No. 36725 (Repeal): Rule R307-340. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Surface Coating Processes
DAR File No.: 36725
Filed: 09/06/2012 04:10:56 PMRULE ANALYSIS
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
In 2006, EPA tightened the 24-hour PM2.5 national ambient air quality standard from 65 to 35 micrograms per cubic meter. Currently, seven Utah counties have been found by EPA to not meet this standard. Because the coatings industries regulated in this rule emit volatile organic compounds, which are precursors to the formation of PM2.5, DAQ staff wanted to expand the applicability of this rule to include the seven counties that do not meet the new 24-hour standard. While looking into amending this rule to expand applicability, add new requirements to new coatings industries and while attempting to clarify regulatory requirements for coating industries it became evident that repealing this rule and writing new rules for each individual industry would be preferable to attempting to amend this rule.
Summary of the rule or change:
The rule is repealed in its entirety. The Air Quality Board has proposed for public comment several individual coatings rules to take its place. (DAR NOTE: The proposed new Rule R307-344 is under DAR No. 36726, the proposed new Rule R307-345 is under DAR No. 36727, the proposed new Rule R307-346 is under DAR No. 36728, the proposed new Rule R307-347 is under DAR No. 36729, the proposed new Rule R307-348 is under DAR No. 36730, the proposed new Rule R307-349 is under DAR No. 36731, the proposed new Rule R307-350 is under DAR No. 36732, and the proposed new Rule R307-351 is under DAR No. 36733 in this issue, October 1, 2012, of the Bulletin.)
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Subsection 19-2-104(1)(a)
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
The majority of the requirements of this rule are being included in individual coatings rules that have been proposed for public comment. Therefore, there are no anticipated costs or savings to the state budget.
local governments:
The majority of the requirements of this rule are being included in individual coatings rules that have been proposed for public comment. Therefore, there are no anticipated costs or savings to local government.
small businesses:
The majority of the requirements of this rule are being included in individual coatings rules that have been proposed for public comment. Therefore, there are no anticipated costs or savings to small businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
The majority of the requirements of this real are being included in individual coatings rules that have been proposed for public comment. Therefore, there are no anticipated costs or savings to persons other than small busineses, businesses, or local government entities.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
The majority of the requirements of this real are being included in individual coatings rules that have been proposed for public comment. Therefore, there are no anticipated compliance costs for affected persons.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
The majority of the requirements of this real are being included in individual coatings rules that have been proposed for public comment. Therefore, the repeal of this rule has no anticipated fiscal impact on businesses.
Amanda Smith, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Environmental Quality
Air QualityRoom Fourth Floor
195 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Mark Berger at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4000, by FAX at 801-536-0085, or by Internet E-mail at
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:
- 10/15/2012 11:00 AM, Bridgerland Applied Technology College, 1301 N 600 W, Rooms 171 D and E, Logan, UT
- 10/16/2012 11:00 AM, Mountainland Association of Governments, 586 E 800 N, Orem, UT
- 10/17/2012 02:00 PM, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 195 N 1950 W, Room No. 1015, SLC, UT
- 10/17/2012 06:00 PM, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 195 N 1950 W, Room No. 1015, SLC, UT
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Bryce Bird, Director
R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality.
