No. 27432 (Amendment): R657-13. Taking Fish and Crayfish  

  • DAR File No.: 27432
    Filed: 09/16/2004, 09:08
    Received by: NL



    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    This rule is being amended pursuant to Regional Advisory Council and Wildlife Board meetings conducted annually for taking public input and reviewing the Division of Wildlife Resources' (DWR) fish and crayfish management program.


    Summary of the rule or change:

    Section R657-13-5 is being amended to clarify the requirements for fishing on interstate waters (Bear Lake and Lake Powell), and purchasing a reciprocal stamp for fishing at Flaming Gorge. Section R657-13-9 is being amended to provide that Lake Powell is open to taking carp and striped bass by means of underwater spearfishing. Other changes are being made for consistency and clarity.


    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Sections 23-14-18 and 23-14-19


    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    This amendment adds or clarifies existing requirements, therefore, the DWR determines that this amendment will not create any cost or savings impact to the state budget or DWR's budget.


    local governments:

    None--This filing does not create any direct cost or savings impact to local governments because they are not directly affected by the amendment. Nor are local governments indirectly impacted because the amendment does not create a situation requiring services from local governments.


    other persons:

    The amendments are for clarification, therefore, the amendments do not impose any additional requirements on other persons, nor generate a cost or savings impact to other persons.


    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    The amendments are for clarification. DWR determines that there are no additional compliance costs associated with this amendment.


    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    The amendments to this rule do not create an impact on businesses.


    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Natural Resources
    Wildlife Resources
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116-3154


    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Debbie Sundell at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4707, by FAX at 801-538-4745, or by Internet E-mail at


    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:



    This rule may become effective on:



    Authorized by:

    Miles Moretti, Acting Director




    R657. Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources.

    R657-13. Taking Fish and Crayfish.

    R657-13-5. Interstate Waters And Reciprocal Fishing Stamps.

    (1) Bear Lake

    (a) The holder of a valid Utah or Idaho fishing or combination license may fish within both the Utah and Idaho boundaries of Bear Lake.

    (b) Only one bag limit may be taken and held in possession even if licensed in both states.

    (2) Reciprocal Fishing Stamps.

    [ (1) Lake Powell and Flaming Gorge Reservoir:

    ] (a) The purchase of a reciprocal fishing stamp allows a person to fish across state boundaries of interstate waters.

    (b) Reciprocal fishing stamps are offered for Lake Powell and Flaming Gorge Reservoir (See Subsections (3) and (4).

    (c)[ Any person qualifying as an Arizona resident and having in their possession a valid Arizona resident fishing license and a Utah reciprocal fishing stamp for Lake Powell, is permitted to fish within the Utah boundaries of Lake Powell.

    (d) Any person possessing a valid Wyoming fishing license and a Utah reciprocal fishing stamp for Flaming Gorge is permitted to fish within the Utah waters of Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

    (e)] Utah residents may obtain reciprocal fishing stamps by contacting the state of Arizona for Lake Powell[,] and the state of Wyoming for Flaming Gorge.

    [(f)](d) Nonresidents may obtain reciprocal fishing stamps from division offices and selected license agents.

    [(g)](e) The reciprocal fishing stamp must be:

    (i) used in conjunction with a valid unexpired fishing or combination license from a reciprocating state;

    (ii) signed across the face by the holder as the holder's name appears on the valid unexpired fishing or combination license from the reciprocating state; and

    (iii) attached to the fishing or combination license from the reciprocating state.

    [(h)](f) Reciprocal fishing stamps are valid on a calendar year basis.

    [(i)](g) Anglers are subject to the laws and rules of the state in which they are fishing.

    [(j)](h) Only one bag limit may be taken and held in possession even if licensed in both states.

    [(2) Bear Lake](3) Lake Powell Reservoir

    [(a) The holder of a valid Utah or Idaho fishing or combination license may fish within both the Utah and Idaho boundaries of Bear Lake.](a) Any person qualifying as an Arizona resident and having in their possession a valid resident Arizona fishing license and a Utah reciprocal fishing stamp for Lake Powell can fish within the Utah boundaries of Lake Powell.

    [(b) Only one bag limit may be taken and held in possession even if licensed in both states.](b) Any person who is not a resident of Utah or Arizona must purchase the appropriate nonresident licenses for Utah and Arizona to fish both sides of Lake Powell.

    (c) Only Utah and Arizona residents are allowed to purchase reciprocal stamps to fish both sides of Lake Powell.

    (4) Flaming Gorge Reservoir

    Any person possessing a valid Wyoming fishing license and a Utah reciprocal fishing stamp for Flaming Gorge is permitted to fish within the Utah waters of Flaming Gorge Reservoir.


    R657-13-9. Underwater Spearfishing.

    (1) Underwater spearfishing is permitted from official sunrise to official sunset.

    (2) Use of artificial light is unlawful while underwater spearfishing.

