DAR File No.: 29363
Filed: 12/26/2006, 12:52
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This rule change is to address the changes required by the federal Long Term 1 and 2 Surface Water Treatment rules (LT1 and LT2), the Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts rule (Stage 2), and the Improvement Priority rule (IPS). There are a total of eight amendments that address these rules (Rules R309-105, R309-110, R309-200, R309-210, R309-215, R309-220, R309-225, and R309-150). This rule adoption is necessary to maintain primacy. (DAR NOTE: The proposed amendments are as follows: Rule R309-105 under DAR No. 29369, Rule R309-110 under DAR No. 29364, Rule R309-200 under DAR No. 29371, Rule R309-210 under DAR No. 29365, Rule R309-215 under DAR No. 29366, Rule R309-220 under DAR No. 29367, Rule R309-225 under DAR No. 29368, and Rule R309-150 (changed to R309-400) under DAR No. 29363 all in this issue, January 15, 2007, of the Bulletin.)
Summary of the rule or change:
This change incorporates the adoption of the requirements of LT1, LT2, and Stage 2 into the rating criteria. The change also renumbers the rule to follow the Division's rule numbering sequence.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Section 19-4-104
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
Costs for the state budget, local governments, and other persons will be based on an aggregate for the changes in Rules R309-105, R309-110, R309-200, R309-210, R309-215, R309-220, R309-225, and R309-150. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates state costs to be $9,260,000 annually. Using the percentage of Utah systems versus the national total (approximately 1%), Utah's annual impact is approximately $92,600.
local governments:
For this rule change, aggregate costs will vary by water system size, sources utilized, and type of treatment. EPA estimates the total national annual cost at $143,407,000. Again using the percentage of Utah systems versus the national total, Utah's systems' impact is estimated to be $1,434,070 annually.
other persons:
Other persons that own and operate a public water system may have the same cost impact as listed under "local government" above. Costs to consumers will vary depending upon the water system size. EPA estimates the cost to vary from $1 to $301 per household per year.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Aggregate compliance costs for the rule change will vary depending upon the water system size, type of source, and type of treatment. EPA estimates the cost to vary from $1 to $301 per household per year. The highest costs are associated with the very small public water systems where there are very few connections to spread the cost of monitoring and treatment across. Persons that own and operate a public water system may have the same cost impact as listed under "local government" above.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
The Department of Environmental Quality agrees with the comments in the cost and compliance summaries above. Dianne R. Nielson, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Environmental Quality
Drinking Water
150 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116-3085Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Patti Fauver at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4196, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at pfauver@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Ken Bousfield, Acting Director
R309. Environmental Quality, Drinking Water.
R309-150.] Water System Rating Criteria.R309-400-1.[
R309-150-1.] Authority.Under authority of Utah Code Annotated, Section 19-4-104, the Drinking Water Board adopts this rule in order to evaluate a public water system's standard of operation and service delivered in compliance with R309-100[
R309-101 through R309-113 and R309-301] through R309-705[R309-302] hereinafter referred to as Rules.R309-400-2.[
R309-150-2.] Extent of Coverage.These rules shall apply to all public water systems as defined in R309-100[
R309-150-3.] Definitions.Approved - means that the public water system is operating in substantial compliance with all the Rules as measured by this rule.
Board - means the Drinking Water Board.
Community Water System - means a public water system which serves at least fifteen service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least twenty-five year-round residents.
Contaminant - means any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water.
Corrective Action - means a provisional rating for a public water system not in compliance with the Rules, but making all the necessary changes outlined by the Executive Secretary to bring them into compliance.
Executive Secretary - means the Executive Secretary of the Drinking Water Board.
Major Bacteriological Routine Monitoring Violation- means that no routine bacteriological sample was taken as required by R309-210-5(1).[
R309-104-4.6.1.]Major Bacteriological Repeat Monitoring Violation - means that no repeat bacteriological sample was taken as required by R309-210-5(2)(a).[
R309-104-4.6.2.]Major Chemical Monitoring Violation - means that no initial background chemical sample was taken as required in R309-515-4(5).[
R309-106-3(1)(b).]Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) - The maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water which is delivered to any user of a public water system. Individual maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) are listed in R309-200.[
R309-103.]Minor Bacteriological Routine Monitoring Violation- means that not all of the routine bacteriological samples were taken as required by R309-210-5(1).[
R309-104-4.6.1.]Minor Bacteriological Repeat Monitoring Violation - means that not all of the repeat bacteriological samples were taken as required by R309-210-5(2)(a).[
R309-104-4.6.2.]Minor Chemical Monitoring Violation - means that the required chemical sample(s) was not taken in accordance with R309-205, 210 or 215.[
R309-104-4.]Non-Community Water System - means a public water system that is not a community water system or a non-transient non-community water system.
Non-Transient, Non-Community Water System - means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons for more than six months per year. Examples are separate systems serving workers and schools.
Not Approved - means the water system does not fully comply with the Rules as measured by this rule.
Public Water System - means a system, either publicly or privately owned, providing water for human consumption and other domestic uses which has at least fifteen service connections, or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five individuals for at least sixty days out of the year. Such term includes collection, treatment, storage and distribution facilities under control of the operator and used primarily in connection with the system. Additionally, the term includes collection, pretreatment or storage facilities used primarily in connection with system but not under such control.
Routine Chemical Monitoring Violation - means no routine chemical sample(s) was taken as required in R309-205, 210 or 215.[
R309-104-4.]Sanitary Seal - A cap that prevents contaminants from entering a well through the top of the casing.
Shall - means that a particular action is obliged and has to be accomplished.[
Unregulated Contaminant - A known or suspected disease causing contaminant for which no maximum contaminant level has been established.]R309-400-4.[
R309-150-4.] Water System Ratings.(1) The Executive Secretary shall assign a rating to each public water system in order to provide a concise indication of its condition and performance. This rating shall be assigned based on the evaluation of the operation and performance of the water system in accordance with the requirements of the Rules. Points shall be assessed to Not Approved and Corrective Action rated water systems for each violation of these requirements (R309-100[
R309-101 through R309-113 and R309-301] through R309-705[R309-302]) as the requirements apply to each individual water system. The number of points that shall be assessed are outlined in the following sections of this rule. The number of points represent the threat to the quality of the water and thereby public health.(2) Points are assessed in the following categories: Quality, Monitoring and Public Notification; Physical Deficiencies; Operator Certification; Cross Connection Control; Drinking Water Source Protection; Administrative Issues; and Reporting and Record Maintenance.
(3) Based upon the accumulation of points, the public water system shall be assigned one of the following ratings.
(a) Approved - In order to qualify for an Approved rating, the public water system must maintain a point total less than the following:
(i) Community water system - 150 points;
(ii) Non-Transient Non-Community water system - 120 points; and
(iii) Non-Community water system - 100 points.