R307-340. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Surface Coating Processes.R307-340-1. Purpose.The purpose of this rule is to establish Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for surface coating operations that are located in an ozone nonattainment or maintenance area. This rule is based on federal control technique guidance documents.R307-340-2. Applicability.R307-340 applies to the owner or operator who applies surface coating of paper, fabric, vinyl, metal furniture, large appliance, magnet wire, flat wood, miscellaneous metal parts and products, and graphic arts in any ozone nonattainment or maintenance area.R307-340-3. Definitions.The following additional definitions apply to R307-340:"Air Dried Coating" means coatings that are dried by the use of air or a forced warm air at temperatures up to 90 degrees C (194 degrees F)."Application Area" means the area where the coating is applied by spraying, dipping, or flow coating techniques."Basecoat" means a primary flat wood coating or coloring of panels and normally should completely hide substrate characteristics."Capture System" means the equipment (including hoods, ducts, fans, etc.) used to contain, capture, or transport a pollutant to a control device."Class II Hard Board Paneling Finish" means finishes that meet the specifications of voluntary product standards PS-9-73 as approved by the American National Standards Institute."Clear Coat" means a coating that lacks color and opacity."Coating" means a protective, functional, or decorative film applied in a thin layer to a surface. This term often applies to paints such as lacquers or enamels, but is also used to refer to films applied to paper, plastics, or foil."Coating Application System" means all operations and equipment that applies, conveys, and dries a surface coating, including, but not limited to, spray booths, flow coaters, flash off areas, air dryers and ovens."Curtain Coating" means the application of a coating material to a wood substrate by means of a free-falling film of coating."Exterior Single Coat" means the same as topcoat but is applied directly to the metal substrate omitting the primer application."Extreme Performance Coatings" means coatings designed for harsh exposure or extreme environmental conditions."Fabric Coating" means the coating or saturation of a textile substrate with a knife, roll or rotogravure coater to impart characteristics that are not initially present, such as strength, stability, water or acid repellency, or appearance."Filler" means a type of coating used to fill pores, voids, and cracks in wood to provide a smooth surface. It can also be used to accentuate the grain of natural hardwood veneers."Flat Wood Coating" means the surface coating of any flat wood products."Flexographic Printing" means the application of works, designs, and pictures to substrate by means of a roll printing technique in which the pattern to be applied is raised above the printing roll and the image carrier is made of rubber or other elastomeric materials."Groove Coat" means a flat wood coating that covers grooves cut into the panel to assure that the grooves are compatible with the final surface color."Hardwood Plywood" means plywood whose surface layer is a veneer of hardwood."Ink" means a flat wood coating used to put a decorative design on printed panels. It can also produce special appearances on natural hardwood plywood."Interior Single Coat" means a single film of coating applied to internal parts of large appliances that are not normally visible to the user."Knife Coating" means the application of a coating material to a substrate by means of drawing the substrate beneath a blade that spreads the coating evenly over the width of the substrate."Large Appliances" means doors, cases, lids, panels, and interior support parts of residential and commercial washers, dryers, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, dishwashers, trash compactors, air conditioners, and other similar products."Low Organic Solvent Coating" means coatings that contain less organic solvents than the conventional coatings used by industry. Low organic solvent coatings include water-borne, higher-solids, electrodeposition, and powder coatings."Magnet Wire Coating" means the process of applying coating of electrical insulating varnish or enamel to aluminum or copper wire for use in electrical machinery."Metal Furniture Coating" means the surface coating of any furniture made of metal or any metal part that will be assembled with other metal, wood fabric, plastic, or glass parts to form a furniture piece."Natural Finish Hardwood Plywood Panels" means panels whose original grain pattern is enhanced by essentially transparent finishes frequently supplemented by fillers and toners."Packaging Rotogravure Printing" means rotogravure printing upon paper, paper board, metal foil, plastic film, and other substrates, which are, in subsequent operations, formed into packaging products and labels."Paper Coating" means uniform distribution of coatings put on paper and pressure sensitive tapes regardless of substrate. Related web coating processes on plastic film and decorative coatings on metal foil are included in this definition. Paper coating covers saturation operations as well as coating operations. (Saturation means dipping the web into a bath)."Particle Board" means a manufactured board made of individual particles that have