No. 34120 (Amendment): Rule R156-9. Funeral Service Licensing Act Rules  

  • (Amendment)

    DAR File No.: 34120
    Filed: 09/28/2010 09:55:46 AM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The Division and the Funeral Service Board reviewed this rule and determined that changes need to be made with respect to the Utah Funeral Service Law and Rule Examination and other technical cleanup corrections.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    Throughout the rule, changed "rules" to "rule" and also capitalized "Division" and "Board" where applicable. In Section R156-9-302a, the proposed amendments delete the use of an open board law and rule examination for funeral director and preneed sales agent applicants and establishes the Utah Funeral Service Law and Rule Examination with a passing score of 75% for those applicants. Also, proposed amendments define when the law/rule examination can be retaken if failed by the applicant.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    The Division will incur minimal costs of approximately $75 to print and distribute the rule once the proposed amendments are made effective. Any costs incurred will be absorbed in the Division's current budget.

    local governments:

    The proposed amendments only apply to licensed funeral service classifications and applicants for licensure in those classifications. As a result, the proposed amendments do not apply to local governments.

    small businesses:

    The proposed amendments only apply to licensed funeral service classifications and applicants for licensure in those classifications. Licensees and applicants for licensure may work in a small business; however, the proposed amendments would not directly affect the business.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    The proposed amendments only apply to licensed funeral service classifications and applicants for licensure in those classifications. Applicants for licensure as a funeral director and preneed sales agent will incur a cost of $85 per examination for the newly proposed Utah Funeral Service Law and Rule Examination. In a year, the Division licenses approximately 20 funeral directors and preneed sale agents for a yearly aggregate cost of $1,700.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    The proposed amendments only apply to licensed funeral service classifications and applicants for licensure in those classifications. Applicants for licensure as a funeral director and preneed sales agent will incur a cost of $85 per examination for the newly proposed Utah Funeral Service Law and Rule Examination.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    Pursuant to its statutory authority, in this proposed rule change, the Division adopts the standards for a law and rule examination. Applicants and businesses that hire personnel to provide funeral services could see additional costs due to the cost of the examination, but any such costs should be outweighed by the benefit to the public in receiving services from better qualified providers. No other fiscal impact to businesses is anticipated.

    Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Occupational and Professional Licensing
    160 E 300 S
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

    • 11/17/2010 09:00 AM, Heber Wells Bldg, 160 E 300 S, Conference Room 474, Salt Lake City, UT

    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Mark Steinagel, Director


    R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing.

    R156-9. Funeral Service Licensing Act Rule[s].

    R156-9-101. Short title.

    [These rules]This rule shall be known as the "Funeral Service Licensing Act Rule[s]".


    R156-9-102. Definitions.

    In addition to the definitions in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 9, as defined or used in [these rules]this rule:

    (1) "Contract" means a guaranteed preneed funeral arrangement contract.

    (2) "Funeral service establishment" is defined in Subsections 58-9-102(12)(a)(i) and (ii), and (b)(i) and (ii).

    (3) "Guaranteed product contract" means a contract wherein goods or services are selected which will be provided at the time of need for the consideration specified in the contract regardless of the market price at the time of need.

    (4) "Recipient of goods and services" is synonymous with "beneficiary" as defined in Subsection 58-9-102(1), and is used herein to avoid confusion with various common meanings of the term "beneficiary".

    (5]) "Unprofessional conduct" as defined in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 9, is further defined in accordance with Subsection 58-1-203(1)(e) in Section R156-9-501.


    R156-9-103. Authority - Purpose.

    [These rules are]This rule is adopted by the [d]Division under the authority of Subsection 58-1-106(1)(a) to enable the [d]Division to administer Title 58, Chapter 9.


    R156-9-302a. Qualifications for Licensure - Examination Requirements.