(b) Not Approved - In order for a public water system to receive a Not Approved rating the accumulation of points for the water system must exceed the totals listed above.
(c) Corrective Action - In order to qualify for a Corrective Action rating the public water system must submit the following:
(i) A written agreement to the Executive Secretary stating a willingness to comply with the requirements set forth in the Rules; and
(ii) A compliance schedule and time table agreed upon by the Executive Secretary outlining the necessary construction or changes to correct any physical deficiencies or monitoring failures; and
(iii) Proof of the financial ability of the water system or that the financial arrangements are in place to correct the water system deficiencies.
(iv) The Corrective Action rating shall continue until the total project is completed or until a suitable construction inspection or sanitary survey is conducted to determine the effectiveness of the improvements or the accumulation of points drops below the threshold for a not approved rating whichever is later.
(4) The water system point accumulation shall be adjusted on a quarterly basis or as current information is available to the Executive Secretary. The appropriate water system rating shall then be adjusted to reflect the current point total.
(5) The Executive Secretary may at any time rate a water system not approved if an immediate threat to public health exists. This rating shall remain in place until such time as the threat is alleviated and the cause is corrected.
(6) Any water system may appeal its assigned rating or assessed points to the Drinking Water Board by filing a request for a hearing with the Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall place this matter on the agenda of the next regular meeting and so inform the appellant. The request for a hearing must be received by the Executive Secretary at least 14 calendar days prior to a scheduled Board meeting in order to be placed on the Board's agenda.
R309-150-5.] Quality, Monitoring and Public Notification Violations.(1) Bacteriologic: All points assessed to public water systems via this subsection are based on violations of the quality standards in R309-200-5(6)[
R309-103.2.6]; or the monitoring requirements in R309-210-5[R309-104-4.6]; and the associated public notification requirements in R309-220[R309-104-7]. The bacteriological assessments shall be updated on a monthly basis with the total number of points reflecting the most recent twelve month period or the most recent 4 quarters for those water systems that collect bacteriological samples quarterly.(a) For each major bacteriological routine monitoring violation 35 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(b) For each minor bacteriological routine monitoring violation 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 2 points shall be assessed.
(c) For each major bacteriological repeat monitoring violation 40 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(d) For each minor bacteriological repeat monitoring violation 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 2 points shall be assessed.
(e) For each additional monitoring violation (R309-210-5(2)(e)[
R309-104-4.6.2.e.]) 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 2 points shall be assessed.(f) For each non-acute bacteriological MCL violation (R309-200-5(6)(a)[
R309-103-2.7.a]) 40 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 10 points shall be assessed.(g) For each acute bacteriological MCL violation (R309-200-5(6)(b)[
R309-103-2.7.b.]) 50 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 10 points shall be assessed.(2) Chemical: All points assessed to public water systems via this subsection are based on violations of the quality standards in R309-200-5[
R309-103.2]; or the monitoring requirements in R309-205, 210 and 215[R309-104-4]; and the associated public notification requirements in R309-220[R309-104-7]. The chemical assessments shall be updated on a quarterly basis with the total number of points reflecting the most recent compliance period unless otherwise specified. Points for any chemical MCL violation shall remain on record until the quality issue is resolved. Points for any monitoring violation shall be deleted as the required chemical samples are taken and the analytical results are reported to the Executive Secretary.(a) Inorganic and Metal Contaminants:
(i) For each major chemical monitoring violation for inorganic and metal contaminants 20 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 3 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each minor chemical monitoring violation for inorganic and metal contaminants 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(iii) For each MCL exceedance for inorganic and metal contaminants 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(b) Sulfate (for non-community water systems only):
(i) For each major chemical monitoring violation for sulfate 20 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 3 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each minor chemical monitoring violation for sulfate 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(iii) For each MCL exceedance for sulfate 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(c) Radiologic Contaminants:
(i) For each major chemical monitoring violation for radiological contaminants 20 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 3 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each minor chemical monitoring violation for radiological contaminants 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(iii) For each MCL exceedance for radiological contaminants 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(d) Asbestos Contaminants:
(i) For each major chemical monitoring violation for source water or distribution system asbestos 20 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 3 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each minor chemical monitoring violation for source water or distribution system asbestos 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(iii) For each MCL exceedance for source water or distribution system asbestos 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(e) Nitrate:
(i) For each routine chemical monitoring violation for nitrate 35 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each MCL exceedance of nitrate 50 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(f) Nitrite:
(i) For each routine chemical monitoring violation for nitrite 35 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each MCL exceedance of nitrite 50 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(g) Volatile Organic Chemicals:
(i) For each major chemical monitoring violation for volatile organic chemical contaminants 20 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 3 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each minor chemical monitoring violation for volatile organic chemical contaminants 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(iii) For each MCL exceedance for volatile organic chemical contaminants 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(h) Pesticides/PCBs/SOCs
(i) For each major chemical monitoring violation for pesticide/PCB/SOC contaminants 20 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 3 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each minor chemical monitoring violation for pesticide/PCB/SOC contaminants 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(iii) For each MCL exceedance for pesticide/PCB/SOC contaminants 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(i) [
Unregulated Organics:(i) For each routine chemical monitoring violation for unregulated contaminants 5 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.(j)]Disinfection Byproducts:(i) Total Trihalomethanes:
(i)] For each routine chemical monitoring violation for total trihalomethanes 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.(B)[
(ii)] For each MCL exceedance for total trihalomethanes 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.(ii) Haloacetic Acids (HAA5):
(A) For each routine chemical monitoring violation for HAA5 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(B) For each MCL exceedance for HAA5 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(iii) Bromate:
(A) For each routine chemical monitoring violation for bromate 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(B) For each MCL exceedance for bromate 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(iv) Chlorite:
(A) For each routine chemical monitoring violation for chlorite 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(B) For each MCL exceedance for chlorite 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(j) Disinfectant Residuals:
(i) Chlorine:
(A) For each routine chemical monitoring violation for chlorine 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(B) For each MCL exceedance for chlorine 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(ii) Chloramines:
(A) For each routine chemical monitoring violation for chloramines 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(B) For each MCL exceedance for chloramines 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(iii) Chlorine Dioxide:
(A) For each routine monitoring violation for chlorine dioxide 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(B) For each non-acute chlorine dioxide MCL violation 30 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(C) For each acute chlorine dioxide MCL violation 50 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(k) Lead and Copper:
(i) For each major chemical monitoring violation for lead and copper contaminants 20 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 3 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each minor chemical monitoring violation for lead and copper contaminants 10 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 1 point shall be assessed.
(iii) A system which fails to install, by the designated deadline, optimal corrosion control if the lead or copper action level has been exceeded shall be assessed 35 points. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 10 point shall be assessed.
(iv) A system which fails to install source water treatment if the source waters exceed the lead or copper action level shall be assessed 35 points. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(v) A system which fails to complete public notification/education if the lead/copper action levels have been exceeded shall be assessed 10 points for each calendar quarter that the system fails to provide public notification/education.
