment adviser may place the money in escrow at any federal or state bank or savings institution, only.

    (4)(c) The term of the escrow must extend for a period terminating no earlier than three years after expiration of the investment adviser's license.

    (4)(d) The escrow must be on, or in substantially the same form as, Division Form 4-5EIA, Escrow Agreement.

    (4)(e) The funds in escrow may be released only by an order of the Division, in accordance with the following:

    (4)(e)(i) Where claims have been made against the investment adviser in a court of competent jurisdiction and the court has finally adjudicated the dispute, or the claimant and the investment adviser have agreed in writing to resolve the dispute, the amount of funds at issue may be ordered released by the D[d]ivision in accordance with the order or agreement, up to the amount placed in escrow; or

    (4)(e)(ii) The investment adviser has not been licensed by the Division for a period of at least four years.


    R164-4-6. Notice Filing Requirements for Federal Covered Advisers.

    (A) Authority and purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Sections 61-1-4 and 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule provides the notice filing requirements for federal covered advisers.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "Division" means the Division of Securities, Utah Department of Commerce.

    (2) "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (C) Notice Filings

    Federal covered advisers required to file notice filings pursuant to Subsection 61-1-4(2), must file with IARD the following:

    (1) an executed SEC Form ADV - Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration; and

    (2) a filing fee as specified in the Division's fee schedule.

    (D) Notice filing renewals

    (1) All notice filings expire on December 31 of each year.

    (2) To renew notice filings, a federal covered adviser must submit the following to IARD before December 31:

    (2)(a) a copy of the federal covered adviser's most recent SEC Form ADV; and

    (2)(b) a filing fee as specified in the Division's fee schedule.[

    (E) Until IARD provides for the filing of Part 2 of Form ADV, the Division will deem filed Part 2 of Form ADV if a federal covered adviser provides, within 5 days of a request, Part 2 of Form ADV to the Division. Because the Division deems Part 2 of the Form ADV to be filed, a federal covered adviser is not required to submit Part 2 of Form ADV to the Division unless requested.]


    R164-4-7. Broker-dealers, Investment Advisers and Other Securities Personnel Using the Internet for General Dissemination of Information on Products and Services.

    (A) Authority and purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Sections 61-1-13 and 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule clarifies when broker-dealers, investment advisers, broker-dealer agents and investment adviser representatives are transacting business in this state for purposes of Section 61-1-4 by distributing information on available products and services through Internet Communications available to persons in this state.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "Division" means the Division of Securities, Utah Department of Commerce.

    (2) "Internet" means the global information system comprised of independent computer networks which are interconnected and share information without the use of a central processing center by use of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite, to include without limitation, the World Wide Web, proprietary or "common carrier" electronic delivery systems, or similar medium.

    (3) "Internet Communications" means a communication made on the Internet which is directed generally to anyone who has access to the Internet, including persons in Utah, to include without limitation, postings on Bulletin Boards, displays on "Home Pages" or similar methods.

    (C) Licensing Exclusion

    Broker-dealers, investment advisers, broker-dealer agents ("BD agents") and investment adviser representatives ("IA reps") who use the Internet to distribute information on available products and services through Internet Communications shall not be deemed to be "transacting business" in this state for purposes of Subsections 61-1-3(1) and 61-1-3(3) based solely on that fact if the following conditions are observed:

    (1) The Internet Communication contains a legend in which it is clearly stated that:

    (1)(a) the broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep in question may only transact business in this state if first licensed, excluded or exempted from state broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep licensing requirements, as may be; and

    (1)(b) follow-up, individualized responses to persons in this state by such broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep that involve either the effecting or attempting to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, as may be, will not be made absent compliance with state broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep licensing requirements, or an applicable exemption or exclusion;

    (2) The Internet Communication contains a mechanism, including and without limitation, technical "firewalls" or other implemented policies and procedures, designed reasonably to ensure that prior to any subsequent, direct communication with prospective customers or clients in this state, said broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep is first licensed in this state or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from such requirement. Nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed to relieve a state licensed broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent or IA rep from any applicable securities registration requirement in this state;

    (3) The Internet Communication does not involve either effecting or attempting to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, as may be, in this state over the Internet, but is limited to the dissemination of general information on products and services; and

    (4) In the case of a BD agent or IA rep:

    (4)(a) the affiliation with the broker-dealer or investment adviser of the BD agent or IA rep is prominently disclosed within the Internet Communication;

    (4)(b) the broker-dealer or investment adviser with whom the BD agent or IA rep is associated retains responsibility for reviewing and approving the content of any Internet Communication by a BD agent or IA rep;

    (4)(c) the broker-dealer or investment adviser with whom the BD agent or IA rep is associated first authorizes the distribution of information on the particular products and services through the Internet Communication; and

    (4)(d) in disseminating information through the Internet Communication, the BD agent or IA rep acts within the scope of the authority granted by the broker-dealer or investment adviser.

    (D) Limitations of Exclusion

    (1) The exclusion provided in paragraph (C) extends to state broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent and IA rep licensing requirements only, and does not excuse compliance with applicable securities registration, antifraud or related provisions.

    (2) Nothing in this exclusion shall be construed to affect the activities of any broker-dealer, investment adviser, BD agent and IA rep engaged in business in this state that is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Division as a result of the National Securities Markets Improvements Act of 1996, as amended.


    R164-4-8. Exclusion for Certain Canadian Brokers and Securities Exemption.

    (A) Authority and purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Subsections 61-1-13(3)(i) and 61-1-14(2)(s) and Section 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule provides an exclusion from the definition of "Broker-dealer" for certain Canadian brokers and provides an exemption for transactions effectuated by these certain Canadian brokers.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "Division" means the Division of Securities, Utah Department of Commerce.

    (C) Broker-Dealer Exclusion

    "Broker-dealer" as defined in Section 61-1-13(3) excludes a person who is resident in Canada, has no office or other physical presence in this state, and complies with the following conditions:

    (1) Only effects or attempts to effect transactions in securities:

    (1)(a) with or through the issuers of the securities involved in the transactions, broker-dealers, banks, saving institutions, trust companies, insurance companies, investment companies defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, pension or profit-sharing trusts, or other financial institutions or institutional buyers, whether acting for themselves or as trustees;

    (1)(b) with or for a person from Canada who is temporarily present in this state, with whom the Canadian person had a bona fide business-client relationship before the person entered this state; or

    (1)(c) with or for a person from Canada who is in this state, whose transactions are in a self-directed tax advantaged retirement plan in Canada of which the person is the holder or contributor;

    (2) files a notice in the form of his current application required by the jurisdiction in which their head office is located and a consent to service of process;

    (3) is a member of a self-regulatory organization or stock exchange in Canada;

    (4) Maintains his provincial or territorial registration and his membership in a self-regulatory organization or stock exchange in good standing;

    (5) Discloses to his clients in this state that he is not subject to the full regulatory requirements of the Utah Uniform Securities Act; and

    (6) Is not in violation of Section 61-1-1 and all rules promulgated thereunder.

    (D) Transactional Securities Exemption

    The Division finds that registration is not necessary or appropriate for the protection of investors in connection with an offer or sale of a security in a transaction effected by a person excluded from the definition of broker-dealer under Paragraph (C)


    R164-4-9. Exemptions From Licensing Requirements for Investment Advisers Providing Advice to Certain Institutional Investors.

    (A) Authority and Purpose

    (1) The Division enacts this rule under authority granted by Sections 61-1-3 and 61-1-24.

    (2) This rule provides exemptions from the licensing requirements of the Act for investment advisers and investment adviser representatives who meet specified criteria.

    (B) Definitions

    (1) "Act" means the Utah Uniform Securities Act, Utah Code Ann. Section 61-1-1 et seq.

    (2) "Control" means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.

