No. 36739 (New Rule): Rule R307-334. Emissions Standards: Industrial Baking Ovens  

  • (New Rule)

    DAR File No.: 36739
    Filed: 09/06/2012 05:52:29 PM


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    In 2006, EPA tightened the 24-hour PM2.5 national ambient air quality standard from 65 to 35 micrograms per cubic meter. Currently, seven Utah counties have been found by EPA to not meet this standard. Industrial baking ovens emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are precursors to the formation of PM2.5. This rule for the PM2.5 state implementation plan will lower VOCs that are emitted from industrial baking ovens by requiring them to implement control measures.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    This rule requires owners and operators of industrial baking ovens that process yeast leavened products, have a combined rated heat input capacity equal to or greater than three million BTU per hour, and that have 25 tons per year of VOC emissions to use a control system that reduces VOC emissions by 90% or more. Owners and operators are also required to maintain records for a minimum of two years that the control system is being operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations and is meeting the continuous emission reduction of 90%. The estimated cost on sources to comply with this rule varies with EPA estimating the cost to be $2,740 per ton of VOCs removed while industry reporting the cost would be somewhere around $9,735 per ton of VOCs removed. That is why during the public comment period, the division is asking for cost information from industry. The Division of Air Quality staff will evaluate cost information received during the comment period and make a recommendation to the Board.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There may be a slight increase in administrative costs to enforce this rule; however, costs will be minimal and will not result in increased costs to the state budget.

    local governments:

    Because this rule does not introduce any requirements on local governments, there are no anticipated costs or savings to local government.

    small businesses:

    The sources in Utah that this rule applies to are businesses that employ more than 50 persons. Therefore, there are no anticipated costs or savings to small businesses.

    persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

    This rule applies to businesses that operate industrial industrial baking ovens. Therefore, there are no anticipated costs or savings to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    Between $2,740 and $9,735 per ton of VOC removed.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    Businesses that this rule applies to will be required to implement a control system to reduce VOC emissions by 90%. This is estimated to cost between $2,740 and $9,735 per ton of VOC removed.

    Amanda Smith, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Environmental Quality
    Air QualityRoom Fourth Floor
    195 N 1950 W
    SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

    • 10/17/2012 02:00 PM, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 195 N 1950 W, Room No. 1015, SLC, UT
    • 10/16/2012 11:00 AM, Mountainland Association of Governments, 586 E 800 N, Orem, UT
    • 10/15/2012 11:00 AM, Bridgerland Applied Technology College, 1301 N 600 W, Rooms 171 D and E, Logan, UT
    • 10/17/2012 06:00 PM, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 195 N 1950 W, Room No. 1015, SLC, UT

    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Bryce Bird, Director


    R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality.

    R307-334. Emissions Standards: Industrial Baking Ovens.

    R307-334-1. Purpose.

    The purpose of R307-334 is to limit volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from baking ovens that process yeast leavened products.


    R307-334-2. Applicability.

    R307-334 applies to baking ovens that process yeast leavened products, that have a combined rated heat input capacity equal to or greater than three million BTU per hour, have 25 tons per year or greater of VOC emissions, and that are located in Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah and Weber counties.


    R307-334-3. Definitions.

    "Baking oven" means an oven which bakes yeast leavened products, including, but not limited to, bread, buns, rolls and pizza dough.

    "Capture device" means a hood, enclosed room, or other means of collecting emissions into a duct so that the pollutant can be directed to a pollution control device such as an incinerator, catalytic oxidizer, or carbon adsorber.

    "Control device" means any equipment that reduces the quantity of a pollutant that is emitted to the air. The device may destroy or secure the pollutant for subsequent recovery. Control devices include, but are not limited to, catalytic oxidizers, incinerators, carbon adsorbers, and condensers.

    "Control system" means the combination of capture and control devices used to reduce emissions to the atmosphere.


    R307-334-4. Emission Standard.

    Beginning January 1, 2014, each source subject to R307-334 shall use a control system that reduces VOC emissions by 90% or more.


    R307-334-5. Control Systems Operations.

    (1) The owner or operator shall provide certification from the manufacturer that the emission control system will attain required efficiency performance.

    (2) Emission control systems shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations in order to maintain continuous emission reduction of 90%.

    (3) Multiple ovens may be ducted through a single control system.


    R307-334-6. Recordkeeping.

    (1) The owner or operator shall maintain records to demonstrate that the control system is being operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations and meeting the continuous emission reduction of 90%.

    (2) Records shall be maintained for a minimum of two years from the date recorded and shall be made available to the director or his representative upon request.


    KEY: air pollution, yeast, VOC, baking ovens

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: 2012

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104


Document Information

Hearing Meeting:
10/17/2012 02:00 PM, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 195 N 1950 W, Room No. 1015, SLC, UT10/16/2012 11:00 AM, Mountainland Association of Governments, 586 E 800 N, Orem, UT10/15/2012 11:00 AM, Bridgerland Applied Technology College, 1301 N 600 W, Rooms 171 D and E, Logan, UT10/17/2012 06:00 PM, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 195 N 1950 W, Room No. 1015, SLC, UT
Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Environmental Quality,Air Quality
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 19-2-104

Authorized By:
Bryce Bird, Director
DAR File No.: