DAR File No.: 37144
Filed: 12/31/2012 12:30:05 PMRULE ANALYSIS
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This rule is amended to provide additional provisions regarding disclosure of classroom-level student data, protection of educator evaluation data, and outlining when student data should be publicly available and to whom, and to add new language on public education survey data as required by H.B. 149, 2012 General Legislative Session.
Summary of the rule or change:
The changes include adding new definitions, revising the authority and purpose to reflect specific statutes regarding student information and public education survey data, and to add two new sections to the rule previously in two other rules so that all provisions of the law related to student and educator data are consistent and adequately addressed in one rule.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Subsection 53A-13-301(3)
- Subsection 53A-1-401(3)
- Section 53A-1-411
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
There is no anticipated costs or savings to the state budget. Minimal funding is provided for the state to administer the pilot online school survey system.
local governments:
There is no anticipated costs or savings to local government. The amendments to the rule provide minor clarification for procedures regarding protection of student and educator data within one rule which do not result in a cost or savings.
small businesses:
There is no anticipated costs or savings to small businesses. This rule and the amendments to the rule apply to public education and do not affect businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
There is no anticipated costs or savings to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities. This rule and the amendments to the rule affect state and local government and handling of student and educator data and do not affect individuals.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There are no compliance costs for affected persons. Local education agencies should have policies in place and provide appropriate training to employees regarding the confidentiality of student and educator data.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
I have reviewed this rule and I see no fiscal impact on businesses.
Larry K. Shumway, State Superintendent
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
250 E 500 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-3272Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Carol Lear at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7835, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at carol.lear@schools.utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation
R277. Education, Administration.
R277-487. Public School [
Student]Data Confidentiality and Disclosure.R277-487-1. Definitions.
A. "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.
B. "Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS)" means the electronic file maintained and owned by the USOE on all licensed Utah educators. The file includes information such as:
(1) personal directory information;
(2) educational background;
(3) endorsements;
(4) employment history; and
(5) a record of disciplinary action taken against the educator.
C. "Disciplinary action" means any lesser action taken by UPPAC which does not materially affect a licensed educator's license and licensing action taken by the Board for suspension or revocation.
B]D. "FERPA" means the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, a federal law designed to protect the privacy of students' education records. The law is hereby incorporated by reference.[
C]E. "LEA" means local education agency, including local school boards/[charter school governing board,] public school districts[and schools, and], charter schools, and, for purposes of this rule, the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.F. "Student information" means materials, information, records and knowledge that an LEA possesses or maintains, or both, about individual students. Student information is broader than student records and may include information or knowledge that school employees possess or learn in the course of their duties.
D]G. "Student record" means a record in any form, including handwriting, print, computer media, video or audio tape, film, microfilm, and microfiche, that is directly related to a student and maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for an agency or institution. Student records shall be maintained by LEAs consistent with 20 U.S.C. Section 1232g.R277-487-2. Authority and Purpose.
A. This rule is authorized under Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3 which vests general control and supervision over public education in the Board, [
by Section 53A-13-301(3) which requires the Board to make rules to establish standards for public education employees, student aides, and volunteers in public schools regarding the confidentiality of student information and student records, and] by Section 53A-1-401(3) which allows the Board to make rules in accordance with its responsibilities, by Section 53A-13-301(3) regarding confidentiality and required or appropriate disclosure of student records data; by Section 53A-1-411 which directs the Board to establish procedures for administering or making available online surveys to obtain information about public education issues, and Section 53A-6-104 which authorizes the Board to issue licenses to educators and maintain licensing information.B. The purpose of this rule is to [
provide standards and procedures related to public school student confidentiality]ensure the privacy, as directed by law, of individual student information, to provide an online education survey conducted with public funds for Board review and approval, and to provide for appropriate protection and maintenance of educator licensing data.R277-487-3. [
Board Responsibilities]Confidentiality of Student Data.A. Board Responsibilities:
A.](1) The Board shall develop resource materials for LEAs to train employees, [student] aid[e]s, and volunteers of an LEA regarding confidentiality of student information and student records, as defined in FERPA.[
B.](2) The Board shall make the materials available to each LEA.[R277-487-4. LEA Responsibilities.]B. LEA Responsibilities:
A.](1) LEAs shall establish policies and provide appropriate training for employees regarding the confidentiality of student records, including an overview of all federal, state, and local laws that pertain to the privacy of students, their parents, and their families. The policy should address the specific needs or priorities of the LEA.[
B.](2) LEAs shall require password protection for all student records maintained electronically.[
C. An LEA may adopt policies related to public school student confidentiality to address the specific needs or priorities of the LEA.R277-487-4. Public Education Employee and Volunteer Responsibilities.]C. Public Education Employee and Volunteer Responsibilities:
A.](1) All public education employees, [student]aid[e]s, and volunteers in public schools shall become familiar with federal, state, and local law regarding the confidentiality of student information and student records.[
B.](2) All public education employees, [student]aid[e]s, and volunteers shall maintain appropriate confidentiality pursuant to federal, state, and local laws with regard to student records.[
C.](3) An employee, [student]aid[e], or volunteer shall maintain student records in a secure and appropriate place as designated by policies of an LEA.[
D.](4) An employee, [student]aid[e], or volunteer accessing student records in electronic format shall comply with policies of an LEA regarding the procedures for maintaining confidentiality of electronic records.[
E.](5) An employee, [student]aid[e], or volunteer shall not share, disclose, or disseminate passwords for electronic maintenance of student records.[
G.](6) All public education employees, [student]aid[e]s and volunteers have a responsibility to protect confidential student information and access records only as necessary for their assignment(s).[
F.](7) Public education employees licensed under Section 53A-6-104 shall access and use student information and records consistent with R277-515, Utah Educator Standards. Violations may result in licensing discipline.R277-487-4. Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS) Data, Confidentiality, and Appropriate Disclosure.