been coated with a binder and formed into flat sheets by pressure."Pressure Head Coating" means the application of a coating material to a wood substrate by means of a pressure head coater where coating material is metered into a pressure head and forced through a calibrated slit between two knives."Prime Coat" means the first film of coating applied in a two-coat operation."Primer" means a flat wood coating used to protect the wood from moisture and to provide a good surface for further coating applications."Printed Interior Panels" means panels whose grain or natural surface is obscured by fillers or basecoats upon which a simulated grain or decorative pattern is printed."Publication of Rotogravure Printing" means rotogravure printing upon paper that is subsequently formed into books, magazines, catalogues, brochures, directories, newspaper supplements, and other types of printed materials."Roll Coating" means the application of a coating material to a substrate by means of hard rubber or steel rolls."Roll Printing" means the application of words, designs and pictures to a substrate usually by means of a series of hard rubber or steel rolls each with only partial coverage."Rotogravure Coating" means the application of a uniform layer of material across the entire width of the web to substrate by means of a roll coating technique in which the pattern to be applied is etched on the coating roll. The coating material is picked up in these recessed areas and is transferred to the substrate."Rotogravure Printing" means the application of words, designs, and pictures to a substrate by means of a roll printing technique that involves a recessed image area in the form of cells."Sealer" means a type of coating used to seal off substances in the wood that may affect subsequent finishes as well as protect the wood from moisture."Single Coat" means a single film of coating applied directly to the metal substrate omitting the primer application."Specialty Printing Operations" means all gravure and flexographic operations that print a design or image, excluding publication gravure and packaging gravure printing. Specialty printing operations include, among other things, printing on paper cups and plates, patterned gift wrap, wallpaper, and floor coverings."Stain" means a nonprotective flat wood coating that colors the wood surface without obscuring the grain."Tile Board" means paneling that has a colored waterproof surface coating."Vinyl Coating" means applying a decorative or protective top coat, or printing on vinyl coated fabric or vinyl sheets.R307-340-4. General Provisions for Volatile Organic Compounds.(1) Fugitive emissions. Control techniques and work practices are to be implemented at all times to reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from fugitive type sources. Control techniques and work practices include:(a) tight fitting covers for open tanks;(b) covered containers for solvent wiping cloths;(c) collection hoods for areas where solvent is used for cleanup; and(d) proper disposal of dirty cleanup solvent.(2) Record keeping and reporting.(a) The owner or operator of any source subject to R307-340 shall maintain:(i) Records detailing all malfunctions affecting control equipment;(ii) Records of all testing conducted under R307-340-15;(iii) Records of all monitoring conducted under R307-340-15; and(iv) Records of the daily use of all paints, stains, lacquers, solvents, and other materials that may be a source of VOC emissions.(v) The recording format shall, at a minimum, follow the guidance in EPA-340/1-88-003, "Recordkeeping Guidance Document for Surface Coating Operations and the Graphic Arts Industry", or the most recent EPA guidance, and shall contain all information necessary to determine compliance with emissions limits on a daily basis.(b) The owner or operator shall:(i) Install; operate; and maintain process or control equipment, or both; monitoring instruments or procedures; as necessary to comply with (2)(a) above; and(ii) Maintain, in writing, data or reports, or both, relating to monitoring instruments or procedures to document, upon review, the compliance status of the VOC emission source or control equipment.(c) Copies of all records and reports required by (2)(a) and (b) above shall be retained by the owner or operator for a minimum of two years after the date on which the record was made, and shall be made available to the executive secretary or representative upon verbal or written request.(d) If add-on control equipment is used, in addition to the requirements of R307-340-15(5), the following information, as determined applicable for each source by the executive secretary, shall be monitored and recorded daily in order to assure continuous compliance. The substitution of continuous recordings of system operation for daily recordings may be allowed by the executive secretary. The required information pertains to the following systems:(i) capture systems: fan power use, duct flow, and duct pressure.(ii) carbon absorbers systems: bed temperature, bed vacuum pressure, pressure at the vacuum pump, accumulated time of operation, concentration of VOCs in the outlet gas, and solvent recovery.(iii) refrigeration systems: compressor discharge and suction pressures, condenser fluid temperature, and solvent recovery.(iv) incinerator systems: exhaust gas temperature, temperature rise across a catalytic incinerator bed, flame temperature, and accumulated time of incineration.