(vi) A system which still exceeds the lead action level and is not on schedule for lead line replacement shall be assessed 5 points annually. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 2 point shall be assessed.
(l) Groundwater Turbidity:
(i) For each monitoring violation for turbidity 35 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(ii) For each confirmed MCL exceedance of turbidity 50 points shall be assessed. For each failure to perform the associated public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(m) Surface Water Treatment:
(i) [
Plant Operation: Based upon the following criteria (a. through d.) 20 to 150 points shall be assessed as appropriate to indicate the threat to public health. For the associated failure to perform public notification 1 to 10 points shall be assessed. The surface water treatment assessments shall be updated on a monthly basis with the total number of points reflecting the most recent twelve month period.(A) Number of events where disinfectant level in water entering the distribution system is less than 0.2 milligrams per liter for more than 4 hours; or(B) Number of events where turbidity exceeds 5 NTU; or(C) Each month where the percentage of turbidity interpretations meeting the treatment plant limit is less than 95 percent; or(D) Each month where the percentage of distribution sampling violations for detectable levels of disinfectant is greater than 5 percent.(ii)]For water systems having sources which are classified as under direct influence from surface water and which fail to abandon, retrofit or provide conventional complete treatment or it's equivalent within 18 months of notification shall be assessed 150 points.[20 to 50 points based upon the degree and seasonality of the surface water influence.] For the associated failure to perform public notification 10 points shall be assessed. The points shall be assessed as the failure occurs and shall remain on record until adequate treatment is provided or the source is physically disconnected.(ii) Quality and Monitoring: The surface water treatment assessments shall be updated on a monthly basis with the total number of points reflecting the most recent twelve month period.
(A) Turbidity:
(I) For each turbidity exceedance which requires tier 1 notification under R309-220-5(1)(e) or (f) 50 points shall be assessed. For the associated failure to perform public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(II) For each turbidity exceedance which requires tier 2 notification under R309-220-5(1)(e) or (f) 35 points shall be assessed. For the associated failure to perform public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(III) For each month where the percentage of turbidity interpretations meeting the treatment plant limit is less than 95 percent 25 points shall be assessed. For the associated failure to perform public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(IV) For any period of time which exceeds 4 hours where the system fails to continuously measure (or perform grab samples) the combined filter effluent turbidity 50 points shall be assessed. For the associated failure to perform public notification 10 points shall be assessed.
(V) For a water system which failure to repair continuous turbidity monitoring equipment within 5 working days 50 points shall be assessed.
(B) Disinfection:
(I) For each instance where the disinfectant level in water entering the distribution system is less than 0.2 milligrams per liter for more than 4 hours 25 points shall be assessed. For the associated failure to perform public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(II) For each instance where there is insufficient disinfectant contact time 35 points shall be assessed. For the associated failure to perform public notification 5 points shall be assessed.
(iii) Treatment Process Control:
(A) For each instance a treatment facility exceeds the assigned filter rates 30 points shall be assessed.
(B) For each month a water system fails to verify calibration of the plant turbidimeters 5 points shall be assessed.
(C) For each month a water system fails to submit a water treatment plant report 50 points shall be assessed.
R309-150-6.] Physical Facilities.All points assessed to public water systems via this subsection are based upon violation of R309-500 through R309-705 unless otherwise noted.[
R309-113 and R309-200 through R309-211.] These points shall be assessed and updated upon notification of the Executive Secretary and shall remain until the violation or deficiency no longer exists.(1) New Source Approval:
(a) Use of an unapproved source shall be assessed 150 points.
(2) Surface Water Diversion Structures and Impoundments:
(a) For each surface water intake structure that does not allow for withdrawal of water from more than one level if quality significantly varies with depth 2 points shall be assessed.
(b) Where no facilities exist for release (wasting) of less desirable water held in storage 2 points shall be assessed.
(c) Where the diversion facilities do not minimize frazil ice formation by holding intake velocities to less than 0.5 feet per second 2 points shall be assessed.
(d) Where diversion facilities are not adequately protected from damage by ice buildup 2 points shall be assessed.
(e) Where diversion facilities are not capable of keeping large quantities of fish or debris from entering the intake 2 points shall be assessed.
(f) Where reservoirs have not had brush and trees removed to the high water level 2 points shall be assessed.
(g) Where reservoir watershed management has not provided adequate precautions to limit nutrient loading 10 points shall be assessed.
(3) Well Sources
(a) For each well which is not equipped with a sanitary seal, or has any unsealed opening into the well casing 50 points shall be assessed.
(b) For each well which does not utilize food grade mineral oil for pump lubrication 25 points shall be assessed.
(c) For each well casing which does not terminate at least 12 inches above the pumphouse floor, 18 inches above ground, and/or five feet above the highest flood elevation and is subject to flooding 20 points shall be assessed.
(d) For each well fitted with a pitless adaptor that does not maintain a water tight seal throughout shall be assessed 50 points.
(e) For each wellhead that is not properly secured 20 points shall be assessed.
(f) For each well that is equipped with a pump to waste line that does not discharge though an approved air gap shall be assessed 20 points.
(g) For each well that is equipped with a pump to waste line that is not properly screened shall be assessed 5 points.
(h) For each well that is equipped with a pump to waste line that discharges to a receptacle without local authorization shall be assessed 2 points.
(i) For each well that does not have a means to measure drawdown 1 point shall be assessed.[
, or is not fitted with an acceptable pitless adaptor 1 to 20 points shall be assessed based upon whether the adjacent land slopes toward or away from the wellhead; the integrity of the cement surrounding the wellhead and other factors that would jeopardize the integrity of the wellhead seal.](j)[
(d)] For each well casing vent which is not properly covered with a No. 14 mesh screen 2[5] points shall be assessed.(k) For each well casing vent which is not properly turned down 2 points shall be assessed.
(l) For each well casing vent which does not discharge through a proper air gap 2 points shall be assessed.
(e)] For each well which has discharge piping that is not properly equipped with 1) a smooth nosed sampling tap 2) check valve 3) pressure gauge 4) means of measuring flow and 5) shutoff valve 1 point[to 5 points] shall be assessed for each component not present.[depending upon the number of the above components that are present.](n)[
(f)] For each well where there is no means to release trapped air from the discharge piping 6[5] points shall be assessed.(o)[
(g)] For each well house which does not have a drain-to-daylight installed 5 points shall be assessed.(p) For each well which has a cross connection present in the discharge piping 5 points shall be assessed.
(q) For each well which has discharge piping equipped with an air vacuum relief valve which is not screened 2 points shall be assessed.
(r) For each well which has discharge piping equipped with an air vacuum relief valve which is not properly turned down 2 points shall be assessed.
(s) For each well which has discharge piping equipped with an air vacuum relief valve which does not discharge through an approved air gap 2 points shall be assessed.