A. CACTUS maintains public, protected and private information on licensed Utah educators. Private or protected information includes such items as home address, date of birth, social security number, and any disciplinary action taken against an individual's license.
B. A CACTUS file shall be opened on a licensed Utah educator when:
(1) the individual initiates a USOE background check, or
(2) the USOE receives a paraprofessional license application from an LEA.
C. The data in CACTUS may only be changed as follows:
(1) Authorized USOE staff or authorized LEA staff may change demographic data.
(2) Authorized USOE staff may update licensing data such as endorsements, degrees, license areas of concentration and licensed work experience.
(3) Authorized employing LEA staff may update data on educator assignments for the current school year only.
D. A licensed individual may view his own personal data. An individual may not change or add data except under the following circumstances:
(1) A licensed individual may change his demographic data when renewing his license.
(2) A licensed individual shall contact his employing LEA for the purpose of correcting demographic or current educator assignment data.
(3) A licensed individual may petition the USOE for the purpose of correcting any errors in his CACTUS file.
E. Individuals currently employed by public or private schools under letters of authorization or as interns are included in CACTUS.
F. Individuals working in LEAs as student teachers are included in CACTUS.
G. Designated individuals have access to CACTUS data:
(1) Training shall be provided to designated individuals prior to granting access.
(2) Authorized USOE staff may view or change CACTUS files on a limited basis with specific authorization.
(3) For employment or assignment purposes only, authorized LEA staff members may access data on individuals employed by their own LEA or data on licensed individuals who do not have a current assignment in CACTUS.
(4) Authorized LEA staff may also view specific limited information on job applicants if the applicant has provided the LEA with a CACTUS identification number.
(5) CACTUS information belongs solely to the USOE. The USOE shall make the final determination of information included in or deleted from CACTUS.
(6) CACTUS data consistent with Section 63G-2-301(1) under the Government Records Access and Management Act are public information and shall be released by the USOE.
R277-487-5. Public Education Research Data.
A. The USOE may provide limited or extensive data sets for research and analysis purposes to qualified researchers or organizations.
(1) A reasonable method shall be used to qualify researchers or organizations to receive data, such as evidence that a research proposal has been approved by a federally recognized Institutional Review Board (IRB).
(2) Aggregate student assessment data are available through the USOE website. Individual student information are protected.
(3) The USOE is not obligated to fill every request for data and has procedures to determine which requests will be filled or to assign priorities to multiple requests. The USOE/Board understands that it will respond in a timely manner to all requests submitted under Section 63G-2-101 et seq., Government Records Access and Management Act. In filling data requests, higher priority may be given to requests that will help improve instruction in Utah's public schools.
(4) A fee may be charged to prepare data or to deliver data, particularly if the preparation requires original work. The USOE shall comply with Section 63G-2-203 in assessing fees.
(5) The researcher or organization shall provide a copy of the report or publication produced using USOE data to the USOE at least 10 business days prior to the public release.
B. Student information: Requests for data that disclose student information shall be provided in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. Section 1232g; such responses may include:
(1) individual student data that are de-identified, meaning it is not possible to trace the data to individual students;
(2) agreements with recipients of student data where recipients agree not to report or publish data in a manner that discloses students' identities. For example, reporting test scores for a race subgroup that has a count, also known as n-size, of less than 10 could enable someone to identify the actual students and shall not be published;
(3) release of student data, with appropriate binding agreements, for state or federal accountability or for the purpose of improving instruction to specific student subgroups.
C. Licensed educator information:
(1) The USOE shall provide information about licensed educators maintained in the CACTUS database that is required under Section 63G-2-301(2).
(2) Additional information/data may be released by the USOE consistent with the purposes of CACTUS, the confidentiality protections accepted by requester(s), and the benefit that the research may provide for public education in Utah, as determined by the USOE.
D. Recipients of USOE research data shall sign a USOE non-disclosure agreement if required by the USOE.
E. The Board or the USOE may commission research or may approve research requests.
R277-487-6. Public Education Survey Data.
A. The Board shall approve statewide education surveys administered with public funds through the USOE or through a contract issued by the USOE, as required under Section 53A-1-411.
B. Data obtained from USOE statewide surveys administered with public funds are the property of the Board.
C. Data obtained from USOE statewide surveys administered with public funds shall be made available as follows:
(1) Survey data made available by the Board shall protect the privacy of students in accordance with FERPA.
(2) Survey data about educators shall be available in a manner that protects the privacy of individual educators consistent with State law.
KEY: students, records, confidentiality
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
November 8, 2011]2013Notice of Continuation: December 31, 2012
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X Sec 3; 53A-13-301(3); 53A-1-401(3); 53A-1-411
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 2/21/2013
- Publication Date:
- 01/15/2013
- Filed Date:
- 12/31/2012
- Agencies:
- Education,Administration
- Rulemaking Authority:
Subsection 53A-13-301(3)
Subsection 53A-1-401(3)
Section 53A-1-411
- Authorized By:
- Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation
- DAR File No.:
- 37144
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R277-487. Charter School Revolving Loan Fund.