    In accordance with Subsections 58-1-203(1)(g) and 58-1-301(3), the qualifications for licensure in Subsections 58-9-302(1)(g), 58-9-302(2)(e), 58-9-302(4)(e) and 58-9-306(6) and (7) are defined, clarified, or established as follows:

    (1) An applicant for licensure as a funeral service director shall be required to pass the National Board Examinations (science and art sections) of the Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards. The examination may be taken while the individual is enrolled in an approved funeral service school.

    (2) An applicant for licensure as a [funeral director,] funeral service intern[, preneed sales agent or funeral director by endorsement] shall answer correctly all the law and rule questions in the open book examination contained in the application.

    (3) An applicant for licensure as a funeral service director, preneed sales agent or funeral service director by endorsement shall pass the Utah Funeral Service Law and Rule Examination with a score of at least 75%.

    (4) An individual who fails the Utah Funeral Service Law and Rule Examination may retake the failed examination:

    (a) no earlier than 30 days following any failure;

    (b) no more than three failures within a six month period; and

    (c) no earlier than six months following any failure thereafter.


    R156-9-303. Renewal Cycle - Procedures.

    (1) In accordance with Subsection 58-1-308(1), the renewal date for the two-year renewal cycle applicable to licenses under Title 58, Chapter 9 is established by rule in Section R156-1-308a.

    (2) Renewal procedures shall be in accordance with Section R156-1-308 c.


    R156-9-304. Continuing Professional Education - Funeral Service Directors.

    In accordance with Subsections 58-1-203(1)(g) and 58-1-308(3)(b) and Section 58-9-304, the continuing education requirements for funeral service directors is defined, clarified or established as follows:

    (1) Continuing professional education shall consist of 20 hours of qualified continuing professional education in each preceding two-year period of licensure or expiration of licensure.

    (2) If a renewal period is shortened or extended to effect a change of renewal cycle or if an initial license is granted for a period of less than two years, the continuing professional education hours required for that period shall be increased or decreased accordingly as a pro rata amount of the requirements of a two-year period.

    (3) The standards for qualified continuing professional education are:

    (a) College classes, seminars, or workshops sponsored by professional associations in areas related to funeral service will generally qualify for continuing professional education (CPE) if the education contributes to the professional competence and knowledge of the funeral service director and if the program complies with the standards set forth under Subsection (b).

    (b) CPE programs shall meet the following standards:

    (i) the course shall be formally organized and be primarily instructional;

    (ii) the sponsor shall prepare an outline of the course which shall be retained for a minimum of four years following the presentation;

    (iii) the sponsor shall list the hour rating of the course in the course outline. One hour of CPE shall be credited for each 50 minute period of instruction;

    (iv) the sponsor shall record and keep an accurate record of course attendance including the date, place, and the name of the licensed funeral service directors attending the course; and

    (v) the sponsor shall issue a certificate of completion listing the time, date, place, name of licensee, number of hours of CPE completed and the course title.

    (c) Formal correspondence or other individual study programs which require registration shall provide evidence of satisfactory completion including test results and meet all other requirements as specified in this section will qualify.

    (d) Each semester hour of college credit shall equal 15 hours of CPE. A quarter hour shall equal ten hours of CPE.

    (4) Upon written request from the licensee, the [b]Board may waive the requirement for CPE as provided in Section R156-1-308d.

    (5) The licensee is responsible to insure that the program will qualify for CPE. Each licensee shall keep an accurate record of CPE on forms supplied by the [d]Division. The records shall be maintained for a minimum of four years.

    (6) The [d]Division in collaboration with the [b]Board shall perform random audits to determine if the licensee is in compliance with the CPE requirements. If audited, or upon request by the [d]Division, the licensee is responsible to submit documentation of compliance with CPE requirements.


    R156-9-402. Duties and Responsibilities of a Funeral Service Director in Supervision of Funeral Service Interns, Preneed Funeral Arrangement Sales Agents and Unlicensed Staff.