(3) Malfunctions, Breakdowns, and Upsets. The owner or operator of a surface coating installation shall maintain a record of malfunctions, breakdowns, and upsets that result in excess VOC emissions. The record shall be kept for a calendar year and shall be submitted to the executive secretary by April 1 of the following year.(4) Disposal of waste solvents. Waste solvents or waste materials that contain solvents shall be disposed of by recycling, reclaiming or by incineration in an incinerator approved to process hazardous materials or by an alternate means approved by the executive secretary.(5) Compliance Calculation Procedures.(a) Compliance with R307-340 shall be determined on a daily basis. Sources may request approval for longer times for compliance determination from the executive secretary.(b) Compliance calculation procedures shall follow the guidance of "Procedures for Certifying Quantity of VOCs Emitted by Paint, Ink, and other Coatings," EPA-450/3-84-019, or the most recent EPA guidance. Sources that use add-on controls, or an approved alternative strategy instead of low solvent technology to meet the applicable emission limit, shall meet the equivalent VOCs emission limit on the basis of solids applied (lbs. VOCs/gallon solids applied, or lbs. VOCs/lb. solids applied, for graphic arts sources).R307-340-5. Paper Coating.(1) R307-340-5 applies to roll, knife rotogravure coaters and drying ovens of paper coating operations.(2) No owner or operator of a paper coating operation subject to R307-340-5 may cause, allow or permit the discharge into the atmosphere of any VOC in excess of 0.35 kilograms per liter of coating (2.9 pounds per gallon), excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to the coating application from a paper coating operation.(3) Equivalency calculations for coatings should be performed in units of lbs. VOCs/gallon of solid rather than lbs. VOC/gallon of coating when determining compliance. The equivalent emission limit is 4.8 lbs. VOC/gallon of solid.(4) The emission limit specified above shall be achieved by:(a) The application of a low solvent technology coating; or(b) Incineration, provided that a minimum of 90 percent of non-methane VOCs (VOCs measured as total combustible carbon) that enter the incinerator are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water; or(c) Through carbon adsorption provided that there is a minimum of 90% reduction efficiency of captured VOC emissions.(5) The design, operation, and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with (4) above shall be certified in writing by the owner or operator and approved by the executive secretary.R307-340-6. Fabric and Vinyl Coating.(1) R307-340-6 applies to roll, knife or rotogravure coaters and drying ovens of fabric and vinyl coating operations.(2) No owner or operator of a fabric or vinyl coating line subject to this section may cause, allow or permit the discharge into the atmosphere of any VOCs in excess of:(a) 0.35 kilograms per liter of coating (2.9 pounds per gallon), excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to the coating applicator from a fabric coating line; or(b) 0.45 kilograms per liter of coating (3.8 pounds per gallon), excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to the coating applicator from a vinyl coating line.(3) Equivalency calculations for coatings shall be performed in units of lbs. VOCs/gallon of solids rather than lbs. VOCs/gallon of coating when determining compliance. The equivalent emission limits shall be 4.8 lbs VOCs/gallon solids for fabric coating, and 7.9 lbs VOCs/gallon for vinyl coating.(4) Organosol and plastisol coatings shall not be used to bubble emissions from vinyl printing and topcoating.(5) The emission limitations specified above shall be achieved by:(a) The application of a low solvent content coating technology; or(b) Incineration, provided that a minimum of 90 percent of the non-methane VOCs (VOCs measured as total combustible carbon) that enter the incinerator are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water; or(c) Through carbon adsorption provided that there is a minimum of 90 percent reduction efficiency of captured VOC emissions.(6) The design, operation, and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with (5) above shall be certified in writing by the owner or operator and approved by the executive secretary.R307-340-7. Metal Furniture Coating VOC Emissions.(1) R307-340-7 applies to the application areas, flash-off areas, and ovens of metal furniture coating lines involved in prime and top-coat or single coat operations.(2) No owner or operator of a metal furniture coating line subject to this section may cause, allow or permit the discharge into the atmosphere of any VOC in excess of 0.3 kilograms per liter of coating (3.0 pounds per gallon) excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to the coating applicator from prime and topcoat or single coat operations.(3) Equivalency calculations for coatings shall be performed in units of lbs. VOCs/gallon of solid rather than lbs. VOCs/gallon of coating when determining compliance. The equivalent emission limit is 5.1 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids.(4) The emission limitation specified above shall be achieved by:(a) The application of low solvent technology; or(b) Incineration, provided that a minimum of 90 percent of the non-methane VOCs (VOCs measured as total combustible carbon) that enter the incinerator are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water; or(c) using water-borne electrodeposition; or(d) using water-borne spray, dip or flowcoat; or(e) using powder; or(f) using higher solids spray; or(g) carbon adsorption.(5) The design, operation, and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with (4) above shall be certified in writing by the owner or operator and approved by the executive secretary.R307-340-8. Large Appliance Surface Coating VOC Emissions.(1) R307-340-8 applies to application areas flash-off areas and ovens of large appliance coating lines involved in prime, single or top coating operations.(2) No owner or operator of a large appliance coating line subject to this section may cause, allow or permit the discharge to the atmosphere of any VOCs in excess of 0.34 kilograms per liter of coating (2.8 pounds per gallon), excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to the coating applicator from prime, single, or top-coat coating operations.(3) Equivalency calculations for coatings shall be performed in units of lbs. VOCs/gallon of solid rather than lbs. VOCs/gallon of coating when determining compliance. The equivalent emission limit is 4.5 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids.(4) The emission limitations specified above shall be achieved by:(a) The application of low solvent content technology; or(b) Incineration provided 90 percent of the non-methane VOCs (VOCs measured as total combustible carbon) that enter the incinerator are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water; or(c) using water-borne electrodeposition; or(d) using water-borne spray, dip or flowcoat; or(e) using powder; or(f) using higher solids spray; or(g) carbon adsorption.(5) The design, operation, and efficiency or any capture system used in conjunction with (4) above shall be certified in writing by the owner or operator.R307-340-9. Magnet Wire Coating VOC Emissions.(1) R307-340-9 applies to ovens of magnet wire coating operations.(2) No owner or operator of a magnet wire coating oven subject to this section may cause, allow or permit discharge into the atmosphere of any VOCs in excess of 0.20 kilograms per liter of coating (1.7 pounds per gallon), excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to the coating applicator from magnet wire coating operations.(3) Equivalency calculations for coatings shall be performed in units of lbs. VOCs/gallon of solid rather than lbs. VOCs/gallon of coating when determining compliance. The equivalent emission limit is 2.2 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids.(4) The emission limitations specified above shall be achieved by:(a) The application of low solvent content coating technology; or(b) Incineration, provided that a minimum of 90 percent of the non-methane VOCs (VOCs measured as total combustible carbon) that enter the incinerator are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water; or(5) The design, operation, and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with (4)(b) above shall be certified in writing by the owner or operator and approved by the executive secretary.R307-340-10. Flat Wood Coating.(1) R307-340-10 applies to the application areas of flat wood coating operations involved in but not limited to, filler, sealer, groove coat, primer, stain, basecoat, inks, and topcoat operations.(2) No owner or operator of an interior printed hardwood, plywood, and particle board coating operation may cause, allow or permit discharge to the atmosphere of any VOCs in excess of a weighted average VOC content of 0.20 kilograms per liter of coating (1.7 pounds per gallon), excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to a coating applicator from, but not limited to, filler, sealer, groove coat, primer, stain, basecoat, ink and topcoat operation.(3) No owner or operator of a natural finish hardwood plywood coating operation may cause, allow or permit discharge to the atmosphere any VOCs in excess of a weighted average VOC content of 0.40 kilograms per liter of coating (3.3 pounds per gallon) excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to a coating applicator from, but not limited to, filler, sealer, groove coat, primer, stain basecoat, ink and topcoat operations.(4) No owner or operator of a Class II hardwood panel finish operation may cause, allow, or permit discharge to the atmosphere of any VOCs in excess of a weighted average VOC content of 0.34 kilograms per liter of coating (2.8 pounds per gallon), excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to a coating applicator from, but not limited to, filler, sealer, groove coat, primer, stain, basecoat, ink, and topcoat operations.(5) The emission limitations specified above shall be achieved by:(a) The application of low solvent technology; or(b) The application of water-borne coating technology; or(c) The application of ultraviolet-curable coating technology; or.(6) This regulation does not apply to the manufacture of exterior siding, tile board, or particle board used as a furniture component.