(t) For each well which has rotating and electrical equipment that is not provided with protective guards 2 points shall be assessed.
(4) Spring Sources:
(a) For each spring source which allows surface water to stand or pond upon the spring collection area (within 50 feet from collection devices) 10 or[
to] 20 points shall be assessed. The number of points shall be based upon the size and extent of the ponding; the possible source (rainfall or incomplete collection); or the presence of moss or other indicators of long term presence of standing water.(b) For each spring area which does not have a minimum of ten feet of relative impervious soil or an acceptable liner 10 points shall be assessed.
(c) For each spring area that has deep rooted vegetation within the fenced collection area 10 points shall be assessed.
(d) For each spring area that has deep rooted vegetation interfering with the spring collection 10 points shall be assessed.
(e) For each spring with a spring collection/junction box which does not have a proper[
collection junction box; and does not have the following: a proper] shoebox lid[, gasket] shall be assessed 5 points.(f) For each spring with a spring collection/junction box which does not have a proper gasket on the lid shall be assessed 5 points.
(g) For each spring with a spring collection/junction box which lacks an adequate air vent 5 points shall be assessed.
(h) For each spring with a spring collection/junction box with a vent that is not properly screened shall be assessed 2 points.
(i) For each spring with a spring collection/junction box with a vent that is not properly down turned shall be assessed 2 points.
(j) For each spring with a spring collection/junction box with a vent that is not properly air gapped shall be assessed 2 points.
(k) For each spring with a spring collection/junction box that lacks a raised access entry shall be assessed 5 points.
(l) For each spring with a spring collection/junction box which is not secured against unauthorized access shall be assessed 20 points.[
, No. 14 mesh screen on the vent line and lock; 1 to 25 points shall be assessed. The number of points shall be determined by the number of the above items that are present.](m)[
(f)] For each spring collection area without a proper fence (unless the spring is located in a remote area where no grazing or public access is possible as specified in R309-515-7(7)(e)[R309-106(5)(e))] 10 points shall be assessed.(n)[
(g)] For each spring collection area that does not have a diversion channel capable of diverting surface water away from the collection area 5 points shall be assessed.(o)[
(h)] For each spring system which does not have a permanent flow measuring device 5 points shall be assessed.(p)[
(i)] For each spring area with an overflow/drain that is not properly screened with a No. 4 mesh screen 5 points shall be assessed.(q) For each spring collection/junction box that[
or] does not have adequate freefall (12 to 24 inches) between the drain invert and the surrounding ground 5[to 10] points shall be assessed.[The number of points shall be based upon the presence of a screen and the slope of the ground surrounding the overflow/drain outlet.](r) For each spring collection/junction box that has any unsealed opening(s) 50 points shall be assessed.
(5) Pump Stations.
(a) For a pumping facility which does not have a positive-acting check valve between the pump and the isolation valve 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-5(6)(a).
(b) For a pumping facility which does not have a standard pressure gauge on the discharge line 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-5(6)(c )(i).
(c) For a pumping facility which does not have a flow measuring device on the discharge piping 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-5(6)(c )(iii).
(d) For a pumping facility which does not have isolation valve(s) on the discharge piping 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-5(6)(a).
(e) For a pumping facility which does not have isolation valve(s) on the suction side of each pump 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-5(6)(a).
(f) For a pumping facility without adequate drainage 5 points shall be assessed. R309-540-5(2)(a) (v) and (vi).
(g) For a pumping facility where the discharge line from the air release valve is not properly screened with number 14 non-corrodible mesh screen 2 points shall be assessed. R309-550-6(6)(a).
(h) For a pumping facility where the discharge line from the air release valve is not properly air gapped 2 points shall be assessed. R309-550-6(6)(a).
(i) For a pumping facility where the discharge line from the air release valve is not properly down-turned 2 points shall be assessed. R309-550-6(6)(a).
(j) For a pumping facility where the building and equipment is not protected from flooding 5 points shall be assessed. R309-540-5(2)(a)(ii), (iii) and (iv).
(k) For a pumping facility where there is inadequate heating, lighting or ventilation 5 points shall be assessed. R309-540-5(2)(e), (f) and (g).
(l) For a pumping facility where there are cross connections present 5 points shall be assessed. R309-540-5(2)(h).
(m) For a pumping facility which does not have at least two equal and functioning pumping units 20 points shall be assessed. R309-540-5(4)(b).
(n) For a pumping facility which cannot meet the demand when the largest pumping unit is out of service 20 points shall be assessed. R309-540-5(4)(b).
(o) For a pumping facility which utilizes oil lubrication not suitable for human consumption 25 points shall be assessed. R309-105-10(7).
(p) For a pumping facility which does not have protective guards on rotating and electrical equipment 2 points shall be assessed. R309-545-19(1).
(q) For a pumping facility which does not have an air release valve or other means to release trapped air located on the pump discharge piping 6 points shall be assessed. R309-515-6(12)(e)(v).
(r) For a pumping facility which is not secured against unauthorized access shall be assessed 20 points.
(6) Hydropneumatic pressure tanks.
(a) For a pressure tank without at least two pumping units 20 points shall be assessed. R309-540-6(5).
(b) For a pressure tank without a bypass piping to permit operation of the system while it is being repaired or painted 2 points shall be assessed. R309-540-6(4).
(c) For a pressure tank which lacks a 24 inch access manhole where applicable 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-6(6).
(d) For a pressure tank which lacks a drain 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-6(6).
(e) For a pressure tank which lacks a pressure gauge 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-6(6).
(f) For a pressure tank which lacks a water sight glass where applicable 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-6(6).
(g) For a pressure tank which lacks automatic or manual air blow-off 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-6(6).
(h) For a pressure tank which lacks a means to add air 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-6(6).
(i) For a pressure tank which lacks pressure operated start-stop controls for the pump(s) 1 point shall be assessed. R309-540-6(6).
(j) For a pressure tank with a pump cycle that cycles more frequently than once every 4 minutes 5 points shall be assessed. R309-540-6(5).
(k) For a pressure tank and controls that are not secured against unauthorized access 20 points shall be assessed. R309-545-14(3).
(5) Disinfection by gaseous chlorine:(a) A chlorinated water system that does not maintain a detectable chlorine residual throughout the distribution system shall be assessed 10 points.(b) An improperly heated, lighted, and vented chlorinator building shall be assessed 2 points.(c) A chlorinated water system that does not have a test kit to measure chlorine residual shall be assessed 2 points.(d) A chlorinated water system that does not have a cylinder wrench located on the yoke valve shall be assessed 2 points.(e) A chlorinated water system that utilizes one ton cylinders and does not have proper chlorine leak detection and repair kit equipment shall be assessed 15 points.(f) A chlorinated water system that utilizes 150 pound cylinders and does not have proper chlorine leak detection and repair kit equipment shall be assessed 2 points.(g) A chlorinated water system that does not have chlorine cylinders properly restrained or isolated from operating areas shall be assessed 2 points.(h) A chlorinated water system that does not have a feeder vent properly vented to the outside and screened with a No. 14 mesh screen shall be assessed 2 points.(i) A chlorinated water system without means to measure chlorine feed and cylinder usage shall be assessed 2 points.(j) A chlorinated water system without access to a properly stored gas mask or stores a gas mask in the same room where chlorine gas is handled shall be assessed 5 points.(k) A chlorination station without a means of measuring the volume of water treated shall be assessed 2 points.(6) Disinfection by liquid hypochlorite:(a) A chlorinated water system that does not maintain a detectable chlorine residual throughout the distribution system shall be assessed 10 points.(b) An improperly housed and secured hypochlorinator station shall be assessed 2 points.(c) A chlorinated water system that does not have a test kit to measure chlorine residual shall be assessed 2 points.(d) A chlorinated water system that does not maintain a spare parts repair kit for the positive displacement pumps shall be assessed 2 points.(e) A hypochlorination station without a means of measuring the volume of water treated shall be assessed 2 points.](7) Storage:
(a) A water system with an uncovered finished water storage reservoir shall immediately be assessed a rating of not approved.
(b) For each storage reservoir cover that is not sloped so water will drain 10 points shall be assessed.
(c) For each storage reservoir that does not have an access opening 9 points shall be assessed.
(d) For each storage reservoir access that does not have a shoebox type lid with a minimum of a 2 inch overlap 3 points shall be assessed.
(e) For each storage reservoir access that lacks a proper gasket 3 points shall be assessed.
(f) For each storage reservoir access that lacks a minimum rise of 4 inches above the tank roof (18 inches above an earthen cover) 3 points shall be assessed.[
access that is not an overlapping (shoe box) type lid, locked and is at least 4 inches above the top of the tank 10 points shall be assessed.](g)[
(c)] For each storage reservoir that is not vented 6 points shall be assessed.(h) For each storage reservoir vent that is not turned down or covered from rain and dust 2 points shall be assessed.
(i) For each storage reservoir vent that does not terminate a minimum of 24 to 36 inches above the surface of the storage tank roof 2 points shall be assessed.
(j) For each storage reservoir vent that is not screened with number 14 non-corrodible mesh screen with a larger guage protection screen 2 points shall be assessed.[
improperly vented storage reservoir 5 points shall be assessed.][
(d)](k) For each storage reservoir that lacks a overflow 15 points shall be assessed.(l) For each storage reservoir overflow that does not terminated 12 to 24 inches above the ground 5 points shall be assessed.
(m) For each storage reservoir overflow that is not screened with number 4 non-corrodible mesh screen 5 points shall be assessed.
(n) For each storage reservoir overflow that[
: is not properly screened, is not sloped for drainage, or]is connected to a sewer without an appropriate air gap 5 points shall be assessed.[; 5 to 15 points shall be assessed based on the number and severity of the above items that are present.](o) For each storage reservoir with a drain that is not properly screened 5 points shall be assessed.
(p) For each storage reservoir with a drain that does not discharge through a physical airgap of at least 2 pipe diameters 5 points shall be assessed.
(e)] For each storage reservoir with inadequate or improper means of site drainage 5[2] points shall be assessed.(r) For each storage reservoir with any unsealed roof penetrations 50 points shall be assessed.
(f)] For each storage reservoir where the roof and sidewalls are not water tight shall be assessed 10 to 50 points based upon the size and number of cracks, the loss of structural integrity and the access of contamination to the drinking water.(t)[
(g)] For each storage reservoir without an access ladder, ladder guards, balcony railings or safely located entrance hatches [or railing where required (elevated tank)]2 points shall be assessed.(u)[
(h)] For each storage reservoir with internal coatings not in compliance with ANSI/NSF standard 61 30 points shall be assessed.(v) For a storage facility which is not secured against unauthorized access shall be assessed 20 points.
(8) Distribution System:
(a) A water system which fails to provide at least the water pressure as required in R309-105-9 at all times and at all locations within the distribution system shall be assessed 50 points.
(b) A water system using unapproved pipe and materials shall be assessed 30 points.
(c) A water system with pipelines installed improperly without adequate clearance or separation from sewer lines shall be assessed 30 points.
(d) A new water system constructed after January 1, 2007 or an existing water system modification without adequate pressure as defined in R309-105-9(2) shall be assessed 50 points.
(e) A water system which has a distribution line that crosses under a surface water body without adequate protection as outlined in R309-550-8(8)(b) shall be assessed 50 points.
(f) A water system which has distribution system flushing devices which are directly connected to a sewer or do not have a proper air gap shall be assessed 20 points.
(g) A water system that does not properly follow the AWWA disinfection standards as adopted in R309-105-10(2) & (3) shall be assessed 10 points.
(h) A water system that is required to provide fire protection or supplies fire hydrants with water mains that are less than 8 inched in diameter shall be assessed 5 points. These points will only be assessed for water mains installed after 1995.
(i) For each air vacuum release valve which is not properly screened and turned down 10[
2] points shall be assessed.[up to a maximum of 20 points per system.](j) For each air vacuum release valve where the discharge piping does not extend a proper distance above the ground and flood level 10 points shall be assessed.
(k) For each air vacuum release valve chamber without a drain or adequate sump 30 points shall be assessed.
(l) For each air vacuum release valve chamber which shows evidence of flooding 30 points shall be assessed.
(m) For each air vacuum release valve chamber which is flooded at the time of inspection 50 points shall be assessed.[
(e) For each flooded air vacuum release valve chamber 20 points shall be assessed up to a maximum of 50 points per system.](9) Quantity requirements
(a) A water system which does not have sufficient source capacity to meet peak daily and average yearly flow requirements shall be assessed from 10[
5] to 50 points. The number of points shall be based upon the severity of the shortage including the number of times and duration of water outages or low pressure.(b) A water system which does not have sufficient storage capacity to meet average daily flow requirements shall be assessed from 10[
5] to 50 points. The number of points shall be based upon the severity of the shortage including the number of times and duration of water outages.R309-400-7. Treatment Processes.
(1) General Treatment.
(a) For a treatment facility with chemical feeders and pumps that operate at lower than 20 percent of the feed range 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(a)(viii).
(b) For a treatment facility without anti-siphon control to assure that liquid chemical solutions cannot be siphoned through solution feeders into the process units as required in R309-525-11(9)(c) 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(9)(b)(ii).
(c) For a treatment facility with a process tank that is not properly labeled to designate the chemical contained 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(c)(vii).
(d) For a treatment facility with chemicals not stored in covered or unopened shipping containers, unless the chemical is transferred into a covered storage unit, 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(6)(a)(iii).