    The duties and responsibilities of a supervising funeral service director include:

    (1) being professionally responsible for the acts and practices of the supervisee;

    (2) being engaged in a relationship with the supervisee in which the supervisor is independent from control by the supervisee and in which the ability of the supervisor to supervise and direct the practice of the supervisee is not compromised;

    (3) being available for advice, consultation, and direction consistent with the standards and ethics of the profession and the requirements suggested by the total circumstances including the supervisee's level of training;

    (4) monitoring the performance of the supervisee for compliance with laws, standards, and ethics applicable to the funeral service profession, including the Utah Vital Statistics Rules of the Utah Department of Health;

    (5) submitting appropriate documentation to the [d]Division with respect to all work completed by the funeral service intern evidencing the performance of the supervisee during the period of supervised training, including the supervisor's evaluation of the supervisee's competence in the practice of the funeral service profession. This report shall be submitted to the Division within 30 days after the supervisor-supervisee relationship is terminated or within 30 days after the supervisee has completed 2000 hours of supervised experience in a period exceeding one year, performed 50 embalmings, and has satisfactorily completed all the duties and functions of an intern throughout the entire internship period;

    (6) supervising not more than one funeral service intern at any given time unless approved by the [b]Board and [d]Division;

    (7) being physically present and directly supervising, or ensuring that another funeral director directly supervises all duties and functions completed by a funeral service intern throughout the entire internship period;

    (8) being responsible for and signing all preneed and at need funeral contracts sold by persons under supervision;

    (9) assuring each supervisee is appropriately licensed as a funeral service intern or preneed funeral arrangement sales agent prior to beginning the supervision;

    (10) notifying the [d]Division of beginning or ending of association or employment of a preneed sales agent with the funeral service establishment within ten days. Notification shall be made on forms provided by the [d]Division; and

    (11) assuring that the supervision requirements are met as required in Section 58-9-307.


    R156-9-502. Unprofessional Conduct.

    "Unprofessional conduct" as defined in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 9, is further defined in accordance with Subsection 58-1-203(1)(e) to include:

    (1) violating the ethical standards of the profession;

    (2) failing to comply with laws and rules established by any local, state, federal or other authority regarding funeral services, preneed contracts, health, safety, sanitation, regarding funeral establishments or transportation or handling of dead human bodies, or disclosure requirements to purchasers or prospective purchasers of funeral services or preneed contract;

    (3) failing to comply with any provision of the Title 58, Chapter 9, Funeral Service Licensing Act or [these]this Funeral Service Licensing Act Rule[s];

    (4) failing to comply with the disclosure requirements of the Federal Trade Commission;

    (5) failing to accurately report and record information required by law to be reported on a death certificate;.

    (6) solicitation or the direct or indirect offer to pay a commission for the procurement of dead human bodies;

    (7) failing to comply with the Utah Vital Statistics Rules as promulgated by the Utah Department of Health;

    (8) selling preneed funeral arrangements by a preneed funeral arrangement sales agent when the sales agent is not associated with or employed by a funeral service establishment;

    (9) selling a preneed funeral arrangement when the preneed funeral arrangement sales agent has not obtained approval to do so from the funeral service establishment and the contract is not approved by the supervising funeral director;

    (10) selling an insurance policy to fund a preneed funeral arrangement contract naming a funeral service establishment as beneficiary, prior to executing the underlying preneed funeral arrangement contract;

    (11) selling a preneed funeral arrangement without executing an approved preneed funeral arrangement contract within ten working days following the sale;

    (12) failing to notify the Division of the beginning or ending of association or employment of a preneed funeral arrangement sales agent;

    (13) exercising undue influence over a consumer thereby requiring or causing the consumer to purchase goods or services beyond those the consumer desires or needs;

    (14) collecting or receiving money from the sale of an insurance policy funding a preneed funeral arrangement contract unless the person is collecting or receiving the money as a licensed insurance agent or broker;