(7) Equivalency calculations for coatings shall be performed in units of lbs. VOCs/gallon of solid rather than lbs. VOCs/gallon of coating when determining compliance. The equivalent emission limit for interior printed hardwood, plywood, and particle board coating is 2.2 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids. The equivalent emission limit for natural finish hardwood plywood coating shall be 6.0 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids. The equivalent emission limit for Class II hardwood panel finish operations is 4.5 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids.R307-340-11. Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products VOC Emissions.(1) R307-340-11 applies to the application areas, flash-off areas air and forced air dryers, and ovens used in the surface coating of miscellaneous metal parts and products:(2) Applicable Industries:(a) Large farm machinery (harvesting, fertilizing, planting, tractors, combines, etc.)(b) Small farm machinery (lawn and garden tractors, lawn mowers, rototillers, etc.)(c) Small appliance (fans, mixers, blenders, crock pots, vacuum cleaners, etc.)(d) Commercial machinery (computers, typewriters, calculators, vending machines, etc.)(e) Industrial machinery (pumps, compressors, conveyor components, fans, blowers, transformers, etc.)(f) Fabricated metal products (metal covered doors, frames, trailer frames, etc.)(g) Any other industrial category that coats metal parts or products under the standard Industrial Classification Code of major group 33 (primary metal industries), major group 34 (fabricated metal products), major group 35 (nonelectric machinery), major group 36 (electrical machinery), major group 37 (transportation equipment) major group 38 (miscellaneous instruments), and major group 39 (miscellaneous manufacturing industries).(h) This regulation does not apply to:(i) the surface coating of automobiles and light-duty trucks,(ii) flat metal sheets and strips in the form of rolls or coils,(iii) exterior of airplanes,(iv) automobile refinishing,(v) exterior of marine vessels,(vi) customized top coating of automobiles and trucks if production is less than 35 vehicles per day,(vii) a source whose potential VOC emissions are less than 10 tons/year. Potential emissions are based upon design capacity (or maximum production), and 8760 hours/year, before add-on controls. The potential emission level is determined on a plant-wide basis, summing all individual emission sources within the miscellaneous metal parts and products category.(3) No owner or operator of a facility engaged in the surface coating of miscellaneous metal parts and products may cause, allow or permit discharge to the atmosphere of any VOCs in excess of:(a) 0.52 kilograms per liter (4.3 pounds per gallon) of coating, excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to a coating applicator that applies clear coating;(b) 0.42 kilograms per liter (3.5 pounds per gallon) of coating, excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to a coating applicator in a coating application system that utilizes air or forced warm air at temperatures up to 90 degrees C (194 degrees F);(c) 0.42 kilograms per liter (3.5 pounds per gallon) of coating, excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to a coating applicator that applies extreme performance coatings;(d) 0.36 kilograms per liter (3.0 pounds per gallon) of coating, excluding water and solvents exempt from the definition of VOC, delivered to a coating applicator for all other coating and coating application systems.(4) Equivalency calculations for coatings shall be performed in units of lbs. VOCs/gallon of solid rather than lbs. VOCs/gallon of coating when determining compliance. The equivalent emission limit for air dried items is 6.7 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids. The equivalent emission limit for clear-coated items is 10.3 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids. The equivalent emission limit for extreme performance coatings is 6.7 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids. The equivalent emission limit for other coatings and systems is 5.1 lbs. VOCs/gallon solids.(5) If more than one emission limitation indicated in this section applies to a specific coating, then the least stringent emission limitation shall apply. All VOC emissions from solvent washing involved in a coating process shall be considered in the emission limitations set forth in R307-340-11(3), unless the solvent is directed into containers that prevent evaporation into the atmosphere.(6) The emission limitations set forth in (3) above shall be achieved by:(a) The application of low solvent technology; or(b) An incineration system that oxidizes a minimum of 90 percent of the non-methane VOCs (VOCs measured as total combustible carbon) to carbon dioxide and water.(7) The design, operation, and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with (6)(b) above shall be certified in writing by the owner or operator and approved by the executive secretary.R307-340-12. Graphic Arts.(1) R307-340-12 applies to: packaging and publication rotogravure; packaging and publication flexographic; and specialty printing operations employing solvents containing ink and having plant-wide potential emissions of VOCs equal to or greater than 90 megagrams/yr (100 tons/yr). Potential emissions shall be calculated based on uncontrolled emissions operating at design capacity or at maximum production for 8760 hours/year. (Solvent shall include that used for dilution of ink and for equipment cleaning.) Machines that have both coating units (application of a uniform layer of material across the entire width of a web) and printing units (formation of words, designs and pictures) shall be considered as performing a printing operation. This rule does not apply to offset lithography or letter press printing that do not use VOCs.