    (3)(a) "High net worth family entity" means a corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or other entity, with all of its owners, partners, or members belonging to a single family who are all related by blood, adoption or marriage; with a combined net worth of not less than $10 million; and with ownership by an individual family member being direct or indirect pursuant to a trust or other similar arrangement where the investment is made by or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, the individual.

    (3)(b) An individual does not constitute a "high net worth family entity" for purposes of this rule regardless of the net worth of the individual.

    (4) "Private fund" means an entity that:

    (4)(a) would be subject to regulation under the federal Investment Company Act of 1940 but for the exceptions from the definition of "investment company" provided for:

    (4)(a)(i) a fund that has no more than 100 beneficial owners and which is not making and does not presently propose to make a public offering of its securities, or

    (4)(a)(ii) a fund that is owned exclusively by qualified purchasers, as defined in subsection (5) below, and which is not making and does not presently propose to make a public offering of its securities; and

    (4)(b) offers interests in the entity based on the investment advisory skills, ability or expertise of the investment adviser.

    (5) "Qualified purchaser" has the same meaning as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 Sec. 2(a)(51).

    (C) Exemption for Investment Advice to Certain Institutional Investors

    (1) For purposes of Subsection 61-1-3(3)(b)(ii), an investment adviser or investment adviser representative is exempt from the licensing requirements of the Act if the investment adviser or investment adviser representative renders investment advisory services only to the following institutional investors:

    (1)(a) a non-individual "accredited investor" (as that term is defined in Rule 501(a)(1)-(3), (7), and any entity in which all of the equity owners are persons defined in Rule 501(a)(1)-(3) and (7), promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Act of 1933 (1933 Act), as amended;

    (1)(b) a "qualified institutional buyer" (as that term is defined in Rule 144A(a)(1) promulgated by the SEC under the 1933 Act, as amended; or

    (1)(c) a corporation, partnership, trust, estate, or other entity (excluding individuals) having net worth of not less than $10 million, or a wholly-owned subsidiary of such entity.

    (2) The exemption from investment adviser and investment adviser representative licensing provided by this Subsection (C) is not available if the institutional investor is in fact acting only as agent for another purchaser that is not an institutional investor listed in Subsection 61-1-3(3)(b) or Subsection (C)(1) of this rule. The exemption from licensure is available only if the institutional investor is acting for its own account or as a bona fide trustee of a trust organized and existing other than for the purpose of acquiring the investment advisory services for which the investment adviser or investment adviser representative is claiming the exemption.

    (D) Exemption for Investment Advice to Certain Private Funds

    (1) For purposes of Subsection 61-1-3(3)(b)(ii), an investment adviser or investment adviser representative is exempt from the licensing requirements of the Act if the investment adviser or investment adviser representative renders investment advisory services only to a private fund that regularly makes equity investments in companies, if:

    (1)(a) the private fund does not grant investors the right or power to redeem their interests in the fund within two years of purchase;

    (1)(b) at the time of investment, at least 80% of the fair market value of the investments made by the private fund possess all of the following characteristics:

    (1)(b)(i) the private fund, either alone or with other similarly situated private funds, has control of the target company;

    (1)(b)(ii) the private fund, either alone or with other similarly situated private funds, has access to material business, financial and other corporate records of the target company without being required to resort to statutory stockholder or other equity owner records access provisions;

    (1)(b)(iii) the private fund, either alone or with other similarly situated private funds, has the right to elect one or more directors to the target company's board of directors or equivalent governing management body, either at the outset or on the occurrence or non-occurrence of specified events; and

    (1)(b)(iv) at the time of the investment, the securities representing the private fund's equity stake or into which such securities may be converted have not been listed on an exchange and are of a highly illiquid nature such that no significant secondary market exists for the securities; and

    (1)(c) at the time of investment, at least 80% of the fair market value of the investments made by the private fund possess at least two of the following four characteristics:

    (1)(c)(i) the private fund's interest in the target company includes a common, preferred, convertible or other direct or indirect equity stake;

