No. 30451 (Amendment): R199-8. Permanent Community Impact Fund Board Review and Approval of Applications for Funding Assistance  

  • DAR File No.: 30451
    Filed: 09/14/2007, 03:18
    Received by: NL


    Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

    The proposed amendment realigns the Permanent Community Impact Fund Board's (CIB) three annual "Trimester" funding cycles from the current calendar year to the state's fiscal year. The proposed rule also clarifies the actions the CIB may take during its review and approval of applications for funding assistance.

    Summary of the rule or change:

    Currently the CIB has three funding cycles during the calendar year: First Trimester, January through April; Second Trimester, May through August; and the third Trimester, September through December. The proposed rule would align the funding cycles with the state's fiscal year: First Trimester, July through October; Second Trimester, November through February; and the Third Trimester, March through June. The proposed rule also explicitly states in rule the CIB's current procedures for reviewing and approving applications for funding assistance.

    State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

    Section 9-4-305

    Anticipated cost or savings to:

    the state budget:

    There will be no additional costs resulting from the proposed amendment. The amendment realigns the program to the state's fiscal year.

    local governments:

    There will be no additional costs resulting from the proposed amendment. The amendment realigns the program to the state's fiscal year.

    small businesses and persons other than businesses:

    There will be no additional costs to small business or individuals from the proposed amendment. Small businesses and individuals are not eligible for funding assistance from the CIB.

    Compliance costs for affected persons:

    There will be no cost of compliance associated with the proposed amendment. The amendment realigns the program to the state's fiscal year.

    Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

    There will be no impacts from the proposed amendment on businesses. Businesses are not eligible for financial assistance from the CIB. Palmer DePaulis, Executive Director

    The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

    Community and Culture
    Housing and Community Development
    324 S STATE ST
    SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2388

    Direct questions regarding this rule to:

    Keith J Burnett at the above address, by phone at 801-538-8725, by FAX at 801-538-8725, or by Internet E-mail at

    Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


    Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

    10/04/2007 at 8:30 AM, Moab City Offices, 217 East Center, Moab, UT

    This rule may become effective on:


    Authorized by:

    Palmer DePaulis, Executive Director


    R199. Community and Culture, Housing and Community Development.

    R199-8. Permanent Community Impact Fund Board Review and Approval of Applications for Funding Assistance.

    R199-8-2. Eligibility.

    Only those applications for funding assistance which are submitted by an eligible applicant for an eligible project shall be funded by the Board.

    Eligible projects include: a) planning; b) the construction and maintenance of public facilities; and c) the provision of public services. "Public Facilities and Services" means public infrastructure or services traditionally provided by local governmental entities.

    Eligible applicants include state agencies and subdivisions of the state and Interlocal agencies as defined in Subsection 9-4-302[(5)3], which are or may be socially or economically impacted, directly or indirectly, by mineral resource development.


    R199-8-3. Application Requirements.

    A. Applicants shall submit their funding requests on the Board's most current application form, furnished by the Department of Community and Culture (DCC). Applicants submitting incomplete applications will be notified of deficiencies and their request for funding assistance will be held by the Board's staff pending submission of the required information by the applicant.

    Complete applications which have been accepted for processing will be placed [on the next available]one of the Trimester's upcoming "Application Review Meeting" agendas.

    B. Additional general information not specifically covered by the application form should also be furnished to the Board and its staff when such information would be helpful to the Board in appraising the merits of the project.

    C. For proposed drinking water and sewer projects, sufficient technical information must be provided to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to permit their review. The Board will not act on any drinking water or sewer project unless they receive such review from DEQ.

    D. Planning grants and studies normally require a fifty percent cash contribution by the applicant.

    E. The Board requires all applicants to have a vigorous public participation effort. All applicants shall hold at least one formal public hearing to solicit comment concerning the size, scope and nature of any funding request prior to its submission to the Board. In that public hearing, the public shall be advised the financing may be in the form of a loan, even if the application requests a grant.

    Complete and detailed information shall be given to the public regarding the proposed project and its financing. The information shall include the expected financial impact including potential repayment terms and the costs to the public as user fees, special assessments, or property taxes if the financing is in the form of a loan. The Board may require additional public hearings if determines the applicant did not adequately disclose to the public the impact of the financial assistance during the initial public hearing.