(e) For a treatment facility with no cross connection control provided to assure that no direct connections exist between any sewer and the drain or overflow from the feeder, solution chamber or tank by providing that all pipes terminate at least six inches or two pipe diameters, whichever is greater, above the overflow rim of a receiving sump, conduit or waste receptacle, 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(9)(b)(iii).
(f) For a treatment facility with no spare parts available for all feeders to replace parts which are subject to wear and damage 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(b)(v).
(g) For a treatment facility with chemical feed rates not proportional to flows 10 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(d)(ii).
(h) For a treatment facility with liquid chemical feeders without anti-siphon protection in each feed pump 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(9)(c). Tg12
(i) For a treatment facility with feed lines not protected against freezing 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(d)(i)(C).
(j) For a treatment facility with feed lines not made of durable, corrosion resistant material 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(d)(i)(A).
(k) For a treatment facility with any chemical not conducted from the feeder to the point of application in a separate conduit 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(a)(v).
(l) For a treatment facility where incompatible chemicals are fed, stored or handled together 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(a)(iv).
(m) For a treatment facility where daily operating records do not reflect chemical dosages and total quantities used 2 points shall be assessed. R309-105-14(2)(a).
(n) For a water system that fails to maintain and properly calibrate all instrumentation needed to verify the treatment process 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-25(4).
(o) For a treatment facility without the means to accurately measure the quantities of chemicals used 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(a)(i).
(p) A water system that does not keep acids and caustics in closed corrosion-resistant shipping containers or storage units 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(11)(a)(i).
(q) For a treatment facility that does not have the vent hose from the feeder to discharge to the outside atmosphere above grade or have the end covered with #14 non-corrodible mesh screen 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(f).
(r) For a treatment facility that uses any chemical that is added to water being treated for use in a public water system for human consumption that does not comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60 25 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(5).
(s) For a treatment facility that does not have a finished water sampling tap(s) 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-18.
(t) For a treatment facility that is not performing adequate process control testing consistent with the specific treatment process 30 points shall be assessed. R309-525-19.
(u) For a surface water treatment facility that does not have continuous residual disinfection equipment to measure continuously measure the residual in mg/L entering the distribution system 20 points shall be assessed. R309-215-10(1).
(v) For a treatment facility without provisions for measuring quantities of chemical used to prepare feed solutions 50 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(6)(b)(iii).
(w) For a treatment facility without provisions for disposing of empty bags, drums or barrels by an acceptable procedure which will minimize operator exposure to dusts 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(6)(b)(ii).
(x) For a treatment facility which does not provide cross connection control on the make-up waterlines discharging to solution tanks 5 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(9)(c)(i).
(y) For a treatment facility with overflow pipes that do not have a free fall discharge or are not located where noticeable, 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(b)(v)(A).
(z) For a treatment facility with subsurface locations for solution tanks that are not free from sources of possible contamination 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(b)(iv)(A).
(z1) For a treatment facility with subsurface locations for solution tanks that do not assure positive drainage for ground waters, accumulated water, chemical spills and overflows 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(b)(iv)(B).
(z2) For a treatment facility with a motor driven transfer pump that is not provided a liquid level limit switch and an overflow from the day tank, which will drain by gravity back into the bulk storage tank 10 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(c )(v).
(z3) For a treatment facility without adequate spill containment provisions 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(6)(a)(iv)(B)(v).
(z4) For a treatment facility with acid storage tanks that are not vented to the outside atmosphere with separate screened vents 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(b)(vi).
(z5) For a treatment facility without a means to measure the solution level in the tank 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(b)(ii).
(z6) For a treatment facility without provisions for the proper disposal of water treatment plant waste (such as sanitary, laboratory, sludge, and filter backwash water) 5 points shall be assessed. R309-525-23.
(z7) For a treatment facility that does not use of either a volumetric or gravimetric chemical feeder for dry chemicals 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(c)(i).
(z8) For a disinfection facility where cross connection control is not provided on the feed lines to the solution tanks 10 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(1)(h).
(z9) For a treatment facility that does not have a means to measure water flow rate 10 points shall be assessed.
(z10) For a treatment facility where feed lines are not labeled and color coded for identification 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-8.
(z11) For a treatment facility which is not secured against unauthorized access shall be assessed 20 points.
(2) Disinfection.
(a) For a disinfection facility without an automatic switch over of chlorine cylinders to assure continuous disinfection 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(a).
(b) For a disinfection facility without scales for weighing cylinders 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(k).
(c) For a disinfection facility without a leak repair kit for 1 ton cylinders 15 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(p).
(d) For a disinfection facility without respiratory equipment available and stored at a convenient location 5 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(o).
(e) For a disinfection facility where the chlorine gas feed and storage area is not enclosed and separated from other operating areas 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(i).
(f) For a disinfection facility which is not heated, lighted or ventilated as necessary to assure proper operation or the equipment and serviceability 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(1)(l).
(g) For a disinfection facility where the chlorination equipment rooms are not vented such that the ventilating fan(s) take suction near the floor, as far as practical from the door and air inlet, with the point of discharge so located as not to contaminate air inlets of any rooms or structures 5 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(e) (ii).
(h) For a disinfection facility where the chlorination equipment rooms are not vented such that air inlets are through louvers near the ceiling 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(e) (iii).
(i) For a disinfection facility where the chlorination equipment rooms are not vented such that louvers for chlorine room air intake and exhaust facilitate airtight closure 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(e) (iv).
(j) For a disinfection facility where the chlorination equipment rooms are not vented such that separate switches for the fans and lights are outside of the room, at the entrance to the chlorination equipment room and protected from vandalism 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(e) (iv).
(k) For a disinfection facility where the vent hose from the feeder to discharge to the outside atmosphere is not above grade or does not have the end covered with #14 non-corrodible mesh screen 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(f).
(l) For a disinfection facility without a bottle of ammonium hydroxide (56%) shall be available for leak detection 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(p).
(m) For a disinfection facility without full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas restrained in position to prevent upset 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(i).
(n) For a disinfection facility with full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas stored in rooms not separated from ammonia storage 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(i).
(o) For a disinfection facility with full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas stored in areas in direct sunlight or exposed to excessive heat 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(i).
(p) For a disinfection facility where the chlorine room is constructed in a manner that any openings between the chlorine room and the remainder of the plant are not sealed 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(h)(ii).
(q) For a disinfection facility utilizing 1 ton cylinders without a means of leak detection available 15 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(p).
(r) For a disinfection facility without pressure gauges on the inlet and outlets of each chlorine injector 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(b).
(s) For a disinfection facility without cross connection control on the solution feeders into the process units as required in R309-525-11(9)(c) 5 points shall assessed. R309-525-11(9)(b)(ii).
(t) For a disinfection facility where there is no standby disinfection equipment of sufficient capacity available to replace the largest unit 10 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(1)(k).
(u) For a disinfection facility where a leak detector is provided and not equipped with both an audible alarm and a warning light 5 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(p).