    (3) Causey Reservoir, Deer Creek Reservoir, Fish Lake, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Joe's Valley Reservoir, Ken's Lake, Lake Powell, Lost Creek Reservoir, Red Fleet Reservoir, Steinaker Reservoir, Starvation Reservoir, and Willard Bay Reservoir are open to taking game fish by means of underwater spearfishing from June 1 through September 30. These are the only waters open to underwater spearfishing for game fish.

    (4) Lake Powell is open to taking carp and striped bass by means of underwater spearfishing from January 1 through December 31.

    (5) The bag and possession limit is two game fish. No more than one fish greater than 20 inches may be taken, except at Flaming Gorge Reservoir only one lake trout (mackinaw) greater than 28 inches may be taken.

    [(5)](6) Nongame fish may be taken by underwater spearfishing only in the waters listed in [Subsection]Subsections (3) and (4) above and as provided in Section R657-13-14.


    R657-13-11. Restrictions on Taking Fish and Crayfish.

    (1) Artificial light is permitted, except when underwater spearfishing.

    (2) A person may not obstruct a waterway, use a chemical, explosive, electricity, poison, crossbow, firearm, pellet gun, or archery equipment to take fish or crayfish, except as provided in Subsection R657-13-14(1)(c) [to take fish or crayfish]and Section R657-13-20.

    (3) A person may not take protected aquatic wildlife by snagging or gaffing; however, a gaff may be used to land fish caught by lawful means, except at Flaming Gorge Reservoir and Fish Lake.

    (4) Chumming is prohibited[, on all waters except Lake Powell where dead anchovies only may be used for taking striped bass.] on all waters, except as provided in Section R657-13-20.

    (5) The use of a float tube or a boat, with or without a motor, for fishing is unlawful on some waters. Boaters should be aware that other agencies may have additional restrictions on the use of float tubes, boats, or boats with motors on some waters.

    (6) Nongame fish and crayfish may be taken only as provided in Sections R657-13-14 and R657-13-15.


    R657-13-13. Prohibited Fish.

    (1) The following species of fish are classified as prohibited and may not be taken or held in possession:

    (a) Bonytail (Gila elegans);

    (b) Bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus);

    (c) Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius);

    (d) Flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis);

    (e) Gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum);

    (f) Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella);

    (g) Humpback chub (Gila cypha);

    (h) June sucker (Chasmistes liorus);

    (i) Least chub (Iotichthys phlegethontis);

    (j) Leatherside chub [(Gila](Snyderichthys copei);

    (k) Razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus);

    (l) Roundtail chub (Gila robusta);

    (m) Virgin River chub (Gila [robusta ]seminuda);

    (n) Virgin spinedace (Lepidomeda mollispinis); and

    (o) Woundfin (Plagopterus argentissimus).

    (2) Any of these species taken while attempting to take other legal species shall be immediately released.


    R657-13-14. Taking Nongame Fish.

    (1)(a) Except as provided in Subsections (b) and (c), a person possessing a valid Utah fishing or combination license may take nongame fish for personal, noncommercial purposes during the open fishing season set for the given body of water.

    (b) A person may not take any species of fish designated as prohibited in Section R657-13-13.

    (c) Nongame fish may not be taken in the following waters, except carp may be taken by angling, archery, spear, or underwater spearfishing:

    (i) San Juan River;

    (ii) Colorado River;

    (iii) Green River (from confluence with Colorado River upstream to Colorado state line in Dinosaur National Monument);

    (iv) Green River (from Colorado state line in Brown's Park upstream to Flaming Gorge Dam, including Gorge Creek, a tributary entering the Green River at Little Hole);

    (v) White River (Uintah County);

    (vi) Duchesne River (from Myton to confluence with Green River);

    (vii) Virgin River (Main stem, North, and East Forks).

    (viii) Ash Creek;

    (ix) Beaver Dam Wash;

    (x) Fort Pierce Wash;

    (xi) La Verkin Creek;

    (xii) Santa Clara River (Pine Valley Reservoir downstream to the confluence with the Virgin River);

    (xiii) Diamond Fork;

    (xiv) Thistle Creek;

    (xv) Main Canyon Creek (tributary to Wallsburg Creek);

    (xvi) South Fork of Provo River (below Deer Creek Dam); and

    (xvii) Snake Valley waters (west and north of US-6 and that part of US-6 and US-50 in Millard and Juab counties).

    (2) Nongame fish, except those species listed in Section R657-13-13, may be taken by angling, traps, bow and arrow, liftnets, seine, spear or underwater spearfishing in the waters specified in Subsection R657-13-9(3)[, angling, traps, bow and arrow, liftnets, or seine].

    (3) Seines shall not exceed 10 feet in length or width.

    (4) Cast nets must not exceed 10 feet in diameter.

    (5) Lawfully taken nongame fish shall be either released or killed immediately upon removing them from the water, however, they may not be left or abandoned on the shoreline.


    KEY: fish, fishing, wildlife, wildlife law

    [January 2, 2004]2005

    Notice of Continuation September 20, 2002









Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Natural Resources,Wildlife Resources
Rulemaking Authority:

Sections 23-14-18 and 23-14-19


Authorized By:
Miles Moretti, Acting Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R657-13. Taking Fish and Crayfish.