    (1)(c)(ii) the private fund, either alone or with other similarly situated private funds, has the right, at the target company's expense, to have its equity interest in the target registered for sale in a future public offering or otherwise redeemed upon the occurrence of given event or contingency or to otherwise obtain liquidity for the private fund's investment;

    (1)(c)(iii) the private fund, either alone or with other similarly situated private funds, has:

    (1)(c)(iii)(A) co-sale rights that allow the private fund to sell its equity in the target company on the same terms as holders of a majority of the equity interests of such target;

    (1)(c)(iii)(B) liquidation preferences with priority to holders of common equity; or

    (1)(c)(iii)(C) redemption rights to require the target company to repurchase or redeem the private fund's equity interest at a price constituting a preference to that of the common equity holders; and

    (1)(c)(iv) the private fund, either alone or with other similarly situated private funds, has:

    (1)(c)(iv)(A) anti-dilution rights materially limiting the power of the target company to issue new equity securities on terms that dilute the equity interest of the private fund without adjusting the investment rights of the private equity fund;

    (1)(c)(iv)(B) rights of first offer or participation enabling the private fund to acquire its pro rata share of any newly issued equity securities;

    (1)(c)(iv)(C) rights to materially preclude the target company from issuing equity without first obtaining consent of the private fund either as an equity holder or through the private fund's designee(s) on the target company's board of directors or equivalent governing management body; or

    (1)(c)(iv)(D) other rights superior to the rights of holders of common equity relating to cause or block an event or transaction that would provide full or partial liquidity to the private fund.

    (E) Exemptions for Investment Advice to Certain High Net Worth Family Entities

    (1) For purposes of Subsection 61-1-3(3)(b)(ii), an investment adviser or investment adviser representative is exempt from the licensing requirements of the Act if the investment adviser or investment adviser representative:

    (1)(a) renders investment advisory services to a high net worth family entity or related family entities, and

    (1)(b) does not render investment advisory services to any other entities or individuals, other than those described in Subsections (C) and (D) above.

    (F) Determination of Net Worth

    (1) For purposes of determining the net worth of an institutional investor or high net worth family entity under this rule, an investment adviser or investment adviser representative may rely upon the entity's most recent annual balance sheet or other financial statement which shall have been audited by an independent accountant or which shall have been verified by a principal of the entity.

    (G) Prohibition on Advertising and Touting

    (1) The exemptions from the licensing requirements of the Act provided by this rule are not applicable if the investment adviser or investment adviser representative advertises its services or holds itself out to the public as a provider of investment advice, including:

    (1)(a) advertising, touting, or providing testimonials of the performance, experience or expertise of the investment adviser or investment adviser representative;

    (1)(b) making general solicitations for investment; or

    (1)(c) paying a fee to any person for referrals or solicitations unless that person is a licensed investment adviser representative, issuer agent or broker-dealer agent in the jurisdiction in which such activities occur.

    (H) Advisory Services to Entity versus Owners of the Entity

    (1) For purposes of this rule only, an investment adviser or investment adviser representative that is providing investment advisory services to a corporation, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, trust or other legal entity, other than a private fund, is not providing investment advisory services to a shareholder, general partner, member, other security holder, beneficiary or other beneficial owner of the legal entity unless the investment adviser provides investment advisory services to such owner separate and apart from the investment advisory services provided to the legal entity.

    (I) No Licensing Exemption for Advisory Services to Natural Persons

    (1) There is no licensing exemption under this rule for an investment adviser or investment adviser representative providing investment advisory services to a natural person.

    (2) Except as provided in Subsections (D) and (E), there is no licensing exemption under this rule for an investment adviser or investment adviser representative providing investment advisory services to a private fund, such as a hedge fund, that is composed partially or entirely of natural persons.


    KEY: securities, securities regulation, investment advisers, securities licensing requirements

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [ March 11 ], 2010

    Notice of Continuation: July 30, 2007

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 61-1-3; 61-1-4; 61-1-5; 61-1-6; 61-1-13; 61-1-14; 61-1-24


Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 61-1-4

Section 61-1-24

Authorized By:
Keith Woodwell, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R164-4. Licensing Requirements.