(v) For a disinfection facility where the correct reagent is not used for testing free disinfectant residual 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-15(3).
(w) For a disinfection facility where hypochlorite liquid feeders are not a positive displacement type 10 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(1)(b).
(x) For a treatment facility where the pre- and post-chlorination systems are not independent to prevent possible siphoning of partially treated water into the clear well 50 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(9)(b)(iv).
(y) For a disinfection facility where each tank is not provided with a valved drain or protected against backflow in accordance with R309-11(10)(b)&(c ) 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(b)(vii).
(z) For a disinfection facility where overflow pipes are not located where they can be readily monitored 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(1)(g).
(z1) For a disinfection facility where storage and day tanks are not provided with separate vents that terminate to the outside atmosphere 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(b)(vi).
(z2) For a disinfection facility where a means consistent with the nature of the chemical solution is not provided in a day tank to maintain a uniform strength of solution 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(d)(8)(c)(iv).
(z3) For a disinfection facility where any chemical is not conducted from the feeder to the point of application in separate conduit 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(a)(v).
(z4) For a disinfection facility where chemical solution tanks are not kept covered 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(b)(iii).
(z5) For a disinfection facility without disinfectant residual test equipment 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(1)(j).
(z6) For a disinfection facility where there is no means to measure the volume of water treated 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(1)(i).
(z7) For a disinfection facility where provisions are not made for proper storage of sodium chlorite to eliminate any danger of explosion 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(11) (b)(i).
(z8) For a disinfection facility where sodium chlorite is not stored by itself in a separate room and away from organic materials which would react violently with sodium chlorite 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(11) (b)(i)(A).
(z9) For a disinfection facility where sodium chlorite storage structures are not constructed of noncombustible materials 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(11)(a)(b)(i)(B).
(z10) For a disinfection facility where sodium chlorite storage structure is not located in an area where a fire may occur, water should be available to keep the sodium chlorite area sufficiently cool to prevent decomposition from heat and resultant potential explosive conditions 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(11) (b)(i)(C).
(3) Fluoridation.
(a) For a fluoridation facility that does not calculate fluoride concentrations, including chemical dosages and total water quantities, daily 2 points shall be assessed. R309-105-14(2)(a).
(b) For a fluoridation facility where there is not a fail-safe device incorporated in the fluoride feed control system to prevent overfeeding fluoride 30 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(3).
(c) For a fluoridation facility that uses sodium fluoride, sodium silicofluoride and fluoriosilicic acid that does not conform to the applicable AWWA standards or with ANSI/NSF Standard 60 25 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5.
(d) For a fluoridation facility where liquid chemical storage tanks are not equipped with an inverted "J" air vent 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(6)(a)(iv)(c ).
(e) For a fluoridation facility where the make-up water is not properly treated for hardness 2 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(2)(i).
(f) For a fluoridation facility with no provisions for the proper disposal of water treatment plant waste (such as sanitary, laboratory, sludge, and filter backwash water) 5 points shall be assessed. R309-525-23.
(g) For a fluoridation facility without a spring opposed diaphragm type anti-siphon device shall be provided for all fluoride feed lines and dilution water lines 10 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(2)(f).
(h) For a fluoridation facility with saturators that do not have a flowmeter on the inlet or outlet line 2 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(2)(l).
(i) For a fluoridation facility without an adequate level of fluoride crystals in the saturator 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(d)(8)(b)(i).
(j) For a fluoridation facility without NIOSH/MSHA certified dust respirator approved for fluoride dust removal as required in R309-525-11(10) for operators handling fluoride compounds 2 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(4).
(k) For a fluoridation facility without scales, loss-of-weight recorders or liquid level indicators, as appropriate, 2 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(2)(a).
(l) For a fluoridation facility without deluge showers and eye wash devices 2 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(4).
(m) For a fluoridation facility without proper personal protective equipment as required in R309-525-11(10) for operators handling fluoride compounds 2 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(4).
(n) For a fluoridation facility where an overflow from the day tank will not drain by gravity back into the bulk storage tank or a containment system 10 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(8)(c)(v).
(o) For a fluoridation facility where the saturators are not of the up-flow type 2 points shall be assessed. R309-535-5(2)(l).
(4) Activated Carbon.
(a) For a treatment facility that does not periodically check media depth against design standards 10 points shall be assessed. R309-525-19.
(b) For a treatment facility that does not have a standard operating practice for the backwash procedure 10 points shall be assessed. R309-525-19.
(c) For a treatment facility that does not provide cross connection control for the in-plant water supply 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(9)(b).
(d) For a treatment facility where the output of any chemical pump is inadequate to supply the required dose rate 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(7)(a)(i).
(e) For a treatment facility where the in plant water supply is inadequate in pressure and quantity 2 points shall be assessed. R309-525-11(9)(a).
(f) For a treatment facility where the vents from feeders, storage facilities and equipment exhaust does not discharge to the outside atmosphere above grade and does not have the end covered with #14 non-corrodible mesh screen 2 points shall be assessed. R309-520-10(2)(f).
(5) Filtration Treatment.
(a) For a filtration facility that does not have equipment for each individual filter to continuously monitor the effluent turbidity 30 points shall be assessed.
(b) For a filtration facility that does not provide a minimum backwash rate of 15 gpm/sf for conventional filters 50 points shall be assessed.
(c) For a filtration facility that does not have the ability to filter to waste (to allow a filter to ripen before introduction finished water into the clearwell) 50 points shall be assessed.
R309-150-7.] Operator Certification.[
Operator certification:(2) A water system where the operator is not certified at the appropriate level shall be assessed 10 points.
(3) A grade 3 or 4 water system that does not have all direct responsible charge operators (as specified in R309-300-5(5)[
R309-301-5]) certified at [no more than one grade level below]the level of the system shall be assessed 5 to 15 points. The number of points shall be based on the percentage of time that the water system is operated by operators not certified at the required level.(4) A water system where the certified operator does not live within a one hour response time shall be assessed 20 points.
(4)] A water system may be credited up to a maximum of 20 points which shall remain on record for as long as the conditions apply. The following items are eligible for credit:(a) A water system that is not required to have a certified operator and does shall be credited 10 points.
(b) A water system that has operators that are certified at a higher level than required shall be credited 10 points.
(c) A water system that has operators certified in other areas that are not required by that water system, such as treatment or backflow prevention certification, shall be credited 10 points.
R309-150-8.] Cross Connection Control Program.[
Cross Connection Control Program:(2) A water system which only has some of the components of a cross connection control program in place shall be assessed the following number of points:
(a) A water system which does not have local authority to enforce a cross connection control program (i.e., ordinance, bylaw or policy) shall be assessed 10 points.
(b) A water system that does not provided public education or awareness material or presentations on an annual basis shall be assessed 10 points.
(c) A water system that does not have an operator with training in the area of cross connection control or backflow prevention shall be assessed 10 points.