    When the Board offers the applicant a financial package that is substantially different in the amounts, terms or conditions initially requested by an applicant, the Board may require additional public hearings to solicit public comment on the modified funding package.

    A copy of the public notice and transcript or minutes of the hearing shall be attached to the funding request. Public opinion polls may be submitted in addition to the transcript or minutes.

    F. Letters of comment outlining specific benefits (or problems) to the community and State may be submitted with the application.

    G. All applicants are required to notify in writing the applicable Association of Governments of their intention to submit a funding request to the Board. A copy of any comments made by the Association of Governments shall be attached to the funding request. It is the intent of the Board to encourage regional review and prioritization of funding requests to help ensure the timely consideration of all worthwhile projects.

    H. State statute requires the Board before it grants or loans any funds or approves any undertaking to take into account the effect of the undertaking on any district, site, building structure or specimen that is included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places or the State Register and to allow the state historic preservation officer (SHPO) a reasonable opportunity to comment on the undertaking or expenditure. In order to comply with that duty, the Board requires all applicants to provide the SHPO with a description of the proposed project and attach the SHPO's comments to the application. The Board also requires that if during the construction of the project the applicant discovers any cultural/paleontological resources, the applicant shall cease project activities which may affect or impact the cultural/paleontological resource, notify the Board and the SHPO of the discovery, allow the Board to take into account the effects of the project on cultural/paleontological resources, and not proceed until further approval is given by the Board.

    I. All applicants must provide evidence and arguments to the Board as to how the proposed funding assistance provides for planning, the construction and maintenance of public facilities or the provision of public services.

    J. All applicants must demonstrate that the facilities or services provided will be available and open to the general public and that the proposed funding assistance is not merely a device to pass along low interest government financing to the private sector.

    K. All applicants must demonstrate that any arrangement with a lessee of the proposed project will constitute a true lease, and not a disguised financing arrangement. The lessee must be required to pay a reasonable market rental for the use of the facility. In addition, the applicant shall have no arrangement with the lessee to sell the facility to the lessee, unless fair market value is received.

    L. Each applicant must submit evidence and legal opinion that it has the authority to construct, own and lease the proposed project. In the case of a request for an interest bearing loan, the applicant must provide an opinion of nationally-recognized bond counsel that the interest will not be subject to federal income taxes.

    M. All applicants shall certify to the Board that they will comply with the provisions of Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000e), as amended, which prohibits discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment or any applicant or recipient of services, on the basis of race, religion, color, or national origin; and further agree to abide by Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 45 CFR 90, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and 28 CFR 35, as amended, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disabilities; Utah Anti-Discrimination Act, Section 34A-5-101 et seq., which prohibits discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or handicap, and to certify compliance with the ADA to the Board on an annual basis and upon completion of the project.


    R199-8-4. Board Review Procedures.

    A. The Board will review applications and authorize funding assistance on a "Trimester" basis. The initial meetings of each "Trimester" [shall be]are "Project Review Meetings". The final meeting of each "Trimester" [shall be a]is the "[Prioritization and]Project Funding Meeting". Board meetings shall be held monthly on the 1st Thursday of each month, unless rescheduled or cancelled by formal motion of the board. ["Prioritization and Funding Meetings" shall be held in April for the 1st Trimester, August for the 2nd Trimester and December for the 3rd Trimester.

    The deadlines for submitting applications for each of the Trimesters will no later than the following dates: 1st Trimester, December 1st; 2nd Trimester, April 1st; 3rd Trimester, August 1st.]The Trimesters shall be as follows:

    1. 1st Trimester: application deadline, June 1st; Project Review Meetings, July, August, September; Project Funding Meeting October.

    2. 2nd Trimester: application deadline, October 1st; Project Review Meetings, November, December, January; Project Funding Meeting, February.

    3. 3rd Trimester: application deadline, February 1st; Project Review Meetings, March April, May; Project Funding Meeting, June.

    B. The process for review of new applications for funding assistance shall be as follows:

    1. Submission of an application, on or before the applicable deadline to the Board's staff for technical review and analysis.