(2) No owner or operator of a packaging and publication rotogravure; packaging and publication flexographic, and specialty printing operations employing solvent containing ink may operate, cause, or allow or permit the operation of a facility unless:(a) The volatile fraction of ink, as it is applied to the substrate, contains 25.0 percent by volume or less of organic solvent and 75.0 percent by volume or more of water; or(b) The ink as it is applies to the substrate, less water, contains 60.0 percent by volume or more nonvolatile material; or(c) The owner or operator installs and operates;(i) A carbon adsorption system that reduces the volatile organic emissions from the capture system by a minimum of 90.0 percent by weight; or(ii) An incineration system that oxidizes a minimum of 90.0 percent of the non-methane VOCs measured as total combustible carbon) to carbon dioxide and water.(3) A capture system must be used in conjunction with the emission control systems indicated in this section. The design and operation of a capture system must be consistent with good engineering practices and shall be required to provide for an overall reduction in VOC emissions of at least:(a) 75.0 percent where a publication rotogravure process is employed;(b) 65.0 percent where a packaging rotogravure process is employed; or(c) 60.0 percent where a flexographic printing process is employed.R307-340-13. Exemptions.The requirements of R307-340-3 through 10 shall not apply to the following:(1) sources whose emissions of VOCs are not more than 6.8 kilograms (15 pounds) in any 24 hour period, nor more than 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds) in any one (1) hour provided the emission rates are certified. These cutoffs apply to the emissions level on a plant-wide basis, and are determined by summing emissions from all coating operations within the same regulated category;(2) sources used exclusively for chemical or physical analysis or determination of product quality and commercial acceptance provided;(a) the operation of the source is not an integral part of the production process; and(b) the emissions from the source do not exceed 363 kilograms (800 pounds) in any one calendar month. These cutoffs apply to the emissions level on a plant-wide basis, and are determined by summing emissions from all coating operations within the same regulated category.R307-340-14. Capture Systems.The design, operation and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with any emission control system shall be certified in writing by the source owner or operator and approved by the executive secretary. Unless the capture system meets the requirements for a total enclosure, specified in section 60.713(b)(5)(i) of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart SSS, or unless material balance techniques approved by the executive secretary are used to adequately determine overall VOC capture and destruction or recovery efficiency, the efficiency of the capture system will be determined by test methods approved by the executive secretary. Testing for capture efficiency shall be performed on a case-by-case basis as required by the executive secretary, and shall be consistent with EPA guidance. The requirements of R307-340-4(3)(d) apply to the capture and control device system. When capture and control device efficiency must be independently determined, the overall VOC emission percent reduction equals (percent capture efficiency x percent control device efficiency)/100.R307-340-15. Testing and Monitoring.(1) Upon request by the executive secretary, the owner or operator of a VOC source required to comply with R307-340 shall demonstrate compliance by the method of this section or an alternative method approved by the executive secretary.(2) Test procedures to determine compliance with R307-340 must be approved by the executive secretary and must utilize one of the following methods or an alternative method approved by the executive secretary or equivalent method.(a) For surface coatings: EPA Reference Method 24 of 40 CFR Part 60(b) For add-on control equipment: EPA Reference Methods 1 through 4, 18 and 25, of the 40 CFR Part 60;(c) EPA 340/1-86-016 "A Guide for Surface Coating Calculations;" and(d) EPA 450/3-84-019 "Procedures for Certifying Quantity of VOCs Emitted by Paint, Ink and Other Coatings."(3) All tests shall be made by, or under the direction of, a person qualified by training or experience, or both, in the field of air pollution testing. The executive secretary will evaluate test data submitted.(4) A person proposing to conduct a VOC emissions test shall notify the executive secretary of the intent to test not less than 30 days before the proposed initiation of the test. The notification shall contain the information required by, and be in a format approved by, the executive secretary.(5) If add-on control equipment is used, continuous monitors of the following parameters shall be installed, periodically calibrated, and operated at all times that the associated control equipment is operating:(a) Exhaust gas temperatures of all incinerators;(b) Temperature rise across a catalytic incinerator bed;(c) Breakthrough of VOCs on a carbon adsorption unit; and(d) Any other continuous monitoring or recording device required by the executive secretary.