(d) A water system with no written records of cross connection control activities, such as, backflow assembly inventory and test history, shall be assessed 10 points.
(e) A water system that does not have on-going enforcement activities (hazard assessments and enforcement actions) shall be assessed 10 points.
R309-150-9.] Drinking Water Source Protection.Drinking water source protection (for ground water and surface water sources[
well, spring or tunnel]): Points shall be assessed for each source after a system fails to complete source protection plans as specified in R309-600 and R309-605.[R309-113.] The points shall remain until such time as the violation or deficiency no longer exists.[source protection plan is completed and concurred with.](1) For [
each]a water system which has not appointed a designated person for source protection and notified the Division 5 points shall be assessed.(2) For a water system which does not maintain a current copy of their source protection plan(s) or source assessment(s) on the water system premises 30 points shall be assessed.
(3) For a water system which does not maintain a current inventory of potential contamination sources or susceptibility analysis and determination 10 points shall be assessed.
(4) For a water system which does not maintain current records of land management strategies (such as, ordinances, codes, permits, public education programs, meeting minutes) 10 points shall be assessed.
(5) For a water system with any new sources for which a Preliminary Evaluation Report has not been submitted 150 points shall be assessed. These points shall be included with the points for an unapproved source, not in addition to.
(6) For a water system which has any old sources that have come into use for which a source protection plan has not been submitted 30 points shall be assessed.
(7) For a water system which has reconstructed or redeveloped a water source and has not submitted a revised source protection plan 20 points shall be assessed.[
groundwater source for which a protection area has not been delineated shall be assessed 5 points.(2) For each groundwater source for which there is no inventory of potential contamination sources 5 points shall be assessed.(3) For each groundwater source for which potential contamination sources assessed are not adequately controlled 5 points shall be assessed.(4) For each groundwater source where there is not a plan to address any new potential contamination sources that may be located in protection areas shall be assessed 5 points.(5) For each water system that completes a source protection plan prior to the required deadline in R309-113, the system shall receive a credit of 20 points that shall remain on record until the deadline requiring a plan for the system's source(s) passes.]R309-400-11.[
R309-150-10.] Administrative Issues.Points in this area shall be assessed at the time that the failure occurs or upon notification of the Executive Secretary and shall remain until the issue is resolved unless otherwise specified.
(1) Administrative Data -
(a) A water system which has not designated a person or organizational official responsible for the system including a current address and phone number shall be assessed 10 points.
(b) A water system project constructed without proper plan approval shall be assessed 1 to 50 points based on an evaluation of the project which shall include the structural or engineering integrity of the project; whether the plans and specifications were prepared and stamped by a licensed professional engineer; the adequacy of the materials used and the impact on the operation of the water system (good or bad). The points assessed shall remain on record for a period of one year.
(2) A water system with a current written Emergency Response Program shall be credited 10 points that shall remain on record as long as the Program remains current.
(3) A water system with a written Financial Management Plan including an appropriate rate structure, infra-structure replacement fund, and master plan shall be credited 10 points that shall remain on record as long as the Plan is current.
(4) Sampling Site Plans:
(a) A water system which does not have an adequate bacteriological sampling site plan shall be assessed 5 points.
(b) A water system which does not have a lead/copper sampling site plan shall be assessed 10 points.
(5) Customer Complaint:
(a) 1 to 100 points may be assessed for valid and documented customer complaints. The customer complaints include but are not limited to the following:
(i) Turbidity;
(ii) Pressure;
(iii) Taste and Odor;
(iv) Sickness (water suspected); and
(v) Waterborne Disease Outbreak (R309-104-9).
(vi) Periods of Water Outage
(b) The number of points shall be based upon the extent and documentation of the problem and the potential impact to public health. The documentation shall consist of an investigation by Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Health or Local Health Department personnel and may include an epidemiological study linking the drinking water to reported outbreaks of illness where appropriate.
(c) In the case of a documented waterborne disease outbreak the water system shall automatically be rated Not Approved for at least the duration of the threat to the quality of the drinking water and as long as it takes the water system to correct any deficiency that caused the outbreak.
(d) Points shall only be assessed once per issue and shall not be additive based on the number of calls per issue. These points shall be assessed and updated upon verification of the complaint by the Executive Secretary and shall remain on record until the issue or deficiency no longer exists. Points may have already been assessed in other areas as appropriate.
(6) Agency Directives - When a directive consistent with the authority of the Drinking Water Board is not complied with 1 to 100 points may be assessed to a water system. Agency directives include but are not limited to the following:
(a) Administrative Orders;
(b) Rule defined action;
(c) Rule defined compliance schedule;
(d) Variance/Exemption requirements; and
(e) Bilateral Compliance Agreement.
Points shall be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
(7) Data Falsification - The Executive Secretary may assess a water system points for data falsification. The water system may be assessed 1 to 50 points for each occurrence based upon:
(a) the severity of the falsification;
(b) the threat to public health;
(c) the intent of the water system personnel; and
(d) the type of falsification.
(i) Reports only good data
(ii) Doctored results from the laboratory
(iii) Non-valid sample
Data reported to the Executive Secretary includes but is not limited to Water Treatment Plant Reports, Disinfection[
Chlorination] Reports, bacteriological and chemical analyses, and Annual Reports.(8) Water Hauling:
(a) For a community water system that is hauling water as a permanent method of culinary water distribution 150 points shall be assessed.
(b) For a non-community system that is hauling water as a permanent method of culinary water distribution when there is alternate means of supplying quality drinking water 150 points shall be assessed.
(c) For a water system which has been granted an exception to haul water, if any part of the water hauling guidelines are not followed 50 points shall be assessed.
R309-150-11.] Reporting and Record Maintenance Issues.Points may be assessed for failure to provide required reports to the Executive Secretary by the reporting deadline. The points shall be assigned as the failure occurs and shall remain on record for a period of one year.
(1) Monthly Reports:
(a) For each failure to report the monthly water treatment plant report 10 points shall be assessed.
(2) Quarterly Repots:
(b)] For each failure to report the quarterly disinfection[monthly chlorination] report 10 points shall be assessed.(3)[
(2)] Annual Reports[-]:(a) For failure to provide the annual report 2 points shall be assessed.
(b) For a community water system that fails to prepare or distribute a consumer confidence report as required in R309-225 2 points shall be assessed.
KEY: drinking water, environmental protection, water system rating, administrative procedures
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: March 6, 2007[
March 8, 2006]Notice of Continuation: May 16, 2005
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-4-104; 63-46b-4
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 3/2/2007
- Publication Date:
- 01/15/2007
- Filed Date:
- 12/26/2006
- Agencies:
- Environmental Quality,Drinking Water
- Rulemaking Authority:
Section 19-4-104
- Authorized By:
- Ken Bousfield, Acting Director
- DAR File No.:
- 29363
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R309-150. Water System Rating Criteria.