    (15) violating Title 31A, Chapter 23a, containing the fiduciary duties of a trustee with respect to money collected or received as a licensed insurance agent or broker;

    (16) receiving a death benefit payment of life insurance proceeds beyond the funeral service establishment's insurable interest in the recipient of goods and services specified in a preneed contract, unless the excess is promptly returned to the insurance company or paid to those entitled to the funds;

    (17) converting a preneed funeral arrangement funded by money placed in trust to insurance except as provided by [these rules]this rule;

    (18) failing to provide guaranteed goods and services at time of need in accordance with the terms of a preneed funeral arrangement contract;

    (19) retaining life insurance proceeds of a policy purchased to fund funeral arrangements but not accompanied by a preneed funeral arrangement contract, unless the licensee provides an equivalent value of funeral goods and services;

    (20) failing to report known violations of governing law or rules to the Division and to appropriate law enforcement or other appropriate agencies; and

    (21) failing to handle, remit or deposit funds received in payment for a preneed funeral arrangement contract by placing the funds in trust or remitting the funds to an insurance carrier as is required by the contract terms and conditions and by all laws and rules regulating the sale of preneed funeral arrangements and insurance and annuity policies.


    R156-9-604. Affiliation of Licensed Sales Agent with Licensed Funeral Service Establishment.

    (1) When a licensed sales agent enters association with a licensed funeral service establishment and such association is not currently registered with the [d]Division under the provisions of Subsection 58-9-302(3)(d), or this subsection, the licensed funeral service establishment shall file a notice of association with the [d]Division on forms provided by the [d]Division within ten days after commencement of association.

    (2) The licensed funeral service establishment shall provide the licensed sales agent with a copy of the notice filed with the [d]Division.

    (3) If a notice of association is not filed by the licensed funeral service establishment within ten days after association, the sales agent may not represent the licensed funeral service establishment with respect to any preneed funeral arrangement until such notice is filed.


    R156-9-607. Contract Forms - Division Model.

    (1) To assist applicants for a funeral service establishment license, the [d]Division shall publish a model guaranteed preneed funeral arrangement contract form which meets the requirements of Section 58-9-701.

    (2) In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 58-9-302(3)(e), a funeral service establishment must submit to the [d]Division a copy of the preneed contract form it intends to market for initial licensure and then ensure that if any amendments are made to the preneed section in the future, the amendments shall meet the requirements set forth in Section 58-9-701 before the contract form may be used in marketing the licensee's preneed funeral arrangement plan under that contract form.

    (3) In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 58-9-701(2)(a), easy-to-read type size is hereby defined to be of a type size large enough to accommodate no more than six lines per vertical inch and no more than 15 characters per horizontal inch.

    (4) After April 30, 2007, a new preneed contract form is not required to contain a clause indicating that the Division has approved the contract. Preneed contract forms approved prior to April 30, 2007 shall continue to contain a clause indicating approval by the Division.


    R156-9-611. Use of Funds in Trust Account to Purchase Insurance or Annuity Policy.

    A funeral service establishment may convert a contract funded by monies held in trust with a contract funded by the proceeds from an insurance or annuity policy provided:

    (1) the buyer consents in writing to the conversion after full disclosure of the consequences of the transaction in writing by the funeral service establishment;

    (2) the buyer's consent is given without coercion, threat, concealment of material fact, undue influence, or other prejudicial influence inconsistent with the buyer's best interest;

    (3) the funeral service establishment uses all monies held in the individual trust account, including interest, as premium for the purchase of the life insurance or annuity policy, unless otherwise directed in writing by the buyer;

    (4) the new preneed funeral arrangement contract must be in writing and must provide for goods and services which at least equal to those required of the funeral service establishment under the original contract, and

    (5) the new contract meets all requirements of Title 58, Chapter 9, and [these rules]this rule.


    R156-9-612. Conversion of Trust Accounts Under Prior Law Prohibited.

