DAR File No.: 27403
Filed: 09/02/2004, 04:36
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
S.B. 178 (2004 General Session) assigned the Division the additional responsibility of certifying education providers who offer continuing education courses to mortgage brokers regulated by the Division, and authorized the Division to make rules establishing the certification criteria and procedures. S.B. 178 also gave the Division a joint role with the Commission in approving continuing education course topics. (DAR NOTE: S.B. 178 is found at UT L 2004 Ch 297, and was effective 05/03/2004.)
Summary of the rule or change:
The Division is added to Subsection R162-208-6 on approval of continuing education topics. The information that is required on course completion certificates is expanded. Procedures and criteria for continuing education instructor and course certification and renewal are added. Sections are also added to govern the conduct of certificate holders.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Subsection 61-2c-103(6)
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
None--The procedures and criteria for the certification of continuing education for mortgage licensees does not affect the State budget.
local governments:
None--Local government is not affected by the procedures and criteria for certification of continuing education for mortgage licensees.
other persons:
The only other persons who are affected by the certification of continuing education for mortgage licensees are the instructors and providers of that continuing education. Education instructors and providers will not incur any savings as a result of having to apply for and receive certification from the Division. There will be increased cost to the instructors and providers in the form of certification fees and the cost of going through the certification process. However, that increased cost is attributable to the statutory change that requires they be certified (S.B. 178, 2004 General Session) and not to these rules implementing the certification process.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There will be increased cost to the instructors and providers in the form of certification fees and the cost of going through the certification process. However, that increased cost is attributable to the statutory change that requires they be certified (S.B. 178, 2004 General Session) and not to these rules implementing the certification process.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
This rule filing regarding continuing education certification appears to create no fiscal impact to businesses beyond those already anticipated by the Legislature's passage of S.B. 178.
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Real Estate
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-2316Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Shelley Wismer at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6761, by FAX at 801-530-6749, or by Internet E-mail at swismer@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Dexter Bell, Director
R162. Commerce, Real Estate.
R162-208. Continuing Education.
R162-208-1. Required Hours of Continuing Education.
208.1 [
Required Hours of Continuing Education.]As authorized by Section 61-2c-104(7)(d)(ii)(A), the Utah Residential Mortgage Regulatory Commission has set the number of hours of continuing education required for renewal as follows:208.1.1 Individuals with renewal dates on or before December 31, 2005 - zero credit hours.
208.1.2 Individuals with renewal dates after December 31, 2005 - fourteen credit hours.
R162-208-2. Proof of Continuing Education Hours.
208.2 [
Proof of continuing education hours.]Proof of continuing education hours must be in the form required by the [d]Division.R162-208-3. Credit Hours.
208.3 [
Credit Hours.]For the purpose of this rule, a credit hour is defined as 50 minutes of education within a 60 minute time period. A 10 minute break may be taken for every 50 minutes of education. Education credit will be limited to a maximum of 8 credit hours per day.R162-208-4. Subject Matter.
208.4 [
Subject Matter.]The following subject matter is acceptable for continuing education credit:208.4.1 Each time the licensee renews, the required 14 credit hours must include a minimum of 2 credit hours of ethics and a minimum of 3 credit hours related to compliance with Federal and State laws governing mortgage lending.
208.4.2 The balance of the credit hours required for renewal may consist of any courses related to residential mortgage principles and practices that, in the opinion of the commission, would enhance the competency and professionalism of licensees.
208.4.3 The [
d]Division will maintain and will make available to any person upon request a list of course topics that have been approved by the Division and the commission as acceptable for continuing education purposes. The [d]Division shall also post the list of course topics on its website.R162-208-5. Unacceptable Subject Matter.
208.5 [
Unacceptable Subject Matter.]The following topics are not acceptable for continuing education purposes:208.5.1 Offerings in mechanical office and business skills such as typing, speed reading, memory improvement, report writing, advertising or similar offerings;
208.5.2 Offerings concerning physical well-being or personal development, such as personal motivation, stress management, time management, dress-for-success, or similar
offerings; and
208.5.3 Meetings held in conjunction with the general business of the licensee and the entity for which the licensee conducts residential mortgage business, such as sales meetings, or in-house staff meetings unless the in-house staff meetings consist of training on the subjects set forth in Section 61-2c-104(7)(d)(i).
R162-208-6. Education Committee.
208.6 [
Education Committee.]The commission will appoint an Education Committee, the purpose of which will be to assist the Division and the commission in approving continuing education course topics. The Education Committee will make recommendations to the Division and the commission about whether any particular course topic is sufficiently related to residential mortgage principles and practices, and whether the topic would tend to enhance the competency and professionalism of licensees, to justify placing the topic on the list of course topics that are acceptable for continuing education purposes. The Division and the commission may accept or reject the Committee's recommendation on any course topic.208.6.1 Any licensee or any course provider may request that the Education Committee recommend to the Division and the commission that a specific topic be approved as an acceptable topic for continuing education purposes. The request must be made in writing, addressed to the Education Committee in care of the [
d]Division, and must state specific reasons why the requester believes the topic qualifies for continuing education purposes.208.6.2 If the Education Committee turns down a request to approve a certain topic for continuing education purposes, the party who requested that the topic be approved may petition the Division and the commission on an individual basis for evaluation and approval of the topic as being acceptable for continuing education purposes. The Petition must be made in writing, addressed to the Division and the commission in care of the [
d]Division, and must state specific reasons why the requester believes that the topic qualifies for continuing education purposes. If the Division and the commission find[s] that the topic is acceptable for continuing education purposes, the [commission shall direct the d]Division [to]shall add the topic to the list maintained by the [d]Division of approved continuing education topics.R162-208-7. Course Completion Certificate.
208.7 The course provider shall issue a course completion certificate in the form required by the [
d]Division to all licensees who successfully complete a course in a topic that is approved for continuing education purposes. The course completion certificate shall indicate the number of credit hours successfully completed by the student and must be signed by the student and the instructor who taught the course. The course completion certificate must include the course title, date of the course, course certificate number, and course certificate expiration date.R162-208-8. Online Courses.
208.8 [
On line-courses.]Online courses may be accepted by the [d]Division for continuing education purposes if they comply with all of the other provisions of this rule and if: a) the student who successfully completes a course is able to print from the course provider's web site a continuing education certificate to submit to the [d]Division that meets the requirements of Section 208.7 above; and b) the course provider has methods in place to determine whether a student has successfully completed a course and to insure that only those students who have successfully completed a course are able to print a course completion certificate.R162-208-9. Continuing Education Instructor Certification.
208.9 All instructors of courses to be taught for continuing education purposes must apply for certification from the Division not less than 60 days prior to the anticipated date of the first class that they intend to teach.
208.9.1 Continuing education course instructor applicants shall meet the requirements set forth in Section 210.5 and Section 210.7 of these rules, and shall demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter of the course they intend to teach by submitting proof of the following:
(a) at least three years of experience in a profession, trade, or technical occupation in a field directly related to the course which the applicant intends to instruct; or
(b) a bachelors or postgraduate degree in the field of real estate, business, law, finance, or other academic area directly related to the course which applicant intends to instruct; or
(c) any combination of at least three years of full-time experience and college-level education in a field directly related to the course which the applicant intends to instruct.
208.9.2 Instructor applicants shall demonstrate evidence of the ability to communicate the subject matter by the submission of proof of the following:
(a) a state teaching certificate or showing successful completion of appropriate college courses in the field of education; or
(b) a professional teaching designation from the National Association of Mortgage Brokers, the Real Estate Educators Association, the Mortgage Bankers Association of America, or a similar association; or
(c) evidence, such as instructor evaluation forms or letters of reference, of the ability to teach in schools, seminars, or in an equivalent setting.
208.9.3 Upon approval by the Division, an instructor shall be issued a certification to act as a continuing education instructor. A continuing education instructor certification shall expire twenty-four months after its issuance. An instructor shall apply for renewal of a continuing education instructor certification prior to the expiration of the instructor's current certification, using the form required by the Division. To qualify for renewal of instructor certification, an instructor must provide proof of having taught a minimum of one class in each course for which renewal is sought in the year preceding application for renewal. The term of a renewed instructor certification shall be twenty-four months. If the instructor has not taught during the year preceding renewal and wishes to renew certification, written explanation shall be submitted outlining the reason for not instructing the course, including documentation satisfactory to the Division as to the instructor's present level of expertise in the subject matter of the course.
208.9.4 Reinstatement of Expired Instructor Certification. If the instructor does not submit a properly completed renewal form, the renewal fee, and any required documentation prior to the expiration date of the instructor's current certification, the certification shall expire. When an instructor certification expires, the certification may be reinstated for a period of thirty days after the expiration date upon payment of a non-refundable late fee in addition to completing all of the requirements for a timely renewal. After the thirty day period, and until three months after the expiration date, an instructor certification may be reinstated upon payment of a non-refundable late fee and completion of 6 classroom hours of education related to residential mortgages or teaching techniques in addition to completing all of the requirements for a timely renewal. After the three month period, an instructor will be required to apply by following the procedure for obtaining original certification.
R162-208-10. Continuing Education Course Certification.
208.10 Continuing education course providers are required to apply to the Division for certification of any course for which continuing education credit is promised at least 60 days prior to the anticipated date of the first class.
208.10.1 Approved continuing education providers may include accredited colleges and universities, public or private vocational schools, national and state mortgage related professional societies and organizations, and proprietary schools.
208.10.2 Those continuing education providers who have been certified for continuing education courses in a minimum of three other states and have specific standards in place for development of their courses and approval of their instructors, and who will provide those criteria to the Division for a one-time approval, may be granted certification of their courses with no further application.