(6) The executive secretary may accept, instead of the testing required in R307-340-15, a certification by the manufacturer of the composition of the coatings if supported by actual batch formulation records. The owner or operator of a VOC source required to comply with R307-340 must obtain certification from the coating manufacturers that the test methods used for determination of the VOC content meet the requirements specified in (2) above. The owner or operator shall make this certification readily available to the Division of Air Quality to allow the results to be used in the daily compliance calculations specified in R307-340-4(5).(7) The performance of add-on control equipment shall be demonstrated with the required test methods of (2) above at equipment start up and after any major modification to the control equipment. Baseline operating parameters shall be established during the satisfactory (i.e. in-compliance) operation of the control equipment, including operation during all anticipated ranges of process throughput. During subsequent process operation, the owner or operator shall maintain the operating conditions of the add-on controls as close to these baseline conditions as possible. If serious operational problems with an add-on control system are indicated by the daily monitoring required by R307-340-4(2)(d), (such problems may be indicated by changes from baseline conditions), repeat performance tests shall be performed by the owner or operator, and may be required by the executive secretary, as necessary.(8) To determine compliance with the applicable standards in R307-340, samples shall be taken from the coating as freshly delivered to the reservoir of the coating applicator. All VOC emissions from solvent washing involved in a coating process shall be considered in determining compliance with an emission limit, unless the source owner or operator documents that the VOCs from solvent washing are collected and disposed of in a manner that prevents their evaporation into the atmosphere.R307-340-16. Alternate Methods of Control.(1) Any person may apply to the executive secretary for approval of an alternate test method, an alternate method of control, an alternate compliance period, an alternate emission limit, or an alternate monitoring schedule. The application must include a demonstration that the proposed alternate produces an equal or greater air quality benefit than that required by R307-340, or that the alternate test method is equivalent to that required by these rules. The executive secretary shall obtain concurrence from EPA when approving an alternate test method, an alternate method of control, an alternate compliance period, an alternate emission limit, or an alternate monitoring schedule.(2) Manufacturer's operational specifications, records, and testings of any control system shall use the applicable EPA Reference Methods of 40 CFR Part 60, the most recent EPA test methods, or EPA-approved state methods, to determine the efficiency of the control device. In addition, the owner or operator must meet the applicable requirements of record keeping for any control device. A record of all tests, monitoring, and inspections required by R307-340 shall be maintained by the owner or operator for a minimum of 2 years and shall be made available to the executive secretary or the executive secretary's representative upon request. Any malfunctioning control device shall be repaired within 15 calendar days after it is found by the owner or operator to be malfunctioning, unless otherwise approved by the executive secretary.(3) For purposes of determining compliance with emission limits, VOCs and nitrogen oxides will be measured by the test methods identified in federal regulation or approved by the executive secretary. Where such a method also inadvertently measures compounds with negligible photochemical reactivity, an owner or operator may exclude these negligibly reactive compounds when determining compliance with an emissions standard.R307-340-17. Compliance Schedule.All sources within any newly designated nonattainment area for ozone shall be in compliance with this rule within 180 days of the effective date of designation to nonattainment.KEY: air pollution, emission controls, surface coating, ozoneDate of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: March 9, 2007Notice of Continuation: February 1, 2012Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104(1)(a)]
Document Information
- Hearing Meeting:
- 10/15/2012 11:00 AM, Bridgerland Applied Technology College, 1301 N 600 W, Rooms 171 D and E, Logan, UT10/16/2012 11:00 AM, Mountainland Association of Governments, 586 E 800 N, Orem, UT10/17/2012 02:00 PM, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 195 N 1950 W, Room No. 1015, SLC, UT10/17/2012 06:00 PM, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 195 N 1950 W, Room No. 1015, SLC, UT
- Effective Date:
- 12/6/2012
- Publication Date:
- 10/01/2012
- Filed Date:
- 09/06/2012
- Agencies:
- Environmental Quality,Air Quality
- Rulemaking Authority:
Subsection 19-2-104(1)(a)
- Authorized By:
- Bryce Bird, Director
- DAR File No.:
- 36725
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R307-340. Davis and Salt Lake Counties and Ozone Nonattainment Areas: Surface Coating Processes.