    Conversion of funds held in trust which was established under any prior law regulating preneed funeral arrangements, may not be converted to a trust under the provisions of current statute and rules, but shall continue to be held in trust under the terms and conditions of the predecessor law. However, the funeral service establishment is required to file reports with the Division as required under [these rules]this rule.


    R156-9-616. Reporting Requirements.

    (1) In accordance with Sections 58-9-504 and 58-9-706, each funeral service establishment shall maintain an annual report at the establishment which shall be subject to [d]Division audit at anytime. The annual report shall be maintained in a format set forth by the Division and shall include:

    (a) a statement of compliance certifying:

    (i) that all payments received from the sale of contracts have been:

    (A) placed in the funeral service establishment's trust account in accordance with Section 58-9-702 and administered in accordance with Sections 58-9-703 through 58-9-705 and [these rules]this rule; or

    (B) submitted to the insurance company whose insurance or annuity policy funds the contract;

    (ii) that complete and accurate information concerning the preneed funeral arrangements by the funeral service establishment or the funeral service establishment's sales agent was furnished or made available to the independent certified public accountant who prepared the report of agreed upon procedures; and

    (iii) that the annual report is complete and accurate;

    (b) at least one of the following reports which reconciles balances in all trust accounts and insurance policies to those in the annual report:

    (i) a report from a bank trust department;

    (ii) a report from a licensed insurance company; or

    (iii) an accounting report on forms available from the [d]Division, completed by an independent certified public accountant (CPA) licensed pursuant to Title 58, Chapter 26a, which report indicates the procedures used and agreed upon by the CPA and the funeral service establishment.

    (c) an exhibit listing preneed contracts sold prior to April 29, 1991, funded by money, 75% of which is required to be maintained in the name of the contract buyer in the funeral service establishment's trust account as provided in Section 58-9-703, which shall include at a minimum: the contract number, date, amount, the recipient of goods and services and buyer if different, and balance due; the individual trust account number and amount trusted; and the trust earnings, earnings used, and trust balance;

    (d) an exhibit listing preneed contracts sold after April 28, 1991, funded by money, 100% of which is required to be maintained in the name of the contract buyer in the funeral service establishment's trust account as provided in Section 58-9-703, which shall include at a minimum the information required under subsection (c);

    (e) an exhibit listing preneed contracts funded by money placed in trust which were serviced, revoked, rescinded, or amended since the last reporting period, which shall include at a minimum: the contract number, date, amount, the recipient of goods and services and buyer if different; the individual trust account number and trust balance at the recipient of goods and service's death; the date the contract was closed; and an explanation regarding any preneed contract closed but not serviced;

    (f) an exhibit listing preneed contracts sold after April 28, 1991, funded in whole or in part by insurance, which shall include at a minimum: the contract number, date, amount, recipient of goods and services and buyer if different; the insurance company; the policy number, policy holder, and face amount; and

    (g) an exhibit listing preneed contracts funded by insurance which were serviced, revoked, rescinded, or otherwise amended since the last reporting period, which shall include at a minimum: the contract number, date, amount, the recipient of goods and services, and buyer if different; the insurance company; the policy number and policy holder; the policy proceeds; the date the contract was closed; and an explanation regarding any preneed contract closed but not serviced.


    KEY: funeral industries, licensing, funeral directors, preneed funeral arrangements

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [December 10, 2007]2010

    Notice of Continuation: October 31, 2006

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 58-1-106(1)(a); 58-1-202(1)(a); 58-9-504


Document Information

Hearing Meeting:
11/17/2010 09:00 AM, Heber Wells Bldg, 160 E 300 S, Conference Room 474, Salt Lake City, UT
Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Commerce,Occupational and Professional Licensing
Rulemaking Authority:

Subsection 58-1-202(1)(a)

Subsection 58-1-106(1)(a)

Section 58-9-504

Authorized By:
Mark Steinagel, Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R156-9. Funeral Service Licensing Act Rules.