208.10.3 Submission of Course for Certification. The application shall include the non-refundable instructor certification fee of $50.00 and the non-refundable $70.00 course certification fee per course per instructor. The application shall be made on the form approved by the Division which shall include the following information:
(a) Name, phone number and address of the sponsor of the course, including the owners and the coordinator or director responsible for the offering;
(b) The title of the course offering including a description of the type of training; for example, seminar, conference, correspondence course, or similar offering;
(c) A copy of the course curriculum including a course outline of the comprehensive subject matter. Except for courses approved for specific distance education delivery, the course outline shall include the length of time to be spent on each subject area broken into segments of no more than 30 minutes each, the instructor for each segment, and the teaching technique used in each segment;
(d) A complete description of all materials to be distributed to the participants;
(e) The date, time and locations of each course;
(f) The procedure for pre-registration, the tuition or registration fee and a copy of the cancellation and refund policy;
(g) Except for courses approved for specific distance education delivery, the procedure for taking and maintaining control of attendance during class time, which procedure shall be more extensive than having the student sign a class roll;
(h) An instructor application on a form approved by the Division including the information as defined in R162-9.4;
(i) A signed statement agreeing to allow the course to be randomly audited on an unannounced basis by the Division or its representative;
(j) A statement defining how the course will meet the objectives of continuing education by providing education of a current nature and how it will improve a licensee's ability to provide greater protection of, and service to, the public;
(k) A signed statement agreeing not to perform marketing for a specific company or professional service, or to market personal sales products;
(l) A sample of the completion certificate, or the completion certificate required by the Division, if any, that will be issued which shall bear the following information:
(i) Space for the licensee's name, type of license and license number, date of course;
(ii) The name of the course provider, course title, hours of credit, certification number, and certification expiration date;
(iii) Space for the signature of the course sponsor and a space for the licensee's signature; and
(m) Signature of the course coordinator or director.
208.10.4 Distance Education. Continuing education courses in which the instruction does not take place in a traditional classroom setting, but rather through other media where teacher and student are separated by distance and sometimes by time, may be certified by the Division if the particular distance education method has been approved by the Commission and the Division. Application must be made to the Division on the form required by the Division for certification of courses that do not take place in a traditional classroom setting.
R162-208-11. Conditions of Certification.
208.11.1 Course Completion Certificates. Upon completion of the educational program the course provider shall furnish to each student a certificate of completion in the form required by the Division. Course completion certificates may be given only to those students who have attended a minimum of 90% of the required class time of a live lecture course. Within 10 days of the end of the course, the course provider shall furnish to the Division a roster of students and their license numbers for whom certificates were issued.
208.11.2 Registration Records. A course provider shall maintain for three years a record of registration of each individual completing a course and any other information required by the Division regarding the individual's attendance at the course, including exam results, if any.
208.11.3 Course providers shall require that a student registered for a distance education course completes the course within one year of the date the student originally registered for the course.
208.11.4 Material Changes in Courses Certified for Continuing Education Purposes. Whenever there is a material change in a certified continuing education course, including a change in curriculum, course length, instructor, or refund policy, the provider shall promptly notify the Division in writing.
208.11.5 Course Evaluation Forms. At the end of each course, course providers shall require that each student complete a standard evaluation form provided by the Division. The forms shall be collected at the end of the class, sealed in an envelope, and mailed by the course provider to the Division within 10 days of the last class.
R162-208-12. Continuing Education Course Certification and Renewal.
208.12 All course certifications shall expire two years after their issuance.
208.12.1 Application for renewal of a continuing education course certification shall be made on the form required by the Division and shall include the non-refundable renewal fee. If the certification of a continuing education course is not renewed within three months after its expiration date, the course provider will be required to apply for a new certification for the course.
208.12.2 After a course has been renewed three times, the course provider will be required to apply for a new certification.
R162-208-13. Division Evaluation and Monitoring of Courses and Instructors.
208.13.1 The Division shall cause certified continuing education courses to be evaluated for adherence to course content and other prescribed criteria, and for the effectiveness of the instructor.
208.13.2 On a randomly selected basis, the Division may assign monitors to attend courses for the purpose of evaluating the courses and the instructors. The monitors will complete a standard evaluation form provided by the Division and return the form to the Division within 10 days after the last class.
R162-208-14. Individual Application for Continuing Education Credit.
208.14 A licensee may apply for continuing education credit for any non-certified continuing education course if the licensee believes the course will improve his ability to better protect or serve the public, provided the course was taken from a nationwide education provider. The subject matter of the course may not relate exclusively to the practice of the residential mortgage business in a state other than the State of Utah.
R162-208-15. Limitation on Multiple Use of Credit Hours.
208.15 A mortgage licensee who is also licensed by the Division as a real estate broker, real estate sales agent, or real estate appraiser may not receive credit toward renewal of a mortgage license for continuing education hours that have already been used toward renewal of a real estate broker, real estate sales agent, or real estate appraiser license.
KEY: residential mortgage loan origination
February 3,]2004
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 11/2/2004
- Publication Date:
- 10/01/2004
- Filed Date:
- 09/02/2004
- Agencies:
- Commerce,Real Estate
- Rulemaking Authority:
Subsection 61-2c-103(6)
- Authorized By:
- Dexter Bell, Director
- DAR File No.:
- 27403
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R162-208. Continuing Education.