    2. Incomplete applications will be held by the Board's staff pending submission of required information.

    3. Complete applications accepted for processing will be placed on [the next available]one of the Trimester's upcoming "Project Review Meeting" agendas.

    4. At the "Project Review Meeting" the Board may either:

    a. deny the application;

    b. place the application on the "Pending List" for consideration at a future "Project Review Meeting" after additional review, options analysis and funding coordination by the applicant and the Board's staff;

    c. place the application on the "[Prioritization]Priority List" for consideration at the next "[Prioritization and]Project Funding Meeting".

    C. Applicants and their representatives shall be informed of any "Project Review Meeting" at which their applications will be considered. Applicants [may]shall make formal presentations to the Board and respond to the Board's questions during the "Project Review Meetings". If an applicant or its representatives are not present to make a presentation, the board may either:

    1. deny the application;

    2. place the application on the "Pending List" for consideration at a future "Project Review Meeting".

    D. No funds shall be committed by the Board at the "Project Review Meetings", with the exception of [bona fide emergencies]circumstances described in Subsection F.

    E. Applications for funding assistance which have been placed on the "[Prioritization]Priority List" will be considered at the "[Prioritization and]Project Funding Meeting" for that Trimester. [Applications which do not receive funding authorization will be held over for reconsideration at the next "Prioritization and Funding Meeting". Applications which have not received funding authorization after reconsideration will be deemed denied.]At the "Project Funding Meeting' the Board may either:

    1. deny the application;

    2. place the application on the "Pending List" for consideration at a future "Project Review Meeting".

    3. authorize funding the application in the amount and terms as determined by the Board.

    F. In instances of bona fide public safety or health emergencies or for other compelling reasons, the Board may suspend the provisions of this section and accept, process, review and authorize funding of an application on an expedited basis.


    R199-8-5. Local Capital Improvement Lists.

    A. A consolidated list of the anticipated capital needs for eligible entities shall be submitted from each county area, or in the case of state agencies, from DCC. This list shall be produced as a cooperative venture of all the eligible entities within each county area.

    B. The list shall contain a short term (one year) and a medium term (five year) component.

    C. The list shall contain the following items: jurisdiction, summary description, project time frame, anticipated time of submission to [PCIFB]the Board, projected overall cost of project, anticipated funding sources, the individual applicant's priority for their own projects, and the county area priority for each project. The county area priority for each project shall be developed as a cooperative venture of all eligible entities within a county area.

    D. Projects not identified in a county area's or DCC's list, will not be funded by the [PCIFB]Board, unless they address a bona fide public safety or health emergency or for other compelling reasons.

    E. An up-dated list shall be submitted to the Board no later than December 1st of each year. The up- dated list shall be submitted in the uniform format required by the Board.

    F. If the consolidated list from a county area does not contain the information required in R[-]199-8-5-C, or is not in the uniform format required in R[-]199-8-5-E, all applications from the affected county area will be held by the Board's staff until [the next funding cycle]a future Trimester pending submission of the required information in the uniform format.

    G. The Board has authorized its staff to hold any application that does not appear on the applicable local capital improvement list. Such applications will be held until [the next funding cycle]a future Trimester to allow the applicant time to pursue amending the local capital improvement list.

    H. The amendment to include an additional project must follow the process used for the original list, and it must contain the required information and be submitted in the uniform format, particularly the applicant and county area prioritization.

    I. The regional Association of Governments are the compilers of the capital improvement lists. The AOG cannot simply add additional applications to any given list without the applicant meeting the process requirements outlined in [Item III-B, above]Subsection C.

    J. Not withstanding [Item III-C, above]Subsection I, allowing an applicant to add a project to the capital improvement list just prior to the application deadline subverts the intent of the capital improvement list process. Such applications will be held by the Board's staff until the next [funding cycle]Trimester.


    KEY: grants

    Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [December 11, 2006]January 1, 2008

    Notice of Continuation: November 5, 2002

    Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 9-4-305



Document Information

Effective Date:
Publication Date:
Filed Date:
Community and Culture,Community Development
Rulemaking Authority:

Section 9-4-305

Authorized By:
Palmer DePaulis, Executive Director
DAR File No.:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
R199-8. Permanent Community Impact Fund Board Review and Approval of Applications for Funding Assistance.